general the boats viii immediate v com mence e r fling the detroit river and laml the troops be tween river ilouge and spring wells colonel elliot will place the in dians in a pofnion to take the en emy in flank and rear mould he fee difpofed to oppofe the landing lieut colonel st george will march his brigade this evening canton his men in the houfes clofe ro the fpot at which the embarka tion is to take place the officers of the commiflariat will make the nccetlary arrange ments to iupply the troops em ployed on the oppofitc more with provilins and every other article required by the different depart ments iring the operations of the troops in the jild each man wi receive one gill or fpirits per day the number for which provision is to be made may be calculated at two thoufard bv order of tlic majorgeneral j b g lfgg m ljor a d c sir the force at my diipuial nuthorifes me to require of you the immediate furrender of fort detroit it is far from my incli na tion to join in a war ot cxtermin- rtion btifvosi nffll w a itv that tlic numerous body of indians who have attached themfelvs to my troops will be beyond my controul the moment the contcil commen ces you will jim me difpofed to enter into fuch conditions as will iruhvrythc moilfcrunulous ienie of honor lieut colonel mtonell and major glegg are fully author ized to conclude any arrangement that may lead to prevent the iin- acccflary etfufion of blood j have the honor to he fir our jnflft obedient fervant signed isaac brock mniorgenerau g hull command- ordnance- iron 24 pounders 1 2 do do do 9 6 li 5 3 iinifi 6 pounders 4 3 1 1 total 25 do do 8 in howitzer i c 12 do 1 an article in addition to the fapjnc- tu aajluy pca r c menld article of the capditon dixfnn erf few royal lnpcr i concluded detroit im 4qia va conuruciiva 01 ik j j x 5 2 jvittencs and the high fi ac 1 1 it is further agreed that the of- royal artillery urdcr lt tksijj ficcrs and ioldiers of the michigan t on aferded tlic mjor- kiutrnkh hinder the total recapitulation iron pieces of ordnance brafs do hii n fort detroit j iljjoujriirl ti atufl i 1 hi 2 f i have received your let- m- his dm f hire nn nthfr repv to make than 10 inform vou tint i am prepared to meet any i roe which may be at your difpo- faj and any confequcnccs which may remit from any exertion of it you may think proper to mak i avail myillf of thisopportunity to inform you that the flaff of truce under the direction of captain brown proceeded contrary to the orders and without the knowledge of col cass who commanded the troops which attacked your picket near the river canard bridge 1 lik- wife take tins occaiion to inform you that gowks houfc was let on iire conirary to my or ders and it did not take place un til after tiic evacuation of the fort from the be ft information i have been able to obtain on the luhjecl it was let on fire by fome of the inhabitants on the otlicr fide of the river i am very rcfpeclfully your ex jcllencys nioft obedient fervant signed w hull bradrgeneral cmnmamiinn the v aru of the u s 1ii fxccllcnc major- gcrei af brock j commanding i britannic mijcfty6 s vorci sandwici upper canada j return oi ordnance taken in the fort and batteries at detroit atiuj 16 is s grand r signed fklix tjsoughton linn comttiwiling roy arty majorgccial brock 7 commanding the fotros u canada j capitulation of the fori ofdt iroil ati 1 6 1 g 1 2 carp at detroit iili augntl 1 8 i 2 capitulation for the iurreiukr of fort detroit entered into be tween majorgcncra brock com- min ling his britannic majefts forces on the one part and briga diergeneral hull commanding the north weitera army of the united state on the other part auif ifl fort detroit with ail the troops regulars as well as mili tia will be immediately iurrender- cd to the britiill forces uiuler tlic command of majorgeneral brock and will be coniidered priioncrs of war with the exception of fuch of the militia of the michigan 1 erri- lory who have nol fouled tuc ai- my art eel all public ftores arms and all public documents including every thing cite of a public nature will he inuneiiatelv triven vn art i frivite perfons and propert of every dcfcripiion will be refpecred aire 4th tfis lceliency brig adier general hull having ex pelled a defirc that a detacliment from the hate of oltit on it way to join his army as well as one fenc from fort detroit under t he com mand of colonel m arthur fhoulcf be included in the above capitula tion it is accordiuiily screed to it is liowever to be underltoo 1 that fuch part of the ohio militia as hayenot joined the aniiyvilbe permitted to return to their home on condition that they will not iive durino tlo- w r v however will be delivered tip if belonging to the public aut 5th the garrifon will march out it the hour of twelve ovlock this day and the britiuh forces will 1 ike immediate jkiujs- sion of the fort signed mdonfii lt 01 militia p a i c j b gllco aljyfy si j a james mijikr jt col 4 av k brush col 1 7 s hi corns fi michigan militia approved militia and volunteers command of major wethereb fhali be placed on the fame princi ples as the ohio militia and vol unteers are