i wellington created artf sirs on hope l grain m r pijj c berrfbrd and siap ton cotton peers the continental powers had cjsiw announce that the mariluh 6 ult duke of dalmatic bucket duno alba a d aogreao bojce ofcfttiglioie kftmd a i comcrtnctf with lord wellington at the- m iv1 uccu- kj rtvl j lu n to ttie jjik a ngulnv- a bonr- nada and 1 went yhve i houiand desux where they will arrive 0 tke 18th uu to the coaft of america placards on all he walls in lojfc j no 1jac wiih mdoiso l ttie eacquartrrt trcrereoinvef on the 2itu i u i pi- img jr iv the 22 j at fjjueras whete he w laluud by toe cannon ofjthc foitwfe xlu- a i ii d troops have taken cantonments in nownaodv we au- allured that bonaparte yefterday kf fiuai bleau after having under various quebec jine i6 messrs hall and newton of this city ar rived lafl evening from o i b art the stirling ikiifti wliilt they left at green litn the stirling foicd fiom torbay on the admayi iu ler convoy of the b i rophoi adtniral kcas and othe v ftcls iwr she pat ted on the 4th mil weft of the bank there va ahoic tf- veflc in all ilk c iwy 26 bound w thin ifor g h h 3 nu nbei- e tiaufjotj and 3 or 4 with gocraciicih ores thcyy itfcitrneit u wta said it tti d cf lut fctcwf u d and the stiiik vs bvihd in the gnlph by a lieumnot of the goie 74 and in- formed that that hip had undc convoy y traofport and 1 100 men fbi qbec frotn the vii indie- laid to be the poih regioi ent 1 we have been favored with london par pnsto the evening s f 1 ic 25 h april u ifiiich the fallowing au extract prccc tic ivei hie depart me 1 uc a en duchsfa man i louisa is fcn leave r mu twuet wbee he is at prefect on saturday next topr eedto venn apri 2k marffiai ifee duke of castfg- i-onei- ex tdto l o- to rnrov in-pwri- lie hacjaiaed the a ne fab frenchrnin- v 19 the se rale was pn fentcd to day to tfi- emperor uaurii by the prince ol benrvertte who m de a fpeeci cxpcftive of he gratitude due to his mjtly f jr all be had done fn france london april 25 travelling ve ittfi drft md i nor quite i fe in fi incc owiig li the cllchrge f the miirtaiy tik mavquii of sligo it is aid was ay laid by a gang of confcrpi ad ftrippefi 1 ftftfery thing he had m his carrae and cvm li clorhea werire happy tafay hat his mfty he king of ffauce amved lately al calais in vo- hmxs anl ive minutes after he quieted duvce harbour lord vj4ville and the lords of the ad- nsirn ty rr aroinanicd hi n to dover to teftify thcij repect rothe king ot france ictir e j tfi 3 morn ng it wil len by ur xjrft frnn the ga- ztir ihafcnrdbathursl im- notified to the minillers oftlie dffcrcnt pbvcrs at our ciurt that he leliiiains on tin potts of italy have been taken off the gxuc afo contains tbf official accunt ot the ftirrendef pfkaguia intcaptara hoite oftlie bacehaih tc an1 the a nit iai gcncxal milutinovich on th- 2stkof fanuarr r foutafnbkai april 28 though- the m marrni is the marfhat appointed to ris pjes have announced the epartntc receive and rpnduci the french king to i the courier friday p 1 5 ttis unde fluod that part of our army in franc- wl be i n ncriiattljr transfer d to a- bncit ii ill- ihr ivj thore the troops ret- j c rbrk hoti ihe garonne to the nnm- wt itissafd o 2a ceo men this is a otb- e n vclty in li- extraordinary age brit ilh u o- h embarking from a frebcb pot to ca ivou the wat agatnft pciident madifon fe i iriduih ally of benapaite we beg prdon ufmrmteiifon for not having di- rill al tl tic recent events bellowed oie jine c even cute thought upon him w hall fdavorn a ffeort tiire to atofie for our neg- 1cnc a iaijvolftc csto ufe u common p inerireffive foyingj he has made a kettle iffifji fit 1 16 odev we undirftand bc i- ci sy government for the fhipment 01 5- oog uanj of arms from the tower for aineuca a 2 a mai from halifax arrived horning with account to the tk ult i tw i c frederick has pulitifd roelaiti tioiis to the norwegian people chbetake u0hiweifihecere- jj ufunjtonan affcmbly for the ccj i vjlc wuli bean jd wlc iv the com- of bottpttrte he i ilill here he wa to je- petrt on the i th at three ia the mo nlug all uas ready the horsrs bffpofce fv him a iofie but hw departure has been put off he has nothing to uo yet he cannot give up the babit oi wvaryh g ai thofc who art ft ill about ivn as ik fome times hears mais to divert his thoughts he often crvvir his alreo- ner not to dine tilt 4 oclock fteing that he makes him fay mafa at 3 it is fuppoied thai hwsuitjfi will be vciy iajniiderable the number of the peros who were pnepariag to attend him di m in fh daily- jpth no change in the fituation of bo- sap arte l u1i at the paacc- parifi april su the empetur of ras- in wasyeherday at ramhouillet to viiit the arehducbtfs maria louifa who departs to- raormw for vienna accompanied by mad de mnte3luu governed aod mad souffe- at fuhgoveriieia to her ion the events that have taloa pace at par is were not knovaat milaa on the i ith kfaubeugej which has fuffered terribly foti the bombardmcrft wa one of the firii towns to hoid the white cockade two hundred french pripners fent from england were landed at calais on the j 3th fgu- u france corunna april 6 the regi cy of spaia has named don jopb pajafox to be caprau general of the nati naal amieaid to be lt genenla the field marshals ix thamti moreno and don jofeph d znyas the lat ter was sane frm madrid to attend his ma- nrftyjv who was excited at gerona oi the extras of an account of the reception of the lviiu entrance into spain publilh- cd by the general oftbe fall army tis the elk i of war is under orders to proceed i r to rdi with dfta-h- es announcb the rellortiojl of ldau xvi ii t h tho of fraae a d hp termination ffaollilitirs in europe lthis dee imou cal that the emptor of atffftifd 1 a trie emperor of kllia anl kf icr if piufijaj are to honor the court f the prince rege it with i viiit we undiiftahd that commifliner boyle has made a foieion of about 860 prifonrs fick and infirm who wtil be fent to frauce immediately m talleyrand- gave a grand ball at parii lair week when the emperor alexander dan ced with lady burgher flu military outrage a burlington paper of the 19th ioftant has the following article some of the soldiery have attempted to dellroy a dwelling ho ufe here but the owner defended his callle the iirll night mor tally wounding two of the aftaiiantsy and in jiuing another but hib houfe was burnt rhc next night by a pnty from the camp oth er dwelingsiue been threatened a new ichoner was launched at ver- genne on tburfday lad she will moint 20 r 22 heavy gun aid will very foon be rea- dv for the lake circumftances beyond our controul prevented our publiiliinj the gazette on wcduefday correfpondcnt tended to x ill all be at-