vrvm ii mid on fo rnknietcd n ivi3 toot i thefe nu i is qualified for adiiiiflini the hthir or public c irun niu rlt and opi tin tcral wc1bj t fh c jininuir v will l promoted and your pe itioners as in d i it v ivnmrl hall ever pi ay c srej jfiihtutlti they will render cnti rfjj y odicw- 1 he number of uvdthi is prodigious j wc hac u it an exsick r ho rrow utitlc ration of the imc kind are contifli 4 not to be prblihed until the opening of icfiard itiu k q3 ouj in the neighboring towns the iegfilaturc ttu jk vv- tv r h v juft apencd at their n v r m lot doh sept 9- levi and fcrdnefs an iffjucft vvis held at portfmonfhon friday week by jjrtrjr efq ctopit on the body of fiances cul- kxtg n i tv lligknce v i jolj cl a co1 of rfchto hundred to the etoliftl ihe demand amon which are vifl hm died mi confeqnence of taking a remainder to the other allien superfine and pine bros miantityofrrfenio the dcafed who was lm noo pnnc r isiia commcn 7 ry aruck in general about 2 years eld was a ft raw iat franuiuu- rer and mantiia maker in ihatuwn ii ap pears that fhe received the dddrefllfs of young man for f me time bur he at length with bu views of future happim i about j months finee abandoned ail hh intcxii ions concerning her formed a fimilar dortncdtioii wtii another young woman and a few dayi fince was married this jail actt it would appear unfeaied the mind of the dficeafed londov ang 2 ii the fimtith of france a moll h irnd per- reuiiivhk been raided again jl the pintes- tukilvh havinbeen fl hieed v a itabilty of tcmperin her bv rv crholi who d at th- f u uh w mmvl with hi dwi and jcr tin uthriv of the qke dazoulern wh u aktiwkdied to be one of t5u yrtaiell rgosi oi li 1 g london alio 50 on the 5th of july i vera domains be- and the c nceived a dieadrul a of reven fouglvg to the i rot uu vvre burned nd q thurodav wetk ihe ciirchafed a pen- ot fhll ycrer tnmber the ste- ki and in doing fo required m have ward crrttm in eatc n gitramauij vis 1tcw 1 oc ci tlrtr aifttrr his death they ttjofe imii iliwrt ai 1 exbihitci thebidy to pollen rn thg 7tlivuh and qth wcie wiifc paltft ilv the were outv rwllics uuihe j ii 9 they rnaifnered aimoit ail the piifijrer fh vivre proii itants a pretendtd mi ful jiaoi ioi mvd am the in dtf itirs and of all the vorths vretehes of th en- n rjid h- lovn at- accuid of tlieie cor o of the cvptin is a riftn o ifi ii in f fo lor of the urrets whi hjtc j kilud ftiimcen pfotftnts r biot or- ih2 of vvvi-j- po- tviir ii to th vv bi into a eomrnotl wpt r t thrv foth js whn riy do fcih tin ekilc and tho ruor c tbie vcrc a r ac nucri ptr it rovril is stnosr thm from the ixs to the iibfuiv no cc cr ftotr jrv arrive on the i h e ju the fortified places except stras rg metz lille and bafancon tohegarri- foned by the allies vjvi 44 3 contribution fix hundred midionr totriprifing alnrbft eve of which two hundred to the ettgliffij the o remainder to the other allien superfine and pine broad cloths 50000 pruflians 19000 en3iii common do 50060 auluians 1 5000 rujnaus tooether caicoe3 silk shawls silk cotton ard 30opd men to remain in trance until the common do contibitions are paid the remainder to veft p glove slelgri an- ridinr march off dn the hi it of october whips englffh saddles aod bncttcs it is laid the foverins of the allies pcketbooks looking gkftes of dirirett afe tv leave france on the 1 5th of this month j mns aides ladys do mens pve the peoplr of france oegin to think cfiof and common hats gloves hofe f allies intend to fpend the winter here t bobbin buois 3c it la natural enongk fa fnppbfe that the ruf