Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), September 19, 1812, p. 3

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a subscriber tcfininatiiig general contnftcd w the lentimcnts of a bntiih officer cdouarlcrs of the n iv may cf tbc united states camp at sandwidi july 6 1812 sir among the articles on bivrd the boat commanded by captain cbaptff which was taken amherlburg were a num ber of papers which it is prefumed will be or no fervicc to the britifh government nor to the command ing officer at amherflbur nor to the captors of the boat the pa pers have undoubtedly undergone an examination before this time and the bearer cut kmwn of the 4th u s regiment of infartt- ry is author fed to receive them i am anxious to learn your dc- termination relative to the private apparel and baggage taken in the boar and belonging to officers and men who were not on board at th time of the capture you have already rccipro ca ted h e fe i timent thai privat e property hould be confidcrcd leered indeed it will operate to the advantage of canada that it fhouid he ft con- leered 1 have it in my power to retaliate na anyaggreikn fluffed property r to avenge an u iii delay in the reftkutum or ir i nave the honor to be with pat leijxct fir yur obedient f w11uu jirln gamxtt a ft tj i 5 the h nu j h st vfgi ll c u com- mtmlin at ytuhrjl sir i was honored with vour vor by capt brown with re- jjvd to the papers taken in the lvivigikt they have upon examin ation unofc without exception proved to be public documents the kw of 1 private nature that maybe aniens ft them it would oue cenliderablc trouble to fc- lt mere indeed than the oueers wiioin i have citruilcd with the xaminatioti can it prcfent fpare as to private property i bea o refer you to my anbver to your foncr letter i can add nothing to what 1 have exfrdfed further fen dial i have not as yet heard lcvlmirrier nf iiijv 0tfsvin ronton the fiibjecl 1 regret to find ill your kxcl- knevs letter tlie words riimlatimi and nyr you mult be aware iir that retaliation can be carried to a greater decree on both fides till there is no frying where it will flop i hope that for both our likes that i hall be as little obli ged to ufe the means in my pow er as you thole in yours i have the honor to be fir your excellency molt obedient hum ble fervant jbst george hie- brig qcn hull cwftmanttwg a ii jmj of u s 1 4 warns m fromthi uniled states navalacrrion sijlm ciziu ijji- smrttfi augiift 30 the united states eriatecon- mtuuon captllim iras this mo- jnt anchored in the outer harbor om 3 fliort crjlxc during which w fell in wiili the engliiti frigate meniere which file caoturcd af ter a ihdrtbut fevcre action the uamae iufcained by the lire of the vonffetion ws to great that it hm impoflibk to tow her port and accordingly the crew vcr taken out and the hip to- mm klwrn the ifnifr 1 in i iiifatig m aft cirrirrcmvlurfiiatfj to the rja os of h ifafltm gdzete iy an ojfta on hard the cwjiimton eat 41 42 n ion 553 w thurfday aur 19 freili bfeee from n w and cloudy at 2 p m dfcovcred a vcllel to the fouth- ward made all fail in chafe at 3 perceived the chafe to be a ihip on the ftarboard lack dole hauled to the wind hauled s- s w at half pall 3 made out the chafe to be a frigate at a coming up with the chafe very fall at quarter be fore 5 the chafe laid her main top- fail to the malt took in our top gallant fiils lliyiails and flying gib took a feeond reef is the top- hiils hauled the courfedup 5 lent the royal yards down j and got all clear for action beat to quarters oh which the crew gave three cheers at 5 the chafe hooted 3 englilh eii- ilgns at 5 minutes pa ft 5 the en emy commenced firing j at o minutes paft 5 fct our colours one at each matt head and one at the mren peak and began firing on the enemy and continued to lire occalinniily he wearing very often and wemanccuverinlr to dole with him ami avoid being raked at 6 let the main top gallant fail the cnemv having bore up at hve luinutes paft 6 bvcaight the enemy to dole action flandina before the wind at ij minutes pall 6 the enemvs mien malt fell over the ftarboard fide at 20 minutes pale 6 liiuling we were drawing rfhead of thecnemy fluffed fliort round his bows to rake him at 25 minuter pail 6 the