Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), August 8, 1815, p. 1

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tuesday augusts 18x5 ston ga volume v no 9 ette kingston upper canada- printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum -v- lrv zrms of the kimjsrux gazette 4 ejppiuce four dttjks per annum exclude of page 76 i advanre j at tkeai affix mouthy and 76 at the td of f tiw year price of tkfdjrlfing in iht gazette six hues and under 270 iirs inferuon and y every cubfequent ten lines and under 34 firll inferdon jnd i8 every fubfequcnt tea lures and upvrd 44 per tine firft kfertba and zd per line every exceeding infcriinn ailverifement6 unaccompanied wiin writ ten dircaions ue mferted till forbid and charged accordingly military secretarys gffick kingston gtb july ll several applicatons having been made to mayor general sir frederick robinson coav- mtftcluig the forces in the prov ince or upper canada c ov re- remuneraiion for lotfes and dama- gw fuftained by inhabitants of the fiid province during the late war with the united states of ameri ca and his excellency being do fcous that full information may be immediately obtd ei of the ture extent and merits of these daims ha directed competent boards to affenibie for the purpofe ot invefllatin fuch cafes is may sc brought before them during tfc eafoincr months of ueuit and si tembcrt tuc fcatowg pl ccfi via s amuerstburoii fort gkqiik york klnsfon fori welling ion a perfess tverdfoft who my luvpchlms fordaucsiadio haw been dne by oui own t o trxps e for umages done by tne enemv for hnuies and biaidhgs occupi ed as barracks or tor other pub lic purpofes fiid to baye been deftroved by the mvy in con fequence g that i re ei mil a nee are hereby directed to dver fc- pntc accounts of the fame duly authenticated and cdl undur the before rnertioned beads k the ofikt cootbnding his ma- jeftys troop at either or the above jxvls on or before the 3 ik sep tember after which day no ehtims he iane above defcribed will be received or tak en into conuderstiori whstfoever of by bis ixeelknef command william gibsose ag mr sccrf p 7 k 1 n a r n n n r e v a each soldier is to be allowed x at a weetmg of the pefideu and truo j 7 one hundred acres of land an bi to receive his location from the supcrintendaiit upon his being fatr lied that the claimant is of the defenption and of the charac ter to become an ufeful feitlef he is to be placed on his land the boundaries of which and the con ditions of his grant are to be ex pressed in trie ticket of iocaiion it is to be clearly und iiood that the lands held under thefe grants cannot be alienated or dilpoied of until the granted hall have redded upon nd cubivated a reafonabe of the fame for truftees oil on the iir it til- 4 prop fpace of three years officers will be entitled to a ticket of locution in tr i iunce for tvo hundred acres ot land upon condition that they caufe a reafonable proportion of the lame to be cultivated and do not dispofe of it until three years after thdate of the ticket oeficers and men are to re ceive proviiions for themfclvcs and families in fuch proportions as mall be hereafter ipecihed for one year li elements of husbandry and tools will alio be lupplied to thcin in fufiicient quatuies and other comforts accord t to the neceisi- ticsof the individual v i lit a iew to carry sg full crer 1 1 he i n eti ions of 1 is i a j e liy j government on this head his ex cellency has been plciied to ap- xint alexander mdqnelljesq to be supe iuur uul his excetkncy has alfo been piededto appoint lieut angus mdonelt of the gicngary tees of the midland dillrid school society held at the rev mr stuarts houfe ia kingston on monday the 31 july 1815 the following refolutiona were pated t prcfent the rev mr stuart preiiderit allan mclean esq trjs marhlandi esq- laurence herchmef esq thomas strickland esq who conftituted a quorum refolved 1 that the treafurcv be authorifed to col- left the fttbfcriptiotvs without delay 2 that the tieafurer depofit at intereft thf fubfetiptjon money and reqneft of the fabieribers intereft on their labfcriptions provided they go not pay at the time on which he calls for payment j that the pruidert of the midland ditrjc school society com nun fcac with the prefidcnt of the canadian school com- nhte 4 that a copy of the peoeeediags of the midland utaiiascbool society he tranf- nirtrd to the secretary of dig canadian school eammictfe and that the fa id com mittee be requeued to tranfmit a copy of its procfediftg to the aforefaig iocicty 5 that 25 copies d the fubicription poetry selected from a baltimore paper an extract our father who art in heaven j art thou my father then no more my fi is hall tempt me to to defpair my father pities and forgives and hears a childa repentant prayr art thou mf father let me ftrive with ai my powers to learn thy will to make thy service ail my cae a id all thy wife commands fulfil art thou toy father teach my heart compauion for anothcrs we and ever to each child of thine a brother i tuiderneis to hew m an thou my father then i know- when pain or want or griefs opprefs i they come but from a fathers hand which wound to heal tfap to blell r fh artthottmr paper be ptuued tor the furnitures ot iur- anii gf w r fcrihers- jl thy lvht fliall mine t midland distficl si tri 0 ate c to cvit us ourt i 47 to the next of kinto hastings carpenter late f of ameliasburor in the midland distiia mcr- chant deceated greeting t7hereas application hath been made to ur surrosrate court for the midbrd dtiri fe david henefey of amehajliurgh afoiefaid yniinan for letters of administration of th jjoods chattels and credit 8 which weie of