Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 24, 1815, p. 3

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ii troops wil quit fiance leaving only the number necflary for the maintenance of in vernal tranquility a letter ftom vienna oi tlie 28th tilt fays when the intelligence of napoleon hav ing furrendered himfelf to the euglifh arri ved here the emprefs went to bade to pre pare the archduchefs maria louifa for this itv she received it with irmnefs but hut herfeif upin htr apartments we are allured that he will fdort leave badsn to re turn to the callie of shoenbrunn she has forbid the perfons who attend on her fon to inform him of the events which have occur red in france it has been reported that jofeph bona parte was discovered and arretted in paris a journal added that he was guarded by two gensdarmes the following is anotuer ac count which we alfb give without pledging ourfelves for its accuracy a letter fiom gcx dated augrift 7 contains the following ijoiiph bonrrpnrte who arrived fecretly fome days ago in the pays de vaud vs aw tefted oalhetiht of the 3d intrant at the chateau alitmatid ftear holies tlie or- her had been pent from berne and it was colorel brand a the head of a company of the st gall csrsbinerp who executed it jofeph had gone out at a private door try ing to efcape but percmngy the chateau iu- roumled he returned into the house to ccrt- a fomkr groping with h riayonetin the dark wounded the fugitive who had fquatied down in a corner in the hand jolsph ioti a confiderable quantity bf blood by tli accident which can led ttito to faint vht colonel vsiz fbl funher cr- tiers to difpofe of him paris av i ceol inm fef sjnguhr cbaratlerk norwich weaver 44 peter minn died jin that city on w ednefday lad at the advanced age of nine ty four about fixteen years ago he bot 119 oivn coffin which fitice that period he hasconftantly ufed asaclefetfor his urcviaa i the door hei- imvea being fi executors examining his wooden habitation however previous to his remains bciricr dofited in it they discovered that the worm- had already commenced lu attack upon the bottom and had cotrnniltid fwch ravages up on it that it was ncreffary to call in the aid of the carpenter to render it fit to receive the mortal remains of its future tenant the nahd truth a fcenc of rather a angular nature took jace at gnnaby a few days ago a ividoiv in order to inmfj her jjumim command from the debts of her fist huihann il ripped herfeif completely na ked in her houfe get out atthe window and was there then and tn that ftatej received in to the arms of her htmcfed in the prefence of ttth fubliantial wtnefiiea and a few coventry peefingtm and til is he was conveyed into her houfe again at the door by this htttful pei formance were all fides perrectly fatukd with rhe beiefu of the a whe ther there be leally aiy ftalatsw the ad vantage of which is u be gpt in fueh a way is left for our renders to determine ldlc jug 1 6 he duke oi baflhlo accompanied by hii family afrlvcd on thj 10th abtfiit noon at friboufg under the f of an officer and f government st bros nplcr the fubfcrber refpcafi ftifimis his 7 son ddlor p beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have joai received di- recl from london and now offer for fale a very cxtenfive afibrtment bf merit a continuance of heir favour is the fibfcriber3 ivim to clofe his tt dry goods vera gendarme if geneva his arrefc h b hemiita of zmichtook plae iri the following manner the iiin which m maiet w having bee fjrroundrd widvit nolle he c ooth arms lahcdoyre heird his fenteuce read in pr- td to efcape by abak door he was hurt in ferwith great conrpofare heafiied cspt viotti ifje had twenty four hours to appeal on hempr anf i h fud wat k kifzkns w a aifured that the docurnent were yeflfrday diiveied by the clerk to the council of reviron and thatits decin wil be given t- day ai thefe proceedings relate folely t forms the pnfoner cannot he prefent thefir council of war is ilveady eic wkh the rjfuir of genel- drouet mar- m