enemy fell on board of us his bdwfpirt fowl of our mien rigging we prepared to lyrard but immediately after his fore and main mail went by the board it was deemed unnecelfary our cabin had 1 ken iire from his shifts butfoon extinguiilud without ma terial injury at 30 minutes pail 6 fhot ahead of t he enemy when the firing ccafed on both fides he making the hgnal of fubnuitiori by firing a crui u leeward let fore fail and mainfdl u haiiicd to the callward to repair damage all bur braces ami much of our ilanding and runnins riirins and fomc of our 1 pars being iliot away at 7 i- p t hi il winder the lee of the prize lent our boat on liurd wimh returned at s with capt dacrcs late of his majerys flop guerricre mounting 43 car riage guns and manned with 02 men got our boats out and kept them employed in removing the ivifo ners and baffffage from the prize to our own ihip sent a fur- ceons mate to aiiitl in attending the wounded wearing fliip occa- ilonally to keep in the beft polition to receive the boats at 20 min utes before 2 a m difcovered a fail oil the larboard beam ilanding to the fouth law all clear for an- other action j at 3 theiail hood oil again at daylight was hailed by the lieut on board the prize who in formed lie had 4 feet water in the hold and that ihe was in a finking condition all hands employed in removing the prifoncrs k repair ing our own damage through the remainder of the day friday the 20th commenced with light breezes from the north ward and pleafant j our boats and crew ftill employed as before at 3 p m made the filial of recall tor our boats having received all the prifoncrs they immediately left her on lire and a quarter pail 3 me blew up our lofs in the action was 7 killed and 7 wound ed among the former lieut bufh of marines and among the latter lieut morris fevercly j and mr aylwin the mailer night ly on the part of the enemy 15 men killed and 64 wounded among the foimcr lr ready 2d of the ihip among the liter apt daeres lieut kent ifc mr scott mailer and rnauers mate r lixj recoven tig uooron extracts from a proclamation of gov grif- 19 j of connecticut u in purfuaacc of tlic ufage of my predes cquors in omce in times of difficiitty i have cdulcd the council to bctwxce ernvued fce ihc declaratioq of war v both iillmccs to vic ivflh then refpeing tli courfc to be purfucd on certain requifitions of the national pvvfcffifnfcot tlironli geitenl dearore for ceitain portions of tho irilliiii to fcfc placed il the forts at nrvlondo and ncwhavcn tlfe advlfr given in both crffes met my eiftire apprnhittnn ard accordingly a complnuce vith the requifuun has been by inc nfttjld ic it is the lirh and foicmti dutvf the clitcf magillrgic acfcnrding ti his oath of oihecto maintain the kxvfoj rights and pt ivileges of this siae asafoif ign fiec and indepennent jtait 41 tins duty forbade a rompljiance wkn a rcqnell that anv f the eitius i f this late lunihl h placej under ckiliiltg eiienmlhnecs in gailfuris to perform the nrdiiuiy duty of idldier s affj flrsrqgatjwe of the jtttle t hoij tts tniulia for tl- nuihtttmmce of its fulfirhi gcs tutd vr 7 to permit ll m to fa if ilitiv jrijui its authirit ui fftfti 7va- fjl fesjif 1 miiiiu fat in the eqnftltetpn u no inch cafe eili the olficcis nnii fwldjrs hivr not ueen ordered trom their farcm aud cthrr occuparii ai iin their 1 to he tegrtltcd that ny dillnec of opin ion exilud as to tlu- cue in which iu mili tia novht he demardej it become n y dnty to obey the con lilt ut ion of n y countky 44 ina hav of things t imivel r- that wlaclf tibw eili v in the inteivllln j eiifi cf tjr nith a fuveign i m wherein the property the fecuritv the lilnrtv ami the uvi- of the people etre jeopardized u war which to op- pofd by fo much talent wortli and ifpect i- bl tit y in bth liouiesol conrrls it might have hicj aiiticiptttd that thfe jwftice and cxpidicvcy of the meafuve would bdvc hccti quellioncd and dinied by many still nn iueh ilate of tutaifl cilu as to jollify the idea of feeking reijrcfs except in a bohltftutiotml n anner yy montreal sept 7 gentlemen who have arrived here from the states report that the troops were about leaving bur lington for eiatiiburgh 5 that it was laid general dearborn would mt ihm be an hem plattiburgh with all