Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 24, 1812, p. 2

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tachment beirg the irongefi and having been concealed in tne wood nearei he bills than we were by which f iccefi they itren- gthened materially rheir own pofition and had in their power increafcd means oi an noying ours in the morning the light troops of the 7th diviiion and the 4th cafcadore be- fengmg to general pack brigade were en gaged with the enemy on thv height called nueftra senora is in pena on which height they maintained themfclvcs wth the enemy throughout the day the pffeffion by the f nemv however of the more dillafct of tlie arapiles rendered it iieecftary for me to ex tend the right of the army in poteree to the height behind the village of arapiles and fo occupy tliat village with light infantry and here i placed the 4th divtion under the command of the honorable lieutenant gene ral cole and although from the variety of the enemy movement- it was difficult to f irrr a fatisfactory judgment of his inten tions i conitdered ihit upon the whde hij objects wee upon the left of the torme i therefore ordered the honorable major geh- f ra pnckenhdm who commanded the 3d 6i eilion in the abfence of lieutenant general pi it on on account of ill health to move s- crofs the toime with the troops under hia command including brigadier general dur- bans cavalry and to place himfelf behind aldea tefrda brieradicr general bradfords brigade of portuguefe infantry and d n carlos defpanas infantry having been moved up likewise to the neighborhood of las tones between the 3d and 4th divif ions after a variety or evolutions and move ment- the enemy appears to have deter min- ed upon this plan about two in the after noon j and under cover of a very heavy can nonade which however did us but very lit tle damagei he extended his left and moved forward his troop apparently with an in tention to embrace by the pofition of hiss troops and bv his fire our pdft on that of the two anuiles which we pouefled and from thnce to attack and break our line or rt all events to render difficult any movement of our troops to our right the cxteniion of his line to his left how ever and its advance upon our right not- withfianding that his troops flill occupied very ftrong ground and his pofiton was well defended by cannon gnve me an opportuni ty of attiek ng him for which i had long been anxious i reinforced cur right with the cth divifion under lieutenant general leath which 1 placed behind the village of arapilea on the light of the juh division and with the 6th and 7th divifions in refcrve 5 and as foon as thefe troops had taken their itation- t ordered the honorable major gen eral packenham to move frward with the 3d diviiion and genera durhaus cavalry and two fquadrons of the 14th light drag- oons under lieutenant colonel karvey m four columns to turn the enemys left on the heights while brigadier general brad fords brigade the 5th diviiion under lieu tenant general leath the 4th divificn un der the honorable lieutenant general cole and the cavalry under lieutenant general iir staple on cotton fliould attack them in front fupported in rcferve by the 6th divis ion under major general clinton the yth diviiion under major general hope and don carlos defpanas spiriifh divifion and brtgaofier general pack mould fupport the left of the 4th divifion by attacking that of d03 arapiles which the enemy held the ift and light divisions occupied the ground on the left and were f 11 rcferve the attack upon the enemys left was made in the manner above defefbed and completely succeeded- major geneial the honorable edward packenham formed the 3d diviiion afcrofs the enemys flank and o- verthrew ever thing oppofed to him thefe and i have to regret the lofs of a mod fa ffictrr mfter the ereft of the helglit was carried onechviuvm of the enemys infantry made a flfcftd at il die 4th diviiion which aftu a ievere corteft was obliged to ue way ra corfeqnence ofthe enemy bavfngthrown wme troop on the left of the 4th divifion after he failure of brigadier general packs attack or the arapiles and the honorable lieutenant general cole having been wounded marfhal fir william berrcsford who hap pened ro be on the fpot directed brigadier general sprye brigade of the ctli dwttn which was in the fecond line to change its front and to bring its fire on to the flunk off he ion privc me of the benefit of