Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 30, 1815, p. 4

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henderson a nt now opci t hu tore a f jl gucrii well cufii r rutuut of dry g nois grocfkiks liquors and hardwafus jtl0 a general affortment oi drucs and medicines amongft which arc vhvrs camphor opium hoes flor sulpour glauber salts yufjivgtorj bgs slfs mustard ufijtituloc j codjreys cordial xmctlt ijj fig s llkalons itch wota colts pills hoopers 5fcr the whole of which he wu sell low for caifi or country prodbce any orders mi the country will be punuaily attended to and haul will be returned for weir cuftom kingston awust xs 1 2 a number of town lota near the french church thetrrasof payrrvnt will tie made eafy h earl- woticl te rabrcftbe reeituhy intorrttj trench and tit public that he has entsv r in to copartneihip with m ocvjc ii tai lor and that the ufivfa will a future be earned on under llw the firm f tnomsonr detlor lie ret urn a his unfeigned acknowledgftienfs ihofe ftrlvo bavw fi bbsially acbrut him fupport arid hypw that xlit tfew fitft will merit a continuance of thru favours- as it jtfl the fubfenberj u h to clofe his hnne huflnefa aj footf as potable he vrl thank rhnfv who arc indebted to call and an their refpesive accounts 11 c thomson g3d oft i sic o yor sau vn reasonable terms let no ii in ihs 5 cncenhttf ng 2 in the btb concession iot no zc in the nth concession the whole being m he townihip of l-i- down in thedimict of jchnlevn for particlurs enquire at the fliticc of aj lan mcleji fq- kingstow jfygttst i8 lsj j it xingrlon sept 2jj oi i fitf ricknlsmtti cr oon tjave jifl bprned at thir nfv store oppolitc to the pt ft office a veiy advfrtisktikn v broke into the meadow of the fubfenhtr on the 29th of ocbb r ifij hay mare tin oficr i rotuetcil t come iorwaid wtihouldrlir nrl chis pr per y pay for the keeping of me nd take her away fturfwrg jfarysafr tsij zy jus rkceiso sfjiffli v rii r run qjfertffi spelling books v cheat thmfty 700as f0 talpldken tq laft notice r lubfcribei ipfqprma all that kfc ay dcinaiicsnfr int the cftate ti the hitr iirletuii sjhtict ya pre fcn t them tli ij ifitf0ttctcd to firm n rr before thr joth day of november 1815 a 110 lprget- alfo all thofe indebted to the faid cilafe to majce iinnedfate fcttlement or the will ue put n the hands of an attorney for lu lotion 7 t c spencer adnunittratir sipgfioc rftli k- tptr 4if isolicc- r t he fiibicrihei brp ice to rtioll his xv mo f ihauksto his fnendff ami public in gcuer for their libera fuppbrt acquaints them he hi no borioexiqu with tig ptioh in bvflnrfs thofe ip whom he ia indtbud arft reoucftcd to fend ki hfift ac- coon and tnbfe tffcrj are iudetted o hiin are cfesrcd to make jrnniedfate payment ho per fon isaothorifejj sy me tq fepelve any accounig due to thcprtofjoncro john young n b y perfou having good meic-jn- table beefxo difpofc of vifl tin tiatkci b appljiny to the lore of meflrs richaxd smuh una son v for sale very low for cafh or moll kind9 of country produce three elegant wood- en clock warranted to keep good time enquire of mr peter van skiver in adol- phuilown or of the fubferiber cmerrill kingfton 5th nov 181 e 241 j wanted quakt ity of goad live geese xx tfkathers for which a gcftfwutf price wil be given enquire at this ojjire kingston sluust ji l8lc ir richard sm ith so n h ave fteveirrv barrels t a r barrels gentri aircrfient or