fians would prefer remaining in france o rctttrnmg home in the appfocforng feaforf kingoton november- ib i3ir c 1 one as long in blade as poltiuic she then went to a nehrhbhnrs boufe and tent 2 mef- 6ge to thevoujig rnan to coiriethhher as a gentle an witljfd to fpeai to him whejj he came flicfaid ci 1 am oing to london will you drink with me h jul or the enpand returned it she laid i wirfi it had a been nor fan i nnderlland fftiecon- tinurci you are married arc von u ftwrv for it he replied no i fhoratwi he penknife from under her sjowti ror with ihe cech indians we have been favoured with the perufal o- a letter fiom colonel clinch to rentle- copper and irbh tea kettles tot3 bolt ers hand irons griddle grid ircrs and copper clauce pan anl3 a general aitortmert of glafs crocker 7 ware man hi tins city dated fort johnlon char- f fr rtvi c l ilt idlon oct fa which ays from the uil lj occrlcs llnuou ar with account from the creel indians w tfiem is certain their force is eiliniatedat 5000 that is iiicludino nil pttie8 utint v he i a 13 fleeve and made a how atdiim inrlictirtg deep wound in the flmuider t knf wa bn ke three parts off by th vl ace of the thiuit bet with the remaining part me con- tinud f itrske ar hu head until bv hn eht- cats ftic wa dieirmed tine then left tbe hou rocee li to a drutriits hop 9n borht a quanrirv ofarfenic under prei rrz that it was to pot ton rat aid went to her home at greens lipid greenfhie ihe ti i ta i e kj iuc u ii t jm ome at urrewj iieiu ureenmcj hift wa- proelaind h lie urban g-iidcwn- j r the ai fenic nto a cud titled it up p id d rj k 3 i yciro fiov the purnr and dirk the pncipa 5 r ol ved bv all the moic it ivtaol ki- n n tm finue t 1 ft hi the t w and tifi v hie 8a was hoi- i 6 iv r th arn d ban a of ifesn 4 the nilvi jjua or k itcii ci0 o wrl the rl h wl rcvl t riffiflt i h bnvju iar sv wan ii i urtvi- vl p jr ni oionr io o i j i io ml s lo r iriht 1 ui iv ho j m jjie altcrn or tht criul rmrirai tlc jtd p hfs idotit tire trm c i b jf or tufi cwrenw jn a lew minutes i j- vnrds ffev iu 1 her parents arjd ru r bors if what he had done medical aid f at r but fv- kad tjtken inch a quinsy of potfon thatt t ftv found iirvyoc- lib- to make hermit thewhde of it om u itorvvc and at itlf paii m the w-e- rir me u coronet s verdict luu jin jrtmt briiioi order in council out that ihry wilhvd a teeund an birti ll v mlk q 2 qi avajeimth th untied states 0n the tqth the pnfe rjiibiulicd fmehmiatiami ecillm th pruc aple pt ten who had q utie 1 lh tolvii ti y be cd ji r- a vre- toj nhcr vue sftaifra trnrl oth iau clii pd- nrhkitrutuu vh ui diloitiimv fhli who jht tu r ty in rbjii ere alw- iir oiitic cjorte a cvrvditt d j i 4 t li 4x ctiion orc thfy o- i roonirjr oil 2 l itcrt cf tie k ftrive u iv- t icdbu uairra the jvval cuy nntr the a tv i vva chrotcd on the m1 hd ft j ibii vet very prudent pr n but he oncl nii on ihe m- iaucua m d- vmciv up hr fn vl i hl c rraoihr dad iamd ifjv h fniw oi twktl awl ir i i ere cex xjic- vrt abmt feo 1 o leu 3 oy utther v 0h vi ovuvde-or- ma- ivwic a da red f lui nu bctwee hv ittr s va jlttis ctim h m k fiv rr to h pi iid p which ti ti h e iv wn 1 wd itfe mdendci hcois on t j the peacubk titlw ft t r be paid the iame duties as are by tkuihn gtan hav l0 cree to j pava oh fuch goojs he fee to lave lb mv from dtiruitiop fh vrefca hut n 01 h en to rcnn utder ivnenahvi havuij the laws retctinr nui- gmicapni ii forrr ignvi rhm xvwttr tnuruni into the tvn es periuc i euevr kith or captivity it h u wne m k mntcahm or m de camne is molt gisiltv c hllovnin t ca inu r u