vol il kingston upper canada 4f ssssssxskstjm tuesday november 17 1812 no 50 sheriffs sale hmand bifida y y vii tueof thrccfcv- tqwiu cwil writs of fori fa- ktiied out oflita majeltys court of kings bench at the cults of laurence herehmcr and john kirby of the tovn of kingfton merchant an nicholas hagernwn of the townfhip of addpbutor efqnire agaturft the lands and tenements of james gerolomy of the townfhip of maryfburgh yeoman t me direfled i have feized and taken in ex tcution as belonging to the faid janes ce- folomv the well half of lot number feveii- teen in tliefirft conchtion ofthe townfhip of mary burgh containing by admeafurement one hundred acre be the fame more or left together with a log houfe thereon ereed i do hereby rrive notice that the above men tioned lot of land with the building and appurtenances thereunto belonging will i fold and adjudged to the hiheft bidder t ftv office in the town of kinfton on the lccnteenth cav of mach next at the hour gf ten ofthe clock in the forenoon at whiih time and place the conditions of fale will be ftadc known charles stuart shmgl andtvery perfon or perfon hiving claims on the above defcribed lot of land and premi- k8j by mortgage nr other right or incum- m nee are hereby advertifed to give notice tithe kid sheriff at his office in the town 01 kingfton previous to the fale thereof sheriffs sali pork and flour new goods wanted for the ufeofhis hajeftyg troops ftationed at kingfton and its vi hitney has juft received a frefh f apply of deendecie five hundred barrels of pork five hundred barrels of flour to be delivered in the months of decem ber jmmry february and march next with the ufual guarantee all perfons willing to furmfli the whole or any part of the above arc dtiirj to ferd in their proposals to this office on or befor the 10th of november next and to tare at what poll they would prefer delivering the gr v j jl cofjling cf rocenes fame c deputy cmnmtfflty gmerafs office kingston lh qcjoher t 8 r 2 45 tea conee loaf and brown sugar spir its tencrifve and port wine pepper all- ipicc indigo tobacco snutf salt pet re shrub peppermint cordial whifky iron and steel vinegar jenglifh and india f w beef ranted for the ufe of his majeftfa trooc rationed at kingfton 600 founds or thereabouts of frefn beet daily from the tft of no- vernber to the 24th february anv nerfons willing to firnifh the whole rr anv part of rhe above are defircd to fend in their propofals to this office on or before the 29h inftrnt 4 deputy comrnjfiry general office kingston th q woher i 81 2 3 mad difiria t y virtue of a writ cf r c 1 town 5 3 j fur fanas hilled lrrocenes tor oale tof his majefiys conn of kings bench the fuit of thomas markland of the l0 of kingfton ffquire againit the lands w tenement of aftiaei biddlltaw ofthe wnlhip of frederick fbnrgh yeoman to rrc netted i have feized and taken in execn- as belonging to the faid aihacl brad- lot number twentyfur in the feventh ceffion of the townuvr of lobroujrh taming by admeasurement two hundred be the fc blue black and grey fuperfine broad clotri fine and low pricm do various colors caifi- meres black and olive velvets brown hol lands threads nctt webb braces silk handkerchiefs white fed flannel white and blue india cottons white whirling cot tons triped do printed calicoes furniture do irifti linens cotton check black muf lin cotton handkt- chiefs fcaiet comfort- effytapci bcibbing cotton shawls wo mens black w riled hofe do white cotton co spider nett sleeves veiflgej writing paper ladies boots sewftif silk lillc and worfted twift kofe ci bienkcts larj white and colored beaver bonnet black browd arid grey common hoi ladies filk kid and leather gloves bed tic king ofna- burghs stockinett brunfwiek cord pa tent do morocco sippers ladies conbs pocket do alfij a general aitortment of hardware kinosfon i clh november 1 8 1 2 qv- twenty dollars reward bv me more or lefs i do here- ijfs notice that the above mentioned lot of ld will be told ana sljuacj w u- lkft biddr at my ornec in the t ij of klto on thp twenty levnth day of jan- j next at tile hour of ten cf the clock in heforenoori at which time and pbfcc the ronditio of fait wlfl be made known chaiaes stuart mf and every perfon or perfons having claims fei the above defcribed lot of land by mort- other right or incumbrance are here- tiv advertifed to give notice to the faid sher iff at hu orhct in the town of kingfton pre- tothto the fale thereof skrffs office 1 yhma tbt2 27 notice to ht let arid pnflefiion given the fecond day of aptil next from three tu fif- u2nvears as may be agreed upon a valua ble farm in the fir ft concefiion addition- al fredericks 11 rgh there are one hundred acres of improvement a good meadow and orchard on it a good frame barn and houfe ttiepremifes are well fituatcd and calculated lor a farmer merchant or inn keeper by cm lirgingthe houfe for further particulars apply to the proprietor and fubfenber at the houfe of mr florence donnovan in frederickfburgh or to charles stuart efq iokincruon michael coyle finelj 18 1 2 2tf cheap m the cheapestbthe suhfcribcr h u nurmegs t shrub chvns p ppernint cordial peppermfnt fcosengfif rjlll be paid bv the fubferibers to any loaf and rioiiovadocoiiieaonates v per vv will mak known to thm sur fiqaorice green tea parley sugar cofte tobacco choclte scotch snuft pvoot qrbumgiu- rappee do h- lev by the clzch allfpice or hundred parley bottled muftard oatmeal vafhinj and sin 1 perlon who will mak known totnm the perfon dr perfons who lde a piece of blue brord cloth out of their fhp on puel- dav the 2th inflant 1t cuniffc prentlerv o ktngstoti 7th