comnriliuff idiroft every arncib inpenfti- cemand among wlndi are superfine and fiue broaa cloths r common di calicoes siik shaw fe silk k cottc n and common do vcfl patterns gloves slcjgeand rldtng whips engliffi snddies and jsritttev pocket books looking glades of iivrent hzes mens ihoca ladys do mens ttvtr caflor and common hats gloves hofe tnjks- bdbt buttons c also cpcrad 4bta kctlks potsi coil ers ti irons gridabe gd ironi and coputt- saticv fkn eneva fi nent o 5 s crocker v ware 7 rvcerics i iyuo s avhvh they are difpofbd fell ta mor educed prices fer cash o appvvcfl credit kinffflon nov ih t s i 3 f ztf wantedt a young lad about sixteeh years of atr as a stfrtattti to live in a fmall fimiijy icfiding inthe couiitry application to tie made at this ofileci j he subscribers v ill do comn x buiinefb and rote and rcwar on the mofi feafonabje terms hiider the mm of smith 3c cook- cyrus smith thomas cook klngstci ifys rfnguil 1s15 i2tf ust received and for sale at the printing office ftirgl- j ion 1 31 reams crown wraping papir 31 ditto cap ditto 2 ditto writing pod no 1 t 11 ditto ditto jo 2 9 dittd ditto uncut a s a l t and j 1 tonhard soap to fale by tie fubferibers very low for ash richd smith s01st king on sep ro 8f j for sale at tins ofllce a discourfi delivered at brock ville tfi- zibethtowm april 27 tsip being a day appointed for general thanksgiving in tip per canada for putting an end to the war in which we were engaged againfi the uni ted sate of america true piety a fource of individual happu nef and nations profperjy by wrlham smart minitter cf thegofpel 0 britain tntfl tie is rat thy foes in vair attempt tlv ruin and oppofi htt reirrt ivirr also the church catechism a walter rofs f frahcis bf0n respectfully acquaint ifecir friends and the public in general tbat they have commenced public houfe lvep- ibgi stabling for horfes and lodging for gehilemen with good accoromodanonr kingston 2d 0ec 1815 2ff fiat mamabiory- smith btrrferworth rfesryctfullv aequaint th rvr- js and tne public in general that the have recihimenccd bubncfa in the rev houfe near walker hoirh where they h ci hand an cxttenwc rfflbrtmen of ladies childjcna ivfl beavr bmuwta genilemen bch bctver caftor sbta nd kni- bate j isers youths arl jjoyv worl haia ivwe lai 5n ctt ludou faihqnablc rounei leathers wd rrimmiis of the folloving colotn blac vie blue brown tuvplc and drab ulwdi they ocr vviiolale and litfail f calli a cheap as they can be purehafed zt montrai n i3 caffi paid for bekvct muik3t and rtctii ski v notice the ubfcrjbcra recpefutjf joforroti fnliabitants of klnglton and its vi cinity that they have entered met a co- piituiliip in the piiclce of phyfc and 6ujciy all culls in the line their pro- fcfiin will bcpunoiually attended to thcv keep alfo on hand a targe and com plete afiottincnt of 1 drugs y medicines- paiilts oil dye woods sec the following is a 11 of a it w of th ar- ticleajuft received 14 lbs argent viv 13 lbs bolus amiens 24 do auimonjy cid zo lbs llu vitriol 2 do annattoj i i jjbs bay was do arfenfc alb 28 lbs nine lead 4113 bnimsocatiko ij lbs cant haradc 15 ibb cloves e cwrt cort aurant ara the highest prico paid and a5 aiso for oats peas at the old brewery of tames robinson robinson gillespie z cwt allum 12 gallons alcohol 50 lbs qprn aiccs to ils nitre cid ro itia blfm capcb i j ibn do cafcanlla r lb pftrui 50 lbs do peru fiuv brirhorcl 1 lb c 3uiphcr