ntry general dehille and others will he fueceffively tiwd by the firft ad fecoiij thincil sarfc olt yv mcmkhas bc 1 1 tt tltety lie fcafl rcti- j nhis liaics at til mul otar co ft res hwe fee b to terrain under tic tnpjimten- zxjti flverof the cknera police cording to the oruiuauce of the 74th of ihe fmpcror of ruflia vifited the ivhig france yellerday at one oclock paris slag 20 yedetday evening colonel laboydere ar rived on the fpot defigned for his ewoiiort where he fell oil his fcues and received the blefliog of the confetor who accompanied m after which herofe and without wui- tinff for the bandage being placed over his eyes bared his bofom to the veterans pin pointed to fhoot him j and end out sar tmt vjt mc manque pas above all do not mifsme in a moment after he was no more the oilers who were prefent had declared to matwe marrt that if her hatband woald furr- voluntarily they would treat him wit i refpcs bt that they woid look upon hin as a prisoner if he made rtiiftance fnnendered and was afterwards carried by way of fnbcurg to berne kinoiron october 1815 hardware groceries liquors of which the following are a part i ladies figured and plain iiik handkerchiefs do black 1 do do madrafs romal and pocket do india flag and bandanna do black crapes black and light colored fewing milks k twist t black white mk gloves black and white filk hole vvhite cottons dark and light erotmd calicoes black and white lace veils black and white cam brics toilonette and mofeille veftfngs i ginghams cotton shirtings jack nette tamboured and book mufiins leno and muflin dreffes tamboured and mull viorj robes fewed cambric do large india fik shawls fmall do do do buff and purple cotton do liack and white cotton hofe i black vvorfted do ladles habit kid and bea rer gloves gentlemens bell buck doe 8c beaver do gentlemens patent filk and lea ther sulptrnder broad and narrow linen diaper bed ticks and brown hollands i ruftia and imitation sheetings black and colored bombazettes broad clths arid flan nels colored and white thiils floe and tcarfe cotton cheeks and iiilpes thicad and cotton laces gentlemens belt beiver hats j korath beaver and wool do boys do and do do ladies fine beaver and ftravv bonnet london fafhion i lace kij moroc- co n iather slippers girls rriorocco bcol anu ponteo gentkmeu i one ana cbaiif shdes 4 t 1 tbfc bible sir william jonc- c on the bb is we worth prftr3 havelayihe stationary i fine fooifcdp and letter pape duwbrfh is wed worm prer t havemayiht aill munaya sivellioe books ttfuameius lerruiauy ato u io ital the iflv i wii usj i til o i 11 c j and dbles children hlorv nooks bami scriptprgf and am ox opinion that t tls vu urne ijcpclhiy of its divine ovinia cor- tain3 more fublimity and beauty more p mtlitv and fine fnaitw of pouy aind than can b collected from all other hooka in what age or language tlhey mav have besn com on fed eloquence rf v wt montreal oct v il vvj hear that sir george murray va bogvivelv appointed govenoi qeuetal of britifh america on the 2s of july after hii appointment he fetos for pris to ay his refpefrs to the duke of wellington w- whom he rand on the bell terms qilex murcwy and red ink powder black and led seung wax and wafers in lia boxes black lsad pecii h holland otills groceries c loaf and mnfcovado alifpiee pepper- statch and tig lilue i nutmegs cinnamon- mace and clones bloom rsi tin fine ctsrranta madeira port ten- eriffe wine peppermint obidial bran dy gin and spirits pigtail and plug to- hncco enlilh soao and candles wiiu- transited for the n t evening post london dug f jjted gn the 3d infl strjearit aitsijfe mcdoaoin his jsth year this worthy veteran inliiud in 1757 in the 78th or frw rr regiment in v hich he ierved at the taking of louiiwg ac quebec in 1 763 he was drafed into the poth and ferved in the 9ce a very refpeftablc female of the ihaud of drttcd inip the mil ana tervea in tne ae portseajil is faid lent on board the north- camgns dtirm the j xli tftarfrtrtfart u the late general pievoh in laiolna and umberland before the