Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 31, 1815, p. 2

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oil c the uibfcribcr ttpect fully inform hisl friends and the public tht he ha entered in to copart nelhip with mr george h det- lor and that the bu finer will iu future be carried on under the the firm of tho m 5 0 n de tl g r he returns his unfeigned acknowledgment to thofe who have fo liberally afforded him fupport and hopes tfiat the new firm will mei it a continuance of rheir favours as it is the fubferibers wifh to clofe his former bufinefs as foon aa pofliblc he will thank thole who areindebted to call and arrange their refpeclive accounts h c thomson 23d oct 1s15 20 1 hereas robert williams one of vv bimajefly8jnftjceofthe peace rcfiding in the fownhip of erneft town did nndefired on the twelfth infl declare to henty lafhei of ernetl town tlnt he uifhed to fell lis farm lying in faid town- fhip and as he had previoufly made an of fer to fell it to the faid lamer which he had declined accepting he now propofed to let him have it at theapprifal of three men to be by them appointed afligntng as a vea for his wifhing to fell that he was building in erneil town village where he intended to remove and therefore would be unable to occupy it after n urgent perfuaiion and considering the propofal as fair mr iaher conferred mr williams then asc- cd whom they mould aptoint as anpricr mr laflier replied that mr williams ifiight snake the full appointment which he accepted and accordingly appointed mr bowen aylsworth to the fufadion of mr lafher who then appointed mr an drew miller to this appointment m williams readily agreed obierving that he was the very per fori whom he himfclx hould next have fjeckd he would refign to mr lather hi right of appointing the third and lad appriier upon which the faid lamer made choice of mr colin mckvfi- ey mr williams then obferved that mr jmckmzcy was an honed acquirable man and indeed that he thought that they hail chofen three of the mod juft candid men vhom they could have found the laid williams and lather then aer thomson dehor itibuc miscellakkous kh pypocrhcal preamble tlz t vl i s iv a a o eg leave to inform then friend enfl mg its public that they have just received di rect from london and now offer for u 3 very exteniive altortment ot dry goods hardware groceries liquor of which the following arc a part 5 ladies figured and plain filk handkerchiefs do black do do madrafs roma and pocket do india flag and bandanna do black crapes black and light colored ftfwmg silk twist black whit- filk gloves black and white filk hofe white cotton dark and light ground calicoes black and white lace veils black and whit- mi- bric9 toilonettc and mofeille veilings cinghams cotton shirtings jackofette tamhowred and book mullim leno and muflrn dreftes tamboured and mull victory robes i fewed cambric do iarg lfsditfilk shawls jtnatl do do do buff and p rple cotton do black and white cotton hofe black worllec- do ladies habit kid an- bea rer gloves cjetfsea belt buck d e beaver do gentlemens patent filk and lea- ther sufpenders broad and narrow linen diaper bed ticks and ibrowri holland ruffiaand imitation sheerngs bladt and colored bombazettes broad cloths anc ffen- nels colored and white thr dj n and coaife cotton checks and lirip tkead and cotton laces gentlemens hell leaver hats koram beaver and woo do bovs do and do do ladies one beaver and ijavf bonnet london fafhion lace kid mcroc- co 5c leather slipper girls morocco boot and bootees gentlemen fine and caarle shoes 0 i f from the cofammmi mr phillips speech gmtvmd it is through the introduclion of mr fa- ion the fon of a moll resectable lady then refident fn tamole ilreet and a nearrelamc of mr guthrie that the defendant and this unfortunate woman fir ft became acquainted to inch an introdudion the lliadov of a lui- picion could not poflibly attach oecnpied in fate profeflional purfuits my client had lit tle leifure for the amufements of fociety however to the protection of mrs fallon her ion and daughters moving m the firlc circles unftained by any pofiible imputation he without hefitatfon entrulted ail thit was dear to him no lufuicion would be awakened as to any man to whom fitch a female as mrs falion permitted an intimacy with herdaugh- ters while at her honfe then and at the partes which it originated the defendant and mr guthrie had frequent opportuni ties of mcetinir who could have fufpcted that under the very root of virtue m the prefence of a venerable and refp ftable mat ron and of that innocent family whom flic had reared up in the futtfhiue of her example thf miill abandoned profligate could have plotted his iniquities who would wot ra ther funpofe that in ihe rebuke of fuch a prefence guilt would have torn away tiie garland from its brow and biulhed itteif into at a mhrmce trom mn guthrie mh h hifhand upon uir ift atici eiitirtnir fmo a high fcwr peoi the virtues oft domelhc life and the oi connubial hapmnels i fo been any icieaufjealufy 7 have baiiifiied it und the pjm r m have buinfiitd it iid the idiud w1uu nag worfc than fceptical which 9 js m om credence to his f urjjc htrj poffible dren urtvci virtue but the depravity of this man wai of no common dye the afylum ot ini locenee wag stationary fine foolfcap and letter paper dilwcrths and lui spelling book tefiarrenra and