j- r miscellaneous 9 t i trow the montreal hferalfc letter 1il mr editor v j 8 i now proceed to be thofe particular m what i now conceive to be indisperifibly ne fceffmy in the character of a fchoolmaftcf andfcft of all i would lay it down as a maxim that ought to be ftrily adhered to in every fchool let it be large or fmall thai ah inftrnor of youth fnould be a perfon that eminently deferves tecpecx this respect in order to be laftinjr maft arise from a know ledge of his qualifications and moral that may appear wbecompetent for the place and flation which he undertakes to fill otheiwife his claims to refpe will be treated with contempt or ridicnle he muft be a perfon of good fenfe of good moral conduct prudent and diligent and accus- tomedlo govern his paflioiis as well as of good principles and competent learning in thefe qualifications he ought to excel if he be deficient in any of them he is not likely to be uleful in training up his pupils either in knowledge or in virtuous nabits or that they hall be inclined to man- iffft that respect for him and that docility of mind to receive in ft ruction which are ne- ceflary to enfurc rapid progrefs his beha viour in and out of fchoo mould be fo un exceptionable in point of property and good order as to render it unncceifary t virtu- ous parents to caution their children from following his example his command over his paffims for a fehoolmafter muft have patinet ought to be fuch as to fet an ex ample of felt government while his nrmnefs mould be fo uniform and reafonable as to convince at once that he mull and will be obeyed thefe i view as radical qualifica tions in the character of a teacher of youth that ought not be difpenfed with in any cafe whatever though it may be allowed that literary qualifications may with propriety vary according to circumftances and place for it is by no means neccftary that every country fchool fhould require a perfon kil led in greek latin and mathematics but every fchool requires a diligent good moral man that can wiitea tolerably good hand and read well that can teaeh enlilh grammar arithmetic readily book keeptup and the punciplr of geography thefe literary qualifications are neceflary for every teacher in any part of the country nor can any of them be deemed iuperfhious it will tak- no longer time to acquire them at lealt a fuikcitncy on which induftry and applica tion may build a fuper flruclurc than it will take any other perfon of common ingenuity to learn a merchant branch of bulinels by which he intends to make his living peo ple who intend to make their living by any fort of bofinefs to which they give the pref erence ufually take time and ufe diligence to make themfelves mailers of it knowing rhat rheir fuccefs depends on their kill and application why then fhould any one in- trtlde himfclf or be encouraged to come for ward as a teacher of youth without being fuflieiently qualified for the office which he undertakes in fome of our country fchool s we have untaught boys that can hardly write their own names in others we have per- fons notorioufty ruined in morals and fortune thatare neither respected n r deferve to be refpected but on the contrary are the ridi cule of their prjpils and of their neighbors befides thefe we have coxcombs mere ad ven turers who pretend to a great degiee of of learning that frequently to the great a- ffftrfement of their employers display their fmattcsrng ikill in mathematics and the lan guages the melifluoua addrvfsand fermons voice with which thole founding words u mathematics languages are pronounced where no danger js apprehended make them to found in the ear the moft graceful modi charming words that one can imagine the lingular number is too mean the plural la guages gives it more gig n try 1x ami then a little and you will find that their ma thematical learning will lead you to the a- mazing length of the rules of jprogrefllon or pofitin and their languages to a few latin fentences now the only way to avoid employing the ignorant the immoral the empty pretenders to learning in the capa city of teachers is to encourage proper per fon s to come forward by giving tliem fuch wages as may induce them to cultivate their talents and employ them in that way and to give neither countenance nor employment to characters that are unqualified and improper thus our schools would flourifh and knowledge increafe with all its com- mil ant virtue and good iruits far better than can be expected from their prefent con dition in my next if you can bear with me i hall treat of the government or manage ment of a fchool i am sir your humble fervant palemon fodderily ft waa thought neceitary to a- certain the caufe of her death to open the body and as no afteaiori appeared in the hed the body was fir ft infpecled in the viscus was found a quantity of liquor which exactly icfembw brine and the coats of the ftomaeh were fhrivelled like meat in pickle all the other viscera were affected in the fame manner j more or lefs and ofi enquiry it was found that the deceafed was in the habit of uftng g fait in a moft uncommon quantity seldom taking lefs than two oun ces with her daily food and to this wsti at tributed the above appearances which is mentioned as a caution to others tm y herald 1 an tie from the boftdrt evening ga zette saft a lady pretty far advanced in years butof ailrong hale conflitution lately died we are aftured by the bible that there mall be many falfe prophets and hence are taught not to place our belief upon the ran dom opinions of any as to the flit tire yfmong other recent prophecies it is given out that napoleon will now tie the mill done about the neck of england and fink her in tuefea for