i i i jhtbahe oflwijui jm irjo nays march of pant star office i oclock j telegraphic difpatch from the coatt has thl inllant announced to the adrimalty that the illullrious wellington had reached la fere without opposition on saturday laft and was directing hi march upon gon cigtve where he cxpeed to arrive that night compeigne is 2 i leagues or 52 englifh miles from pai is the prufliaus under bluclier had occu pied laon and wise alio advancing upon paris by forced marches the inhabitants had uniformly received the allies with great joy and fupplied them with provifions we have received the moniteur of the jath it is filled with an account uf the proceedings of the chamber on tht 23d which were tumultuous lucien bonaparte impertinently infiitcd in the h- uic of peers on his right ks a french prince member called ponte cotran told him inarfwer rhat he was not even a french- v man j i r count labed6yre faid that all prefent were traitors to the emperor here the uproar became fo great that no perfon could be heard fot fome time lucien and joseph bonaparte then moved that napoleon ii be proclaimed emperor the motion was deferred in the chamber of representatives the proceedings were alike tumultuous the majority feered however to recognize na poleon il in the mean time the pr vifjtvial government has began its fun c ions fuuche is prefident paris wirh the exception of crowds of politicians gaping here and there for news is tranquil it is not true that bonaparte ha been ar retted the hinchinhvook packet with a mail from newyork and halifax arrived at fal mouth 22d june the refutation for granting 200000 to the duke of wellington was agreed to by the hutife of peer june 26 although this article impurs in fomc degree the probability of ca-pl- drammonds report yet it is ftil fufceptibe of belief tram the lapfe of time between the london 27th june an i the day capt d wis pken with zd july well also f om the expectation that fuch a m afur- would be im demanded b the allies london june zp proceedings of r rua tft yellcrday in the h nf f lod a4 comotis thanks wt vmimo fly voted to lord wellengton and the oili en non- commiiuoned ocjjts aatl prive under hiscommauo f the victory of jun 18 in the lordi the vo was moved by earl bathurft he faid bonatwrtv h id nt now to complain of any of the difficul ties to which head attribute former if afters he chol nib time pmc and ene- nv and had been tpilicd lated and rented he ted the t ci of the pirfiiatis on the ttjth at i6coi in s battle t t8tn lord wtllingt n performed occtf ally all the duties fijmcol me to held m tr- hah at the clof cf the lay j on parte p t himfelf at the head o hk guard- md made 3 vigorous attack b it the britiih guards met overpowered and fo completely routed the choiceft troop of the enemy by des- patches this day received it appears the ef- feet of this victory had been 5jco prifoners brought into srufcls 2000 more on the nad and others whole arrival might be dai ly expected but no i ste has yet been received of the fri ink ol the puriuic kept op by the pruftana the earl fnit thit no doubt remain- d from thccffea of thus viaoty that the allies would cfotam th obed of the contfl marfnal ilnch on he 16th fell from his l0rle and wis confmd to m bed when he heirdthe duke of wvinton wtr ta k edonthc isihcpd he immeliatly 1 e ardl placed his army io tnrrjo- pj d hinkf at its hcaj to revtnje the lots bv hi- army on a preceding day sabm no quarter inzt ien by pie enemy ilie additional faw voted to the duke of wellington is i 00 00 ol a vote was paftel giving foo 000 to the brnvy for military it rces captured fro n 1 802 to 1814 the rcftllt of i general aci rts and 5 fiegcs 0 0 prmikc lnxinn cimer ftm2 the french n they wer 01 ed re- veri in the jro v vior3er th y threw bwy thtir nr- h f regiments liie piancvlry tk n tia ft pna 4 tvauhrc -vh- k h w the ods we e waked wish dying md ine dead wita canro baggage napate s cj iae plte orfp r fell into our hands t t re were t 1 al ion land pi oclam ti ns fcu i ritiom he patjee of uvktn a- hr jfeio for e had jrorrifed to be at b toli the iih the lof td hlted a sanded is e d 40000 he tyuocrci c5rrj tafen c ceeds 30o ihe french impcnd guard is fai d to have been nearly deftroyed on all fides was fecn a total dward of perfona 1 danger the leader were to led in the heat of the fray like the meancll ioldicr the duke of wellington was in coe convetfation with lord uxbridge when the latter received the ball in hs knee his lordfiitp had been throughout the day foreman in danger and glory ma ul bmcher it is faid was fur fne moment a pnfncr js for botiaparte he was more than ouce iiclofcd among the britjfli troops and dintanirkd as it were by nuade ci never before fays the bitilh com mander was i obliged to take fuch pains for vidory and never before was i fo nigh being beaten as on the 1 8th of june from the london siatffman jvne 24 further defpatches were received yctter- day from the duke of welington dated bmche june 20 to which place his grace idd removed his head quarters after hisviilt to bruffels on the preceding day binche is ahtjt 30 miles from bruffels and about half that way in advance of the field of bat tle this