e- henderson a has just peceifep nd now opening at his store a general and well fwefl aflcrtment of dry goods groce liquors and ihardware also a general afiortment of drugs and medicines amongft which are camphor opium jilnes fhr sulphur glauber salts british oil tu rlinglon s bah fs mustard cloves efs pep mmt wheat on s itch ointment chengs worm lozenges coifs pills jsrs pills anderfuns pills eooiers pks c i opodddoc godfreys cordial the whole of which he will sell lew tor cafh or country produce any orders from the country will be punctually attended to and thank- will be returned for their cuflorn kingston a 2 s i r 1 5 1 whereas iyenjamin clpp of amphns 3 town did on the 28th of junelall in sinuate in a certain advert ifemerit pnbliihed in the kiugfton gazette rfueing a stry mare that i deemed itoftoo in tie conference to inform the owner where iht might be found i think it my duty to inform thofi who are inclined to credit the malicious after iton of b clapp of a few of the circumilances attending the bove trail aion i can pi vc co the fati faftfon of any perfon delir irig it thai the following notice vas polled op in the moil public places in thi ee differ ent townfoips vise adolphullown freder ick burh and erneft town for at lead three weeks previous to the advertising of the mare by b clarp broke into the pasture of the sub- scriber on the 25th of may 815 a likely bay mare any per- son by proving property and pay- iws ittigt lake her h1llet case1v the above mare was at my houfe on fr day the 23d of june ourds nig lit 5 bit miffing her on that night and hearing by chance tbnt me was in rhe pftjcfcorj of b clapp i fent him lhe flowing note in or der to obtain her i was credibly informed that b clapp was feen riding aid mare on saturday morning and in the afternoon lent her to go feveral miles benjamipi clapp i hear that thee is a by m re at your place thai broke cut cf my padure if it i the one the b v i nd will know htr she and two others brokr into my enclofure rn 01 about the 25th of may the ether wo the owners hae got the mare i have aivertifed therefore i am hoi den for her and i will thank you to let the by have her and the firft time i f e you i will pay your demands for pnflnre you will iblige me in fending her from yours to ferve willet csey adolphuftown 27th june 1815 b clpp refufing to comply with the requeft contained in the above note i im mediately went my i elf and took her away i think it proper to tlate that 1 had about nine months previous to her bi caking into my tnclofure agreed for laid mare and her mate for two hundied dollars how ever the rightful owner has got her and i reamy hope thedillurbed mind of b clapp concerning her is row at eafe willet casey rfdoiphrftoivn ausuf 28 1815 12 just received and fok sale at 7 his office websters 4 spelling books murrats grammar and a great variety of b00ks f children for sale n reafonable terms lot no 22 in the ph concession no 23 in the 6th concession and lot no 20 in the 1 ith concession the whole being in the townfhip of lans- down iu the district of johnllown also town lot no 082 in the town of kingston for particlnrs enq lire at the office of al an mclesln efj kingston august 281815 z smith cook h c thomson notice amon 0 kingston bth august 1815 i tit wanted f or the fupply of his majeftys forces at this lt from 10 to 1 2000 pounds of rood merchantable fresh beef per week deliveries to commence on the if of de cember next arid to be continued to the 31ft march 1816 propofals for the above fupply will be re ceived at tins office mail tire ill n- next on which day pevfons having rendered will be made acquainted with the refuit of their piopofals commiffariat oce i4tf khigj ith sept j 8 is- j b 1 received and for aie at the printing office kinef- ton jl reams crown wraping paper 31 ditto cap ditto 3 ditto writing poft no 1 velum 1 1 ditto ditto no 2 9 ditto ditto uncuu fresh meat he subscribers keep connatly for sale on the market grounj adjacent to the main guard every defcr of frefh meat fuch as beef motton and oth er kinds in their proper fenfon tlhey w ill alfo conftantly keep every kind of vegetables where fuch as are difpofed can be fuppued by calling at the faid rand n b prime beef at 6d per lb soup do at d 1 do john young george charles kingston aug 22 1s15 ntf government houfe kingston auguf 2 i 1 8 1 5 ll perfons having any rigt title jntereft property or claim iv in or upon the lands hi long ifland wolfe or grand ifle garden ifland and simeoe ifland fituate in the river st lawrence near kingrton are hereby directed immediately to tranfmit to me the particulars off the fame together with copies of the docurfnents up- upon which their claim h founded f p robinson 1 2 secretary a have just received y nd now olfer for sale at their store f at the house of thomas cook art er jp tenfive aflortment oi gooos of every defcription generally in demand j among which are superfine fine and common broad cloths caflimeres wellington cord silks silk silk cotton cotton shawls black colored silk handkerchiefs silk umbrellas mens bed buckbkin gloves beaver lined with lambs wool and common do ftombazettsj bed ticking black and white cambrics white cotton muflin cap patterns black velvets k ready made superfine coats wellington cord and nankeen panta loons and velh with a great variety of fancy good too numerous to infert in an advcitiicment also glass ware crockery hardware and groceries and in daily expedition of an cxtenfire colleafen of books adapted to the taile of every defcription of readers together with stationary and school books every attention will be paid to rhofe who may favor them with a call and as they arc determined to open no accounts their goodl will be difpofed of a