bibles childrens story hooks hack and red ink powder black and ted selling wax and wafer in tin ixnte black lead pencik bell holland qnill t that on for groct tries n c fhe 14th it n the 3ppvifero ibould mert ft the nnrutfe cfappaifmg the faid frrn which appriiai the faid williams pledged his woid and honor to abide by which was mlo done by the faid lahier on the 14th the apii- loaf and mutcovado sugar aufjce peo er starch and vi blue nutns cituarnon mace and clove bloom rai- lins line currants maili- ptt ck pen- crifte wines pfnoermin ordil eran- feleaed only as the fancluary if hit crimes and the pure and the fpotleis chofen rs m af- fociates becanff thy would be the more un- fufpected fuhiidiaries to his wickedneti nor wa- inn manner and his lniae iefs f ted than his fociety to the com raiment of hi objecb if you believed hhnlelf the figtit of iuiteriiig aftecled his nrvth the fcare lnvntion of immorality fmote upon his confcieue y an intrrcouiie with te conti nental com cs had rdsiied hi- mind ifto a pair- ful fcniibility t the barbamna of ireland and yet an wtunt tendemefs towards lii native land fo irreitflbly impelled liini to im prove it by ilia otideiicc that lie was an hap- lefs victim to tie excels m i111 fceings the exquiiitcnefs of iiis polifh and the excellence of his patriot ifra hs eirglilh eilite- he faid amounted to about iooool a year and he retained in ireland only a trifling jocol more as a kind pflruil for hie need- god gentleman where the heart o nuts guilt as its afjociate hnw ever aj emotion flies before it ourdy f rd wasatceneto reelam if it we thisremorlelcfs dtlndnnt admitted t fathers table under the field of hofnu he law a young an lavelv f p ded by her parens her butwd and the prop ot thele parents aje the itw t that huibaivis love the anchor of thoui rlens helpleffnefs the facred oh rft mettc circle giving their fmile kjfa jj their bids its being robbed of wkfe the little lucid world of their home nqfl come chill uncheered and colorlefi f he faw them happy he faw them united bleffed with peace and purity 3fl tu throbbing with fympathy and dimmed in love depicting the innocence of i and the joys of manhood before the veuer ble eye of age as if to foften the farewell c one world by the pure and pictured antidr tion or a beitrr yet evn hre hid m very fun beam of that happiiufs tiie tew pf it3 dellined defolation lurked jul hea ven of what materials w39 that heir com- pofed which could mediate coul 011 the mir ier h fuch enjoyments which vmebut crld not fofcei nor peace propitiate w bwlpilalifv appeafc but vhich mi the ver 7 beam and bo lorn ot its benciacioi wiwtj a id vv uud itieli into a more vigarom ift om was there- no fympathy in the fasti was there no remorfo at the crie i m th e no horror at its con fej uences were honor virtue conicicncc a exiled was tin te 116 pity no reviitiflg tnit to ftiow the parent c fondling n child m then paint the ruined fair and ifej deliiiiction wild he was at that frfa rg i a even within four ili ge ri 1 ok n7 no tnerr deftr uction dap he deliberately rcluccd rj to childlefuefe that huand to wtdown thole fmfturg iufantf to vtcipated g orr nnl nifiil hofnitabls conwt- hs value they requeued faid wflliarr and lamer to releafethcm from their oifice to this requeft laid williams replied that let uicir decifion be as it would they ihcxild not he cenfured by him and defired rhem or the sixteenth to reconlider the fnbjtft with which they finally complied on the fx- teenth they accordingly met and at length came to an unanimous deeiiion which they communicated to faid lnlher and williams when uotwithftanding ilia former declarati ons the faid williams declared that it was the moft erroneous the moft rascally decifr n that ever was or could be formed by three r9 of judgment henry lafhcr bowen aylesvorth colin mckenzey andrew miller ion did laflier s requeuing poiteflion effaid farm aid williams aufwercd that he fhould roi abide by their partial decifion the faid lahef then offered to the faid wiu jbaros to have tl appriaers lworn to which the faid wiiams replied that neither 9f theii regarded an o an that they were all no battel than perjiin prfons already and that cither of them wod take a falfc oith tobefrend one neighbor iore than an- ctber here a lengthy paufe enlued during ahich the faid williams appeared like a nad man void of conference at length firack cj with rernorfe at the iniquky of ha deeds and defirous of regaining laisi loll credit vhich he attempted tn do by faying- that he could not afford to fell h form for he futn allowed by the apptifcrs until he had received by the uie of it the talue of two or three hun dred dollars and if the tid lafher woalcl agree to- that he would bind jimfclf to abide by tiie apprifab for this boncrj propor tion the fsid lafiier thanked him ituring him at the fame time thai for the futue wl connexion fliould be broken cflbetween ihc and coiftdering it our duty both to our- flves and to the public to make known tha above mentioned ci- cum dances we accord- shell and horn comb fvory and dasdrif do plated and brafs candleflicks snuffers and stands cupboard chett rlofet and pad locks bnf cocks brafs andiron butt htflgas do h l do stirrup irn si bridle bitts buck and horn handle table knives and forks jack and pen kernes razors large and final 1 sciftors hoe knives pincers rafos and hammers