vol ii kingston upper canada gazette a xwesssl salurday october 24 1812 no 47 sheriffs sale b to wit j jljcral writs of jtri fti ttjxjituedoiit ofhis mnjcllys court of kinds bench at the fuits of laurence herchmev and john kiiby of the town of kinjrfton mercm and nicholas hnrrcrman of the town hip of adnlphuflovn efquire aramt thelnndsand tenements of james gerolomy of thctowttflup of maryfyiirgh yeoman t me diredud i hrre leied arl tken in r ectitiott as blominjr to tin- laid amegt- rnlomv the weft half of lot number leven- tren in the brff eonecfum of the townfhip of maryflunb containing bv fcraeafiwment one handled acre be the fame more or left together wkh a locj houfe thereon oecd i do hereby rive notice that the above men- tioncd lot of land with the building and feiiiftcoances thnvunio belonging will ht fold and adjudoe i to the lugheft bidder at layntiice in the town of lvi ifton oh the fotiieeuh day of ma ci f at the hmr often of the clock in the forenoon at which time and paee the conditions of lale will be tdadkown cil miles stuart skrjf and every pertojp or perftin hiving chomg n tiethuvi defcrtbed lot of land and prcmi- fti by mortgage or other right or inetnn- bnncc arc hereby atfrvrtiful to give notice tomtefcid sheriff at bis office in the town oi kr prcvjoi m tb- fde there f 24 siikriffs salel to wit j o fwv fnasf sffued onto his majciy court of kihga ncli at llicr fult f thra markhnd of the ibwrt of kinghn ffijuke aguitft the la ds and terchr- f alhel brujihaw of the bwrtfivip fredcr ii rh yeoman to me dinvk i j hac fcio and taken h execv- tiom tecrigin2 to the aid albncl iiad- haw etf number twcryfour in the tvvnth conceifinfl rf the tmvnfllip of i oh rotrlw containing by alni ciivnt two hundred arcs be he fime mre m tela 1 do herc- by give ntc that the above rnntotird lotf lmd will be fold and adjudged to the hiinil bidder nt my ovs i thv t wn ot kingilon on the twefity fevuvth day of jan uary next at the kw of trt of the clock in th forenoorij af which time and place the conditions of ialc will be made known charixs rtuartj sherff and every perf or fwrfins having claims on the above delaibed lot of lnd bv rrcrt- gage or other right or jyrubranee nr- here by advtrtifed tc mte notice to the hid sher- at his office in tktwn or kiuaxi pre vious to rhc ale thrr of sbtrifsop t i y v i r i z 7 notice to be let and poflvffion given the fecund day of april next from three to fit- ji years as may be agreed upon a valua ble farm in the firft conceflian addition al fiederickiburgh there are one hundred acres rf improvement a good meadow and orchard on it a good fmme barn aid koufe thepremifei are well funated ond calelated for a farmer merchant or inn keeper by cn- largiiifrthe houfe for ftwther parueulara apply to the proprietor and fnbfcriber at the houfe of mr florence donnovan in frdericklburgb or to charles stnnrt efq iuluugfton michael coyle june jl tbl2 2qtf to be let and immediate pofleftum given that pleafantlv rtuated and commodious lwe near the town of krajjftm lately the property of sir john joiutfoti there are attached to tbe houfe about twenty acres ot excellent land a good garden and liable wlli he a few town lots to fell or leafe application to be made to alexander m- dounell or john fergufon both of king- ron 3 kingston ph june i s 1 2 t for sale b frelh goods whitney has juft received a frelh fupply jf goods amongst which arc tea coffee loaf and mufcovado sugar spirits shmb peppermit cardial port wine rajfms milliard fig bine stareh indigo notmej almonds smrff chewing and smoakhvg tobacco pepper allfpiee ginger linleed oil vsnperline black bine and bottle green broad cloth do black bine and nuvd line do cafifriwes istockeu- net bmnfwkk and fancy crdx a vatiity o fibindle veilings fuitahk forb- th furn- mrr and winter linen ihirting cottons red ivhite green yellow black and blue fanels table cloths low pried and fnper- fme calicoes foruitnre do giighhm bdwrj hollands silk twill colored and white 1 itreadk men- lcath t gloves la- dis lint iter kid silk and cambric do hit kelt sveves cnftim do wildhovei cii rrdtell- lfidic lcath kid and mohtb shoedb white and colrrd benvrr ponnet do common do cnv be ver kurt ad fch hats cntton tw brllno nd prsfdlfi wlrte 3i fcv cttmi shawu lvindanm and fancy bfc handle cliifd cotton poekr dv black and livc xevctern- hack and flte c dord police t- 11 ick v fancy cotduroy nankem jvo black caorhfick plain ad bwrcd white do looking glairs gl ft cr nh col vvsod hofe do do widte c-r- t ii do bcdtickri flrbed couos snf kih1ci ofnabmeb ctardmays bbn- cot- tons lcnnc imperial nt rok