froni and after the date of ibhruei- until sixweka after the cnnlneneemnt afiiisngxt kiuoia otparument there iha he paid ja the 1 m p r t a t i n n i x 0 1 h i i j i n g 1 1 c m froiii the terrfcttrievof the united citateri of america a vellels oftfals faid states ot aiiv eoods wares or rneixiiandize beirtg of the etowth manufdflucc or production or ilie laid territories the ibmc duties of euftoms that are payable on iucli goods 5cc wlicn imported iriri the faid l3mted states in titifl hips and no other or higher duties ct eufcoms i and it is her by w further ordered that on the ex- portation pi any goods cv the growth kc of his majelkys tor- ritories in europe rrotii this kingdom to the united states in eifeis of the faid ihites there ih all b law pa wheat exported to the laid in briiifh yiflcls and none ctlcr or higher duties and it is hereby further ordered tm on the ex portation fron this kingdom to sr 5teehene oa 6 d oraer foalby the pvrt he anxiety vfurh has been for fume time on tiptoe relative to the refillt of the talk iauly held with the creek f novs at foit jckfon we have tak en cftqitderablc pains to get tie mofl auther- tic et formation on the fubject by a ger- teman of undoubted eraciry hnrnediatey thronrh tie rtalin and w 1 aned here lall evening we icarti that the crjaferencs loil eriaiuiv broken op sriuiont effecting its ohjeit the 3v wanior and h- prty who lately fought- with the lnitcd stata rothtr with the feecai tribes whu hed betn at war aaind us tia determined to opbfe to ze extent ot their means the run- nincr f tne line the tiiv warrior hated that v either cafe entire deilruclion to their nation was inevitable that if they luileied the line to lt roil their country would be vrited to fubiil by hunting anl that they had a well die by the iwoui as with lauiine that they had been deceived that his par ty had been pvomifed pay as regular lomie8 in the iervice of tlie united states that their nav was now denied them- and that uuv felt it iurht in eonlequcnce to hold pof- fcqion oi their lands ihe indian were moving ctf from the roflaj nd hewed evi dent tlstis of drttinction thonsh no has tillrica ot depreaatioua have yjt been cum- a i reroilecltrd to hac been befire fcen m our waters inppofed to be a thrafh- ef- was caught yepoudv afrcrnoon by har- poonn3 in spermaeetii cove ana oionht itfi to tiie city by eipuln liitkn of the fchoonet iliekhilik its evrenie length is 6 feet and circutbiiftcc let the thraher h if laid is fcmavlsable for its en mity to the whak mtr m remarlnble cjrmmjarice there i a o- ttian now irving fiv miners lane in man- chller with her i hnfoand she is in the 40th year ofh jrath3 wa widow not nve then nine wreks at a tmc ihelafl lime fhc became a widow it was only fevefl weebr she has had l chimren- and what is more remarkable fhe vvafl mother of 5 childicn all born aive and baptiled before 7 which tlieyare difjiofed to fell at the mort redticed prices for cash oi approved credit itt stray cow erncd t- d roke into the enelofure of the fubferi- ber oj the 19th may hildlage brhtf die cow with a white face j farrow the fcafonpaft the ovntr can hae her by proving prooerty and paving charges william hav ley wl nlv t4 islc 2 4vv a llperfons are hereby forbid cutting jx or carrying orfay timber from loc 3 oi8i in the hrt concemon of kifton joinirr mr ddncfes formerly owned by mr william graham on penaitv cf bcin proiecuted oliver thibodo eingfton jth nov 1815 2 4w3 for safe vfryiow for cafh or mor kinds of country product truce eegiit wood u clocks warranted o k en jn time enq aire