vey 1 educed pjjjts kingston august 28 1015 jy trayetgfrom the plains near king flon on thnrfday ith sept inilsrt ahtrge coivy of a light bay color the entw of her forehead white wih fc vera j whit t fpotson her fhouldersand feet with a laigg bag and a long white tail and from 5 to n years old whoever will have informatioi at this office refpectiur the laid cow will behandfomely rewarded ictii september i he subctibers wiii do comuviiuoii x bufinefs and loie and forward goods on the moil rcafonatile terms under thf firrr of smith si cook cyrus smith thomas cook espectfully informs the pu 1 oli goods which are the following articles viz cloths flannels cottons linens india silk shawls cotton ditto todoiktte silk hhdkfs pulicate do do bandanna handkerchiefs falhioirabie ginghams ditto lenos and muffins fine muflin dreffes ribbons gloves fafhionable straw bonnets silk and cotton umbrellas silk parafols black and white silk 1 and thread lace veils j ladies gentlemans s- shoes childrens cotton silk and worded hofe bombazeene 5c bombazette printed calicoes table cloths diaper and dowlas ruffia sc india sheeting threads and lace stationary sauces and pickles cinamon liquorice nutnvgs mace si cloves pimento also a general affortment of cutlery groceries kii ngs the fubfcrlber has for fale a v able traft of land fituated in themc ceflion of the townfhip of fredeticklw dtional being part of the homeftear with good buildings thereon erc-cled- good well of water lying about 28 mfc from ringfton on the front road lad through 1 he bay of tiinty for further information enquire of ton july 1 7th iii difcharged noncommiffioned om and soldier vvhoay have been reej mended for receiving grants of lard m to repair to cornwall without delay tor j port themfclves to alexander mbonell fiperintendant of the department for lot ting the new settlers by order of his excellency the provifional lieutenant governo- 12 f p robinson kingston doci yaru w l 181ft eqljlliedforthe ufe of the m yard the undermentioned articles bricks 6ooco lime 8000 buflicls 34000 to commence the delivery cf the abore ioned articles immediately 4000 do sliingles 1 mentioned articles immediately and toenn- tinue weekly b lueh quantities as tall be direed by the commiilioner or ofi cers of the dock yard piopofals to be delivered into the naval e keepers office point fedeiicfc12 store kecpe 1 a for sale schooiicr lying hardware liquors kingston avguft 7 1815 fast failing sackets harbor abotit 60 tons bur slu has undergone a thorough re rom kec to gunnel and j id rnrxifg neantl then pair and corked fire tight her sails an built in king complete order she was bunt m xvmgu the elizabeth of kityfa 9 was perfon called ew goods hen captured by the american m erfori wifhing to purchafe will dah upon george amiiron n gapt vavgh urge sirmjirong r jnps r uugu sacktts harbor june 26 1815 4 mmmmmmrm ohns flnkle 9 he not have just recievjd a oknfm assortment of t dry goods and hat whereas dan t au aed a certain contna deputy banack mattef gttjj rh dwg a large store houfe aarf h b the f of government f f lichthefubferlbersoeeaes follave advanced a large 7i private property vvuh enga among vhkhm the follog fij m this is therefore to requeft p orany other perw not f groceries c 4 articles surerfsf and common broad cloths j white and black cotton catffbrieks superfine drdfd and unditffd calicoes black silk madrafi and cotsou bandsn- na handkerchief tu variety of shawls and ve ft in g9 tjyge damafk silk shawls french cambrick for handkerchiefs fine linen cfctnbtft k and robe paterns black white 8 chhiieable copd luftring i twilld sarcenetts payment on the above bkfizffl tlement is made and wfit bill uaid off black mod p gentlemens rme buck doefjem and bea ver gloves ladies black while and fancy colourd silk do ladies fancy attortcd kid do black blue grren h scarlet borrrbazetts i white fhailoon silk vcivets and cotton shirtings line infh linen ruffia imitation and scotch sheetings black and white jeans dimities and black crape jackonet and book mtjflins lenoes f gingfiams ribbons and laces fine plated furr and ool hats oil d hat covers also hyfon young hyfon teas and hyfonskin pigtail and ladies twijt tobacco high prof old jamaica spirits cogniac brandy holland geneva shrub port wine the above goods together with a variety of articles not mentioned will be fold at the moft reduced prices for cafh we tender our thankful acknowledgments to our cus tomers forpaft favors and fohcit a continu ance of their future patronage kingston 6th august 1815 9f eli smons robert yoofc the fubferiber has not and intends keeping ready for tale an 1 ment of sa ddlesi bridles an spurs mth other articles nfually k ia tt his prefent means of obtaining workmeaand lock will enable him to fell mn than formerly repairing done oil ftort notice a metcalf kmgfron june 2 1s15 4 land for sale the fubferiber offers for fale weft half of lot no f m the fourth and fifth conceflion of tbetownfiup of lough- borough with 50 or 60 acres under good improvement and a good hand for aor pob lie ouhneis michael sloot louvhbi 6 outrjoroafffj jit 12 1 s 1 c i kingston packet a for sale valuable farm with buildings and large improvements thereon fa vorably fituated within 28 miles of kings ton perfons deiirons of purchafing to in quire of the prniier kingston july 10 1815 james chapman capta xhis veftel will fail regufaily w kingston to sacketts harlot m will leave kingftoii every monday wedo day and friday and sacketts harbor 1 1 r 1 ry other day in the week the price will be ttvd dalian fcr it pailenger kingston may 12 1 8 15 wanted a young lad about siflftfj x a n srrnt to live in ba of j l7 appltio 5 tf refuling in the country made at this oflice kingston july 25 15