lk ov much the preervation of the hiefk- m3 uleflinjrstliey ejy depends upon their nbiltv as well as inuiiiuitioii cffchially to operate with ih- forces his majelly has jjoitcj tat the defence of this portion of his empire in repelling iniuk or injury from any foif power aier which the honorable speaker of the icllitivv- council declared the provin cial parliament to be prujojued to monday the ih jim milan thent i decreees fhall by feme au- he had detained her that long uti le aft bt the french govern- der the expectation of concluding monti f- ai june 6 msfifdlcikrfmn a genlmmn in li mjfr hk friend hi thh duet dated vet april 28 on the loth of march ilu gov ernment of fcauce by an oilkiil rcrjorrcnmniunicutd by its mm- iftcr for foreign affairs to the confervative senate declares the berlin zvd milan decrees to be the fundamental lav of the krrpire and publicly and iblemrly declares tiut not only thole decrees iiill con tinue in force but that they fkill b rindlv executed until great 1 brltahriiiull comply with addkiort- ai condii ion equally extravagant i di 1 i i 4 a i j i ivlilivyil vv0 i j jwv aftfcj ofdtofe decrees to be in full force rtltjinfl all unlit uh vhieh shall uillcr their flbt to be as- tlicy term 0 deni iv n i liycd lids report tedruwn from our government cvc- unicli fe of the uttkl inrjriincc as it i dceillve a t be wriinatuni of our minifrer- 5 i -v- v iii be received by america aiiu li- ii i iij j in bsijul it appears to me that jlw mull it ihe inilfts upon naviga lis c feas declare in favor of me power or the other other- w flic mutt extend her rcftric- tiur3 t france bkb ihc has en forced aaini u and remain neu tral we arc i allure you very unxior for the rcfult i do not apdieu myfelj that america idilvve va i cr unlet his courrrv 1m aai iiv- inclined to believe thfi tmvbaro will follow you villlwj inhumed of the event be fore vc iiidl and muif rrovcrn v jwtfklf actior ilndy at the po- ciiuctit i too lonto tranicribe taa fetter- v i u il ive m the ai- rttitiitclattn2 all the can- teand cirtumlaniics oi the dc- v 1 i i i l to hv his royal higltccfr upon a re view of jij ihc circuinftances fees pcrfuic led dial lis loon as chji iccliiration by the govcriimeift of fnrcc of its untbited adlierance to die princijjjos and proviiions of thclkrlin and ivlilan decrees lhail li iijc kmown in america the govrnineait of i he uri t ed states afhttcd no by a ienie of jul- uc to great britain ihau by what is due to its own diirnhv will be difpofed to recal thclo mcaiuresof htiic exdufion winch under a raicoaoption of the real views and induct oi france america has xiufivclv applied tot lieeoiuuierce uij fliips of great britain to derate a rcfult lo advantageous to the 1 1 a int crefc of hot h coun- tr and fj conduhve to the re-ef- drders in council of the 7th jan 1807 md 26th april 1809 lhall vritjiout any further order be and the lame hereby are declared from thenceforth to be wholly and abso lutely revoked and further that the full benefit of this order mall foe extended toanyfhippr vellel car tared fubfeduent to iuch an- i thenticacr of repeal of the french decrees although antecedent to fuch repeal fucji liiip or vellel fliall have commenced and uiall be in the profecution of a vcyagc which under the laid orders in conucil or one or them would havefub- jeeted her to capture and con- dcnration then foiiows a pro vision of indemnity to the gap tors r rcval hlglvaefj however cltcms it proper t declare that filould the repeal of the french kcrcs thus anticif ateh and pro- viilod fir artcrwards prove to uitvebeett illu- fory on the put of the tnjny ani hould the rdlrlctioiis thereof be itill pracliedlv cn- ficcd of rcvtvrd hv 1 he cnemv gieat lint- ain will ie obliged however leiudtuniljrj at- ler reaiuiahle notice to ijeutral pomfe to have recotine t lueh nuulure of reulnuior as may then appear o bejnli aid eeeiru a ilag of truee frum frrice unived a few deypfiqi wd it h repuvtej m the rniirif- trrj ciric thit two dilinrt jtvmwwjh ys j 4- 1 iieoeuil n ivi ihiec ltd is ixcn made by ijriaputo ill ilie evaciuuion or ihc wiiolv of the peniniuht outh ofth-e- hio d rcrnin coicelildiis i refpct 10 commcrcr infringing on tie txtitiuui 1 lyf- tcrm ard fnvo pldeto tho iuuiells o swe den mr wagjua ihc mtilder hus failed horn deal wiilt ai oflial nulwc to iiee defpaiehis vyhat lire fal i we do net kuow but tlie rtpoit i thai a new kdij ts prpfed under which i he entire t vrcutii nf ih i- majr an i inie ind inchfpf f hie condition jt u iikcvvile i ud that tie bvhia awd miinn devuvs a- inehi- ded and iroii- btwtiajioa