his council and ai- fi fiance for fome time nearly about the fame time lieutenant general leith received a wound which unfortunately obliged him to quit the field 1 ordered up the 6th diviflon tinder major general clinton to relieve the 4th and the battle was foon reored to its former fuccefs the enemys right however reinforced hy the troops which had fled from his left aid by tho who had now retired from the a rapie frill continued to rtjfi and i ordered the id and light divifions and col stubbv por- tirguefe brigade of the 41i1 divifmn which was reformed and ma gen win anfous brigade likewife of the 4th diviiion to turn the right while the 6th diviiion fuppoited by the 3d aid 5th attacked the front it was dark before this point was carried by the 6th divihon sknd the enemy fled through the woods toward the tortile i pciiued ihem with the fir ft and light divifions and maj isea wm anfons brigade of the 41b divii- and fome fquadrons of cavalry under it gen fir stapletcjn cottoua long as we could rand any of them together direding our march upn kuerta and the fords of tormes by which the enemy had pafted on their advance but the darknefa of tm night was invhlv advantageous to tlic enemy many of whom efcaped under its cover who msslt otherwifc have been in our hand i am fony to report that owing to the farmc eaiie lie itenant ireueral br stapieton cottfii was u fortuiltely wounded by one ofcurown fentries after he bu baited vv e rcwefl ftie pmmr v tncak ot tly tfi the mornintr with the ianic troops arid mijr general cocks and irj geoeral anfonsbn gaes of cavalry which joined during the night and having eiofild the tormes we came up with the enemys rearguard tf cavalry and 1ifautry near i a serena they we e im- mediatelyatiacked by the two brigads bfdra- goons and t he cavalry fud leaving the inf 11- try to their fare i hae never witueffed a more galant charge than was made by the tely fnccessful and th- whole body of infantry cf n fr ihng f i hree battalion of the enemys j ft diviiion were made prifiner the ptfrfuitwas afterwards continued as far as penaranda laft night and our troops arc ft ill following the riying enemy their head quarters were in this town wyz lefs than ten leagues from the field of battle for a few haci laft night and they aie now confide ably ad vanced o i the road towards valaddid bv arc- aio they were joined veftcrdav in their retreat by the cavalry and artiiery of the army of the north which have arrived at too late a period it is to be hoped to be of much life to them it is impoffiblc to form a eftnjeiufe oftfv amount of the enemys lofs in this a cl ion bf- from all reports it is veiy confiderabe w have taken fnnithem eleven pieces of can on leavy brigade of the kings german legion mder major genera bck which wns cumpu- mm will gf a y of t r c the conduit ot billet and the officers of the deparvvnt der his duection un- not fay t- much mjpn oi eveit iiidividual in hi- ftatipn fhalfirwiniam and aflllt- nce both pevious to end during to lieutenant generals fir stapjet olmedo j i be army have continued their match i purcuit of the enemy fince i addreftcd von 24th intt and we have continued to takem prifoners a part of the enemys army crol i am much indebted to mat bcrcfnd fu- his friendly counci 5 and during the action lis fir stapletou cotton ed the douro yefterday near pnente bj lefrh arfd cole and major generals clinton and the remainder their left wing we and the honorable edward packeham for the nnrinwhichtheyledthcdivihonsofcavam ryand infantry under their command reipect- ihvto major general hulfe commanding a brwe ifl the 5th dlviuon major general g anfon commanding a brigade of cavalry march towards the bridge oftudel this morn ing at 9 oclock when i had heard from ou- advanced polls the main body of the allied army is tliisdat on the a daia and zapardiel riversin this neiah borhood the light cavalry being in front in pm fuit of the enemy it appears that jofeph bonaparte left ma drid on the 2 1 ft with the army of the cen tre fuppofed to confift of from 10 to l2oco infantry and from 2 to 3000 cavalry and he directed his march by the efcinicl upoa the alba de tormes ke anived at baofe sancho between avila and arevila on the 25th where he heard of the defeat of mar- fnal marmont and he retired in the evening and between that tinie and the evening of the 26th he marched through villa ciftia to efpinar a noncommifiioned oiti cers colonel hind