myfelf however i am tather of opinion wirh a pious writer in the connecticut spec tator who fays- some writer have laid open a feries of ac tions in which bonaparte is again to render himfelf illuftrious in this feries the utter deftniion of th land of great britain holds a confpcuous place but 1 venture to fav that thrir ex- pedtations will be disappointed i inter this not from the prowefs of her navy for this may be fwallowed up in a temped nfe from the valor of her armies for this the yiague candeflroy not from her vaft refourc and immenfc wealth for thefe can take to them- felves wines and fly away but fiom the providential dealings of gd with the n tions of the earth had ten nvhtcous men been found in sodom it had bec fp- cd by their fruits ftiall krtow theiv and what nation of the earth has aoue to much for the promotion of the caufe o god as great britain the righteoufnefs of this nation has rejoiced the heart of thf lab rador while collected at evening afit hav ing fiuifhcd the hunting of the days rea by twilight the oracles of god th hiores of the gafptrain evidence the seal of hofe who preach jtfs tlie hope of glory to hc difciples of the prophet of mecca i ti in- habitants of ganges j of the malab an coromand eoafts raife their hcaits ln g- titude to their btniftcent creator fr he pious charity of britiih fubjcdls 3smzy does there exift a country 11 the world which poffeftes not fome monument of butifh pie ty amoijt the fnltitutions jf this king dom is found a fociety which in the courfc of the year l r 1 3 expended upwards of 300000 dollars for the translation of the fcriptures and for its diftribution among thole on whom the beams of divine light never hone from her colleges jjo forth many faithful miluonaries who preach the unfearchably riches of clr ifr to the heathen on thefe exertions the almighty has fmiled with peculiar complacency already many have forfakeu idolatry and the abominations of idols and have called ispon the god of the fcriptures as the only true god from the coffers of the wealthy of this kingdom rvebeen transported upwards of half a mil lion of dollars to f up ply the immediate ne- ceffitiers of thofe on the continent of europe whom the raves of bonaparte left deftitute- notwithftandtng many perfons engagtd in the government of the country are cbomna- bly corrupt yet as rightsoufnefj is the de- feuce of the nation the avenging angtl will not fpeep her away with the befom of dc- ftruction for the fake of the righteous that are in it 1 there are fome among us who while they make pretenfions to the fympaties of mount olivet and whofe hearts they think are loft cned by the fcenes of cavalry exulting that a fcytant who has goaded millions mould again be in a fituatioa to adminifter the very dregs of the cup of mifery to his fellow creatuies they feel and cxprefs themfelves as though the happinefs of the rational and immortal creatures of god may be trifled with or deftroying at his plenfure for fay they he is the inftrument for deftroying the antichriftian power that be has been a great inftrument in diminiftiing the enomous power of the church of rome is indeed true but whether mynical babylon is to be total ly deftroyeft by hrm is known only to that being who will finally get glory from the wrath of man while it h a fubjecl of re joicing than one great obliacle to the univct- fal prevalence of piety k fo far removed no perfon mould rejoice in the bafe defigns and nnful conduct by which it is unintentionally effected the guilt of bonaptrte in mur- deing fo many millions of the humane race is an abhorrence in the eye of every individ ual of common humanity how then mould the chiiillian philanthropic regard it the wrath of god will afluredly be poured out upon him who trifles with the happinefs of his creatures who wantonly deftroys the hfc which h alone creates who lecks a nicta in of fame w be pe per oo o mocitih emparifon wih hch the deed of the midnight aftaffin are innocent wreign intelligence t parish june 30 vjt prefunie that the frigates winch are to tranfpdrt napoleon bonaparte to the united states of america are waiting at roche- fort the following perfons are to accompany him berrrand sa- vry lallemand labdoyere and many others napoleon bonaparte fet out yef- terday for cherburg accompanied by the duke of rovigo and mar lhal bertrand we know not vhy he chofe for conveyance fo bad a carriage london july 1 the french provifional govern ment loft not a moment to make propofals of peace m otto a name well knnwn in french di plomacy is the perfon felected by them to treat with england hav ing arrived at bologtte he fent over a defprch by a meffengcr addrefed to lord cdftlereagh which reached dover on tuesday morning the tiieflenger was de tained at dover but the difpatch was forwarded to tdwn by mr mantal the agent for packets it announces the abdication of bona parte the acceflion of his fori to the throne and invites england to enter into a ncgociation for peace the courfe which the en- glidi cabinet will purfue may be eaiiiy anticipated from their pad conduct t hey will refer the pro position to our aliies to whom no doubt a like communication has been made and they will re- fufe to trear with any of the family of bonaparte or any govrrnmmr emanating from or in any manner connected with him from mexico comwum rated for the federal gazette erjraci of a letter from havanna dated july 7 1815 wt know from mexico that the inde pendent have at laft formed a congrefs at vahdohd by the concurrence cf deputies tfitm every province in ie kingdom tlkir mauifefto is very energu c and eloquent it feems intended to deftroy party fpirit 2nd extinguiih the hatred eiftmg between old