lev- yards and feales hand faw and field ei mill do and files cod in hambro l fnuff boxes baying do with and wjtout piaffes decanters tnmblern and wine glaftes earthen tea pots fugtr tvovs miik pots large and final cups pantets watch chains fcals ad key f rrer and ear rings window glafr pitty paints green bke yellow and white linfeed oil spirits of turpentine pow der and shot c 5 c 33d p 1 h r r 20tf pain fin n a ll kinds of ornamentnl painting gid- ing and varnifhin done with neatuefs by the ubferiber at his mop over mr eo h mc leans store all perfons willing to have sleighs sign- chii s sic paired muft call within 3 weeks from the prvlent date as he will take in no work after copal varniih and fomc other articled in hisli lie for fale chester hatch kiron ofrjjiyr- 24 1 8 r c ow j the nly have beeby done it bowen aylesworth colin m andrew miiler publtjdtd and for fale at this office price 13 life and dying speech of joseph bevir who was executed st kingston on monday the 4th diy of scomber 115 for the murder of may beir his daughter written by hhnfclf nuhtlt fn prijan cj frtbe profits drift mg from this patngwet after defrafthg the caper ecu are intriiitj for the benefit of his- unfortunate children wtpre- fume all win are eharltai lfcfcd wiil cat ami pur chafe one oftbs bool r sept 26 blank ua1l bonds an shekllfs salf t it a sales 1 lofophc profligate only retaining trie vices and the name his rafhnefs has led to the ar- reit of crimes which he had all ilia turpitude to crfmrni without any of iiis talents to em bellish it was by arts inch as i have allu- ded to by pretending the moft uriel mo rality the moft fenfitive honor the moil high and undeviating principles of viuur that the defendant banifhed every fitfpicion of hi defign at he a3 appearances went he was exactly what he delcribcd himfelf hi prcteniions to morals he upported by the mofl referved and refpefbt behaviour his band was lavifh in the di mi but ion of his chaiite and a fplendid cpuip ige a numer ous retinue a lyllem of the moft profule and prodigal expenditure left no doubt as to the reality of his fortune thus circumftarfced he found an eafy admittance to the houfe ox mrs fallon and there he had many oppor tunities of feeing mrs guthrie for between his fam an 1 that of to refoeftable a rea- tive a mrs fallon my client had much arsivty to increafe the connexion they viiiied together fome of the public amufe- bientu they partook of fome of the fetes in the neighborhood of the metropolis but on every occalion mrs guthrie wai aecempani- cd by her own mother and by the ulpedla- ble females of mrs fallons family i fay upon every occafion and 1 challenge them to produce one fingle inftarice of thole inno cent excuriions upon which the landeri of an interfiled calumny have been let loofe in which this unfortunate lidy was not matro- nied by her female relatives and thofe fome of the moil fpotlefs characters in fociety between mr guthrie and the defendant the acquaitance was but flight ufmki one occalion aone they dined together it was at the houfe of the pluinttfs father in law and that you may have lme iluftration ot the defendant charader 1 hall briefly in- itance his conduft at this dimer oil be- inir intioductd to mr warui he apologi sed for any deficiency of etiquette to his viv- its declarirg that he ha j been feriouily occu pied in a ranging the affairs of his lamented father who though tenant ft life had con- tiaed drbts to an cnormona amount he had already paid upwards of iooooi which honor and not law compelled himto difchirge us cct foul hccoddnot hear that any ftiauxbfe uniuftly b h family hri flie promia f k retiung be would eompofe ktrhf ed 0ra lie would and wh departed fome what abrpt r letters i poft office fa what john are you he returned and ftekr they felon parted even lor a tjj out that token of affection igjj nut gentleman that you mav fp lad y s c he proceeded to his companions with no ther regret than that necefilty for a m forced hun from a home which the y afrclioo had never ceafed to endear to fe after a day however pafied as fuch a da might be iuppofedto pafs in the fiowoffjjl and philosopliy of pleafure fee returned host to thare his happinefs with her wifut whom no bapptuefs had ever been perfefi alas he was never to bchpld her tm imagine u you can the frenzy of hi all 1 foment in being informed hy mrs puflff the daughter of his former landlady that a bout two hours before flnj had audita mrs guthrie to a confectioners hpthitt carriage hid drairn up at the corner f tfte fliect into which a gentleman whom sks recogniaed to be mr sterne had had her and they milantfy departd i a tell you that there ii every reafcn m v that a female was the confidant of the con- fpiracy what a pity that the tj8 oi that guilty confidence had not fomeihio- humanity that as a femae hesd not w for the charafter of her fex fhat aa furroffj a hclplefs family what jaugs fpared ther she did not mourn over the not have 1 my client could her nn lauef fe dead of nvlt he tutted into tff t f its aw in vi did he awake the peaceful w t the horror llrick mrs fallon n the parents of tae mile able h mingle the teaw of animpottft igie in vu a hufcidve maniac ni he if m the iileut ibecr mf the mctropi d her with the f viitue from i ilum it own ruin 0 hf i will not drtcll upoatril

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