coonclthe honorable w pon- fonbv commanding major general le mar- chants brigade after the fall of that offieei to major general w anfdn commanding a bri gade in the 4 divifionto major general pringk commanding a brigade m the 5th 01- vifioii and the divfion after lieutenant general tfhh was woundrd brigadier general biad- jford brigadier general spry colonel stnbbs and brigadier general power of the portu- guefe lervice likewife to lieutenant colonel campbell of rue 94th commanding a brigade in ihe d diviiionlieutenant colonel wil- warn of the6oth foot djentenant colonel wa- patrole of the 14111 light dragoons and tac firft bite from aevalc took in blafco the evening of the 25th north after jofeph bonaparte who had left the place twt officers and 27 men of his own cavalry to follow his rear guard i have reafon to believe that jofeph bona- parte had no regular account of the aclion of the 22dtill he paited the pnerte de guada- rama yefterday but he then returned and wa directing his march upon segovia i u have all v u great lofs fuftained by the avrny ofportuga by accounts from lieutenant general fir rowland hill to the 241i that the enemy had in fome degree re llacc of thessth commandingabiitadein the bd diviiion lieutenant colonel ellis ofthe id commanding general the honorable ed- ward packenliamsbiigade in the 4th diviiion during his abfence in the command of the 3d diviiion the honorable lieutenant colonel grenvilicof the jstll regiment commanding major general hays brigade in the 5th diyi- fcon during hi abfence en leave brigadier general pack brigadier general the conde de rezendi of the iorfeuguefe fervice colonel douglas of the 8th portuguefe regiment- lieutenant colonel tlk pondede ficaihoof the fame regiment and lieutenant colonel bingi ham ofthe 53d regiment dier general durbansand lieutenant colonel hervyof the 14th light dragoons colonel lord edward somcrfct commanding the 4th dragoons and lieutenant colonel the honora be fieo commanding the 1 2th light dragoons i muft alfo mention licut colonel wood- ford commanding the light battalion of the brigade of guards who fupported by two sancho on r lirectmg ins marca upon tuvia noc yet heard how far he fed advanced accounts concur with regard to th5 likewife to briga- c 24ta inftit appear einfrced the lieutenant the troops in eft rarnad lira general had removed to zaf a abftraa cf killed wounded and miffing of tk allied arm- under the command ot general the earl of wellington in the bat tie fought near salamanca on the 22dju- iv 1812 fevtrai ammunition waggons two cles colonels troops were iupported in the moft gallant iiyle by the portuguefe cavalry under brig adier general d urban and lieutenant colo nel herveys fquadron of the 14th who fuccefs fully defeated every attempt mde by the enemy on the flank of the 3d divifin brigadier general bradfords brigade the 4ta and 5th divifions and the cavalry under lieutenant gen ir stapieton cotton attaek- edthe enemy in front and drove his troops before them from one height to another bring- ing forward their right fo as to acquire ftreftgth upon the enemys ftank in proportion to the advance brigadier general pack made a very gallant attack upon ihe arapiles in which however he did not fuecerd except ing in diverting the attenuon of the enemys cop- placed upon ft from the troops under the command of lieutenant general cole in hh advance the cavalry under keut general fir sta pieton cotton ma lc a moft gallaat and fuc- cefgful charge agauift a body ofthe enemys infantry which they overthrew and cut to pieces in this charge major general lemar- mb was k2ed at the hsad o his brigade and fi colors and 6 e genera j three col threelicutenanteolotiehsio officers of infer 4- oriaik and between 6 and 7000 foldiers ar prjfncr- f and our detachment are fending in more very moment the number dead m the field i very large i am informed that marfivd marmont is bad ly wounded and has loft one or his arms amd that four general officer have been killed leveral wounded such an advantage could not have been acquired without material lof on ur fide bt it certainly inn nt been of magitudie todiftief the armyor tociipple its iperstfi ons 1 have great pleafure in rrpfrting toytwiir loidfiiip that throughout this tyi g day of winch 1 fave related the event i have hd every reafon to be fatifyed wih the conduct of thegeuaral offirers and troops the relation which 1 have- wirtcn of ifts the