placed by the iupple- muntal article of the 16th bit signed w 1 lom brig cn commanding n w army u s sianed isaac brock o ft 5 8 proclamation fvraniicauon aiul reea ivv ct it on hosc oilicer the wlllinsj avcanee r capt iu aseltne marine irrt- ment during the whelc ceuvle of the fcrv ice iia- len very o- cuous and the man net xml ftxfix were icrved tlis m- ruing cviftjca decrree of ilcauincli liijiiv com- inendaile iieut dewar dv u- i m ter kneral altordd rofiprtii av hctii brigadiergen cvwg the kjv arm approveel isaac broc majorgincral j i s an article fufplcmcntil to the iriiehs of capitulation rone tided ut de troit 16th augufl 1812 it is agreed taat the officers soldiers of the ohio militia and volunteers fhall be permitted to proceed to their rcfpeclivc homes on this condition that they are not to ferve during the prefent war unlets they are exchanged signed w hu li brig gen commanding irn u s hwc brook major genera wnrrkas the territory of michigan was this day by capitu lation ceded to the arms of his britannic majcfly without any other condition than theprotecuon of private property and wilhing to give an early proof of the mod eration and jullice of the govern- do hereby announce to all the inhabitants of the faid territo ry that the laws heretofore in ex- ilte- ce mall continue in force until his majeftys plealurc be known or fo long as the fafetv and peace of the faid territory will admit tliere- a aiidj oiw ikiti mj vlieeiiuu and make known to t he faid inhab itants that they fhall be protecfed in the full excrcife anil enjoyment of their rclidon oi which all per- ions both civil and military will take notice and govern tnemfelvs accordingly all ncrfons havhiaj in their pt f- thc troops were tranfporuj apt the rier mull in a liki aieribedtj iris zeal for ii ri- vice fo lieut colonel crce majors tallonand cliauikr p commanded brigade- evrn of praile is due for tlieiv unrein riiv 7eil and attcntisn loikir ijcctivc cltlillllivuk ik ilwaa- menl of the koyal nvfaini rerhuc nr undei flic cimfflmi maior motkler is dekriiu ij praiie for tlieir fteiuiir-r- in held i well as when erol4 11 i i 0 hie iuajor- general cuiot gi this opportunitv of c f his admiration at the cor ij the fvcral coirpanics vi miiiti 1 whoio haiuifomtly voliruccii nndeigo the iaripr 1 jr fit jveral lupii mi s i np liij i cue ct an iiivaded tikinft ara e rcuts t raa tain uait leai 1 ifrwkh v i robittton will afiuie liie nillccri and mm u ruler their v jpecf ivj coiuunnci that their fcrvfees lave ieflion or having knowledge ofanv public property ihali forthwith de liver in the fame or give mtice tlicreor to the ouiecr comniandiiv or to lieut colonel isichoi who are hereby duly authorized to re- been duly appreciated and will re ceive and give proper receipts for ver be loiiotrcn the fame lt officers of the militia will be held rcfponltble that all arms in poiiefhon of the miiitianien be im mediately delivered up and all in dividuals whatever who have in their poueillon arms of any kind the nlajorgcnaal is iiappy te acknowledge the able aliitlav re has derived from the 7eal aajiocil iiformaiion of liut- ccioir nt- choll aeiing ouartcrmukr gen eral to the iuiliiia to his pcrfonal fialltlie br a clcli h 11j t4ws 4ttfi ii given under my hand at be troll this fifteenth tiay of auguif 1812 and in the jirtyjecond year of his majelys reign s biglicd lsaav brock majorgcncral god swf titk riio rri htmlhf aitt a obligation and he rcqudls 1 colonel mcdonell majofa gicw and givens will be ailural tu teeir zealous excrtio lmiuic too dtep an impreflion en hhmhd ever to be foeotter the conduct of tlie indians un der col llliot capr me kee tnj the other ofiiccri of tlrit dojurt- ment joined to that of t lie galbnt and brave chiefs of tiick rclpcct- ive tribes has fince the comincnct general ordfr lniqtiivll r detroit 1 6j angujl 8 1 a majorgeneral broc k has eve- nu nt of the war been marked vitit ry rcafon to be faltsfyed with the acls of true heroifm and in no- conduct of the troops he had the honor to lead this morning againfi the enemy the late of diicipli no which they fo eminently difplaved and thedeeerminaiim they evin ced to undertake the molt hazard- thing can they tcftify morcilrnnj ly tin ir love to the kinp that tjrea iathcr than in following toe dulates of honor and iiumini- ty by which they have been m crto aeluatc two toriikvaionj ous euterprize decided the enemy luvc already been captured ivm inliniteiy more numerous in men the enemy without a drop oi 11 and artiicry to propofc a capitula- bein- ihed by the hand of ik ln it tion the terms of which are here with inferred for the information of the troops the major general requeues col onel proctor will accept his be thank for the afliflance he deriv ed from his experience and intelli gence the steadinefs and difeipline of the 41 rvr ark thereadineisof tnc militia to follow 10 gqod an example were highb ccwlwdous dians the initant the enemy p mi tied his life became iaem by order of maj gcncr i bw lbglkgg captain a ftv r from fa mnatdttrt mr cray the encloied i bee vou mav iuleri in your pj herald merely wilhaj mbuflrate the principles of