ofloher i b i 2 4s mifln 0 1 kice snap wh johnson kingston attgufl i 7 i i z 8 s bartlet informs his frknds and the puolichat he hasjuft received liquors and groceries and a general adortment o dry goods adapted to the feafon crockery hardware whicli he will fell wholcfnle or retail at vu ufual low prices j for pay down either t or any kind of produce kingston augufi 26 1 8 t 2 17 rom the guard room i i vol of shakefpeais play3j 2 do rif mavors vovagefi ad ath vols bound in one of mod- em reels the owner requeua whoever may be in poftefon of the above books to leave them with the editor otluler 16 l82 46 cvv yc webfters spellingbooks tor fale tiuhh office 19 the followiktj o noti e all thofe who are indebted to the ef- tate of francois x rocheleau late stone mafon of this place decaied are ft lfted to make immediate payment to the wcriber and all perfons having anv claim pnft the lid eftate are defircd to pre ent them duly authenticated on or before w firft day of december next john iurby acting executor jetton 22d qohr 1 8 1 2 47 land for sale the following valuable lots of lan u the townfhip of fi e irriekurgh ar a f fale by the fubfeviber viz lot number fa i the firft concefiion itinrjl number trtvcve in the fourth d are q t are offered for fale at the pfmtl office kingston beatties mmlbel the grave a poem village curate common senfe new mirror mafon s self knowledge religious conference spiritual treafury practical arithmetic murrays spelling- book do grammar chriftian monitor economy of human life iddifons works ipfarlands view of herefies ieifons in enrrland vtnch vocabulary childs spellingbook portents evidences ofthe chnftian i ligicn bibles telia ment watts plalms and hymns pfalters american cookery childrens books caechifms ke ard a variety of fmii trnel ufefu iftd c ttttaining i childien an act to repeal part of the lavs 71010 in force for railing and training the militia of this province and to mak further provifonfor the rat fing and training of the faid ml litiapaffed th aug 1 s 2 contnued j iii and be it further enacled by the authority aforefaid that from and after the paffing of this act it jhall and mav be lawful for the governor lieutenant governor or perfon admimftering the gov ernment of this province from time to time to conftitute and ap point by commiltion under his hand and seal a fuflicient number of officers to train dilcipline and command the militia ofthe prov ince and alio fuch number of staff officers as he fhali think necefiary the officers fo appointed for the militia mail rank with fuch ofthe officers of his majeftys forces as may for the time being ferve with in this province as youngeft of their refpettive ranks provided always that lieutenantcolonels in his majeftys army hall com- xaaxi d all muitiai officers whatev er iv and be it further enacitd by the authority aforefaid that in the feveral diftricb counties and ri dings the militia mail be formed into regiments confiftinp of not more than ten nor lefs than five companies two of which compa nies mall lie tiled flank compan ies and ffiall be formed in- manner hereafter menti ncd which corn- panies the flank companies ex cepted hall conlift of not moire than one hundred nor lets than twenty private men each v and be it further enacled by the authority afore faid that it mail and miy be lawful for the colo nel lieutenantcolonel or officer commanding any regiment br battalion and he i hereby requir ed to order and direel the adju tant of fuch regiment br battali on as often as the fame may be neceffary to furnius him with complete returns of all and every perfon or perfons within the lim its of fuch regiment or battalion liable to militia duty fpeafyijig their age and place of abode and the more caffiy to enable the adju tant fo to do it hall be lawful fof him to call upon any captain or officer commanding a company for a return ofthe names of the meri of his company and alfo of the names of fuch perfons as may have lately removed to any place with in the limits of his company and after he fhall have been fur n- ihed with fuch return as aforefaid tb form the militia men fo return ed into companies in fuch man ner as to hm ihall feem mod con- rlufive to the intcrefts of the serv ice vi and hit further enacled if the authority aforefaid that every maleinhabitant from the age of fixteen to fixtv now refidcrit or who may hereafter become refi- dent within the limits of any reg iment or battalion as aforefaid fhall be deemed capable of bear- ing arms and mall be confulered r militiaman 5 and fhall within eirrht days after he fhall have at- tained the age cf fixteen years or become refident within the limits of any fuch regiment of battali on enrol his name with fotne one captain or other officer comman ding a company of the faid regi ment or battalion j who is hereby authorized and required to trans mit the fame with all convenient fpeedto the adjutant thereof for the information of the colonel 1 provided always that no perfon a- bove the age of fifty years fhall be called upon to bear arms except oh the day of annual meeting or in time of war or emergency vii provided alfo and be it fur- ther enacled by the authority aforcfiid that ihe neglect of any perfon fo to prefent himfelf for enrolment hall not be conftrued to prevent the name of fuch perfon beingenrolled and fuch colonel or officer com- manding is hereby required to en ter the name of every fuch perfon as fhall come to his knowledge up on the enrollment of the reim- cat or battalion and when fo en tered every fuch perfon fhall be fubjeft to perform all and every the like militia ditties h under the