pa- teffutj cmord cstmbrfcs milott ronton cbckbbuk crtp- ribbons vmve ivnd- i rs black and white lacc floifal c iors lilfc crd alio a general tilbrtfrent of maid ware nrvonfl vvlich are efrgant te try platd cut stood di table and tea so- o- kmvci ci forks 8tc- re all of which will be cud very low fur ready pay oiy a7ffwowi i augufti i s t z 8 groceries for sate cheap as the che a pes t by the bitbfcribsr jh um nofregs jtv shrub cloves peppcra in cordial peppermint lorcngcs iof kfli uicovadocoprcvtionates stfjar liquorice green tea barky sugar cofue tobacco cli itr scotch suult root st ground gin- rappee do cr sear by the dozen allfpiee or hundred barley bottled msiftard oatmeal walliiiif and stem g rice soap vv johnson kiagshiii auvvjl 17 is 1 2 3 s bartlet informs bisfriende and tbe public that he has jolt received liquors and groceries and a general affortment f dry goods adapted to the feafon crockery hardware ofvw which be will fell wholefale or retail at lu ufnal low price for pay down either calh or any kind of produce kingston jugujl 26 1 s 1 2 39 15 ncy f land gl arc 17 nceffion f falc by ihc fubfeiher vh jnt number fix in the firft c lot mmbcr twcntyhvc in the fourth nccuiun richard cafctwright d frrtll ig has jufl received 20 bogftieajs llron well flavored jamaica spirits 4hogc- heads mulcovado sugar 2 luigfltead loaf do 1 pine bell tentriftc wine which will be fold low for cah jjb 2 crates aflortcd crockeiy khtgttoh 1 th sept 1 b 1 2 mbvhv ip fc wcbikrs spellingbooks for f ale at this office blank bills of lading for falc at the gazette oificr foreign intelligence lord wellingtons official account of the battles in salamanca igmhn gdzette fxtraordimry war department dotviiinnjlnrt augujl 16 1s12 lord clinton aid de camp to the earl of wellington arrived ihh mornin rt the war deartneu wkh demarche addrefted by his iorij to ear bathnvft dited 21ft 24th and j 8th uhirro of which the following aie txtrah i cabrerizos nor snliwvnrx jfty 2 i in llu ronrle of the t jib and 16th the enemy moved all thir treops to ih riijhtof theirpofition cr the douro and their army was concentrated between toro and san ro man a connuerabe body patted the dnnro nt toro on the evening of the t6tli and 1 mo ved thealbed army to the left on that nih with an intention to concentrate on thii gua- ram it wm lotalv ollt f viv ov to prevent the enemy frtini i ffi rhc doitp at any point at which he mix t fak it exdicnt a- he iad in bi pofl fhon all th bti gcs o v r thit rfvjr and many of the fords but be covd that rive t tcuo in the oftnc i fit h moved hi udnc rrmy to tor- d ids v- her he agjatn coiled the lounn the w 1 i l of the 1 7h an 1 flcvbhd tt army o t lav at la mova ic ivov hav- inirmi- wtf iwuw io uive it the cuurfc f th t 7th the onrh and ltsrtit s nd tj ir irnra anf h s trlgiidc- of c-tv- ahy hwd muched 60 calitcjon on thchnibt o hcft h v ith a view to th rdfembv of the a try t th gniicnu atid wcr t cssfi trtio i uitier the -den- ofll- bt general lit t liivfaa l ttn on the ith not inv- igb c ore ed r p cetc f itiwt in eon- f quenrr of my knowird tit he c iiwv i d not pted lite jo tit tno j d thr- ttffr not tttc 10 call th m in betweci the bir at hch i reef ived the iate lije eo cfle whole f the tufmys brmv wn at ia n it dny ught f ne rtvurtiiu of the 1 8th 1 tlumefoe t v rival nvsto r f it tiieti reieitrd puvtli n bv tro- i- th- 7 1 1 1 divsto9 to t tdtfi- d h orda 1 id major general do mareliiua rwjo jjrie al aenn aiul m jot tmeral bick brigade 6f cavisy to aw jo a til enemy attacltvdtht uv p 5 cnfire ton a the dawn of day of the 1 3tn and fir staplet n coiton mrntained thep fl mi- u fufiftfg any 1 i rid the cavalry had joiaedhhn neatly tivut hefimc tme 1k cuemy hnnd iy a ips the leit ihjik of onr pofitioa at cahjtvi the trops ret r ed irf admirable order to toiddvuna ec ui v avij h cnn- s wh de army n the fhdt or t their tear and th- re 0 ie ga- a ivftich rivcv th y patted mid 1 he ne cuentnllances and ef fcctcd theii ji o vrith r- a ny tbe gai or vvluch ruti io the dottto is forced by om- ur anwi whi h unit- ubont a uc bbnv caid and the enemy 1 nu a ftonjr polltou n the heiv on ibc riilu of tha livr and i placed ihr jth 4th and light dvilion fii the ojiviite height 1 and had directed tlv remainder of ttie army to crocsth upper gnarrnia at vamela in con- lvquence of tie appearance ef the eneinya intention to turn oil right shorty fter fif arrival iwtfever the co- ipycrnfied the garena at carteho blovv the jnxition f ln iuvams and nvimfdled an inttntinn to pai upon uiiv k ft aad 1 1 enter the valley of ctlnizal mojo genersl ab liens bride of cavalry