h c thomson hit f5 espectfully infottui the pune that he ha j uft received and now of fers for nle an exttngveaflortmeat of among which arc the following articles viz cloth flannels cottons linens lidi- silk shawl cotton ditto tolbnette silk hhdkk pili itc d- do bandanna handkerchiefa fathionibte giughaur ditto lenos and mnllins fine mufi drcftes- rbhotis y gioves fmi mable straw bonnet sfik and cotton umbieoas siik parafota b a ladies gentleman mines c cotton silk and worded hole bombazcene tt bombizeue pihvfr 0 calicoes table cioth d janet and dowlas kiitn x india sheeing ttoead and lace stationary sauces and pickles ctnasson 1 iquoi ice nutm mace aloes pimento jlso a genera aifortment ot utltrf mis i ditrui3 slack arcl whte silk 1 nd tlii cad lace veils j 7 tlerrans si hildrens j c hardzaare l f rocei les ty w is j kifljxfon awvft 7 i 8 i c 9 new goods f 7 o h n s inkle j 1 r assort nt cf y 1 7 roods g and roc fries among which are the following articles 8irrfkf and co pnvvi broad cloths wh an black cotton garjibrick superfine oriltd and undrtfld caloe black silk tlrdral and cotton bandan na handkerchief a variety of isjnwtq and veilings large damage siik shawls french cambtfek for handkerrvcfs j fine linen carabriek and kobe pitfrns blacks white clta i table cold laflring twiild ewceictts black mode gentlemens fine buck doc kin and bea ver gloves laces black white and fancy colour m silk do ladies fancy affcrted kid a black blue giren scarlet borobazetts whiic fealloun siik velvets and cotton shrung3 fine irifh linen rnitu imitation and scotch sheetincm birck and while jeans dinmics and black crmc jckontt and book mnfjins lenoes 5 lring ribbons and laces line piated furr and wool hats oild hat coves a j 60 kyfon teas riyton young hyfon i and hy for skin j plug olztsil a d 1m iriugi pitad ad ladies twift tobacco high proof old jamaica sphits cogniac hanv hodand geneva prt wine ts bvf g jds together with a vaiety nf c s r rnx lined n bcfiid at the ir reduced price fn cafh we tnder oni tiiaktwl avknowledgsreius to our cits- lotrcrs fi pdt furors and fwlicit a continu- anr nfitcir i jimt pacroce khrii 6th jfugiistt 1815 otf fr saie the fubferiber has for fae i valu- abl tract of larvl fjtuacd in the firft con cf ftion of i he tovvnflvip of frcdriickfburg ad ditional being part of the horncltck l witli good build gs thcieon ciccted an j a ood well uf w r lying about 28 miles from ivingfton on the front road leading through the bay of quinty for further information enquire or b c spfncer jinuhritor frederick flurdi ocl 51 1814 39 kingston drk 1 ard qth june i8ir t fqijired foflhe uk of the naval x yaid the undermentioned a tides briuks 60000 lime 8000 bufheid sand 4000 do shingles 34000 to commence the delivery oftlve above mentioned articles immediately and to con tinue- weekly by fuch quant iiita as flia be directed by ihc couimifiioikr or offi cers of lh dock yarrl ptcvpofala to be rcliveied into the naval store lvepeis office point ffcdei lk 4 for sale a fast fcmng schooner ivmg at sackets hasborj a nut co tontsbur then 8he hn- ubdergeie a thorough e- pair and corked from keel 10 guimeli and 13 tight her sails and rigging m and in complete order she ws built in lidon and was called the tlizabtfk of kingtio when captured by tlie ainei i-ai- any perfon wiflii to purchafe wili call upon geurgz jlrrphron 01 cipl jivbr scicktvl-l-rbo- june zo i js 1 5 4 for sale a full blooded me ritte ram enquire of the prinur oct 2 1 s 1 4 7 ryy m 1 a lie ixoiiu that whereas dan e allen jvned a certain contraci with he deputv barrack mailer general fr l din- a lare stnri houie and li fjital l0r the utc of govern n cut lor the lulfnicn f whirb the fublcribers becawe fecurty a a fo have advancd lavfic bun of their iow private property wnln cihrnacnunts rr jpay- nientuifom goodn in icingtioij tofurvad the above buildints oray otlst prfrn not to fiinke any further tbiivmrtit on the ahn buildfsfs nnti i fet- tlement is made and lawful nlli paid oir ku kmons robert young kingston june fcftj 815 3tf a the lubfviiber his now on haiud and intends kcping ready for iale an antort- ment of oct a t line v 7 7 r ai pf tales ulps ii sp u rs wirh other articks ufaallv kept in his 1nc hi prelent means of obainl r otkmcm and hock