tuesday volume vlno l jm kingston upper canada printed and pueitshed by stephen miles price four dollars per annum jjw 6 tffe kingston gazeith from the connecticut herald to dafth through thick and thin btmaih ins well ihod fee- nru r ii to meet te expences of the prcfert es- tabliltotneni of the kingftun gazette the editor is tinder the neceffity of adopting the following terms dr price four doilahs per annum cltifive of poftage j6 in advance 5 at the end fix months and 70 at the end of the year jrvwu of 0hrlijlnv ii ihf gazette sik traen aud under 26 fint iiiferdcm and j tvery fuhfeqnent ten lines and ander 3lv fru mfercon snd l8 every fiofccjitrnt ten lines and upwards cl per hue ftrs ft r t i n and per ije every fnetcediug infeiiion ativetifteus unaccompanied with writ ten iirccions are infer ted till forbid and dbttged accordingly to bil sold at public aubion 1 on saturday the twcatr fourth inftant the government schooner of thirty ton burthen il all her maft spars sails standing 3 running ringing complete alio two be two anchors 1 wis vcllel hasjuft undergone a thorough mir 3nd can he fcen by application a the baiieaj ofp e whcie an inventory of all her bm i ktpt sglc wil take pace in the mai he prcefey at 2 oclock cmmffitriat ojet kingston june i 1 1 8 i j notice is he coy given that e somieis hclongin to this garrif in arc wohibitelvokincfoi the inhahtant wih bar written pemvifion from thjr rsfptivc commanding officers it li tliertrvre re- quelled that they may dint oc umpted to commit wilful dilobcdiencc of order m ev ery hii a ace will he attended ivith pmfb- jirt the ihhafeitauts ra8 be awaie that tt is for their good as veil as to pre rvs dlfcipfine that this erder h3 been i- iticd and that none but men of bad charac ters will endeavor to evadv it f p ropinson 2 alrjr givil the fobferiber an j intends keeping irent of liar now on hand ready for fale an allort- saddles bridles whips and o op u rs wta other articles ttfually kept in hfftkse his prdent means of obtaiming- vvatkaied and ftock will enable him to cji much lower lun formerly repairing done on ihort notice a m etc alt kingfton jiric 12 1si5 2 ohn young respectfully informs the fejiflj good muton that he keep it wnllantlyon hind at his old shophind liters for 9 eiki fore gummier 7 ua txnnd lifo 12th june 1815 beftfufcriber offers for me the jukd 7 in the fourth a d concesioncf the tuvrdhip of lough- orou with r 0 or 60 acre under prood vcmen and a good ftanj for any pub- michael glcot l flwflf immediately a s apprentice to the printinlrbufi nets a lad from 14 to 16 years of r bljblnsburg races probably it is not generally known that the flight df maho met the sight of john gil pin and the flight of bladens- burgh all occurred on the 24th r or augaitj james madison a wdier vnh of courage and renown and gaerai5ffimo was he of famous watngtoii ouoth mam ron unto his dear iho friphtcl we have been thcfe two 1 tt tedious weeks vet we i no enemy have fecn tomorrow is the twentyfourth and much indeed i fear i that then or on the following dav that cockbtrn will be here rs tomorrw then quoth me e fly cc as fat as we can pour northward unto montgomery all in our coach and ruur my after cutts and gutilj and i cuttss children three ct will fill the coach w you muft ri on horse ack after we he foon relied i do admire of womenkind but one u and you are fhe my dolly ear c therefore it fhall be done i am a general hi mo cc as ail the world doth lnow j anrl my good friend and name- lake too shall tiiurit his horfc go mytrxifty heed the gpiffin bald will bear me fafelv through and cockfurn is a lucky dog if eer he eaten monroe u well fiart as tliough for bla denfourgh ic but when weve cleared the town u well for montgorrity oer- take the coach at early noon ouoth miftrefs dolly s thats wellfaid c for fliould it once tranfpire that to montgomery youre fled twill let the town on re the general kiffed his loving wife oerjoyed was he to find though bent on running off hed ftill his honor in her mind the morning came the coach was brought but yet was not allowed to drive up to the door for fear the mob mould grumble loud one tm hahiu will mei with by applying at thb of- jum 17 181c at brother cutts the coach was ftaid where they six precious fouls and all agog did all get in smack went the whip round went the wheels were never folks fo glad the duft did rife beneath the coach as though the duft were mad the general at his horfes fide seized laft the flowing manej and phe got in hatte o iiart but foon flopt ihort again for faddletree fcarce reached wis and feared to his mind when turning round his face he faw his cabinet behind r was there and arm monroe strong bold no bolder man mote be and rush th attorney geercl ah on their hcrfes three not fo the boatswain 4ohe fat in his hird hi ufe done and pennd two letters to be fent as foon as they were done 2 the firft lofave thenrtvy yard orderd it t bgjlfd the 01 her dared back to cheat the man wbpfehoufe he hird late ouotli 1 monroe youre madifon tis late nulecd i fear 1 for us to fteer for iiladctfburph 6 the brttifh are too near the cabinet on horfeback fit and there they reafonv high if for the camp they mould fet out or northward ftraight lliould fly not ions before the gallant four had planned it to their mind when cur plz fcreamd c sbaf po hat c and sword be leave behind 1 c good lack quoth lie then bring em me my leathern belt likewte c in whirh i wear my trufty fwo d c when i do eercife now miqrefs dolly carer ui foul two rapper bags had found to hold tiie fword and chappeau brafs and keep them fcfe and found a nd brings the up cuffee tarts bas and lays them open wide then puts thechapeauonhishead the fword upon his fide then over all that he midbt be equippd from top to toe his long blue coat well bruhvd and neat he manfully did throw now fee him ftartlns once airain upon his nimble ilecd full llowly pacing through the itreet with caution and good heed the fnorting heaft began to t ot which galld him in his feat but gaining road foon the country as luck would have it all at once at diftance in the rear six gallant troorers mounted well approaching did appear and one upon his bugle horn so loud a blaft did b ow our hero wifhed him ten miles off he lcard the griffin fo so c fair and foftly james did cry but james he cryd iri vain the griffin irallopd eff outright in fpite cf curb or rein so hooping down as he needs muft who cannot fit upright he grasp d the main with both his hands and eke with all his might avay he went and after hinl our heroes rode apace they little dreamt when they fet out of running fuch a race t griffin who never had before been handled in this kit d frighted fled and as he fled left all the world behind the wind did bow the cloak diet like streamer long ah i blue till loop and butt ton fading bdtfcu at laft away it lievv then might all people welldiscer the gallant little man his fword did thump behind his back so merrily he ran rush followed on and arm strong scream id ttie troopers one arid all and eke monroe ered out 1 guefs as loud as he could bawl cc stop there your excellency fiop c northern rotd youll pafs c well get into a pretty fcrape 6 if further on we chafe thi s well he knewyet on he went and on they followd too for vhenfoever the devil drives- theres never any whoa and ftill as faft as he rode on twas marvellous to view how he ouirode the caetnet and eke the tro pets too and new as he went bowing down hi little head ful low hs fword flew up arjainft hi hac and gave him fuch af blow off went at once hs ehapeaubras and fell info the road our hero never ft p thereat bat onward ftill he mde thus al dog the district thro thcfe gambols he did play