of mr peter van hkiver in adou jphultown or of tile fubfeubtr c mferrllu kingfton 15th nov l8xj 24f take notice i ostou the fikth of nov laq fronh the town of kigdon a three year old s reek with a white brtaft and a white fpot on iis back and three white lrpes on his bad d t white fpots on hii who- ever will take op faid lleer or give iufotma timi where lie ican he foaibl liall be hand- lomely rewarded by the iubfeioer lyrnaa hocim icingfton nov irn is e 24w3 1 hie was so years of jje xktun pnfcr c01uesp0nkoit our poetic d partnient bring filled me- om to the reception of r be mult lay over till rest gazette married in tins town on weducfda evening aft to be let f or one year or more the oac half of tot no 14 and part of no 1 5 jtirfnjg the catavoque in the firft cojiceilioii of tvingfton with a fmall convenient frau houtf srad fta- bl tlicreon ard barn room inquire ot the fubfcriber on the pr rifefl thomas graham sirigfttfn 131b nov r8ij 24tc y eft l rhferibcrs stoe on the jlj morning of tlie oril iflft a sier watchthc owoer may have it on pto- inff property and piyins advert lunent i mcdonet l kihrstbh ncv 17 1s13 24vv3 notice ot all thofe hitu is bit lufpicton tz pn u pnllyon the former who is royal eosi- ffiiinoaer and wb m it in lad ihe king had a ronhjrrallc time ago oru i i to eic mi unctions paid and allowed the fame bou t t as are paid aid allowed on nuihino- prrvmiws any iecunty to the tvhpi xdortfr of noier for h j atekie with fadl goods c jw p herionrr nronsnre comuolea of lo the ld ftatfis in x itllls vs the ifrfted ctatcs of any goojs by the rev o o sta mr henry h c the erowili fcc c his maj any to miia bmca dm both of h j territories in europe in w fcjs of the uid ilivtes there ciall be dted in inis town on wednef ay lad the tcth irift- mrs ann grjhim wife of the late mr robert gralnun feiiasred 67 y eesception of two pe fans are conpoled o fte trgtt ttu 1 an1 frebie mem the attorucs oraie and the fatm hw formed 1 elohaion rot to rrtairj otto r into theit bodies o but roman 1 uthoi- xnn- his ahdykft iti rani amon fist i 1 to jl t ii on tbfi brini ot 61s t iwi u tovm the rftpkte irnchhilatrop via m j kythe iv 1 r d aru i 1 m v c lusdv g d lhv to- tei l i j j p co force the btsd o r fi 3 rhi tu- r v fvwm the airtfci jfrrf- ray 1 rrs r fr o vl f k a n r by the hip yomjrwatp rt hawlt u1 editor received iaft evening french ij n and letttft from bordeaux of the 12 september of which the fouowing a cxtratt bordeaux ulli sept 1 3 rjj- vtc are tbe anieks of theuaty ai to fe laft notice phe fublcribct iufrms all tht ofiz any demands aghi the eftyte of the late haieton spender etc to prcfent them du- 1 authentic tied to him mi or before the 30th day 01 november 8r and no longer altbtfl thofcinlubtedtothe fai 1 dbte to make immediate iettlemen or they will be put in the bawds of an attorney for cau kai bc spencer duminhtrator the fcbfcribci be leave ife return h3 moll hnctre thanks to h friends anci poblwi in general for their liberal fop port acquaints them he has no tjounexfon with a- ny peffon in bufmeii thcve to whom he ia iudebtee are requeued to fend in iheir ac- couiu and ihofe who are indebted to- him ire defired to make homed fete payment wo rcifon is antb jiifcd by me to receive any accottnta due to thi prior concern johivorng n- b any pei ion having good merchan table beef to rfifpolt o will find racket by applying ihe iwe of mcilrs richard smith ario ciou wanted a yqtttig id about sixteen years of ae aa a serv nt to live in 1 lnali tamily reliduig in the country ap ligation to be ni d at th ofh- e 0- oc