Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), September 12, 1815, p. 3

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ion n ah which i hive jit it hrcn charged at rocket- ijpoii my arrival at tins r on the mor- pinf of tin isiii i loanud tuit napoleon bonaparte had dcpntcd for england in his briituiiilt mjelys lhp bcllerophoit cap- tain mahand on the 6th of july at half pall one ill the afternoon my inttrncaions prcferibing to rue to have on thin fuhjct jfiv ial communications wih admiral hotliari cotfiiiianding the enghfh ffiuadron i lid llnc d to write to him add res- si j 10 him it the fame time difpatche frorrt mr croker f oetaty of the admiialty of enskridj or which 1 was the bearer thofc letter i were d livered to the admiralty hy iieuuuait fi nnan whon his excellency was nleakcl to affociate wih me it apprars trom tne cufiereat communica tion that i have had with the englilh ad and m the maritime prifcct that napoleon naving arrived at roehcfott on ihe 3d july took up m iefidsuce frt lift maritime prefec ture until the 8ih ptefled by general be- kef who hud bten charged to cfeort and fee hi on hoard and by m the baron bonue- fcuk maritime prefect to avail himfif of try opportunity aifordyd by the wind and tcie he determined i ijiith o erhhak in tne bunts that were wvimg fa him at every tale and repaired at m oclock in the even ine on board the saul and caul d hu fuite to be divided between that f igaic and the mcd- use the next morning the oth he brdcd ftn tire ilk of aix and viiitrd iu fortified tiens ou the icth the wind was favorable for putting to lea but the englilh cfuifers i the bight moon left the frigate but larft fore of escaping lieuen the loh and ith nap 1eoh ftat k flag of truce on boad the englfh ihp belle rophm the generals savary and las casas the flue of truce returned en theluh between tne 1 t and 2th nvoleon h dr- mfrorfi hts brother jofcph the drffulatioia ofthechiiftibivs and the entry of the king wo paris until then bonaparte had of- tokvpreffed tilt opinion that the chambers oud recam him fetfii ifecttfi he wifheci jneauthorities that fur rounded him to be- wio or hecauiefo rchy entertained filch ip- iiihr landed urn the md of u- iuueaid tnci bi w in vt btwcrnvfa 12th a tvvo bt i ivuithcl-r- 4 1v jpiwa r i v t lo i r v ijluthv v j orm by hichit isfun- ll j js f t2l mil u t k why be did not avail h6h of thhe ananye- mets but doubthfa lb y appeared to hun to etq9 hazardous in the night bciiwen the lth and 1410 b went aboard french bi a tepemcr j andon the evening of the igeiifr be for wht had heet wiih a gag on boarjol fttenglifl fqtwdron bviii returned ns- polcon caured hi iuite and their baggage o be embarked in the epervier on ihe 15th in the mpnimg that vefle vaa hfueived makig laii a- ja of tnicc to wards the admirals fhip the lea not per mitting hrr to approach quickly the engius boata met her and transported the paflcngcra ci board thr dellerophon unde theie cr- cinhicea lieu tenant jourdon comnardev bfbe epeivien conceived it his d ty to re- queiana accordingly cbtained fbm he cap- uinoffhe bcllenphon a wite afeilation ofliis having taken bonaparte o board of that veffel oh the fame day a frigate helwtiglng to the fquadron fet fail for england c on the 16th the belwr phod it frt vail athalfpaft oaein thr afternoon the light- nefund the direction of the wind that has prevailed fiore dijcsaot mmil of the fuppo- litip that he could have arrived on the coaft of england be fpie the loh or 6iu t 0nthei7tu the maritime prefc 01 rbchefott addrefled to tie toopsani feamen todet hra ordem a proclamation which in tn ot 11 litgtuag perfo had ure bn fe vavt 1 any fich rochcfort arid hothelleare animated by hebd ifpinti rnd thofc porki which were be lalt under the influence of honaparte have not on that account failed to be the m ft to manifea th ir devohon to the rwi per- on and their joy on learning the return of ouranouft bohnrch to his capital your excellency wjij fii annexed the cc vy ofa letter addctd by napoleon to the pince kfcntof eng which mull have reached his royal highneb through the medi um of the englifh iquadron 1 pray yuut excellency to accept the hom age ox my profound refpect h de rigny french leg ilia ture houft of rtyrefenldliws jtfse 29- count lanjiinaif preiident pre- fcilted the following meflagr from the pro- vilionnry government and the accompany ing docunents air prefthnt the provifional govern meat has not torgotten for an instant that napoleon by his abdication has placed hi m- stf under the safeguard of french honor the firt care was to demand cf the enemy generals safe coriducta for ine protection of hla person on the eth of june napoech d emended that tv o fiigatrs sliuuidj be put at kisdis- position the government ininhdlately ordered the ministry of the marine to arm those two fnvate- lieut gen bdcer tsraa ordered to provide for the protection of tne person of napoleon duhfig the route and all necessar orders wee iven for seenrirg the preparation of relays of hones in th mean tinie