Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 31, 1815, p. 3

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k y will m i tttp r v vith ir r im r ie fui ii ine vmi ke rat of the hey which m banlfcri hllll toilet l h ti dawned returning vvictch- t to his mated dwelling gain in every i t memorial of bis lofs and hearing tnimclcli objeci eloquent of his woe iwiittc y lcr lu rev h ifef iryua to rluaie himlelf ii was all a vilion and aakull d y to the hon id tiuti fov hi heipn is children afking him for tncir ooihei gentlemen this is uot a pie- t of the fancy k litci4tty occurred tinre is fomclhing jeca of romance in the re- fj i itii which hii ehitdfen awrkened in the mind of thviv ihicicd father he ordered thai they should be immediately habited in rnivornlog htw rational ibmeiirm s are the ravings 4 mivnity for ail the pui poles f ikrnaljifef pool innocents they have no mthcc her to guc no more can teach her itinera move car ttii 1 them for them there 1 tan peculation in her eyes to them he life ifc jbsnethwg worfc thaa death er it liii nvtui ive had yiwui d her fuith she mom befurc than shrouded all in in the guilty burden oi its pacelef fepulchre better tar belter ttuir utile feet had im w- ed inhim funeral than in it the hoar hich laught lif value should reveal iter vice ticu toi yard bytng the fewdatiou di the prbpofed lnltitiitton this however yon were well aware re- quired to be done with the lcafi poftible lofs of time as manyof the fubfciibers in ccn- fequence of the peace were on the very eve of returning to britain a few days it was h ped would be fntfeierit for this pur- pfc and at all events in the courfe of a few weeks the greater part of the fubferip- tiwns might have been fecurel but in place of thi three months were allowed quietly to pafs without one decifivc meafme being a- tiopted akhoiighj on the improvement of this precious opportunity it was evident the ittefj of the whole plan mifciially depen- det- tray gentlerrcn explain to the pub lie what was the caiife of aivi fatal in activi ty by this time many of the fnbfcriber3 had 1eft the country and others were daily netted to leave it at lit on the silt fleet gobdnefo to whcc ia deigned to promif- to madarot lavcoyeie hie protec tion for her felf and her child at fix o clock when the king returned from his exciofion the mother of m labedoycre was m the court if the chateau to make a new attempt upon his mijdtyo perceivieg that meafurca were taken ui pirvent her from entering into the veltibtde m from renewing a fcene as painful as utelefa ihe retired madame labedoyere the mother was in dep mourning col labedoyere was condemned yefterday fix o clock in the eveninsr resectfltejly cqaint iheir friends and he public in genera- that the have recommenrcd bufines in tht cw houl pear walkers fxotl whef ill v have ment of i aeries at g j tjspcuicm iu avc it rt iiu on tne llt of july the trearurcr viis directed to col- jict the inbferiptions but relthcr has he thought proper to aft whether any fcri- 1 tins or whether it pt g rouiniu hi lofs they might have bleifei hei memory and shme need not have roil ed iistirc iito the fountain of then iorrow as toon a his reaioji became iusiciently collected mi guthiie- puffiied the priigreli otib diflieiilty occahone ras nitrely an cvahon in order to exen himfeif foih any tuble after he had ac cep ed of hi- office yet remains for that gen tleman biflutli to explain being ihh deeply impteftcd with a coti- viefbn of the extriiiive utility of that fyitem of e fuicatkiil propofed to be canard into ef- uix by the fociety i cannot withont much retort courteous tt is remarkable that the last divifion of fieneh pnfoners left dartmoor depot when thejfr party of yn- enean prifoneta were tnatctiiug in the french hen gave the americans thrre huz zas by way oi welcome to their new abode on saturday wt twejtrfl divifin bffrencji pnfoners arrived at dartmoor fom ofterid and wei e received jnr the jcft american di vifion at the prifon with the retort courteous on hand an extensive atrt childens bed beaver bmnrt- rcntlrm ns beil beaver call v roram end hu mens youths and bys wool hats xjkewftc ladies ans chiiden xondon falhonable boftnet fcther and i rimming of the follovirg colours black while blue rowr ftuple and drab which they offer w aiirl letail fr ca fh as cheap as they can be purchafe at montreal n b cam pad for beaver muarat ffn racoon skins kingtlon 30th oa 1815 21 tf 200 1 reward of the fugitives he traced them fucceflivelv regret obferve gentlemen that yuf mytte- ko kiidare to citaw wttrfird milford rious inactivity ha txwole to the mjf im- haven whe they embarked on tmoueii wales anu h rally t liiaeombe hi devon- fkkt where the flue wa toil 1 am glad that willis route and re ractnels if guilt as the ciimc t pr perattd was foreign rathe foil they did no nke thai toil the leeae of ita habitation i will not fllow them thrum- h usujoyieis journey njr brand by my record m tsacoafeioub fcenea uf it3 pduticii but phnolophy never taught the pulpit never forced a mvre imperative morrbty than the itinerary iuhat acciufed tour promulgates utl n there he a maij or matron in the