movement on the part of the brit- ifh was doubtlcfs for the purpofe of givirg all p offible fuppovt neceftiry to bluchers ar my wh- are faid to have continued the pur- fuit of the enemy beyond the frontier the prcflian chief is hated to have eniered france in the direction of beaumont with the view of endeavotjririgto get around the french litre of lefeieat and cut tlos of his rtmaning force it dues not appear to us tint the french hav- yet been compeltd to give up the poftcihan of cinrleroi which is a frong defenfive poiitton on their frntier and on the line of the sambre h is impor ted that gen wrede with the bavarians amnnnnns to 60000 had dvtetmintd to make a daihupon lion 70 miles where the great maj3ine artillery and iiorcs f the french army were collected 2nd lels coud he or any othe general of the al lies penetrate fo far before napoleon itfcould beau rflectual blow to hi remninm ftrfviffth some of the melancholy r of the killed wtindcl and milling may be expcej to be given in the gazette of this evening ior we heat the regimental return have been re ceived it is hated that the number 0 of- ficci s toil exceeds 1100 it u con 0 however to learn that many of the wound ed are doing well gnat efforts aie mak ingtofend out rtinforcemtnts a further di ft wa made yeftetday froru thfl life ga the 27th kcgirnent loft in vivea and wounded forty two hersort cf forty four we underftand the duke of wellington is yet far foni ozug able to be prceile in the fpecificatiofi of his mfs ke appears to have 1 mad a goi many priforers afer the great ftruggh- he defirfs that veffels may be fent to convey 10000 to england among the prifaners whom private letteri fay h iv- f lien into our hands we find na- med the count ol lobau betand who commanded th- 6th corps and vandamrae who commanded the 3d c mpans who commanded a divillon of the guard cam- brone who wag with naool o at the luand tf elba mouton a general of divifionj atid the able general lefebvje defnouettes the prince of oranae was not fo well as could be wilhed the ball not having been extracted all the duke of wellingtons aid de- camps were either killed 01 wounded except major percy who wasamftitig hiwuaded comrade at the time he wis called upon to ftt oft fot england with the defpatches aid tef immediatei with only the clothes he had on at the time soon after his arri val in lo don he was promoted to the rank of lieut col sever ite of bavarian cavalry to the nnmo- of fb 22000 men ac faid thave paffed the french frontier on the between givet and mcvierc to unite with the eft wing of the pruflians prussian poland berlin may 2 the cjamte of to day contains his majes- tyn p oclamations on refuming poiteffionof his polus provinces that to the inhabitants of the grand duchy of pofen is as fol low- ct inhabitants cf il grand duchy tofpm- at the fame time that according to my let- ten tent of this days date 1 reftore t6 thei o iginal ftate thofe parts of the late du chy of warfaw which belonged originally to prttffia anct i ow revert to my dominions i hve alfohjd it in ntw to fix your polkic- a nlations you have now alfo obtained a co rv and at the fame time a proof of my eiieem for rour attachmeit you are mcor- pvitttra with my monarchy but w-houtbe- inu obliged to renounce your nationality yu will participate in the aw which i intend to give to my hnthfal iub- and you vrll have a provteeul con- ftttutton like the other parts of my kr g- dom your gionrnd he maintained and a fultabie dtanon be sffignedto v fervnts tour petfonal ivht- nn yoar property fliau reurfi under the fttfm the lw bpon whchyoti will alio be cas rpon in future to deliberaeyour language fliau be ufed with the germnn in all public transac tions and every one of you accoiding to his abilities fhall be eligible to the public em ployments in the grand duchy and to all the offices honours and dignities of my king dom my governor who was born among you will alfo refide with you he will inform me of your wfihes and your wants and you of the intentions of my government your fellow ciiien my high prefidentj will or ganize the grand duchy according to my aiftructions and till the organization is complete govern in every department he will on this occalion employ the men of builnefs formed among you accordingly as they are qualified by their knowledge and your confidence when the organization is finished the different branches of adminiilra- tion will be introduced it is my firm refolve that the pad be confighed to perfect oblivion my care be longs exclufively to the future in which i hope to find the means to bring back the country which ha been tried beyond its ftrength and is quite exhaulted to the road of profperity since experience has matured you i hope that i may depend on your acknowl edgements given at vienna the 15th may lsir frederick william- notice came into the enclosure of the ab0lt lhc l sue mare the owner h dcfied to pay es and take her nway edwd barker adolphuslown iugust 15 ihie nvv richardson lyons co respectftlly be leave to ac quaint their friends and the pnhlic ttm they have juft received a largr atfort ment of hardware glass ware and crockery looking g asses and pictures iron