the troops under his command and that ev- cry vellel and boat on lake cham plain was in requifuion for the purpofe of conveying military itores he we arc informed that on thurf day afternoon a flag of truce ar rived direct from wafhington with difpatclics for his excellency the governor general who is ab- fent on a tour through the dif- trich the contents have not tranipircd k i n g s t o n saturday september 19 l8ig of the 17th end by tlie paintrf cfer troops and niliia th- e riry huvf be n c- pteatly foiled ii a dc i eatc arc well con certed atrempt to intetccpt and cut tcn off in this encounter she miitiia apar to have taken a mft active par thci- zal and courage arc indeed einicnons on every occafion and from one cxtierirthv hc province to the ether thy have given 10 the enemy the mull hutrf pro- u tfea h counj and loyalty are not to be eiiimatcu by tlic speeches of mr prrtcr or the proc- hmaiioni oi general hull notice all petfma indebted to the fabicribet either by note or brk kpwntj z reqnefled to fettle the fm previous to rr 20th cay of otfioher next as al accourita remaining unfctrled at that ttme will be but into the hands of an attorncvfr collcdlin u u albert mcmichael kihptm igt spt iz 42 j notice all pcrfnns indebted to the rnhferiher arc requercd to call and arrange their nfpedive aecoiirtts on or before the id day of september next as al account rc- rnaininrr unfettled at thit time will be ptrt into the hand of an artrnev for collection hugh c thomson jclh for mr st george liinvstwu iauufl t8 1812 3 take notice j ll pcrfong indchtcd to the fuhferthcr y enher lv nnte tir hoi kj aie icijnelitj to fetti- the fame immediate- and alltbofe who have demands an a mil the fuhfcriberj are requelted to prrlvnt the fame that thy may hcrtdjnlled he will attend to the above bufaicfs nr tlie hotift of mr john size gerstfam rslxderhlder kingtlon 3d september z 40 irj commvhicatlok o the ictli a brigade of boats under convoy of two companies of the newfound land regiment and r detachment of the 491i1 and of the veterans were attacked by ikfi amciicans about twelve mile below johnf- town uv account received frtsfl prefcot vcherday morning it appears that the attack terminated neithei to the honor nor advan tage rifthc atiailauts they had two large diuhnm boat ailed witl men one of them vriiha fix pounder on beard and two fmal- jer boats a puvatc of tlie 49th regim ent waskilhd by a cannon ball and ore pri vate of the newfoundland regiment and three of the militia were lightly wounded we took from the americana on- cf thtit dniham doata and they had above twenty mm killed nnd wounded the whole of our boats arrived at pjefcot on the tnoirwg new falling mill 0 r 1 he lubfcriber relpetfullv inform u i jl public tltat he has erected a foiling mill on collin s creek which wid be rcr- dy to receive cloth foi dreffirtg bv the 20th inllant he lia the flttturin hope of lju- jnr rrt noral jatifaqfon t- his cultotcrs and therefore cirnellly foheits the patronage of ihe mivic p j fitch kbigstorj 4i scmctpmt i3t2 40 r jthe lubfcriber informs the public in jl gciierp that the pmperty wluch ta bur chafed bv gerlham yandcrhider a town lot with a dwelling hotlfe nn ir h returned to him aain john size fchjritots 4 september i si 2 40 one or two journeyman taylors will gi d conllant employ and generous war ges by applying to the fublcuber samuel merrill khsten ifth jun 1812 31 tin following rooks arc ojiered for fale at the pri ting offifc ki pleafures of renfon juveaile magazine buttle mindel keadv rfckoner the grave a poem village curate common 8eiife new minor malons self knotvldjge montgomerys poeffisj religious conference spiritual treafury praftical atithmetic murrays spellingliook do- grammar letters tcj a young gcntlcman cfiridian mnitor economy of human life addilbirs works meailand view of herefies aflies travels scafons in england porneys french spellingbook french vocabulary chids spellinghock purtcuss evidenced cf the chtiftiao re ligion nibles telbunents watte pialms and iittn pfalters american cooker- ciulclnmt 13i kj catcchifaia c and a variety of fatnll tt ni tul and ci ritlittinc cuihdrcn wvhftcrs spdli ng- bo ks far fair at tins office

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