official returns only account fort 1 pieces of cannonbut it is believed that 20 have fallen into our hai d 1 f the piifoners are fuppofed to am to 7000 but it has not been p ffi to af- ccrtain their number exactly frua tr ad vance ofthe army immediately after the e- tfoa was over companies of fufileers under the command of captain crowdcr maintained the village of arapiles againft all the efforts of the enemy previous to the attack upon their pofition by our troops u cap w msskk iht cnv fal has been confpicnoufiy good i 1 egret thai the ne- ceflarv limits of a dijatch prevents me from drawing your iordhvrs notice to the conduct of a larger number of indfviduals but i cz affme your lordfhip that there was uo oiticur of corps engaged in thu aclion who did not perform his duty to his fovereign and his cofa- tne royal and german artillery un der lieu t colonel framingham diftinguiihed themfelves bv the accuracy of their iire wherever it was prffible to nfe them and they advanced to- the attack ofthe enemys pofitiorj with the fame gallantry as the other ticops i am particularly indebted co lieutenant colonel de lancy the deputy quarter mailer general tire head of the department prefeut in the abfence of the quarter maftcr general and to the ificers of that department and rf the ft aft corps tor the afbftance i received rjomthemandparticulariy the how lieutenant colonel dundas and hcutenarr colonel stur geon of the latter and major scovefl of the former and to fieuteaant colonel waters at piefent at the head of adjutant generals de partment at head quarters and to the officers at their department as well as t head quar ters as with fevcral divifions of the army and lieutenant colonel lord fitzrory somer- ut and the offices of my perforial ilat a- mong the latter 1 particurarly leqnelt your lordfhip to draw the attention of his royal highnefs the prince regent t his fereue lu-jh- neisthe hereditary prince of orange whole eooduct in the field as well as upon every ra ther occafion entitles him to my higheft com mendation and has acquired for him the ref- peei and regard ofthe whole army bitifti portuguefe iniih klflrd m jvoundcd 1553 182 s 4 total 6r 270 pjq t 256 rctnrn of ordnance fa taken at the caf tic salamanca july 23 1812 six freucls eight pounders 1 french f pounder 3 spanilh ionr pounders 1 french fix inch howlteer total ti five turn c the exaft quantity of ammunition carried in each tumbtil is not bfifs with ammunitfon too yet aicertafned signed hoylet framingham lieut col royal artillery the laft ruffian bulletin u fife cd july 31 fth fays yefterday and today witgenftein hss defea tec oitdifiot betweeii poicttch and sebetch purfued him clofely and part of his bapage he will ftill purfiiecrofsthcduna dwi- na turn upon macdonald and re- lieve courland and lavonia bells meffenger fays lord wei- lingtons private letters fay he never faw an army fo completely beaten as that of marmontv the 2d battalion of the 98th ordered for lifbon are now order ed to embark for america lisbon auguft 17 1 have had every reafon to be fjtkfied wi6 thecodus ofthe nwrifcai del camp don ca ofdefpagna and of biigadier dou julian saiches and with that of the troops under their command reipectivelv and withihuof the marifca del carapo don migue alva and ofthe brigadier don jofeph olawloa em- pi yed with this army by ihe snauilh r v emment om whom ad from the spmhh auhruies and people n gueral i expert enecd every affiltance i could expect it is but jullic e likewife n draw your lord- flu attention upon tlua ocjcdion to the merits f the ofhcer ofthe civil department ofthe army notwithita uling ih j diiraree ofourorierationa from an magazines ad l de ad atcu cf the commaian- gen extract of a defpatch from his excellency the marih tl general marquis de torres vedras lord wellington to his excel lency dou miguel pereira forjaz hota his head quarters at cuelbr dated au- guit 1 1812 the french army ftyled the ar my ofthe centre after having paffed gaudarrana and their van arrived as far as the inn of san ru fael turned towards jscgovia at which city king jofeph arrived ifl night of the 27th july the objeci of this movement apparently was to divert the atten tion of t he allied troops and pre vent them from puriuing the arm y ftyled the army portugal and thus enabl s it to regain upon the l douro in which however they did not fuocecd they remained n

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