Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), September 12, 1815, p. 2

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miscellaneous from the morttfceal tferald letter iv mr editor sir having afletted in my lft tl a a teacher of youth ought 1 1 be a perioi of good nfe of tod moral conduct attd accuftonwd to go vem his pajbous i wil now endeavor to make it appear that at hi pupils ought to be entirely govened by him in every thing that is or ought to be within his piovinee a a teaehet the cad- r vviil obferve that the characiet which 1 have pointed out for 5i uhool mailer is that of a perfon who is worthy nf bcirt trillc d and who not like ly to abife the confidence re poled in him the parent of the children being therefore fatisfied with his charae- and qualifications ought not in any cafe without very impor tant reafori to interfere with his rovcrrment they ought on the contrary to be arduous and earned in impreffing on the minds of their ihilcren the neceftity of obeying their- teacher and of loving him for the fake ot his iilt uclions by fo doinn- the children will be fiiiccrcly attached to his perfon aid co feqncutly je nvre really tc make progrefs in their till dies the reverfe of this however it amolt univerfaly prajtifed fr m their infmcv thildien are taught to dread the fcbool mailer io ihat when thfcy are feat to school they go with their little louw ful of tei roi at t idea of appearing before the hite- jbitefogf by whom in y aie to be taught now this tenor and its confeuuent prejudi ces like the other iupeftitious tales of the nurfery arc not eafiy eradicated it takes fo ft rung a hold of th infant mind that not one in ten will o far overcome it as to love the teacher during the time uterf remain in ichd bclidc- the importance of learning and its gt tat ufc to them aferwards trfvoitdh life i never impreff d en their mind by ma- y parents r that the poor children gen- e ally know ahout the pmpofes for which they are fent to fchth 1 is 10 put them a great put of the time out of the fam ly wiy 4 and when ihcj ae able to b of any ferviec at home any trifling work will he a fufirjep pre en r to keep them out of fchoil fo thai but fev of them ever know till it is too laic tht the item ion of going to fchiol v s to jcafrh tijeif young minds being thus imbued fr m infiiicy with prepollerruis idea concerning teachers feboola and bfcr mug it heafy to conceive how fiom idlrrieffl twitf ignorance ihcy are often ancliacd to bring home to their parents falfe nnd exag- fzfml mmw1 ml teachers the parent mould remember that children judge haitiy and improperly that fometimes tly intentionally mifreprefent thing becaufe they bate lioic who fcftrthi them feel re- fciitrmnt or co rection love idlcilefs and the iudulgocis f home in all thefe ca- had fchool moiuvl not oy any means bt empl oyed and it is equally plm thai the parent who have good teachers mould never dispar age them or make any degrading reflection on them in pretence of their children the mould rather be at icwoe pains in exhorting to love and refpe w heir matters and to b diligent in their ft tidies becaufe they are ty be of great pieafure as well life to them ajj their life tin e in my nekt i mall trouble you with fome oblervations on trie book that are oled in out country ichools i am sir ymr moil obedient iervant paltmon from the philadelphia true aiticrican gelhbratlon of indipendliboj extract from the toais the laft congrcts we have it in remem branch- it pinches onr toes it gives 11s the hv ad ache it ftiurteu our crops of the fioot tax thehattax- the land tax brohts the leather hit we eel hide bound the suufl tax it makes our eyes vvaer the sugar tax we w pujf tbnn no mure the carriage tax a heavy drg the whiiy l huzia for albert the hand writing for the paper tax all thde things jball he vpw the wall the saddle tax thy have rode ua long enough the bridle taythongh irtertnvd to af- te ox jaws we will fpkour mids the whip tax- a hod for the fwg back the furniture tal as mdrcitd as the voracious creditor who takes hold of ewt thing but our beds the watch tax legalized to fuck our pockets volunteers the treafury rats rats feats the nivvyard fire fire fire the army deranged lr lack of depletion the commander in chief run run boys kun r he senate of rennftylyaoin