imported by ihe 3d drigoons wjtfc already enaged wth tbe oiiemvs cavalry and hid t dee u atoijr oth er prilcners the french general carrier i defined th- hen treble lientenant jemral cole to attack with major general william an- fms and brigadier general harveys brig ade of infantry the latur under the com mand of colonel siiwx the cemys infant- vy which were fopportinjj their cavalry he immediately attacked and defeated thein with the 27th and 40th legiments wluch advanced to the charge with bayonet coin- nel stubbs portuguefe brigade filppotting and the enemy yave way many were killed and wounded and major general allens brigade of cavalry having pnrfued the fugi tives 2 50 pitfoners wee taken in thefe affairs lieutenant jjeneral the hon g l cole major general v allen nujor general william afon jiewteaant cooncl areofchildt ofthe tflhutts and htvv or the 14th light dragoons lie coo- rel mydan of the 27th and major arch- dnll ot the fob henenart colond ander- fln comma ulinjr c t i h an naj r de aeredo emmaadang the i portuguefe rcjnwnt diilmgxnftird hemf he the enemy did rot m ke any farther t- temnt on our eft but huinj reti fjre i their troops ol tht fie and wirhdriv- x fz whvh had moved t the left i b ouh back osr from vahefa on the t9ih in rh fcnoon the enemy withdrew all the tr op f m their right nd maivheil to their eft bv trrn- ia ano-l- reuty with a- intention oft rni- oui ight i cmfted the t p gut i at vallc 2 i el pernio with lv wlirvle of the ahied amy in the coirft of hat evening i nigh md every okparatiot wa rrie f r th aclia which was ent ctd on the pi in ofvallefa on the morniicf f the 20th but fhortly afer if hght rhc crcry made another rnoveneat in fcreral columns to his left along th- hiht f the gnr a whi- h river he cmflrd hlow ciuuahi pedr arid ccamped bdt nighf at bhhiaftterite nl villamcli and the allied spiny iracfe u cire movement to its riht bvcsn- telpino an 1 encamped iall night fit cubca vellofiv the 6th divilton nru najr general allens hi id- ofcvatrj bewg upon the twmes at amea lenua diinng thefr- movements thrc lnc bea occafionnl caironade- but without o oa oyi y- le- i have this morng rrd the left f the cirmv to the tormes larhare th- vtli le are 0 now concentrated and lohlefvethat h cn- crr- hjve alio rnoved towards the fime fiver te v hue the ercty c i5i hitherto h ce r c0 f vv cnmmtimicatioq wirh slnnanca ai d citidad rndfhr tlicin abandoned nnddeilivyed tac f rt of m abce o ihe trgu on the h hvant and the rifh ntciv m d- rid to rm r t of thf a n v of c thrr were red t l e d v i0 i pticlnfe retn n of killed and dd 01 the 1 8th inlt 1 wy m decamp catrin lrd cltntpn w orefcut 1 vonr indlhio rhis acnui t f a vivow phicb the aiied tronp w dcr u co i ma d fjiined in general nion nnt near svra on the evvnin of the 1 i- v ich 1 have ben 111 er the peccfiity ff delaying to fen till nv paying been th- trioed ever fincc the adou in purlning tie enemys lb ing troops in mv etir of the ft i informed your fordflip thrt bth armies were near thelyr- rtvcj and t enemy crofted that river v the gics rfl pht ti hh itfntyfk noon by the ford between aba ce tnrmes aud huerta 3nd by hirhft towards the road icuding to cfnoad kodrgi the allied nrmy with the exception nf the tjvl dfvi lion and geocal drbnn cavalry lik wife eroded the torme by r bri i of salamanca atd the fvrd in the neighbor- bond and i pfccej the to in a p i oa of which the risjht wa- up m one of the twfl hijhts called do- aaoilc n the le on the tormco be ov the fd o s uta man thu the 3d dtvifion nd bri- genfil dur bans cavalry w re left at cabrrissos on the right of the tormev as the cue ny had dill aiae corps on theheigbt ahtve bitbilatn cnt- on the fame tide of live r and i c- dtdcicd it not improbable that findiocrour army prfepared f them in the morning oa the uft oftlc tormefi thev woul 1 alter their plan and manoeuvre by the other ba in theeourfe of the ntcjht of the ill 1 received intelligence of the truth of which i could not ilonbt thit genctnl clnuvel had arrived at polios mi the 20th vrith lh cav alry and hotfe artillery of the army o the north to join marlhal marmonti and i waa quite crtatn that thefe troop would join him on te 2 2d or 33d at lateft dtiring the nihc of the 2 ill the enemy had taken poffcffion of the village of calva- rafadc arihrt and of the height near it cal led nenftta senora de peii our cavahy bcinir hi pofleffion of calearfla de abaeo and thortly after dav light detachments front both armiev attempted to obtain pofleffimrot the more diftant from onr right otthetwv hilla called d w fwpies the enemy however fuccecded their dc- r