id andbakneiwg between th altermfue of vir- iifard of crime trmbing between the ncil l tne ledueer 41uj tnea4iote er and the hea- minent danger and ptrhapa to final rrfm fchene which promiled itomeufe advantages towards promoting the eduction of rhe iij- iog eenerattoo in this part of the province i hall conclude or the prefenr fr i nm not yet done hy calling on yu an gc- tlemen and a chriitians to cooie forward and cdled wlt yet ma be obtained of the fabferptons and at the fame time ex plain to the pnbiicy what caufea have tuther- to prcvcnisd this from being done 1 am gentlemen yur obedient fgrvanfcf c depot from oil end exaclly on that day twelve month when the lalt divifion quitted it to return to france in 1814 london poper r 1 np j immi 11 11 i married in this town on the 220 in i by the rev gi o stiiart mr matthew burnet to mils elizabeth silver by licence communiuted red morocco poikkook 0 at muni cat i on t ubscrtsbk 1 a pre r ftle pientaland fu nuptial herpauk upu this one uuc i the ten liaesare here iiegible hiaiu max edjendus ln dbhurt tjtne after mrs guthrie mh- oiu oi her chamber iuu the drawing vomn m hang jirfdf m ag y uvonth- fc j left my home where i whs hippy a w9f leducetj by a man v h hay dcti- m pcr hisb md my dear child- tfu 1 f thev would even let my little avilliam live with me it would be lome con- fbhtun to mybrkn heart tiftfa norchiden movecm lie oehold fiiends nor lacked ivme ent find 7 rus- tm the miumnu ijijirta v school society reported more of louis xvlif from the philadshbta democratic prefs lull as our v ipev wa gng to prets we pvrc favored ih rhe following vrjy important note of prince tiieyrdij lo miriujers of he allied lowers communication thurlow 25th or i3ie died tjniverfally regretted on the morning of rlic 22d iuit at his farm in sidney near the river moira after a hoi t and fevere illnefs dodor seth meacham aged 47 yeara he refided in sidney and thmlow for up wards of fourteen year3 pad during which time he exercifed his prdfefhan as a phyfi- cian with great fnceels and general fatifac- tiori to the public hi ws muvh edremed bv all who knew him for lis ftrict oiaclice at of thofc ttioral and focial duties wuiefl in- containing arrry bills and other papers cl value on th to reward the fad bills can be ct nn ufe except to tne owner their number rnd detcfipijun bc- ing known and measures haying been at reatfy taken o flop payment at the army bill office confeqiuntly any perfon at tempting to pats them fraudulently will be jiable to arreft and trial for felony kingston oth 03 jnic 20 map of the u stattf and the canadas to die public r to- nor kingston october 31 f o t a y for tkk gazette h editor l fnve the en net to 0ve i he note m lreneh w23 received by a rcforctime merchant of ttlfi cuy heh ed in a lelki treun liis conerpondeut at llochelle dated ith auguft by the fchr seiby from nam the gentleman a roclielie ieceked the note of prince talleynnd from the piefec of his dcpatmert wbvtold eim tltat it had been fnt it- a circular form to all the prefects in france at ihe bbttdm of the ehelofed note is memorandum to this erfect a favorrble anfwet has jufl bben received from the allied powers this memorandum probably relates to the point of time at wnich the gen tleman s letter ia dated au io fpire rereih and give true dignity to the man his death to the irvbtrnts of rhe adjacent townfliips alio vviil be mu fevere felt having bctrfl at all tima readv and wil- ling when called upon to give me itol aid ti ilte poof at well astollie rich he las left a widow and fuur fmal chihhen to mou n the 1 fs of an aff ctionate hufbaud 5t a mofl tender and benevjunt t avent the remains of the lamented doctor mea cham were hitched in the burying grouuj at thurlow on the afternoon of the 2 d in- fbrt with mafonid hottors attended by a numerduo train of friends and connectiou8 the fobferiber acknowledges with gri titude the liberal patronage he haa re ceived from his friends and it public to rhe maps he has compiled of the fate d new york upper and lower canada and to acquaint them i that his lefidence is no 550 market fireet albany where his maos are for fale thcfe will be foucd ilaiiy yahsabjc rint only to the inhahitrts cf the northern dates btt alfo o european ami fcern jentcracn travelling to the talk ct on the 23d tilt at bofton on his wy home team a tour for the recovery of hi health doctor anson swi it hj of this place in the 4 ill year of linage t hirtv three barrels of excellent jf you v 2 ak place in foot pper the fcioying 1-t- r a 3d retted to the pefie it arid tnniees f e midland diiria schod society yea fivl oblige many of ymr readers khigrton october 23 i s 1 5- entlemen as you have not condefcendd to uny noticeofthe requcil contained i w ga- aette of the 19th tilt i beg leave again res- peafally to call your attention to the fame lubjedt but before proceeding to particu lars allow me to flate a few general p-iei- pleswhkh i bopfj will on ail hands be read ily admitted when any foclety or pimilcbooy legal f aithorifed meet together and choofe oihee- fcgttti to tranfari then bufinef it iaways undergo d that the perlons io choien have aright