departure of that ves fel a tteat number of religion books 3 a prefent to bonaparte accompanied with a luitable paffage from the new ttdament s a long letter in which it is recommended to ftudythe holy scriptures and to devote tlie tell of his life to piety end teligio of ijofidov jlllg 2 i in order to fecure to us the poflcffioi canada in cafe of a rupture with the uni ted states government has given orders to bold upon the ukes new vefteu and gun boats fuit able for the navigation of rhofc wa ters every tiling nectitaiy for the arming and equipment of thcie veifels s preparing m england public funds three per cent confols 56 78 j do induced 567 omnium 7 ii premium georgu in 1799 he was drafted from the 60th into the 41st rcgt in vvhich he ferved till awgift 1 3 1 1 wo w was ahatged after a faithful fervice of nearly 55 years hrrnld at gonrock scotland on the i ft drc 1814 gillts mc kechnie aged toifuppoled to be the lad of the warriors that fought w prince charles tn the year 1 745 and tor whom the veteran declared within a few dy rf hib death that he would ftill rght to the latl drop of his blood 00 t concfoiden- a fiotfcrifei w too late for this days gazette it hall u in our ntxt margaret lyellof the town of montrofe tot young woman of whofe extraordinary fcmnoletjce we have already given an account completely awaked on the 8th inflant when mi complained of pala and giddinefs of the head and gret weaknefs she retains no ttcolcdion of any thing that occurred nearly about the time lhc awaked lie concei- v the night to have been very long and her ep uneafy fiie was therefore anxious for qa prom the time tlie firft ilept june 5 at two a nl to the time file fpoke on the 8th inftat is forty days with the ex ception of five hours and the few hours he was awake on the evesing of friday june jota during which time she appears t have abswbed in oka foaadeft fleeo 200 dollars rezoard w ost on thnifday the trjh ft ei- f iherin ike ftiecu of lcwgllon or 0 the road towards encll town a ifj mtmw pocketbooh containing army wiu and other paper 0 value only bfe owner whoev- la fod the fame and will bin ft m the pnnte to mr sheilf stuart v tetve the afee tht faid biua ran he of no ofe except t0 the owner their number and defer pnofl he- v vn and meafures havng been eadv taken to ftop pa meftt at the a rut office confemurtly any perfou kmptopafsthm fraudulent vll able to rea and tnal fur felony for soap s britifh and caitor oil eflence peppermint and liquorice gait 5 tuikey opium hardvarc c cloth and shoe vru flies baft tooth db i lierth do broom head ladiei tortoife shell and horn combs ivriy and da drif do ojatd and hrwfs candjfehuks j snuifers and stands cupboard j chetl cloiet vd pad locks brafs cocks btatt and tcon butt hintrfs do h l io stiuup lions bridle fittts nek and horn handle table jvnivea and forks jack and pen ilulves paor krge and fmall sciffora hoc knives pincers rafps and hammers leel- yards atd fcalca maudfttj and ficfeles i mill do and files cod and hambra lines fnufl boxes slaving do with and without glaffes decanters tumblers and wine glaffes earthen tea pots j fugar bowls mvk ptts urge and fmall cnps faucers watch chains feali ad keys finger and ear rings j window glaf putty paints green blue yellow and white lin feed oil spirits of turpentine pow der and shot c c 23dgaober 115 2dtf come into the pcifeflions bf the fub- fcriber fome time in january lalt a i year old line back heifer as i am very anx ious the owner ftiourd receive he he is re- quefted to call pay charges and take her will as it ormer bufinef as foori as poffible he will thank thofe who are indebted to call and arrange their refpeaive accounts h c thomson 23d oa t8i 20 tflerfeas robert wiuihtone f t his majeftys juices nf the peace vefiding in the tdwiifltip of ernefc townl did uridtfired on the twelfth int decla- to heriry lahet of ernca town that he wifhed to fell hii farm lying in faid town- ihip and as he had previcufly made an of fer to fell it to the faid lafher which h had declined accepting