Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 16, 1812, p. 4

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poetry for the gazette by inferting the fomowing lines in youv paper you will much bfekgc the crcflfalkn ferdinand imuekdly to the lvcx is rf kingston ah ladies can you not with patience hear tint tefs than angela you on earth appear al is far more you prize ihc flattery vain which will not own ont fault or fee one ftain and will yon not to hm advice attend avho boldly ceniurts in the name of friend ijiitle the value ofthit friend yon know ladies the flatterer in your great eft foe heaven gav you each a monitor metre in which your virtues and your faults ap pear ah what but fl itteryvs fmouth defining art perverts the mirror planted in your hearts but ladies fay in what did 1 offend did i not own your charms thole charms commend and did i from your innocence deraft 2 daie a hoil of pens to prove that charge a fad far more did oandye vcfc tnfult the fair since flattery profs may be jcteed there nr lefs dt j carlos though perhaps finceie inlult the maid he feigns to hold w dear the tnfech web tlnuu fonnd in tender frame is not mote tender than a ladys name nor does that web require a go tia hand nor does it a more cautious bitmtti de nand since f ive once a touch too rude enuluy the web or name tis eafy tjdcllroy but ladieftj on this paper do i wear ry tumuli terrors 1 ptiho co d though by your wit infpirdj the veaouim quill should liquid poifous oer the paper fpfll in truth bright armor cam l take lite field oeeure the juchec of mv cnufe a fhield a jjush iivihle which hall repel lms llus of wit thoujh oimd by von to v but foft i friendly caution here t fpy ivver on p gftfua hack to f ar lo hnli il fiicud i thank you for a hint fo j in 5jcii ttill i trull my profs vui umd a- cl lo wore ii flight fo lofty hall i dare t- wan let wi lely fom my proper inhere i quit pmmflw iaimit foi 1 fear kingston iiz vdn till knottcn caitt te p or dnlcfa doopiai lovefick fwalu 3 cneikle m thy ull paii that driven tiue to re metm drain art fie defpir twad move the heart of onv ii vk- 1liy dool to hear r l 2 there na hrl-pln- ivan to favc vine luck els ihduve rvv cfeegrcve elvira wil ye force your lave to hang hitnfel i ye would na kill tic wife lie brave uic dainty ciiili 2tow can your heart ft lang be pvief gainft his deep woe his 4t fordid grief yc cutely now maun foon tak afi your m potcn fpell cic ophcan lay might par relief frac kick hiinfel ye didna fecm to care a nfh to tilled to uts ttdfiltjl clafh before ycaiuins thought it trafh w iin out wi ufe ziut now hell gie an unco gafii wis jilanlymute what tho the nne flianld rave an burn ht need m heed twas ime his turn 1 o malt the lne fiet an mourn an feel neglec ietl time theyll be tca fre o fjorn an better reck agricultural ft in pjtcri on agriculture printed in maf- fxpfrimeisr on c rrotf having a favorable opinion fjf the culture of carrots i was in duced to try the experiment the jefth ol which 1 have now the pic hire of communicating to you ioi the lnlormation of farmers in november 1 79ifpreadtnree ox cart lo ids of old iitblc manure on oneeighth of an acre of ian j of a rich light loom in which potatoes had been planted for two years proceeding i ttoi ploughed it and let it by until the ipring fol- lowinccwhcn as early as the troll was out of the earth 1 repeated the operation and about the begin ning of may i ploughed it for the lafttimc alter which i had the flones carefully raked out made vny furrows at the diftance of a foot from each other and in depth a- bout one inch 1 rubbed the feed well fo as to take off the beard and fowed my ground in ten days i could juft perceive the car rots above the furhce of the earth and in fix more the rows were plainly difccrmible 1 then hoed lightly between them with a com mon broad hoe in order to check the growth of the young weeds which had begun to appear this i performed again in about twen ty days and weeded the caivcts by hand where it vu dangerous to apply the hoc to about two weeks from this th o acquir ed fuch a degree of fenght w to admit oftheirbeins thinned which i performed aiur the nrlt rdn leavmg in the mound vhoie thit 1 intended for maturity at the dif tance of about one inch from each oilier in this fituation 1 let them remain until the beginning of ju- ly when i hilled them ib as to co ver the top or the root noticing more was done to them until the bemmnne of november when my crop v as covlecied and mcafurcu l- buffdyii and fiatf bitjhdst exelu- five of what had been u fed in my family from the l anuih as the fireroin was intended aan experiment was particular ill keeping an account of the ex- peaces attending it and find that the whole amount for manure la- hour c wis fifteen dollars and thirtythree cents including one dollir nd thirtythree cents which i paid for one pound of feed i am convinced that a farmer who has a confiderable ftock to provide for cannot appropriate a few acres of his land to a better purpofe than that of raiiing car rots their nutritious property fnpplies the life of hand food for beeves and they are extreme y ferviceahle to miich cows who re quire foinething better than dry fodder during our tedious winters horfes are very fond of them cut in pieces of three inches in length walked clean and given to them in quantities from one quarter to half a bufhel each asmy be judged proper wind whittled through the broken windows on the bed pale and emaciated with a fever lay the poor woman in a cradle by the hde of the bed wrapped in afmgle rug flept an infant and in the corner over a imali fire fat a little boy a- bout fve years old there was no other being in the houfe no friend to footh her diftrefs no nurfeto moiften her burning lip with a drop of water poverty has but few allurements fieknefe has none and prudery and uu- cliaritableneis readily availed ihem- felves of he frailties of the poor