napolcn had not pet out yesterday the 28th the safe conduct had not at rive a the approach of the encry gtvirg ltvely inquietude respecting the safety of napoleon the comiuissiohers determined to prfea arew hi departure and positive orders were given to the ministry of the marine thi last was sent to him by the count binrlay the house wi1 pejtceftebv the subjoined copy of the reply of lord welti gton that he did not consider hinuelf swithorifeed to give the -af- conduct rcquctcd and that the glwrirent has performed one of iu mot s a 1 cd du tea in catksi the dparture of fta- pede n r be government infoms th hotife that s p iepn fat out at 4 ovlock as the fubjoiii- d t f gener bekrr fhow ptovu n him a d for 1 family new g66as acivlm iv f 1 prhdenthe afltirance of m hhoa co ni deration dnkeofotpnto paris june 29 cojy of a letter to count frlgflon head quart er jtint 28 count i had the honor to receive the letter of your fxccli my of the zyh i have already wiiten to the coniniflioi a named to treat of peace with the allied pow ers u pon their prop ation for a iuapenli of holliiiiie an ibfwef which your excel- irrcy rhuft hate fltti and i have nothing more to add to it x a regards a paftfjdrt arid fafe couduct nopoleon bonaparte to pr ceed to tht urii- ted statea of america 1 mud inform yo excellency that 1 have no authoity he my government to give any reply whatev tdctich a demand 1 have the honor to be with tile meft di mrguiitied ccfideratin your excellency l tfcoft obedient fcrvant- wellington tofy of the utter of gen behcr dated afj7 maisof june 29 i 15 sift i have the honor to announce to tr provifionary gvcrnrhent that the emperi ha tuft entered his carriage to repair to h deltinatioh offering vows for the eftablify ment of the peace and profperity of france accept sir tfie homage of the ptofund refpect with which i am ybur obedient humble fervant fcount beker kingston sept ta 1815a bortment of h dry goods groceries which he will sell at reduced price for cafh among which are the following articles superfine and common broad cloth sqj extt act of a later from captain john hofman of the fag coromandel to a genilemdn in sa- richardg c lute em dated gibraltar june 171815 fequadron fell in with an algerine fngate about the 17th ikst commodore decatur with the gueirier alone engaged her having ordered not a gun mould be fired from any other hup the enemy endevoied to elcape but hading it impracticable m d n engaged the giierrier but soon struck when w btt black lotion caplorick flie was found to be the admirals hip of white and blue cotton callicee 44 ns the algerines loft 45 men killed cotton sfjaivls including the admiral the famous ris hamed and a great number of wounded the lols of the gueriici 14 wnbnded chiefljr by ihe burllihgofi gun the prize arrived at carthagena about the 19th cat wig manned with 6co men a brig was alfo czpttired about te same time by two schooners between tape de gatt aud cape pales fhe mourned 22 gunai they run the brig on more and endeavored to save themfclvs but nbt a man efcaoed jne was soon got off again without injury ft arrivals from th- eaftward on the slack silk and bandanna handkfs tetlow ftdg do black silk shawls and vales common i silk shawls of all kinds striped cotton scarlet kersey tfllow 22d arid 23d inft we vare wmfoja they wire bodrdd by an aefine brig between our fleet dnd gibraltar our heet muit hive paised them in the night t prfime in a very flibrt time all the algcrines must put into port i inohe fubferiber offers for fale to the b public on liberal terms of ptiyrrnt ihe following lota of wafte lands lots no 22 in the th con jo 9 in the 6th con s wij 23 8th con x no 8 eail j cth con of th tofs- fnfp of jpittfburgh also lots no 7 in the 5thconcefiion no 2u in the 6th concefiion n0s28 2f 3032 3 tn6thco no 23 eail 4 8th conof pittburgh jils0 several lots of land of one and two acres in extent on the front of lot number 24 in the loivhfhip of kihgltori lying and fcituate on the maris of the lake and i ike wife feveral lots of ldnd oi one two and three acres on the rear of the fatd lot no 24 lying and frituate on the road fiom the town of kiigiton to the country the jots arc well adapted from their fituation for building on thtm and for the cftabliftmeiit ot cractiti tht ltuniy cf tr tovn application to be made to the fubferiber geo okill stuart kingjthnt sept 6 1815 4 p1uvate 6ecretahy oltice kingston th cpi 1815 his excellency ttk prvihoiiai lelito governor has beeh pleafte to appoint chrifaophtt alex hlgerriisn efij barris ter at law his majeilys council in ahd fdr the proviocc of upper canada o u yj roke into my enclofufe oh the 3d jl inltant i lage dark bay mare with lome white in her forehead alfo a light coloured bir plorfe witna fmall rear in his forehead the owner or owners are reques- tcd to prove their property pay charges and tke them away john holmes kingston dsp 18 5 r 3 laprtn checks j bumbatettes long and short boots ladies walking shoes childrens shoes saddles and bridle hard and erczvn ware glafs