cmls ihrc the french r tder uijjcil hy ihefcarcitv ofafaih within hislvriitohes wli condilluially coii- fenr t a revovitioi it has hren menioncd that a treaty ollen- live and dfefdive hds eei coocluded bc- twen rja ard sedmi iu hiehgivat rrir i a party difpitehes are rrceivcd from lord we lifltrrrttif j le took iil jucn ol lndaozon tlie 6 te flanghtim it as hceti imaiuile 51 ittcbij hilled and 2 j woundid fevrral which fiimse dead upwards of boo r iuieh fullered equallv the iolojiig concifc icctrli i- froj ihc al exandria c7le prfurlu cmimumcalhn of dfpixs ly the hornet our readers will perceive by the congrellional proceedings oryeller- day that the prcfldcnt immadea anxiety as he is thereby inftrucled to blend the fubjecl of a commer cial treaty and indemnification for partnerhip dijpjved notice is hereby gien that rbc part- ncrfhip of cd aiming ham jltonis this day diflolved j inutgal con- ft all thofe iidebted to faid coocem either here or at their store in erncft town are requeued to make immediate payment to john gumming who is duly auihriaed 10 rtcefve the fame and thofe indebted co thcai pall wrongs and thefe he informs rtcefvc ll1 fam a t indebted t thav are mm fib ects and drag heavily fsttrf js ssf i u r j i p 5 ltus notice to fettle laid debu wiih mr pofizble johncumming gavin u hamilton kingston f june 151812 31 he nou having had it in his power henry ruttau who is alfo authorised by till very lately to get even ah oral them to receive the fame anfwer to communication 011 that wuaa upon the above mentioned con- point but the minilter had inform- srg fejj foon as ed him that fomething mould be done mr barlow informs the government that the emperor of france was not well plcafed at the bill reported by the committee of commerce and manufactures for allowing the importation of ilttgiiih goods in certain cafes and that although he had explained the matter as he thought satisfactory yet his majcftycouklnot be brought to approve it a i jvtzv7 cra- titlc 2 from jvafyhigttt vise news tha uiortiliig wear- a gloomy nnd vrry rjarmitjj afpect- a letter we underlfrnd ha been received in town 1 from a dilhiiqaifhed member of cotigrcfs qtiag in inhilance that a proportion tr imfeftuatg wzv with great britain wonldj ihti day hz brought before coucrca with clofed doow that the advocates id ivir bad already de termined o drivelhe nuctiion ihroih c h- j ihal the minoilty if on fo important a meafure they ihotltd he denied the ruht and privilcic qi delate wcmld probably deem it loeir duty to enter a 1 lemn prated upon th- jonmuh abdieatc their feats and return t tbrir conllituentj may o jifr fsfwst it li now the general coin- un that the hefrmmj of the next week ptrhap4 as early an monday or ticfday a proposition fr cfa dinm llar aainj gnat britain jomj will b brought iorwaid and it appears to he cofidcntly ftatcd by rnem- her of the mijoi ity thai there will be as ma ny as 80 in favor of it it h caleuuited the majority hi the senate will be fmalh tro- bably you will not hear rnnch more ft bout it until cv fljflll atluctlh live thclartil uar as it appears to be the rneral fentiment of tlie mij riry that lite difculfinn ifrny lhall bf pcrinttted vvill he with cloicd dors and ihnt men funs votll be tatxn toftvdent the drcrf mm from going out to the pullt although it was the general eorftkjon before the nival of the hornet that if bir thing fjtisfaclory ihotihl be teceived inn franccj a deehsratiryn crl war would o he take notice the copartnerhiip under the firm of kjmmerlt sager is ihia day diffolved by mutual eonfent all per- fons who have any demand againft the laid firtfi will bring forward their accounts ta mr- saer for fettlemeat nnd thofe who arc indebted to the laid rirm will inftantly come forward rfnd make arrangements with mr sager as they are anxious of clofiflg their books it will oblige them to prcfa for a fee- tlement andrew kimmerly staute sager jun richmond ih une 1812 31 6w to be let and iifttnedmtc poftehion given tliat pleai intly iiua acd commodious hotfe near the town of king ion lately the property oi sir john johnfon there arc i4tr hveii lvr x wi gtt f excellent land a good garden and liable well c a few iown lots to fel or leafe application to be made to alcsandcr m- ijonned or john fergufon both of king- lion xjkglit 1 ah jtnc i s 1 2 ttf one or two journeyman taylors will find conllant employ td generous wa ges bv applviug to the jublcrihcr samuel merrill knrstori j 5 th j nne y 1 r 1 2 3 i r advertifemcnt solomon johns one of the mom- bets of the school committee of erueft town