vol if kingston ir canada j tuesday june 16 i3i nw i jijfe received from england a mw assortment of cloths caffimeres and are now offered for vc by the fnbfcrib- trsat mr wm stouch tuns inn on the tuft reafanable term for ofb broadben whitehead son aw 13 1 81 2 o a few barrel excellent newcaftlc salmon for laic by cum ming k iu milton jamuiy 18 xctf wf frefli goods 0 bartlet has received a j cinijuiie alibi ixttcrt of tin goods liquors groceries crockery o rr zgrvg w j wife viil fdl wholefale cr mil at his 9 4 few rrcs fr cafh or any kind ofpro- c aiu fr gvl board and plank y 3v f ll a lu uali fo 111 ty ca b pajjj produce and advanced jopbpcrty consigned for faie land for sale the following valuable lots cf land inth to uihip t ficderickibiiivh arc oforcd ter laic by the fubfenber viz loihuvbor li- iti the ftrll concciticn addition ljt numhel twenty- 6ej in the fourth ricuab cartwright 5 si 1 gtf hjhkniihk iliis o trimmings 56 and now 10 robert rltf fcmcttfaetf have opened c offer fjr lie next door 10 if fc av flewant arrtjlest 0 jijy fjjhio liable hats trimmings v i 0- j imioci to fell on the a rvawhk icrn eitncv frhditk ui ic- trliircdlli country irociucc or improved credit smith butte rworth n b old hats neatly drcfcd on thjlnrhj twdixi f calh paid for fur sc li 1 jltllu i vhh awjfca ijfcs dcccmlcr lult 5 ewbooks just received from montreal aj for lic at the gazette office aiiviiois works m view of lrcir life of jofcph aihes tia- vk silvs in england iia and lia- kiisj 1 um novel character of george 3d ponwys french spellinghook french vulavy quids spcllhghouk wotlis difplayed portcuss evidences of ike chiiluoi religion uibles titlmieut wmu pialmsand hymn pfafters arbn cooker childrens books ca- ttfnii kc a wanted journeyman cooper one rtho mitlcrliuuds hishuiicij pcrfcly jl r wffl bl gkc xnqujie of gv z77 at die napanc spaklordo geography eor fate ai this ojjice 4 paid for clean 8bl4sia rags at this a bills of lading- tl tlfl 0 qw sheriffs sale mulliml dtftrkl t y virtue of threefevl pit j i jeral writs oi fieri fa iftordoutnfhhmijeltys court of kings benrb at the fuits of laurence horchmer and john kiihyof the town of kingftn merchants and nicholas hagerman of the townihip of adulphultown efqoir agnft the lands and tenements of james gerolomy of the townhlp o maryfbnrgu yeoman to me directed i have fetzed anil taken in ex- eeution as belonging to the faid james ge rolomy the well half of lot number feva tcett in the firllooneeffion of the townfliipof maryfourgh containing by admeainremeut one hundred acres be the fame more or ids together with a log houfe thereon eroded i do hereby spvc notice that tle above men tioned lot of land with the building and appurtenances thereunto belonging v ill be fold and adjudged to the higheft biddciy at my oflice in the town of kingllon m the levcntenth day of match next at the hour often ol lie clock l the forenoon at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known charles stuart shtrif and every ptifon or peilvns hiving claims on the above deferibed lot of land and premi- fcs by movtjfaoe or other right cr inenm- brance are hereby adv rtifed to give notice to ihefid sheiijf at his office h the town of kiinrflon picviointo tltefje thereof skr qf r t ipril l8l 24 sheriffs sale mlllwrf brh by vittof a writ o tzwui j 23 pscri facias iffued out of his majemys court c ring b nch at the hh of thoma ivlkud of the town of kaigfiju efquirc igiinl ifce lands and tenemt of afli el cradfimu- of the townfhip of predenvkiburgtij yeoman la me directed i hve feized and taken in execu tion as belonging to the laid alhael li-nd- fiiaw lot nuiber twentyfour in the ieveith voncclhon of the towuflrp cf lobnough contaii ig by admeafurement two hundred acres be the fame more or left i do here by give notice that the above mentioned lot of land will be fold and adjiidijed to th hihclt bidder zz my oflice lu the t wn ci ivingfton on the twenty ft veuth day of jan uary next at the hour of ten ox the clock hi thefoienoon at which time and plce the conditions of folc will be made known charles stuart sberjf and every perln or perfons hnving claims on the above defcribed lot cf hnid by mort gage or other light or incumbrance ate hue- by advcrtiled to give norice to the fiiid sher- illy i iia rfliceiu tfto town orllhii pre ious to the fale thereof sheriffs ojjicc 1 qth may 1 8 12- 27 feftival miscellany thefeftivalofst john the baptift and the dedication of the new malon ic hall will be celebrated by the members of addmgtbn lodge no 13 at the vil lage of ernell tovyu on the 24th inftaut when an oration will be delivered the brethren of neighboring lodges arc refpedfully invited to attend by order of the w m ml goodwin secy evnejl town june tb 1s12 o new goods the fubferiber has jufl received from montreal a new and cxteniive aflurc- ment of dry goods gro ceries among which are the following articles spirits york stripe wine blue istikeeu brandy yellow o shrub bdiidanna hanuker- vinegar chiefs hyfott green tea cotton silk do loaf nd iniulcovado tluvaid cotton lace sujfst hewing shktf ciscc kunthread chocolate gplofd do pepper allfoice bnmbizttte gtnger rufita and imitation fig blue sheeting starch brown holland india cottons ladies lafhionable 1riotccl do beaver bonnets c r liun cotton cam conmou do brie mens fur hats leiioaud book muf- mens and youths isiks wool do silk cotton sbawlswihow do shambray jockey ctops