Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 24, 1812, p. 3

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in fomcfofcc on the 28th and 29th upon the left of the douro but tlie firft light divilion and the cav alry having palled the rivers ercn- naandgega on the 29th the ene mys rear retired palling the dou ro and following the movements of the red of the army in the di rection of viilia franca abandon ing the city of yaladolid where they left 27 pieces of artiiery and f i purnicd the enmys cavalry and made a great ilaucrhter uttg jofeph abandoned by his own troops by marrnont and by there is on our fide about ilxty men wounded to mention thofe who have dif- tinguifhed themfelvcs on this great souit took the rcfolution to fly to occaiion would be to repeat the valencia and put himfelf under names of every perfon who was engaged iuilieeit to lay tliat ev ery individual behaved in a man ner worthy of tha eauie for w hkh he fought and of the general un der whom he icrved j the protection of suchet the expedition from cadiz of yooo men difembirked at huclva in the county of niebla saute on the 12th and 13th held councils of war relative to the a great quantity ot balls bombs councils of war relative to the nnd their hospital with about 800 courle that he was to purine lick and wounded the liege of cadia is at this time fick and wounded the partisan marcmincz made 300 prtfbncrs on the 30th in the neighborhood of valladolid our van pafied the douro and our detached parties entered vila- jolij on the fame day the 30th nahad the fatisficlion of beiti received by the inhabitants of that eity with the fame enthuiiaitic joy as in ail other parts of the count- ihe army ft vied the army of por tugal having paifed and abandon ed the douro it was nccefury to obferve the movements of the cen tre and prevent them forming the junction which it was laid they intended 10 eifeei upon the upper itouro with the army of iortu- kingston saturday qclobcr 24 1 8 1 2 while the vanguard and tiic ot wing puriued the army of par- ha i inarched to the rigiit through gs to cuellar where the king retired from segovia e morning and palled guader- rama j leaving m segovia an ad vanced gunrj comooied principal ly ul hoi le under the coinmand cigencrai kfport before he re tailed he tendered uicfcft the ar- tiilery uminunilion that were in tk cifilc cied oil the liver and orpfflsfttsi ihe cathedral and isipniei 1 coniiderabk contribut ion upon the inh ibitaiitq of the ci- i as yet i have not received infor- cvitinn of the arrival if a detach- kcm commanded by brigadier d urban which 1 lent eiierday to 8e govid the army of portugal has coi- nucd its retreat in the direction of indole d i t ran an it to your c- tdlcncy the copy of a defpach imdil have received fvom gen fir k hill containing an account of ibriliant action which the divifi- on of cavalry of lieut gen fir wm erikine had on the 24th of july villi the enemys cavalry 1 have not received further in formation of the operations of iir ome lopham i i have juit learned that the ronp under the command of gen ilrvrt have evacuated the city t segovia and proceeded to the royal palace of santa tldefonib august 1q r of the great lord in mn hid promifrd that as foon as i muu receive certain information our army having entered mid- wlwoalfmeud it to the priming ccj i am rot accuftomed to ft my word c great lord entered on the n break the hitherto fortunate but conitant fide in fnofifia in spain the beautiful y of madrid ij impofllblq to defcribe the pliuibandcivi hufufm wi 1 h which deliverer of the spaniih people f fefcaved thereby the inhabit- ffn a m al d jrban com- r ltrrvi rivalry ralied the anglospanihh expedition from the m diterranean poittively landed at villa nova de bijes be tween barcclonia and tarragona mi- excellency marfhal rkresford on the 1 ith auiruit was confidera- biv better york october 17 afiort statailiit of the victory ob tained di quecfificn- on the 13th inlt a moft glori ous victory took place at queesf ton over the enemy 5 landing with the flower of their army iaid to conilt of about 1500 men they obtained a temporary and but a tempory poikiiion of that poft our forces though a handful com- part of which were lodged in the pared with thole of the enemy church the lloipitais ndt bein mr editor as no official accotmt hath yet been piibiilhal of the auack an niagara on the 1 3th inlt the- anuxijd detached particulars may probably not bo unaccepiuble to your iiadcis in default of a more regular narra tive it is now afcertaincd that the number of priloners taken at ueenilown in the affair of the 13th was 926 including about 60 oilicers and that about 06 were killed or drowned a gentleman an eye witnefs relates that one boat containing about 50 men was funk by our artillery and that two others roncaining the fame number did not brilip- a dozen 1 laft wednefday arrived hi ma- jeftys hips royal ge tge 61 earl of moira and merchant veflel sim- coe with about 350 american prifoncrs on board the legislature of connecticut have voted to raife for tatc em vke 2 regiments of infantry 4 companiei of artillery and 4 com panies of cavalry to purchafc 3000 hand of arms and 3 field pie ces and accept of volunteer com panies to defend the harbors from the bfattlclfitrqugh vttmml rtportrr 1 he drafted troops in this vi cinity have received marching or ders molt of them hive anticipa ted theni and marched off with theniielves notice men on flipre alive 120 ol their wounded were curried tfe niagrirai all tlmfe who ac hdvbted to the ei- dte if francuis x kochdean late stone mafon ofthw place dectaivj ar ic- qncflfo to mice iinireluitc payment to tlic fubferiber iindal ptrloiii having any olaint ajaiull the tiid elbcc ire dt fired to pre lent rhein duly nuthtniictil on or before the liril day ui decmhci next john