to decline accepting of the offices to which they have been nomimted but when once they have voluntarily and deliberately accepted of fuch appwtments their duty is then no longer a mrter of thicc they become henceforward bound fedilcharffe to the bed of their abilities the wioug duties of their fefpeive fituationr furthr crrtnance of which they did by their vey acceptance folenrdy pledge them- wlves having made thcfe preliminary obferra- tns i fhull now proceed very fhoitly to afcfomc partictdvs or the id of hat sjjrv as is well known mn was held at this place agreeable to act f parliament a neeung of the fubfevibers 0 the midland did rid school fociety and trtain gentlemen v ctc unauimoufly chofen 4hfiiccbe to the id fociety i allot vhomj with the exception of one cr two accepted cf the relptite olticcs to which t had been cieded now gtntlcmen the fitft bufineh which anded yojr auruuti wm tt roileeition fljtet tw b b- tiir translated fur the democratic prefs note delivered by prince talleyrand to the miniftersof the allied powers the conduct of the allied armies will foon reduce my peop to the neceffity of arming aainft tiiem as has been done in spain were i younger 1 would put my- felf at theii head but if age and my infirmities prevent me from doing it 1 will not at any late cooperate in tahe calamities under which they groan and if i cannot mitigate them i am determined to afk an afylum of the king of spain letaiiofe who even after the capture of the man againll whom alone they had de clared war continue to treat my people as enemies confequennjy me as fuch attempt my liberty if they think proper they are the mailers i prefer living in a prifon to remaining here a paifive fptdaior of the fufferings of my chiidren the london courier of aug f cbritnircs the fame note copied from ftnothcf london paper the editor of which faid pe tf ceived it from a t electable correfpondeut al paris who had good means of information the courier made no comments lofton palladium traxflated for the cowmrcial advev tlseli paris ug 20 yefterday at 4 0 clock at the inqment the kinr was about mountingbis carria j abedoyere threw herfelfat the f of his maiefty to folicit p2rdon for her hufband wl kinfe- told her that if fit labedoyere whiskey for fale very low enquire of thomas hrdy 2tf kingston ocl 25 18 1 1 for sals at norwan bctritjie st ccs htore general y correctly the fubferiber having iffued propofala fometime past for publifhing a tiew map of the united states upper and lower cana- ada to which he has already obtained a mod respectable fubfcrlption of about twr thoufand names fiattcrs himfesf that front his long expevience in furveyinr compdin and pnblifning of maps vnich has errpoyed 23 years of his past life together with hfe un- wearied exertions ih travelling the tour the united states for the crprefs purpofe of collecting and delineating fuch mannferipr matter as has never heretofore been publifhv- fe3 will render this work highly interesting and ieevre public confidfnee the cubfcrl her relies on the merits of his work with hit laudable exertions to promote private intent and general improve went to alture hira i adequate reward do 1 do pieces fancy calicoes various pet- terns 50 pieces superfine chintz 50 pieces wellington fancy by the trunk or piece also cailcs nails 3od i6d 14a lod yd d 2 cafes bottled muiard 1 cafe indigo the whole wt be told cheap lor cafh on hirtteii dollars jmo ki y jllany oj juguf 1815 t i s w4 in pound at daniel fcrris 4tru cc ncciuoa of kingflcn one iron greyjrl or one bay stlion and one bay u e the owner or owners are requeued to p pro perty pay charges and take them away 1 oanielferuis sen itingflon oft itijfc 18 1 v kingston j isift osohcr 1815 iuf strcly horf op otkayed from the fudfciiber on trie o lothinrlafrnau black horse his hind feet whivlong bufhy tail and a halter aborft his neck whoever will take up and return faid horfe fhill begeneroufly reward- allinmlean for sal c i tlhe store of peter smith esq a few ji barrelsof cider at 8 dollars per barrel and a few barrels of vinegar at- if dollars per barrel kinguoh od o 1 8 1 5 1 5 wsk kingston ocx 26 1815 21 the kmg had only oitended him his pardon vould be o ranted tobim but that all frn dff anded the punishment of the man vvho had drawn down upn her the flames d war his niajelly was very much moveu an it was eafiiy vifrble how much he fuftred in heih obliged to hffk xhc of his bem thr king hf kws hf t mm- y a valuable tr 1 k town ii 0 o for sale valuable tra of land lying in fok sale jl few barrels of excellent prime fork e inquire at mt badgkys tavern kingston 03 23 i8te j 20 the p of charlottiburgh contain ing four hundred and thi teen aeie more or lefs and known by the rimc of lot3 no 13 14 rj 16 and 1 being part of a ilrip of vmd between the zj and 4th coneeffibfls of chailottenburgh for terms apply to om into the pofteffions of ihe ftib- j fcrtpec fome time in jan f latt a 2 year old line back heifer as am very nn uus the owner ihould receive g j quelled to call pay charges vake het away iuimedidteiy k james g btehun fiiigim 0 rol graham

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