in sefiloii 114 and 1815 we have sms and cannot ftrget the conscription bill engl lift foreign intelligence f do napar te a t to r bat 1 elterday evening it w3s announced bv teegrapn that the dclleroplioq wib at trrbiy and this morrtiug about 5 oclock lieutenant fletcher fjg lieut of tir ii hotham arrived in town rkh defpatcllcs giving account of her arrival at that anchor age with bonaparte and his ftut conlift ng of 4 pcrfous i marfhal count de mrn- thoion marfh bctrahd tlie generals sa to p event a repettioi but rre the generai- ty of patents pudent eiough to do this quite the fetenci thry aie fo far from it that ceiy cpo t of the lite covplaics is received with avidity aud nl only received but riion diligenty enquired for than ever they examine into thei jfogfefs in learning then the poor teacher is caled in prefence of thehildrcr a blockhead tyrant fool he q ght faf fhey to knnvt ihixt oiir ehilden 2rre not to bt puyiilhcdof correct d by futh a mean fruowi being thus en ecortlgd by thofe whofe dity it is to fet a fcervr example before them the little rebels fpnfnf at their teachers and ieer more will they recede ittoftt benefit from their inft ruc tions ve y cifferent would be the ff tr if pjrents i fich cafrs would do iheirdutv f t it i a fr 6i knovvfi to a caehcrs of youth- that when thrrejorts of children meet with and their four children we uu ihjiui tlidt tbc dclcrophon ka been oxltred ruhd to fltnotith anil the mod poiitive nftrirtions hive been fivcn to prevent all intercourfe with the hip that none of the party will be rdowed to come to mere and that no perfons v hatcvr will be permitted to flit theffup st helen h ftill mentioned as tie place of his dedina- it adni ahv oitiee jny 2e extra cl of a liter from caff mimnd of his mtjeffsjjp btllrpln to join wilftl crokcr esq dated in bafirte roads the tlh tuft for the information of mv lords com- mfftmers cf the admiialty i have to ac- ejuaim you that 4 count lai gaffes and general allemand thrs dy cane on board his mjclys llup under my command with 8 propolal for me to receive en board napo- uo enourapcnnt rt home trtey neraft-r- vpy 4icvo irtpu- vards reque milt h puniftirre t or correction 1 f for thpurpofe of throwing irr their ftue attendance at frhool know- on lhc tfoxf of his royal higfe- in- their ftn attendance at khool know ing thaf thy mull be regulated by the tea- chtk and mail irrpliitly obey him u all tlnnga beloiigiig to the fehool they ludy to fiibmrt at oiie and readily to receive his h fliuftions but when their conduct isvin- dia ed and j iftified rhe teacher may correct pjnifn forth and flitter vutil be be grey headed if he pleafe te children of luch pa- rei tf will remain idle ituuoiu and peiveife t ey never can or will irjn4a man who is fit que ily in their hearing called a fool and a blockhead by tfjeir pzreuts the reafon is maaifelt if we cbnfder that all children till tey arrive at a certain ave beeve their pa- rcrs to he he wiled aid the bv 11 in the world corfeauvrtly wh rever they fay mull neccfttrify be right- what then lathe ihfe- rti re thrj fioirld ht drawn hot that as i have alre2 y rlafe the ichool a to the mode ofcacmng i d government fhould be en- tir in dei 1 he management of the teaiher- with- t any foi fgn ierierene that h veatindtacy to we ken lis authority it i therefore plain tsjit a mail who is not o h frle duty for wait o abilitnes or v i j jh u h t ivi want of prudence ana gocd conduce to 1 ewlt- and govern a beta tire prince regent conceiving myfelf authorifed by- their lod7iip jeeret order i have acceded to the propolal and lie is to embark oii beard alia ip tomorrow morning that no mifundehtanding might rrrife i have explicitly and clearly explained to the count las caffcsf that i iiavc no iothoriliy whatever for granting terms of any fort but that all i can do rs to convey him and hibfuit to england to be received in fuch manner as his royal highnefs may deem ex pedient bonapartes letter to the prince re a might gent in conference of the failfbfs which have divided my country ad the hatred of the gicaiell powers u lurope i have tef- mniated my political career and j come likethemiitoclcs to place myfelf under the protection of the britifh nation i place myfelf under the protedion ol her law and which i demand of your royal