and steel nails window glass putty gentleinens ladies and chiu drens hats and bennetts englifh soap and candles and have on the way from montreal a lare assortment of ladies and gentlemen boots shoes and slippers ladies vails silk shawls rib bons and flowers with a va riety of all sorts of dry good also all kinds of from a london paper prince talleyrand baa negociated a mar riage between the duke of bern and an aultriin prtncefe daughter of he emperor and fiftn to bonapartes emprefs the al liance is reorefemed as extremely agreeable to the auiliian princes mifla the diftingnifhed span ifh partizan chief has arrived in england he has been profeibed by the king of spain defertous from bouaoanes fervicc are lid to continue gen latour maubourjr a distingutuhcd cavalry officer has joined the king a london article ftate that capta w f owen and richard oconnor ate appointed to make a paiticular furvey or the likes in canada it is computed that feven years wili he neceflary to obtain all the reqilke information the lateft accounts from france reprefent the oppofition to napoleon as increafing the vendee army was 50000 engaged in twl mstom the adhereftts to the royal cauie have began to a in various o- ther places at lille the duke of berri has railed the royal budaid and the inhabit ants came out to meet him fouche bona partes mmtteof police rcprcfents several departments as desolated by the royaiuts spain a new expedition has been ordered to be prepared in spain for its american colonies it is to confift of 20000 men t 00 caval- ly and a large portion of artillery who a great quantity of ammunition ntwyopk july 19 important to fftermenou monday wc copied an article from a halifax paper hat ing that the britifhbrig jr had breughi into that port eight american veffels de tected in fdhing on the welternlhores of no vascotia several gentlemen from haii- fex who have arrived at bofton mention that after a detention of two days thefe ves sels were all releafed and their papists en- dorfed with a prohibition to fifh on thofe fhores the gentlemen alio mention that two guii brigs had failed for the proteion of their fiftiing grounds with orders to cap ture every american veitci found wihih hee rnijes of the ihore spsclator groceries the above goods will be fold at the lowed prices tor clh or approved credit to approve td creditors kingston angus t 22 irtc 1 r 7w caution ll perfons are hereby cautioned and fmbid purchafirgfrom philip martin of ellinburgh state of new york twn n es of hand againft tlie fubfcriber both amount ing to between 3 and 400 dollars i a he is determined iteerto pay laid notes until he agretment is fulfilled which was entered in to by the laid phillip martin and mvlif thomas park kingston august 1 9 1 s 15 1 1 tf fresh meat the subferibers keep conluntlv for talc on the market goid adjacent to the main guard eirery defcripii n of ftelh meat fich as beef mutton and oth er kinds in thei poptr feafoti they will alfo conftartly keep every kind f vegetbiks whete fuch as are difpufed can be fupplied by calling at the faid hand j0h1t young george charles kingston jug it 1815 ii tt llft n the store of the suwcuser about the fourth may lad five packacfs marked l h t the owner of the k afbrefaid articles b requtftd to prove the property and pav lhc nccelfirv expf ce saml merrnl kingston august 211815 i i tf lost on m dy eveni g the 14th in fant at or near wtdkrs ki gtton hotel a yellow metal chp or fei rel tvom the etid of a sabre scabboard whoever will bring it to this office will be rewarded for their trouble aug- 22 from the political hdex jmtc xt we understand that 40 or 50 amtiican officers are about embarking for europe to acquire military science and intimation they go with the appfobaton of their gov ernment general scott has received a lengthy furlough from government and is soon to embark with his suite for france and will before hi return visit a number of other european states kingston august 22 1815- commuiricatlctj died in erneftown on the i6th infti mr john ffley aged 21 y irs the circum- ftances that led to his death are as follows he was out wilh hbgnii and had placed it agamll a fence leaning over it wlie hi dg ran ngainll the gun which by fona means caufed it go off and lodged its contents in his hi ad which put an end to his exigence he was a young man of very pfomifing ge- nious and bid fair to become ah ornament los1 1 it about the tivclfih cf june tot bay ttorsfe with a ftar in his forehead three white ieeta bulhy tnain and a fh wt tail whoever will return th faid rrorfe to toivn major cor bet t fhsli be handfomely veva kingston a r gust 22 1815 the subscribers have for sa ie a quantity of very ex dlent jr french brandy- wkiia thev will sell cheap for cah thomas maryland cm khrskn 1 augus isiy ntf eor ale two potash kettles eui1 or run subscpisej in u julpjiriropix oa at rtieprivt- iju oiicr n kingston iqtb augu 1815 i itf 1 to tociety in this town on thurfday evening the 10th nil mary the unwell daughter of mi- rufll of the royal enier ik- paitment cd 16 years wanted a qtfantity of good live gel s feathers fa which a ge enurs r ice w i 1 1 en n ire at this rffie kncn augt 32 1815- n