silk and cottofl vel- morocco slipncrg vet leather do black mode cotton and wcvsti black t tttcftxiflfr hofe r vcltinj beaver gloves corduroy cutlery si hardware thickfctt gteh crockery and jean fuftn sljj a new colleftin f books hugh c thqmsqhvi aainjr for mr q george j khigi r may 29 1812 hjtf for the kingston gazette reckoner no 66 jt t pena manet ni finis ejfs niperla mariana was the daughter of the colonel of a provincial regiment who had difunguifhed himfelf for his loyalty in the american var she arrived in montreal juft turn ed of twenty full of health and fpirits and poffefling more than an ordinary fhare of beauty ha ving patted her early years on the banks of the mowhawk in com parative ohfeurity lie was not a- ble to refill the allurements which now folicited her attention her fathers fituation at the head of a regiment was very different from that of an awkward cultivator of five hundred acres of land mari ana without education or any knowledge of the world found herielf luddenly introduced to the beft eompany as they were called certainly to perfons very different from thofe with whom fhc was accuftomea to aflbciate rn sir wil- iiams eftate it is curious to re mark how much fooner a woman will allimilate herielf to her new company than a man in a few xveeks marirna was transformed from a irhart but baflifui country hfy to a leader of the faihioiis she learned to dance with a mdit afion- ifliing facility and even to read and write becauic they were con- fldered bf her new friends as in- dilpenfablc qualifications the coi- oncl was nearly as giddy as his daughter and deiiehted to indulce i m arc r five pounds reward frefh goods j whitney hai juft revived cot- ton slurtiug cotton chambray ging- liams black cambrick laces cotton cheeks men beaver gloves womens white cotton hoe do black worftcd do mens white cotton do white and colored hra brown hollands drab brenlwick cord bkw rlbd cafhrncre ofnaburphs romal handkerchiefs alfo rum pep permint cordial biown sugar snuff and tobacco pepper allfpice ivory combs bucket and penknives ladies hair combs superfine and low pried broad cloth yel low nankeen mens cotton gloves bar shaving soap kingston i ij may 1 8 1 2 2j h no e do ny perfon making proof of feeing hiir to the lilbte of chriftophcr soopcr of mar vf burgh dectafed arc defned to come forward peter collier martfiurgh ujth may 1812 27 a take notice all perfons indebted to the suhfciiber either in notes of hand or book ac counts ace reqnefled to call and make a fct- tlement with him on or before the tirlt of may tttfufng or in cafe of failure ihir fiotea and accounts will be put into the hrinda ot an attorney and a profecution commenced agaiuft them wihout further notice jamls perrot ernefi tuzvn mcrch 5 isi z 2c webers spellingbooks fcrjhlc at th is office deserted ijroma recrulrwg party of his mjef- tyb regiment of glengary light in- iantrv fencibleff quartered at kinfcnn thomas armstrong jwu of the town hip of lotlghborcngh who ever vvib apprcbeiid the above deleter and lode him in the common jail ol kinton lhall receive ilr above icward of five pounds and ail reafonable expeuced paid and whatever perfon or perfons after tins public notice lh ill be found harboring- or concealing tlic above named thomas armstrong will be profecntcd to the utmolt nvor of the law alex roxburgh capt glengaiy lt infantry kingron 251i1 may 181 2 28lf notice t i he fubferiber forbids any perfon or jl perfons puichifing lot number two in the full conecftion in the townhip 01 i ope in the uulriit of neweallle from jnlui h covell as he hdds a solid agahvlt e hum john h covell cotidmoi cd tliat he will give him a title for the laid lot and tat he the fubferiber intends to hold pouecioc un til hi obtains the faid title samuel potter hope 2 nib may 1 8 1 2 29 pay mc what then eweft all peifins indebted to llie fubferiber for the kingston gazlutte arc informed that paymtnt mult intvitablv be made vviihin a fliorc period ottwrwiw difircabt fecliogs may bs occafwned to bothpartjm simeon moicy j l8l2 30 iier in all licr whims her whole time was taken up with drcjincr dancer and ccuntry parties she was unhappy unieis preparing for a ball or a play or fonie ielcd a- mumet sundays always cave her an head ache which prevented ilie neither ipoke nor dreamed of any thing except merry meetings mufic and dancing a pretty gin and the coiouels daughter could not remain long without fuitors mariana had numbers but fomc flie turned into ridicule others fhc diimiltcd with indig nation a few flie retained in or der to torment them or to profit by their folly of thefe however it mull be coiitcifed that few had ventured to addrels her as experi enced matrons fay to the purpofc they commonly buzzed around her feemed eager tc peak but laid nothing big with a fearer but a- voided delivery at length a gen teel young man a captain in her fathers rerdment of irreproacha- blc manners and of excellent parts became attentsivt and difddiedthe wifics of his heart mariana ic- ceived his vows with peals of laugh ter and advifed him to learn to dan she had been the captain partner a lew evenings bciere at a ball given by the payinaftcr and had been much mollified and ven iriitated at his avkwardne in the dmce she had therefore conceived a very contemptible c pinion of his abilities and had nat tily concludedthatamanwho could nqt dance was good for nothing the captain had too much pin