ware t powder shot bdts and lead- tea 1 tobacco coffe allspice pepp red and white flannels furniture calicoes turlington s dr6s britifioil peppermint coin pills icr turkey stripe blue dimity bed ticking velvety v t spirits nailsy hats rrbbon indigo a hfrge qunrttlt of faterit right wheel heads with a vdtlciy of othet ait idee nbt mentioned me bridge augvfl 25 frt j 13 a stray low come into the ehdofureofihe fubferi ber fome time fince a cow she now has a calf about four weera old the ow ner is requited to prove prbpei if pay char ges and take her away mary stickles kingston sept 5 18 15 jw government ic kingston augyi 1 1 1 8 15 all fevfbns having anj right titlci lnterelt ptoperry or clairfi d in lr upon thelanda in long 1 hand wolfe or grand j fie garden lfland and sitnfede lfland fituate in the river st lawrence near kingttoii are hereby direitd immediately to tranfink io me the particulars of the iame djutant gen dfficecf militia kingston 18th aurdft 1815 militia gent ral order s t his excellency sir fnertss p- rohia- fon major general coniinandingj and pro vifional lieutenant governor of t woviice b upper canada has great fatisfadion in pubiiihiig to the militia 0 that province the following cx 4gt of a letier from eail bathuilt one of his majetlys secretire ofscate addrefiedto his excellency fciir gordon drummocd dated downing bfeetp 13th june 1815 v 1 ihould have felt that 1 wels acting uu- jullly t- wards y u and the officer auo men under yur command if i hathforb ine bring jg under the notice of his royal highuefs the prince reguit tlie great and meritori ous exertions fo long and fo fucccufull made by theni for the prelcrvatioi of tl c upper prbvince i am commanded to au- suie you that his royal highnefs ha con- temp 1 ikfaa and ty rroop in prciencc wt mctucuiv uui bf the patience with which the privation in cident to the peculiai nature ot the ilrvicc mzl v v f v rz 4ht mi pxt vv v to tranfink to me the particulars of the iame tnnobticiiig the return of his majelty 0 far- avruhtv apfttwkt vu c ii- ranh m fclriii the acclamation df aluhe inhabit- melancholy acc1dlm togcth with copies of mm dirrded thrm at ihe fame time to af- n monday evenng 4th mft mr m upon which their claim 5- bi directed them at ihe tame tme to af w the white cbckfide the white nag washoifted upon the forts nd on boat d of the veffels in the road on 17th at noon and faluted by the artilie- everfmce the ijth m th baron bonne- ix had manifeilvd his intention to caufe ofc colors to he hoiiled by the troops un- w his command but the commandant of place not having yet received the orders ttlfcd to the generals m the baron de fionncfoux was of opinion that he ought to tot at order to act in concert with that fvj- ntfr ofoctr who foori received from major- eral butrand commanding the depurt- nof fche lower charante orders to fol- low the movement of the marine i ought titit to omit informing your ejfcel y that the wie ineafures taken by m a mwitsetw prefect p major general 6n monday evening 4th inl mr paifjf reed matter of the schooner dolphin puuney ville n t bound to this port j unfortuhately fell overboard the darkneg of the night rendered all human efforts vai to iave hirn from an untimely death and wate ry grave his age 23 year qpf arrldal new york ship govr strong scott 30 days fror liverpool paisengcrsi gov goe or canada and lady r a brufsels paper of the 12th ot jnly tnewions that when the overtures of tne frethl provifional government were read m the council of the sovereigns on coming to tl article respecting napoleons abdication in favor of napoleon llthe emptvor of au tria hahened to say that cogens me 1 recede no napcleoft 1l1 i v forward r ft p robinson secretary wanted we fupported and finally overcome you will ot fail to convey to the trbop9 under your command the ftriigeil beprcs- sion of his pvoyal highnef6 approrrioa and to accept fo yourfelf and the army under your orders that trihmbhy which his royal highneisis foanxioqsto bear 44 0 the great fervice which you have rcu- ej w u dered tyour country nr is hi- r yal highnefs mfenfible to the merits of fhe inhabitants of upoer can ada to the great affiftance which the nmiia of the province afforded during the orces for f he fupply of his majeitys t at this port from 10 to 12000 pounds of pocd merchantable fresh beef per week deliveries to commencn en the i ft of be ember next and t6 be continued to rh jtfl march 1816 propofala fdr the above fupply will be re ceived at this 0we until the til november next on which day perfoiis having tendered vill be made acquaint ed with the refult of their propofals cortmjfariat office quatetermsithe high tenfe which he entertains of their iefvicesas having mainly contvn ted to the immediate prefcrvation of the prov ince and its future fecurity by command of his excellency n coffin 1 23 adjutant gen of militia town lot iu kmgjtyn l lib sep i3i or fale a town lo near the french church en on re of s bartlet kingston sept 1 8 1 13

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