e- j h enderson y nd now opening at bis store a generil nnd well rhofen aflbrtment of dry goods groceries liquors and hardware also a general affortment of d rugs an d cines amongft which are i camphor opium aloes fhr sulphur glauber salts british oil turingtons dais efs mustard opodeldoc godfreys cordial cloves efs pep mint wheaions itch ointment ghengs worm lozenges coifs pills lees pills antkrfotfs pills hoopers pills c the whole of which he will sell low for cafli or country produce any orders from the country will be punctually attended to and thanks will be returned for their cuftom ki stm august 1 8 1 8 1 5 i whereas benjamin clapp of adolphus- town did on the 28th of june laltj in fiiuate in a certain advertifement phblilhed in the kingfton gazette refpecling a stray mare that t deemed it of too little confequence to infrm the owner where he might be found 1 i think it my duty to inform thofe who are inclined to credit the malicious aflcrtions of b clapp of a few of the circum lances attending the above tranfaction i can prove ro the fatifaion of any perfon delir- ing it trm the following notice va polled up in the molt public places in three differ ent twnfliips yjijl adolphuftown fredcr lcksbuvgh and erneft town for at lead three weeks previous to the advertising of the mare by b clapp broke into the pasture of the sub scriber on the 2th of may 3 8 1 5 ber- ny a likely bay mare flon by proving property and pay ing charges can rake her willet casmr the above mare was at my hcufe on fri day the 23d of june towards night j but turning her on that night and hearing by chance that me was in rh potlefiion of b clapp i fettt him rhe following note in or der to obtain her i was credibly informed that b clapp was feen riding faid mare on saturday morning and in the afternoon lent her to go feveral miles benjamin clapp i hear that there is a bay mare at your place thai broke out of my pafture if it is the one the boy i fend wilj knw hen she and two others broke into my enclosure on ot about the 25th of may the other two the owners have got the mare i have aivertifed therefore i am holdcn for her and i will thank yon to jet the boy have her and the firft time i fee you 1 will pay your demands for pa flu re you wilt oblige me in fending hr 4 from your3 to ferve willet casey adolphuftown 27th june 1 8 1 5 b clapp refilling to comply with the fequeft contained in the above note i im mediately went myfelf and took her away i think it proper to ftate that i had about nine months previous to her breaking into my enclofure agreed for faid mare and her mate for two hundred dollar how ever the rightful owner has got her and t really hope the difturbed mind of b clapp concerning her is now at eafe willet casey adolphuftown a uplift 28 1815 12 fcame in v the enclofure of thettub- sriber about the fir ft of augur inft a imall bay horse the owner is requeued to prove property pay charges and take him away richard ellerbeck kingston j aug 28 1815 123w for sale j n reafonable terms lot no 22 m the ph concession no 23 in the 6th concession and let no 1o in the i ih concession the whole being in the townmip- of laua- down in the district of johnftown also town lot no 382 in the town of kingston for particlurs enquire at the office of al an mclean ffo wm mclean co h avejuft received and offergfor sa the following articles at wholesale 9 viz 3 bales fine cloths and caftimerp joo flannel shirts 200 pair army shoes 25 m quills of a superior quality the cloths are of various colourr and can be alfordcd very reafonable by the bale or piece as well as the quills per thoufand kingston august 20 1 8 1 5 12 jav smith cook have just received and now offer for sale at their store at the house of thomas cook an ex- tenfive affortment of goods of every defcripticn generally in demand j among which are superfine fine and common broad cloths caffimeres wellington cord silks silk silk cotton cotton shawls black colored silk handkerchiefs silk umbrellas metis bed buckskin gloves beaver lined with lambs wool and common do bombazetts bed ticking black and white cambrics white cotton muffin cap patterns black velvets ready made superfine coats wellington cord and nankeen pant loons and veils with a great variety of fancy goods too numerous to infert in an adyeitikment also glass ware crockery hardware and groceries and in daily expectation of sn enfite collefon of books adapted to jbe wftft of every description of readers r gether with stationary and school books eveiy attention will be paid to t may favor them with a call and as l are drrermined to open no acconntn thr gde will be difpofed of at very 1 educed p kingston august 2 t8i5 notice v17hereas a number of gentlei in canada previous to the war tfjjj the u states did fubferibe towards print ing certain bonks in his country whif in confeqnencc cf the war were not nor could not be printed tins is t6 inform tlnrfe of lut fnbfcubers who paid in advance that they may call at mr merrifields in mon treal or at this printing office and take to the amount of their fubfeription in any books or tracts belonging to the sub scriber and the public is refpecuully infijrmedjt that a variety of iifeful books and tracts were committed to my care by different so cieties and charitable individuals in great britain fotee to be fold at 2 moierate price to defray the expenfe of t ran po na tion and others to be giveti gratis for the benefit of fuch as msy be aifpoied to ead i fel truly grateful for the rnarj favors which i have received both in giea4 britain and in different parts ot america and a- bove all i thank that almighty berefator who has continued my health and enabled me to devote seven years of my life o tha employment on which i look back with fat- isfaction and from which i hope esefttiaf good will arife to my fellowmen i am with due refpect the publics mo devoted humble fervant thaddeus osgcod