kirbv aotii g xccutor iulicient to accomniucbtt them and the gratejl iuivniion wi paid rr were not intimidated by numbers but bravely refuted like men who had a king and a country lode- to them by or sarcou thir- fond general brock watchful as he fraa brave foon appeared in the midfr of his faithf troops ever obedient to bis call and whom he loved with the aitectrion ofaka- ther but as whiift collectin arranging rorming and cheering his brave followers that great commander glonoy fell v lien prcpaing for iaory t pttjh on uivi tor volunteers j being then near him they were the lait words ot the dying hero inhabitants ot upper canada m the day of bat tle remember juiock nor let us forget to lament the untimely fate of the young the nticctioiiae and the brave lieut col join macdonnelj who receiv ed a mortal wound about the fame tiute with lib beloved general attached to him from affection his coniiant follower in every clanger this amiable y oath is now buried with him in the fame grave but let not oitr gratitude and praife be withheld from the living many good many brave do ftiil remain to defend us major general shcaffe immedi ately after the death of major ge neral brock fucceededto the com mand and proved iiimfelf worthy to jill that important tho diili- cult and dangerous filtration in which he was placed being re inforced by troops including a body of indians from fort george general sheaile iuccccded by a moll judicious movement in gain ing tlie hank and rear of the ene my by this time fuccours hav- took place near fort erie during in- arrived from chippawa the which one of their magazines blew general advanced with about lev- en hundred men in all and after a molt 1pirited and obltinatc en gagement totally defeated the en- cm v unable to refill or efcape from the britilli arms about 900 amer icans furrendercd priloners ot war the refiduc of their army perhaps with a few exceptions was cither killed or drowned in the river it is fuppofed that we including troops of every defcription have loft about thirty mcu and that ty ot theie died of their wounds such as could be removed were allowed fcq le taken u the ameri can clamp or g trrifon our lofs in killed and wounded did not ex ceed go oar militia behaved moit gallantly nnd had their full fhare of the dangers and the hon ors of the daylonc of the condi tions on which the priloners were admitted to a iurrender was that the americans mould deilroy alt their boats betweeri kiagara and ouceniiown vhich wasimmedi- aieiy executed the priloners en their part furrendercd at difcre- tion but thole among them who were militia were permitted to re turn home under a promhh that they would not take up arms du ring the war an indulgence they did not dcierve as it appears that during tils time they had poffefiion of oieenicown they plundered the houtes of every thing they could conveniently carry away indeed it appears that they were allured over by the hopes of plunder the houles and farina which each of them was to have were pointed out to them and a paper was actually riven to one man alluring him ot the government houfe for a tav ern a fpecinien of what we have to expect ihould we allow them to tret poileiiion here it was their intention to burn the town of niagara as they fired red hot hot from their garrifon into it and attuallyburnt down the court houfe and a tannery on the fame day a cannonading pork and flour t xt anted lord- nfeoffcn mnjellv v y troops ftationed t kinglion an i ita dtpt udicfcj five hundred barrels of pork five hundred barrels of flour to be delivered in the months of decem ber jiiuary ltbruary crd march ntxt villi the tmuit gimtantce a p fun i wi ling to hirntfii the vvl oe or any part of the above are deli ml to fod 11 their prbpolaldi to tlis office o or before the roth of november next and ti ftatc at what pl miry ould icier ddmtirg ih s deputy comvtffiry gnerj officii kl t3 ty cbmmifltiry gtwraps office 9 ingmri 8 03akr 8 1 2 3 frejit beef txanted fox tlie ufe of his wajeftj8 troops tlntioiej t kingfton 600 pounds or tiiereabouts of frefli beet daily from the lit of no- vcmber to the 24th february fcity vtw urri to jliftiflih v nr any part of the abuvcj arc dtlvred t i i in thrir prnpofals to thii 0 on or before the 29th inildiu 49 deputy gommifitry cral s office j 7ngslmthf6 g-v- 1812 jf b whitney red white yellow i i icert flatmels green uaic low prictl broad ci- tht ami ctffinnrs c atimrs irlh limni ftrtp- cl gottons cotton stiutiflgs indin cottons womens black worfted sivaiiiilown veiling fu per fine calicoes aifii tea coffee indigo snuff tobacco alllpicc see 5c c kingston th ohbcr 1 8 t 2 4j up about yo men were killed by this exploiion on our fide nobody was hurt in the early part of the day be fore and after they got polleilion of quccnftown the americans were buiily employed in carrying over their killed and wountled to their own liorc among the latter was colonel van ranllelaer laid to be lince dead of his wounds yet a great number of their dead were found in every direction where we had engaged them notice att porfnns indebted to the ertte of jacob fralick late of the townlliip of fredenckfburglt deceafed are refuelled cu make immediate payment to the fublciibei and ail iliule who have any caim aaiiilt the faid ellate are requeued t piclvnt then ae counts did aothenticattd on 01 bttoic th fu it dav of march next fohm fraiick n jacob smith notice a ll pcrfons indebted to the eftate t charlca steaart diuillvr late of hol- lowcllj dvctafod are rcqu cited to make im mediate payment ti the luhicrihcr who is duly authovjjvd to recttve the lame nrd all thoie who have any claims stgatnh the laid efifttis arc requclled to brfnji therm formi d duly authenticated tiat they ay be fettle thomas eyre ajmthah rv fqml mm i

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