highncfa as the moft powerful ihe molt coniunt and the molt generous of my enemies asanflatijn oi defpatch- of earl bathurft 6 the lords commiluoner3 of the aftl bebartrhent of war jaly 2 1 mv lcrd having been iniormed to day that napoleon bonaparte has funen- deud himfelf to the honorable cpu mait- land commanding his majeltys hip belle- r- phon his royal highnefs the prince could tie discerned on the wu i t feared like a shpi fym london sun estras ofa letter fom an officer 0 feu jeftytavipjlvo dated a basque ro jos resent baflens to ertihnee the opportunity found the difturber of tli world 1 had been fr aintioufly looking for fjfe of deliveiing the ports of france from the impediments which refult frolfl tfte ilate oi war as much as is compatible with the great board the tfellefbphpn hew board the superb wththe admiral who 0 dered thcyaids io be mantd as a tnaik of that his intention is that your jlovdfhipj fnould give orders rhat all hoftilities again f the coal of france cealc immediately and that liis majeftys veltcls fuffei all french vcitels carrying the white fldg to navigate freely signed bathurst arlhal s01lt has been arrefled at men- desby the national guards ftty the hn mr bagot am- bafladoi to the united mtitet of america proceeds io new york in the lacedemoni an capt jaekcob which is fitting up for his conveyance rcfpe 1 i m wepafrcdclotcbytwbell eraltime capt mitland toldui got bonaparte oh board tint a gentleman whd arrived in town yester day everting aid who left the belerophou ftaies 1 hat bonaparte was ilimblt conftantly upon deck with his gkfsj tve frequently walking backward and forwards in a hurried llcp ail j tncefiantly ta king t himfelf the bellerophon a we fcid yeftsrday has been ordered t- piymohthj where flrict orders hare been iftajd to prevent all iuter- bourfe between the fhore sud the lip the euriofity of all ranks a may well be roncef- cd u excedivc perfus fiom loudon and other parrs re socking down to plymouth though they know that bonaparte is nol ex peeled to land and that they canrtet go on board the iklieiophni- but they can row in bots atouitd the veifcl and occafionally catch a glimpfe of him he is the greatelt pait of tht dy in the ftern gallery either walking baekwaids arid forwards wiih his hands behind him as he is reprefented iii the pictures in the print hops or furveying the hipping and the more through a glalti iu general he keeps alone iicrtrand and lalle- mand remauing at fome dillanec behind him occafionaliy he becons to one of them to point out fomething to him or to make fouv obfervatton he then walks on alone f y wrtimih oatflhw ceiwi than any of his fuit and he pays him great the admiral ndpcleou fulc attention he is in good health as uftl- emperor aid capt m ajjol q x eg 0 on the al he paffes but a hort time at his meals and drinks but little wine he is faid to diink ularly to the health of the prince re ecu co see is frequently ferved up to him deck and when he hrlb came near the land about torbav he is reported to have exclaimed at length here is this fine country adding that he had never feen it except at calais and boulogne when the on- lvuoini that could be feen were the whie and bold rocks about dover he is plain ly dreffedy in genera in a green coat with odt any decorations nnd si cocked haf a letter from bordeaux of the 2th ju ly contains the following 41 the allied powers muft anj will be pnid for the tiouble and cxpenfe incur red 30000 men it is fadv will remain in france fome time unj art aimy cart be rc-organii- ed on different primples examined him as you may be allured with minuteand eager attention he was drefted in a green llhifof th tni with two epruletts and a red collar a broad lafn over lus fliouldef a larre ftar on his left breall white waiftcoat pat taloons booi 8 and a large cocked bt witha tri coloured cockade tktjev the figure aid face inltatjyk was impoflrble for aone whohaver examined the lineaments with attention to rrjillakre them the greateit likenefs is that exhibited in tve priuifhops termed a hieroglyphic portrait c tkcu from the girman with thi rrutio napole on the nrft and the lad by the wrath of heaven c beat rand sarjacy ifhh njaud aid others were with him he ill 3 fent out to capt maitland for permiflion to proceed to america in the frt- gatei