iufferer to excufe their neglect i ftepped out td procure a loaf of bread for the children 1 wasnot r vi n7itzrrmm divkksity i gm thk cuanx ft from the joefi of poor robert the scrib u letter to o in the boufc of kixmvps than to the oottfi of fei fling so so from the motto 1 fee faith the reader old robert is mighty ferious luvt fo i allure you pretty mite and you would have been ferious too had yam been with old robert the other c- veinng it was one of the cold eft nights of the feaion the wind blew with reinorfelefs violence aunt eu nice was herfelf ill and begged 1 would ftep up and fee how the poor woman was 1 entered the habit ation it was a poor ilieltcr the pale moonbeams played on the floor through the chinks and the momentary and that like dogs they arc harmlefs only when they are not oppofed j paitionatc temper renders a man unlit for advice deprives him of his reafon robs him of all that is great or noble in his nature def- troys frkiidlhip v hanger- juftic into cruelty and turns all order into contuiion tlie firft ftcp to moderation is to perceive that ve are on the point of exceeding it it is much ealier wholly to orevent oureives from falling into paf- fion than to keep it within juft bounds that which few can mo derate aknof any body may pr v cm hew tic famous dr swift hmms than of si ptitruku the dean was at pne time in as low circum fiances and as poor as any poor peribu or pee who lived in a garret of cellar could be hut quaiftance whoe- kept the fi company occaiionally ial le dilbofuions combined with a and wj much admiixd foi vri clf- iicaj knowledge he ixled to iid prayers 2v pleach occaioraily at church not far iron long gone and on returning to the door the voice of a rbotuep on the iloor told me fomebody was with in o it was a plealing light a young female friend whofe genius is not known to her literary ac- pecuhar agrecablenefi or manners lender her beloved as erenively ai hc is kncwn had prefeied to the gayneis of mirth or the charms of a novel a kne tip imofknttttims ji ft tvtbc hoitf j poverty jml the bed ffchiufs i like an angel ofincr- cy fiie was adminiftenhg to tlic comfort of the poor woman and her infant i have feen the assemblies of the great i have feen woman glow- ins with beaut v arrayed in the richeft attractions bfdrcis whole charms were heightened by the ci pride and pomp and circum- fence of elegant conviviality a lovely woman in fuch a fcenc ir refutably commands our admira tion but alone at the bed of po verty and fickncl- ihc iippeus more than human i would nct be impious but ui fm hro di vine what hath railed the love ly vi above her e mpvaiors i o religion thou h ifr hed thy be nign mthiencc over her rnlnd reliuinn the a ceotheil our griefs thou pluckeltons the wounded min i tlie rooted hrro thou cx- alteft the foul in love o god and to our fellow creatures would to heaven thy inrleence was more prevalent over the human heart ot anctct i the mfl clifjraccful kj oaf on that crii polled the bivait ot man there is nothing which fo much enfeebles our iudcrmrnt at the tame time it es lo be lamented that perfons arc found ol the moft honourable humane and other- wife excellent characters who tar- nifli by this defect ail tlieie efi- mabie qualities they are irritat ed by the ilighteft contradictions i and in this rage which k etjually fatal to themfelvcs and thofe ah t them they arc totally regardiais both of what they fay and what they do a man of a reftecling mind when he is fenlible of this great hlemiik will exert the ut- moft care to correel ir ami he will not haul it difficult to iueceed in his encleavors if when he feels the emotion nm in his break he can paule for a moment to afk himfelf wial is the oljeil o his anger and wliethcr i it worth die vexation it oeaiions him many perfons attcmpi to excufe their anger by the fiiortnefs of its duration and by tie calm which ahnoft inftantly fucceeds their paf- fious but it is lureiy a poor cum- phment totell them that they are happy in their pallions beimrouiv it hap- v i that a certain lord paid hi- kvrcfhoa young lady cii rank and tictune iw nobleman kd for three years yoim al in he ug the lady he t 1 cud fu vrmot think frr ing yoe uaii you have got thih- dy you were ffniliarly ccnrccted willi a huibmd tiris ncbicm who had the deanery of st pat ricks in his gift found out swift one corning and told him rcak- as ihnvs mr swift i pay ry adafe to a yomg lady of rink and fortune ai ei ec to be roar- rkdoi i ieou as i can do y 01 eriuiitf mee whl iliivl ha ieav ii ut irliprjujr threi aau whom i ieoecd he ho roor rcutious andthhvlgoiiit will not marry sie heirirg 1 htd a miftreis in fcecpte uud tk gii nrrried and povided tor now i have to inform you that i have the deanery of st patricks in land at mydifpoiai hid k vr nearly a thoufand a year wiia 1 will prcfent vou with as i beh 1 you are not veryrich provao u will mirry her the diau fifil he would on condition thit b r- e i jnchirved intr the deaniiiip the nobleman tad it you wjl give me a bond under a heavy penaltry to marry triiyounj lady i will induct you which vis done immedhrely after and the bond executed and the dear was by agreement to marry the aolle- mar to the ladv firft the fimedav the dean ticiii inducted nto tne deanry appeared in his robes ro vhe church on the day qppoia- tedand married the imei aria who laid am glad mr swift to and you lb very punctual now w e ue leirred here is thelady marry the dean iv- 7 yo plej a wis ready wlaie iatfee i am to marry her lo the gentleman vd tie u to be ycur wife the daa faidlookit die band 0y bound mvilfollicll lv as nniu r to marry hci to ny puibn but i have not the wal delire of making her my v jk aau fo i wilh your lordihip a gooii morning nietuming vou haveio turtaer occaiion tor me printed ritui fiitlllt fn- stephen mlll- a few doors eift uf vtk hltcl tjfrhfx rouifaj or t the j i j

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