he ndw prepofed to h t him have it at the apprifal of three mm to be by them appointed affixing as a reafon for his wiflilng to fell that he was buidincr fn ei nel town village where he intended to remove and therefof- wo dd be driahte to occupy it after aa uigent perfukioi aid confidenng the prcpofal as hc fir lafher con fen ted mr williams then av ed whom they fhould apioint as aitpzrrs r lalher replied that mr williams might make the rod appointment which he accepted and accordingly appointd mr bowcn aylswoth to the stisfairn of mr lafar ifhb then appoiated mr an- drew milltr to thii w fhould next have frlrcled he would refign to mr laflur his right of appointing the third and laft aoprifer upon wliiih tlie fatct lamer made choice of mr colin mcken- zey mf williarns then bbftrved that mr mckenrey was an honcft acquirable man- and indeed that he thought that thev had cliofcn three if the inoft juft clndid merii vnom they could have found the i wilrtarn and lather then agreed that on the rtth iift the apprifeis inouil meet or the puroofe of aoaifing the faid farn winv aportfal the faid william pledged hs w ro and honor to abide by which wa alio done by the faid laner oi rhe ijrhrhe apri- fers met and after the faid wikots and lamer had related the zgrtemctt as above dated and again p1c3gei ucr id and honor to abide by the deciiion of the faid appriftrs they proceeded t examine the fdrm and its appurtcnaaces whit h being completed they retired to difclofe their opin- ionuto each other when finding that ucf exihed a fmall difference between ttemvasto itr vdlle they requeued faid vv uvkani and lafher to fekafc hen frti therr nfori to this iequelt faid williams replied thai let their deciiion be as it would they fnotrla not be cenfured by him and defned then on the fixteenth to reconfidcr the fahjtct wills whieh they finally complied- oi he h c- teenth they accordingly met and at levti came to an unanimovsa deciiion which vhey communicated to faid lafher and wluiaai when- fktvithlandihg hi former aeclaratl- oxs the faid williams decla ed that it ws the mcll erroneous the moll lafiealfy deciii rt that ever wk dt could be formed by thfee men ot judgment henry lathers boweh aylcsworth colin mc andrew miller away immediately kingston osoher 2 18 15 arfoy i- upori fiid lafheis fecpielling poftiflidrt of faid fjrm faid williams anfwered that he ihould not abide by their partial decifnn the faid lalher thai offered to the faii wit- lians tc have the fame apphiera forn to which the faid williams replied that neittar of them regarded ati oath and that tlvy vtcc all no bctcei than perjured yefons already and that cither of them wmdd lake a frvic oath co befriend one neighbor more tha -n- qthef here i lengthy paufe erfued chi- which the faid williams appeared like a mad man void bf conference at leug ft fliruck with re nntfe at the iniquity of his deeds and dellrous of regaining hilod credit which be attempted todo by fiying that lie could not and to fell his farm f r the fum allowed ts m t by the apprifer until he had received by robert graham lhe nf of lt vriloe of tw0 or t ban- dred dolvtrs and if the faid lafher would agree to irtit he would hind himleik to abide by the appnfal fr ttiis ljtioralle prop fi- tio the faid lamer thanked him asbring him at the fame time that for the future atf connexion fhould he broken off between thcrr and confidering it our duty both to qui felves and to the public to make known tl abne mentioned circumibnees we accor ingly haxc hereby done it bowcn aie5worth colin mkcnzey andrew milter 20w3 painting all kinds of ornamental paintw gild ing and varnifning done with freataefs by the iubferiber at his puop over mr geo ii mc leans stre all prions wlfning tohc sleighs signs chaiis sec painted mull call within 3 werks from the prefent date as he will take in no work aei copal varnifh and fome other articles in his line tor iale chester hatch kingston october 24 it ijjf 20w kingston 0 sober 24 1015 20

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