kingston august 28 1815 11 richard smith son h h c n espectfully informs the public thathehasjuft received and now of fers for talc an extenfiveaflbrtment of ave seventy barrels t a r kingston ith august 1815 ijitf r subcribers wm do corfnrrhtion x bufmefs ard ftore and forward goods on he moft reafonable terms under the firm of smith sc cook gyrus smith thomas gooe kingston iztb ang 1815 tttf wanted a quantity of good live geese feathers u which a crous price will be given enquire at this office kingston aug 22 iblf i just received ad for le t the printing office kingf- ton 51 reams crown wraping pap- 31 ditto cap ditto 2 ditto writing port no 1 vnr li ditto ditto no 2 9 ditto ditto uncut goods among which are the following articles viz cloths flannels cottons linens india silk shawls cotton ditto toilonette silk hhdkfs pulicate do do bandanna handkerchiefs fafhionable ginghams ditto lenos and muflins fine muflin drefles ribbons gloves fafhionable straw bonnet3 silk and cotton umbrellas silk parafols black and white silk 1 and thread lace veils j ladies gentlemans i- shoc3 childrens cottdn silk aild worded hofe bombaeene st bdmbazettc printed calicoes j table cloths diapei- and dowlas ruffia india shectirigj threads and lace stationary sauces and picklesj cinamon liquorice nutmegs mace aloes pimento also a general affortment of cutlery groceries hardware liquors kingston ilugujl 7 1 3 1 9 new goods johns finkle have just regievk a general assortment of dry goods and roceries among which are the following articles superfine and common broad clorhs white and black cotton cambrick superfine drtltd and undrepd calicoes black siik madrafs and cotton bandau- fia iiandkei chiefs ui variety of shawls and velimgs large damaik siik shawls french cam brick for handkerchiefs 5 fine linen cambnck and robe paterns black white changeable cold lultrirg twill d sarcenetts black mode gentlemens fine buck doeflcin and b a- er gloves y ladies black white and fancy eolourd silk do ladies fency afforted kid do black blue grrei c scarlet bombaetts white oralioon fiiik velvets- and cotton shi- lings r fine initr lineny iuflia imitation and scotch sheering black and white jeans dimities and black crape t jackonet afnd book mufiins lenoes 3 ginghams ribbons and laces fine plated furr and- wool hats oil d hat covers also hyfon young hyfon teas and hyfon skin pigtail and ladies twift tobacco high proof old jamaica spirits i cogniac brandy holland geneva y shrub port wine the above goods together with a variety of articles not mentioned will be fold at the molt reduced price for cam we tender our thankful acknowledgments to our cus tomers for palt favors and folcft a continu ance of their future patronage ntf kingston 6th august 1815 a for sale valuable frrm with buildings and large improvements thereon fa- vorahly fituated within 2k miles of kings- ton perfons defifous of pwchafiiih to in quire ot the prnite the fubferfter has for falea val able traft of land fituatcd in the firft crfnprl 1 goodell of water lying about t from kihglton on the front road lead through the bay of quinty for further information enquire of b c spencer jdmmmki fredenckfourgh pel 31 1814 tit ntt kjjton julyj difcharged noncbmmiffioned officerj and soldiers who may have been recom mended for receiving grants of land are to repair to cornwall without delay fctotc port themfelves to alexander mdotidlzk fuperintendant of the department for lad ting the new settlers by order of his excellency the provifional lieutenant governor 1 iff f p rob1ns stty kingston ddck tard iph june izl requ1 hed for the ufe of the navat yard the undermentioned sticks bricks 60000 lime 8 goo buffids go sand shi ingles 4000 o 34000 to commence the delivery of the abovi mentioned articles immediately and to con- tinue weekly by fuch quantities asftreu be diiecltd by the commiitioner or oi cers of the dock yard propofals to be delivered into the nanl store keeper gra point frederick 121 for sale a east failing schooner lying at j sackets harbor about 60 tons bur- then she has undergone a thorough pair and corked from keel to gunnel and ft tight her sails and rigging new and in complete order she was built in kjngft and was tailed the elhabetb of ekf when captured by the americans w perfon wifliing to purchafe will call p george armiron or capt vavhn sackets hatborj june 26 i85- for iheoul blooded p rino ram enquire of the printer oift 21 1814 take noti ryhat whereas z jl iigned ascertain contraa jfl bcrputy arrack matter geerar bun ptal fo oods inkingftofttofors ding a large store houfe and hof the ufe of government for the fuiap which the fubfciibers became fecurjf fohave advanced a large furri of tbcj private property with engagement f mentoffome goods tr r4 n the above buildings- this is therefore to requeu oofeiinw or any other perfon not to mafeawfcs payment on tire above buildings unt tlement is made and lawful bills paid o el i emons robert voung kings ton june 18 1815 tf the fubferiber fias now onfiani and intends keepfng ready for fale an affort ment of d bridles whip wfi other artfcks irfually kept in his k his pre fen t means of obtaining workmen ai flock will enable him to fell much low than formerly repairing done on sort notice a metcalf kingftdivjune 12 1815 i l an dfor salt the fubferiber offer for fale tb weft half o lot no 7 in the fourth fifth coneeffion of the townfliip oflo borough with fo or 60 acres tinder gov improvement and r good hand for any p 2ic bufinefs michael sloot lou june 1 2 1 8 1 2- kingston packet james chapman captain his veftel will fail fegulafly j a kingston to sadettu harbor will leave kingllon every monday w day and friday and sacketts harbor ry other day in the week 1 r price will be tw6 dollars fae paitenger kingttcn may li 18 k w ted a young lad about sixteen g of 4 as a servant to live 10 reliding in the country apptoic niai- it this office