will enable him to icll much kwcr thjn frmedy rcpaiiiiig done on fhort nor ice a mstcalif kiipflon june 12 ijhie 2 lai ar safe the fubferiber oilers for fle the well lujf of lot no 7 in tlc tout till and llflh coctiij n cf the tumifiuo of lonvh- borough with o ox 60 acres tmdei i d improvement and a good land lor any pub- a he duiinefs michael sloop lougbb yrougbf juue n 8 1 5 kingston packet james chapman caft atn his vcflel wjil fail resjulirly fom kinfisfon to sl7cls harbor she will 1 da ry other day in the wek the price will be two dollars fof eacu paflener kiogsior mny 12 1 8 15 jictf dpper canada b gbohgi the third by the grace ftfgou of the united iziugdnmof great britaui and ireland king defends of the fan b to our beloved and feithful legjilatve cnunfcliors of our p ovince of toper canada and to our knights ciies and burgefles of our faid provmce to uuf i rovincial parliament at our town of york on the eighth day of ausruft next to be commenced held called and clefted and to evry of you greeting ivuyixo leirous of contramg ta l liver 11 any fpecified quantity of tot c pftl ofuicnav or out of the water 2 point freocnck to be fuch timber as 1 ted for the quebec mariet to cxpj requeftcd to end in tenders by the 2 ihmt at which time cnrticfts will been lered into ldwd laws naval storekeeper itemral pos jji for b a bea whereas by ovr proclamation rln date ilie thirtieth day cf june j f h we thought fit by and wufi ttie ac vice of our executive council to prorogu the ad- e our provincial palbncr to the eighth d y of atijjratt next at which time at our town of v01 k on wee held and contained to appear bat we t dung into cuv royal onfnlevatiort rhe eu and convenianceof our loving fubjec have thought fit by and with the advice of our executive council to relieve yon and each of you of your attendance at the time a- forelaid hereby convoking ami by theft prtfeece enjoining yen and each of you that on the fourteenth day of september next von meet m in our provincial parliament ween n uppet canada his fervicc raav k r tr at our town or york fhere to tike into cmfidcration the ltnte and wetfaic of cur province of uppt r canada and tlnrciu to do a may feem nccflary herein fail not in teftiffiffity whereof we have canfed thefe our letters to be made patent ami the great seal of our feid province to be hereunto affixed witn- fs our ferufly and well beloved sir frederick philipfe robnfon knight comman der of the mnit honorable military order of the baih major general commanding our forces wuhin the province of upper canada ad pro- vi tal ijeuteuaut governor of our faid province at king ft on this thirty full day of july one thoufnd tight hindied and hfteenand fifty fifth year of oui reign f p r wm jar vis secret try 8 montreal and king lion in u twice evry wetk this fervice rray bs performed either by stage vvaggdfis running between thnfe places or with a light carriage d awn by one or two horfes to be changed at certain diftanees when the roads are not practicable for carriage the mails mar be forvarded on hoteback it is expected that the time in travelling the diftance between thofe places will not exceed fifty hours except ia ihe faring anj autumn the whole diftance may either be con tracted for or it may be divided into fepa- rate contras one between montreal and cornwall another between kingpion and cornwall adequate fecunty will be required for the due fulfilment of the lipulations of the cod tract sealed propofdls addreffed to the d poll mailer general of b n america will here- ceived at the general pofl- office until thl ift f next month ct letters to be marked on the cover 44 kiwfton mails 10 3w urriir canada george ihe thirds by the grace of god cf the united kingdom of great britain and ireland ri9 defender cf the at h whereas the adminiitration of 0f government ottniv p ovince o upper can ada i the abfence of our gv and lieutenant governor of the laid province by no royal mivmiions ha devolved 011 oin trufty and well beloved sir frederick phiiipfe kohinfon kiiht con madder of the rriofi honotable mihia y order of the bath major qerral commanding our frcs in the did province we do here by re pure and command all ourjrcer3 and mimtters civil and military and ail other inbbhauts of our faid