which was frfufed but an offer made of referring him n he came out to the aorrji- ral he then alkcd foi a brij and afier- ward- for a fchooner reonefts equally inai mifijble- afterward he iorrred the plsnor going in two chaife marees out of e air ton paflage in the night and being inform ed that this hip would intercept him here- phcd he tlouti try for wt hcuunojs farh fit tfl vrjjeh this heterrrinalwn wa altered probably by rcflains that if taken prifoncr he would have no claim on on g eroiity while by throwing himfelf into of power there might at leal he fome hap j fetting up luch acan he thjnfvrtrm u after threatehhg io free his on boaid the bellerophoiihe ieemed w think himfelf fcmperor taking poffeffion captain m cabin and mortly afterwaf inviting him to dinner when hefiik on board the superb this morning bep the ad empet ed to the admiral and without fu7z a b mony walked into the caning t compliments that he would he ij i with pi him nothin g efc ic hbeghd capes his notice hi arc in every place and on evevy obws t hegrcateil tomoll minute he 71 tz he immed ately aflwd an explanation f tli ry about the hip tt blocks map and yards and aflthemacb paris july is we are ai7ured that thole public osutfi- who were gulled by bcmapnrte will receive is an indemnity ihe half of t lie tr fataries for the w hoic of the period of their depriva- tioin among sfl the dtifcfjfom of the engliili papers as to the place of lionapartcs future rfrdence we believe the mort probable is that which afligrrs to him at lean for the prefenk a ilwclliiifj in the tower of london we are alturecf m a pomttvc manner that the treaty of peace was figned m evening by thi treaty which c6n firms the details given iu our paprr of the 24th it is fard that the tonribhtion6 impfed by thr allied troops will be taken out of the indemnities ilipulated in favour f the powers but the conditiorr which wfil pleafe all good freikrv- men moft is that the integrity of trance is folemnly recognized poiitive news from the army of five lttfre arrnounce fhat tlere was no doubt of its complete fubmiffron since the 18th oflr- ccrsaud fcldicrs bear the white cockade hip he requefted iz rmei to psis fin review before himj tim irfg he aims evolutions drefs j expreffed himfelf highly pleafed heea quired into the fit uat ion of the feamen tw pay prize money clothes food tobaccoc and when told of tfieir being fuppliedbyi purfei or comrhntary aked if he was nata rogue- in converting with the admiral he aid i have given myfelf up to the ejigjilrj- bt k vtould not hayer done it tor any ox hr 0 the allied powers in furrenring tai of therh 1 hotrfd be fubjech to tlk caprii ttttd will of an individual id fiibmiiingi the englifh i plaee myfelf 21 the mercy a ninon adieu r liie following particulars are equally ci rious and rnterellin we derive them froi head quia iters on board th bellerophon il it appears th napoleon was quite eafe on board the bellerophon took f ftion of the captains cabin fans cerimoniti invited the officers of thefhipto his table talked with great freedom on the preleel hate of things and faid it was impoffiblcfa the bourbons to govern france and thai napoleon il would be very foot recalled m trrc throne that jouch was an aft andto tally unfit for the office afligned him acknowledged- that england alone had incd all his grand plans and that but for htt he had been now emperor of the eaft al well as of the welt he walked on tic poop and quarterdeck eomeifed with feamen and aflefted great gaiety and unco cern in fhort fnchm the tavnt of idu a mermaid extra f ram the lo book of the legal tend er t frm 21 40 long 53 on the outward prltage at half part 4 p rtf while laying becalmed we faw fome objeey about 30 yards dillunt whofe upper parts verymu ch refembltd a human being its face being a death like palenefs ft was out of the water feveral feet and diappearcd in about tw mote its lower pl which child and champion of jacobinifin tm before they arrived in torbaf he was codm red by thu failofs on boaiu a devilfhf i cv report made to his excellency a tfafi iff rine and colonics by m de j of a frhate fent upon d tnifts jck- of a f fort my lord i have th honor to r your excellenev an tccomitol the i v tioo that 1 havjcauiacdi relauve to c

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