tuesday october 31 1815 volume v kingston upper canada printed and published bv stephen miles pklcs four dollars per annum r4 tcrtw of the kingston gazette rpmcf four doll ins per annum l4 txehnlve of portage 76 in advance 5 at the end rf cu month- and 76 at the end of vbc vcar wanted price of odvcnfng in the gazette siiues and wider 26 firii inlenon and ift every fnbfi quent ten lines and under 34 full infertion tjnd 18 every fubfequent ten lines and upwards 4 per line firft kk tion and 2 per line every fncceeding infertion acvertifemenfg unaccompanied with wrifc- ta ledums are infertcd till forbid and charjjld accordingly whereas rfe my wife has bsbred herfelf in a vei y unbecoming manner without trreleaft provocation 1 heieby for- bid all pei f jns milting or harbouring her on my aceont as 1 fhall pay no debts c ler contraiug after this date aaron hill may be agreed upon 3000 cords of good merchanta ble eire wood and soco bundles straw to be delivered during the months of au- gutl september and october following perfons dkpofed to conra for the whole or a reafonable proportion of the above quan tities will be careful toexprefs in the body cf their fender the precife periods of delivery and it is to be under lood that no propofal will be accepted unlefs the names of two ref- peftable perfons are given as feenritiea for the due performance of the contract to be entered into tenders will be received until the 25th auinift next inhabitants of our 3lf kingston 03 1 2 1815 iqwp i let the he houfe given tnd mmustmm os 12 1s15 for one year and poffeflion firft dav of november next 1 prtmifes of the lubfcnber on the fronl rosd m adolpluiltown orrin ranney found in the itafate w ttie lub- faffiet about a week ago a large bay horie 8ma j his eft eye the amasx t rwjuefi- w to pove his property pay charges and teke him away john size commiffarlat office on 30 9w sjil eft n the store of the subscriber about the fourth may laft five packages marked l h t the owner of the aforefaid articles is requefted to prove the ofopertv and pay the iwcefiary expence p saml merrill c for b bly put chafing to in- 5 tf j stolen r rvfrer carnage lock here tt wy whoever will give m be found will be handmely tgg j erg q 1 r 6t t for sale fv elegamt town- r c wooden 4cj n ked good time inquire at this oiuce 8 for s in the west half of lot number nineteen the fecoao coneeftbn of the town hip of krgfton aply to the piinter kirtfim ju iq tjjjji g tf wrt ed immediately a cook chamber maid and kitchen maid none nerd apply nnlefa well icejmmended inquire us kiivilon hotel kingston april 29 115 at r walk 48 to perfons dtfiroua of ijuirc of the prnier a ingston july 10 1 8 5 rvdvlrtirvmni th e fubfci iber offers for fale to the public on liberal terms of pay meat the following lots of wafte lands lots no 22nn the 8th con no 9 in the 6th con s weft 7a 8th cortv no 8 ealt 1 5th con of the fhip of pittfburgh also lota no 7 in the 5th conceflion no 26 in the 6th conceflion nos 28 29 30 32 3c 33 in 6th con- no 2 fall 4 8th con of pittiburrh also several lot of land of one and two acres in extent on the front of lot nilmbef 24 in the townihipof kingftou lying and fctuate on the hore of the lake and likewife feteral lots of land of one two and three acres on the tear of the aid lot no 24 lyin and tcituale on the road from the town of kingfton to the country the lots are well adioted from their fituation for building on them and for the eltablilhment of gardens in the vicinity of the town application to be made to the fubferiben geo okill stuart kmgjlon spt 6 tsie 14 sheriffs sale midland dhtrtd t y virtue of a writ of 3 13 fcri facias upper canada george the third by the grace of god of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland f king defender of the faith whereas the adminilation of our government of our province of upper can ada in the nbfence of our governor sod lieutenant governor of the laid province by our royal inilruiona has devolved on our trudy and well beloved sir frederick philipfe robinfon knight commander of the molt honorable military order of the bath major general commanding our forces in the faid province we do here by require and command all our officers and miniiiers civil and military and all other faid province of upper canada to be obedient aiding and affi fling unto bun the faid sir frederick philipfe robinfon in the execution of allandfmgu- lar the powers and authorities contained in our commifuon to our governor of our faid province in teftimony whereof we have caufed thefe our letters to be made patent and the great seal of our faid province to be hereunto affixed witneis our trufty and well beloved sir frederick philipfe robinfon knight commander of the moil honorable military order of the eath major general commanding our forces within the province of upper can ada and provisional lieutenant governor of our faid province ft york this thirti- cth day of june one thoufand eight hun dred and fifteen and fifty fifth year of our reign f p r w m j a r v 1 s secretary 6 naval storekeepers office kiiistvii