province of upper camda to heobedieut aiding and affiliing imt liim the faid midland dhtrid j to the next of kii to sungate court hastings carpenter late to rut i of amcliasbtirgj in the us j midland districl mer- cl 2 a n t d eceid g reel mg ttthereas application hat h beea v v made to our surrogate court for m midland ditria by david hencky amtsimimrgh aforefail yeoman for letter of administrntiuu of the goods ebattdj and credits which were of the abvc nafflrf hastings carpenter in the midland tn thefe are therefore to require thew of kin to the faid hastings carpenter appear before me on or before the first t of september next roliring to fhew caufe 1 ohl iaumg carpenter deceafed fi js grantee to the faid david henefev to his application as aforefvl 2ts 7 a 0ile thou eight hundred and fifteen signed aluxander fisue surrogate 6 ii d ha c frkan memicfi one hundred sir predcrn phntpfe robfnlon in the execution of allaud fi-gu- ho the povrrsand authoritjet contained in our coramiuion to our govsmot ff of ou faid province in eftimouy whereof we have canfed thefe rtttr lette be iaje patea end the great s tl of our hv province to be hereuit affxed vvtnef oui tmity and ifell be ed sir l philipte robimoflj knight cutr nauder of the mod honorable miliart- ctder i the buh major gvocal comandfns our feecs wihin ih- province 01 upper can ada and provivional lieutetant troernor cl our loi pro rice at york this thirti eth day oi june one tho iluv eih hun dred and fifteeuj aad fifty dfuiyearcf our iveign f p r wm tart is secretary ii leave king ion every monday wc-dues- raul fridav and saekecs harbot eve- w a n t a young lad about stecn jjxars or arjre a a servant to live ui a fmall family refidinjr in the country application t0 be made at this fhce kmgstm july 25 1815 tnotici notice- nphe copartner hip heretofore cxin under tw firm culbnsun rj iitrdty is this day diffused by mutual content aiid it h icoutilcd durt ail perions iodebted to the faid firm will make immedi- ate payment on or befure the lit day of sep tember njati to james pobinton who is duly aui0ied to httlehll debts dues and df- mauds appertaining to the laid thin james roiunson thomas hardy lost mr patitck smyths store and the govern ment harf formerly occupied by the l j forfyth efq or between that and the elm lyrtg 0 at anchdr a clack morocco pocket boo containing eight f fifo far bills dated about the laft of february 15 together vith about fix hundred dok law ill tens and lives j alfo the regiderof the schooner called the eiitaaimi and jarre ncmher of fores of confide rcbfe mount and oihef ptpersj which can be 0 ro ufe to any rue but theewper- whoever will dehver faid pocket boo frith the monty and contefif- therein at the printing 0scc kiiohot a- jijve iiiforrration whtre it can be obtained fhafl feceive the above cvarq johisi bowslft khfgiinti jvty si 1 8 15 6 the puhlic kingston qibjnnc 3815 5 8tf a r thf fublcriptions to lieut colonel v 4luble farm with building j bouchette yvrefarf 0 and are mprovnenru thereon fa- rrwv 7 m at w hi h wm l ti ri i vorably rtiatfd within 26 mies of kin3- ton perfons d fnour of jiuchaliug to in- pjr f the pri her a tun july io j 8 15 5 tf graphical majts wbeh vtvxi ovij n d at live guineas are now advanced to the london price of seven guineas an will continue n received by his agents- afrtf 22 ibic 47 i is f receive a and for sac at the printiko orncii kinaf- eon 31 reams crown wrapiuiy paper 3i ditto c p di to 2 ditto wntmgpoft no ithm 1 ditto ditto no 2 9 dttq diii arc refoectfully iiiiottnti wt a fm circuhiep- libfiuy i opened nt this rnnce and made aceefiue to all clafte of the community n ie moil rt nfonabletcrm thofe whu wife to take out books vil pleafc to call efrlief oil monday thurfday or saturday between the hours rfene and three oclock at which times due atteri- tiin will be paid to all who nay be difpow to become fubfci sbri there i alio ml btthu office a w number and a eoniiablc variety of wr ren bioka and ufeftil trsstfa fetfawc cd ullicr ivv caih or ciwti rajii rhjjh enomdi cniht be faved in every f jtify 11 uncut ily tofurnilh the7amlr wtb beoanj stationary and it is hoped drat tf 1 fori will be adiamed to cngv k k afl artiee o much needed a friend to eciueationecolkhy chgihn i isfj-