having on fevers occafions nftumed the frnlenur of arcounts due to the lubfcri- hr and to the late firm or grant johns by taking nlea 01 hand in lw own name and that vi solomon johns co and pve dilviiart ir be fn in the name of sol- orron john for grart joiiih without ev er having received anv atithorhy from tlie fuhtcribcr tor tiwti pttrpofe the fuofe fo ot mad- nahift her vt lure tti tflfp9fel dolh flcreh lcrwu au rv um iviriuiv vre received and comum- per toil 61 pcriulls in him or to the late fimcf grant s j hi- 0 r iiis 411 any vrsit indebted tilliihicnt a ir oi perfect tncdctijiip between their and to give a vrcot wlii royal bighndv dhpofition j prl rni the enagmcnt of his hucity overnnient by revoking qrckrs in ctjeucil whenever mvfra decrees flwll be aclually anconiuttoniy repealed his d blghncfc ulc prince resent communication of the deiatches received bvthc hornet from france to that body wc have given the mcilage this day and ihalj as foun as practicable give the documents accompanying it it will be notic- ed that the prcfldcnt has no thot proper to exprefs any opinion him- leif but leaves it with comirels to form their own from the papers fubmitted they confifted ol the iniiructions given to mr bartow on his iroimr to france iimdrv let- ters from jvir barlow to the sec retary of state detailing tlie fub- ftanceof convcrfations ic with the french miniver of foreign re- york we learn that the bill for a lations correfpondence between declaration of war againlc 3uig- the french viiniiier and mr bar- land was hrouffht forward m the low in wliicli it is evident the iloufe of rcpreioiitaiivr uamon- frcnchman intended only to amufe day and difcufled until j nieaiedt thrft idea l given up mr ran dolph faii yefierday to the licillfe i molt decided d cxprcfa teims llutfit after the late difintehcs from mr bfulanr evidencing the hirfihigjiollcy of bona pane towards us tlie abuiivc treatment and contumely we have to this time experienced from him and the drmnuilvative proofs of tlie nonrevoca tion of the berlin and milan decrees if af ter all thefe we go to war ajjaiuft england it wih indeed how that our mvernttoeflft is uiuh fitkcl influence and hiltory will record it to our difgraa that we are the sycchmits ami parafites of bonhpttrte i fee now no pnfliblc way of averting he dreadful calamity althoiiifh no rational ohject can by in view as refpecta ciher per- fonal popularity or the public inteiell yet fuch is the ohltinate pride of opinion their delperaton as to confiltency lhat they chink 1 hey cannot go back although die con- feqnences of this rah nuafure will luidoubc- edly he very diitruitni for a leaoi it can not 1 thiik he otherwilc than that the- pco- plewufafifify the mfreclivvy as loon aaihey hiall have an opportunity tj ultcth t important bv a seritlemsn direct from kew- to pay their accounts or notes to any oth perfou than himfelf or fome one by him le- gaily ruthoried to receive the fome peter grant kingston cthjne lsl2 s to be let and poffeffton given immediately hc shop formerly occupied by vv j smvth adjoining mrs stauher inquire of p smyth kingston olh june 1 8 i 2 30 whereas sarah phillips my wif refufed 10 live with me thefe arc there fore to forbid all perfons harbormg or trull- injr heron my account for i will not pay a- ny debts of jier otntraein after this date etfenezer phillips 1 noiicc o kntiusday april sgtuj num- and on behalf of yj and by and vith the v imrjjtyy privy coun- c ortwsf arii dedare that if at vfy berlin anc him with promifea of a treaty and never intended any thing decifivc mould take place mr barlows lift del patch is dated tlie 2 2d of aprij in which he informs the rovernment that he is under the day lalt and was finally carried by a majority of 25 but was arreft- ed in the senate by a majority of 1 some amendments to the bill were made in the senate placing france in the fame fituatkm with to ho lot and poffeffion given the fecopt day of april next from three to fif teen venti as may he agreed up a valua ble lrm in the frrft conctflion addition al frederickajiirjrh tbere tine hundred acres of iinpvuvcnient a good meadow and orcliardnn it a ijnnd frame barn and hmiiv the wemifea sre ihuatd and calculated for a farrrer ifivfham or inn teener by etr- juribiiff tie houlv for further particular dei a m t l proprietor and idbunbrr the houfe of mi florence donnovait u eudeiuhurgi or to charles stuait ec w kifljjlh michael covle fmie iris sfyrf three scovvs it d inscclllty of fending tlie hornet kngiard relative to a declaration- home without a treaty altliough of war