spaniards and natives creoles m it is mo i time fay they to banifli from cur heart that fetal featoufy that ras fo long kept us- sfunder the fate of our ficrsdcaule is al- readv decided every refentment muft be ltifled and d recolleclion of paft events- fo fatal to both parties vanilla from onrs mials linked by the ties of brotherhood let us march into the holy temple of peacey and on the alter of our country let us facri- fite all private hit ere ft la another place they fay policy and humanity have pre vented the capitol and vera cftfti from fal- ig into our hands but foon we will free them from royal mafters and thereby com- plete tire work of our glorious independ ence london july 3 the kings health the following is a copy of the bulletin exhibited yefterday at st james palace to the numerous enquiries by lord arden and the hon- f greville the kings lords and grooms iri waiting and the other attendants ivmdfor cajlle july t 4 u the king has paffed the laft month in ifniform tranquility and his majelly contin ues in good bodily health but without any diminution of his dtforder m h halford wherberden m baill1e rwillis dover july 2 arrived here and embarked laft evning the right honorable lord caftlereagh on board the admiralty yacht and failed under convoy of a frigate it is fuppofed his lordfhip will reach ollend thia evening by 7 cclock house of lords tuesday june 27 marriage of the duhe of cumberland the earl of liverpool prefented a mea- fae from the prince regent couched to the tulowiftg etc5t 11 6ecrgb p r il his royal highnefs tlc princpf aouig in the name and on behalf of his m jetty thinks it proper to acquaint the houfc or lords that a marriage to which ft confent of the prince regent was prevoofll obtained has been fojemntzed between v royal highnefs the dukt of cumberland and a daughtherbf the late reignincr p of mecklenburg strelitz a niece to k jatty and relying on the many proofs tf a fedion t6 his person and family which the houle of lords has manifefttd the prm egent entertains no doubt of their lord hips ready concurrence in enabling fcg r al highnefs to make fuch provifion for thei- royal highrieftes on tliat occafioni as iu and itation may require the meltage was on his lbrdfcpsmo tion ordered to be taken into conuderatiod tomorrow i from the boston palladium jfiiguit k napoleon ii- that whil it appears by the paris papers mat wnue the french houfe cf commons was ftill disputing and htfiiatinr as to napoleon ii a mr manuel made a long atd eloquent fpeech conchiding with a rcfolution for proclaiming the young eaipe ror which refolution vvas immediately paffed by a nrjme foils vote in this fpeech we find the following paragraph m in conchifion 1 addrefs myfelf tdthpfc who appear to think that poitieal motives require delay this discuffmn has fufficicnt ly made known our firm refolution to io every thing hereafter for francef and not ror a family and if foreign powers refufe to recognize napoleon ii there will always be time to take a new courfe no perfon here will balance between a man and twtiity mifmt of men m manuel faid in a previous part of hw fpeech i do not btlievelhat parties are fo numerous and ftrong as they are appre hended to be the republican party jfe nothing thac can give rt to the thougbt that it exifts either in the heads of the inex perienced or of thofe of ripened judgement the orleans party r do they think it unrtff many opinions becaufe h ippears to admit more chances for the liberty and happing erf tht people by the guarantee of pnacipw- and of men of the revolution i conceive it lead very idle to dilcufs this qurfboo fhe royal pary as to that i hafcn prevent a fecorid cnnclufion that mgn drawn from what has been faid in this place we may have among u fome lw o pinion huf ivavf riff rvne thq the end and the means of this partv v to the deftiny to which it woold c f neverthelefs it has numerous falklj at i am far from cenfurirm tud french have embraced thi ia 0w that many of r 1 r i r uectiaraapf of this family prefents a guarantee to the es above their prepdices and peculiar vewi andinca of making a faenfice to the general s ot a nation which above all has need to be free ftrong and refpeed without a efpeded without and have within an energetic government froth the commercial advertifer of au m imc arid important from england and france the hnlic of wellington and field mar- mal prince blucher at the head of the allied army entered paris cri he 7th of july louis isth king of france arrived at hit capital on the 8th and the arrival of the emperors of rufe and anftriawas expect- ed on trie farnc evening lord caftlereagh alfo arrived on the 8th of bonaparte we have no certain intelli gence trie moft plaufible rtrmour refpefi injj him is that he failed from rochefonii a french frigate on the 2d of july the provifional government or commii fion of regency and the tvcr legiflativf chambers were diftblvcd and the minifteri of louis who were in oitice on the firft of ma were reftored to their refpeive of ficfa1 ftmates it will be recollected that lord welling ton in a dispatch dated june 19th flateo the britifh infs in killed wounded and mi sing in the battles of the i 6th 17th aw 8th at r2 or 13000 in a fnbfequentt defpatch he gives the following official turns which make their lofs much w thaj his lordfhip had fuppofed british idled wounded and miffing in the tat ttles of the 1 6th tjtb and rtth rfjf officers killed l8 nonccmmifljon 102 rank and file 1549 offieen won cd 436 noncommifiioned 353 rank w file 778 grand total 8458 proclamation of louis xftlt- louis by the grace of god king of france and navarre 4 to all our faithful suljrfs hem at the time when tmoft cruel t