loth july 1 8 k qersons defirous of contract ng to de j liver in any fpecitied quantity of white oak and pine timber prior to the doling gf the navigation in of out of the water at iint fredenck to be fuch timber as is fit ted for the quebec market to export are equeled to fend in tenders by th 2dn- ftant at which time contrads wiil he en treredinto edwd laws itf naval storekeeper uwer c4nada r p robinson 7 p lh gov 5 george the third by the gace of god of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland king defender of the faith to our beloved and faithful legiflutive counfellors fjf our province of upper canada and to our knights citizens and biifgdfci of our faid province to our provmeial parliament at our town of york on the fourteenth day of septem ber to be coriimnced held called and elected and to every of von candles by wholefale or retail for fale at the cor ner fhop oppofite the new market houfe by john young who keeps conftantly on hand as niual at his butchers shop frehs btcf and mut ton price of mutton hind quarters 7d fore quarters 6d or 64d by the fide s beeps wool fur fate as above kingfton sept 25 1815 1 sale two potash kettl i entire of the subscriber in a dolphustoivn or at the print ing office n hagerman kingston igth august 1815 1 itf- new goods johns fi have just recieved a general assortment of d goods and g i flued h k ags i i rags cash and the highest price paid for cle fvn cotton and linen r a g at this office otjantity oe writing paper of quality no i and no 2 pm sale at mi office whjfr- 47ti out at to wit 3 n t th fuit of jam p2 greeting whereas by our prociamahon bearing date the thirtygrft day of juiy laft we thought ht by and with the ad vice of our executive council to iwtogttlj our provincial parliament to the four went h day of seotember next at which time at our town of york you were held and contained to appear but we taking i our royal conhderauon the eafc and conveyance of our loving fubjeas har of kino aoneouan ngainft the lands stfit w and with the advice of our fftis rf js lw the town- txec jl to reheve you and each sfttowoi yeoman tome direa- l 1 have feized and taken in execution as 1 blank summc or the district o urts xx this office for 1 l th concelfion of the townuup 12 m the hxthcoueeiu or k6 togeoic on ereftcd f see that on the fame 1 d um g longing d l i t town y biaacr the goal d mn t he november net at the ho dock in fak will he made place ue comttlkh vl klwvv czmtes stuart sheriff f the subscribers have or ualj quantity of vtrv eyrclht e t v j xv french branva cy will sell cheap for cah which c yonj of your attendance at the time a- 3refaid hereby convoking and by thefe lprefenee enjoining you and each of you that n the nineteenth day of odwber ntti vou meet 113 in our provincial parliament t our town of york there to take into feorfi deration the ftate and welfare cf out faid province of upper canada and therein to io is may feem neeeflary herein fail not in teftimony whereof we have caufed thefe our letters to be made patent and the great seal of our faid province to be hereunto affixed witnefe our trufty and well beloved sir frederick philipfe robinfon knight comman der of the moll honorable military odcr of the bath major general commanding our forces within our province of upper canada and pro- vifional lieutenant governor of our aid province at kingftott this feventh v day cf september in the year of our lord one thoufand eight hundred and fifteen and fifty fifth yeari our reign among which are the following articles superfine and common broad cloths white and black cotton cambricks superfine dreltd and undrefpd calicoes black silk madraft and cotton bandao- na handkerchief iu variety of shawls and veftings large vatnafk sik shawu french cambrick for handkerchiefs fine linen cambrick and robe paternsy black white changeable cold luftring twilld sarcenetts black mode gentlemens fine buck doe- kin and bea ver gloves ladies black white and fancy colourd silk do ladies fancy aflbrted kid do black blue grren scarlet bombazettf white fhallojn silk velvets and cottoo- shirtings fine irifh linen ruifia imitation and scotch sheetings black and whitv jeans dimities and black crape jackonet and book muflins lenoes i ginghams ribbons and laces fine plated furr and wool hats oil d hat covers jlsq kyfon yourg hyfon s teas and hvfonskin j plug pigtail and ladies twift tobacto high proof old jamaica spirits 5 cogniac brandy holland geneva shrub port wifie the above goods together with a viety cf articles not mentioned will be fold at the molt reduced prices for cafh wt tender our thankful acknowledgments to our ens- torners for pad favors and folicit a continue ance of their future patronage ktroston gtb august 1813 91 f l j lost june abaf horse with aftar ij hij forehead three white- teet a bufhy main and a hort tail whoever w refuwl the laid horfe to tbn mfljor cobett hall be handfomely rewarded kings ton august its 1015 illfi ioo b al and t i tons hard soap for fale by the fubferibers very low for cash richd smttrt sl son vi r it ivn- rvu