the above named kattttwi cnproer j11 the midland di iirfl thtffc aie therefore to require the next of kin to the fiid hastings carpenter to appear before me on or before the firt day of september nefct enfuin to bev cufe if any they have why utttrfi of admiii tiatiotl o the good chattels and cedit of the faid ha tins caipeiter deceafed fiuitltd not be granted to the fa id david hcueley pursuant to his rmplicatum a atorefaid my hand ard feal o office thu eiirivh day of mav one thoufand ci ji ht hundred and fifteen signed alexander flsmer surrogate t magermav kegistep goupr- my way by light matt mine upo my path and make my darkutis like thy day artthou my father then no more tremble my ful at deaths alarms h comes a meffenger of iove to bear mc to a fathers arms force of fashion a fccmk an of large f jiiune fell violent ly in love with a lady much inferior to him in point of property but far fuperior in in- tetkual talent he add 1 ited her for lome time with 1 zeal becoming h- r menu but at lehtii flic told him he coud never con fent to innry him tiil me require a facri- lier which he feared would be infinitely reat for him to make if it be half too jreat ro 6 coivvnufett th p m tne army- to be ftationd at hc depot at dirawall io receive and take chaigc of the iettlers this appoint went to take place from the 25th liimo and to continue until ier or dollars ders 3 lteur m prooe mtlttarv stcfetaaya office kingston lyh ymn 5- tith reference to the gen- v cral order of the 6m decesiher 1814 corrnitnucati g te gracious intensions tf his roy- hiehaeft t h e p n ce r e s 1 of imnedlately to cornwall and place ivmfeif under the orders of the fuperintendant all appuartions onthe part of claimants for lands in upper can ada are to he made until iunher notice to the officer in charge of the depot tit cornwall passages to the depot will be ordered on application at the of fice of the quarter mafer general for fuch of thefe men and rheir have received imilie- 1 1 r a may discharges m pimnrto dsbandd coldiers wcitions of wtste land and pweircferves in the cinadas excellency aj r g errf sir jj ac province or u per canada the upper province br mis excellencys command william gibsone acting military smgmjkramft 73 lost yesterday in iftrigtlon between mr patrick smyths store and the govern ment whair formerly occupied by the late j el i lar liilli dated about the latt of frruarv 1815 together wh about js hundred dou larsj in tens and lives alfo the rcgifter of the schooner tailed the eliza ai ani a large nembei of notes ot confide table irouttt and other papers which en be tt no ufe to any one bit the cwnev whoever will deliver faid pocket book with the mo office lung it can bt obtained hall receive the above reward john bowser kiugsicl july 18 1815 my fortune faid he i will cherfully lay it upon tic altar of love that raid th tady i but a tnfleto what 1 am about to demand if you wuld have the whole of my fortune and myfcf for your flave rcpli d the foil ar i will not remur it is more than all thai fud the fair darnfel name your terms n y umms cr ht impatient lover bid mr wgc war with giants or fioht the neicett lions of the defcuaud my love for you mall make me victoions nay or der me to the indies to chia or japan aid von mall bebeyed ihe faciifice is till greater than all tha faid the lady for compaffiora fake then cried he in delpair tell mc what it is it is no lcfs than this laid he that von ftuweortvour moidrons 7 b r thai you inarfe on your moiiirous ushers hat i may hive the plrafure rt slioldiuig y f l my wtislers cried ir iu ailoniftimerit i my whiskers 0 heacen no madam be knovrn to yotv x will n part with my whifocrs to obtattt the heart and hand of any daughter of ad am now ekiftiftg on the face of the earth onty and conttntb thereri a the pivrimg iilce kincdon or give information where all discharged soldiers a pp lying for land are to r ia their nrrjj to eow jones late of the gth rcgimcm new reiiding in the old barrack square f p robinson sccretaiyo ihiptift july 31 1815- 84 w 6 the public i lost k liic tioas be pibhfh 4 tor the i ro iton an rdnz f fuch clain nis who avv he dimrnus of k isssiaik laid proving kingston july 17th 815 ftifeharged noncommifnoi ed otncms and sodier- who may have been v mended i if receiving grants of ld rf to repair to cornwi withrat doay ic pyt twmfelv to alexander mdvi ic fq tip i f innt of the dcpamert fu loca ting m settlers fy tirl of his excellency t provfuaj lieutenant gvu t i robinson t about the fifth of june lift a large bay horsfj wub a star in his forehead xjrlioever will return the laid horfe t o the fubferiber or give fuch infpr- tnatiom as feall lead to bis iccovtry mull be han ifomely rewarded h mcnally kingston july 311815 8 3 w for sale a few eleg ant wooden clocks warranted to keep good time inquire at this office yah joj 1 3 15 8 are refpectfully informed that a fmall circulating library is opened at this cmre and made aeccfsible to all clahv oc the community on the moil af nableterma thofe who with o take out book- will pleafe to call cither on monlay thi fday or saturday between the hours of tnc and three oclock at which times due atten tion will be paid to all who may be difpoicd lo become fublcribers there is alio left at this office a lare number and a confidcrabie variety of child rcus book and ufeful tracts to be exchang ed cither for cafh or ciean rags rgs- enough might be fnved in even fam ily to furntlh the family with books and stationary and it t hoped llkit no per- lo will be afnamed to engage in laving jl ar i e to much needed a friend to education economy kn vstfi a our r

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