io lbs iborsi 3 cw 50i6i c 1 alt ic aq l rn t ibi ctioui io lbs do winter 40 lbs do caflia p bs do angufiura cyaou c pepper crna vatniih jh 5creui 4 di court plaft c do flclfa coloord z frrofh c h peiih lbs cowtig 2 tsrofs vo coils em vart tlhsc rooas marti sl emery jo lb- crm tar ew vttjcrsfii corbrnic tool h powr bargamq erhpia iiac stsqdab do do giiroi dv iioitlek cc- r i- itfl pics icn jioiu m znci scums rojiti3 m o lj turn arrobac i 2 lbs asfoctfj i2li5cgrac 5 lbs do myrrh 0 lbs do qsmbotftf 4 h do 0 oi i so lbs do mamirjj jr lbs hu kino flo cbnm u sbagum ca ib- do cy 1 8 lbs do cralhanum 4 lbs do co at 1 6iba do sllac t pack gold leaf 48 lb glue 4 lbs cum swiinrny hik poderj flotant indi6j jchthvocuht lor sale as above a muantitv cf excellent strong beer kingston december i i3 5 z9ff 1 200 dollahs reward icst on thihlday hiih infl-ei- tler 11 lbs ftrccts df kingllon or aa the road tovards erncil town a rcd muroccb psckciboeki containing army bills a othrpaptryof valoe only to the owner vuevcr has found the fame and will brirp it to the printer to mr shtri at stuart wll receive the flsps reward the fatd cilia can he of no ufe exceptfti the owner their number and tlefcnption be ing- known and met lure having been al ready taken to flop payment st tbe arrry- 381 offiqe confeouelj- any pfon at- icinutittv to pal3 idem fnndimend rilhc liable toarreii aid trial fot fqrsgstottt 2qt oct 1 vij m vwi iter u putrid mccunife dealing under the name and firm of wpeftfohj inform their friends and 1 europe at elegant alkrtm j gj 6 lbs do aimon3c i inda rnbbeu magi albif merc co sub macfej madder macciiby hnuitj not- m eggs 1 gad oiiumoliva g do iut do llicini i lb do annis 1 ib io jtiniperj 4 lbs do amg zyultfj vclerianj ctirciitna galanall 1 iihl roin rotten stoue rofe water do pinf 8uc clyc sac satunu semen annis syrringca semarouby sapo c illile to vvudfo- rofe sjp sealing wax tamarinds urinals j umber j wax balh verdigris kings yellow hair povdcr lamp blade ecith aiiri ltpis purnicf a row root lg qnaflia loents jpt lmon candy leivl pencils cfown liincetfs lip sahc 14 lbs p burgundy patent yeflow pmafum paint coes 2 ewf rad gentian 2o lbs do give i pulvus rhei do jalapi do do ijcce sciila sfcnria seiti 6al niter reined co tarter 1 bl sal glnuh ttjh sa sodi rcftd spirits nitre pule do dotcramutb do de vinft si arch sand pateer serp virgin- sescxa patenv medicinls anderfons iioopcrs t pills bitemans drops godfreys cordials britiqrorl c 8tc c a vnyietyof other i tides too numoious to mention in an udvertileinent- phyiiciana and otheid are refpectt fully in vited to call and judge for ihcmfelves part- ily chcttapot up and diuctiohp niven gratis carlisle markham ftbgjftm august if livie- r goods ja to cvoy ffefoi toetlicr m jjreat quantity of goceri and u very deltrijition which they will fch 1 for cafo the goods lavn b y tfiemfefces yc well worthy the ms- tidi oftovn cnd country traders but i to cnteniiv to rufsit in n adveftifom farehafcrs arc rfieflel to jd fortw felvfj by calling t mr caimaf w liole lately occupied by mocs calftam 3 an imr i card m r marshall surgeon tain the liberty cf announcing to the pub ic that lie has taken mriis hou where all calls fn his line ivii be immedbtd attended to t tl mr mlias for falc helides a general at fortment of drugs rmorted by hinfelf thir following patent medicines viz btitius oii nderfonspiil godfreys co3 iiuxhams tiid of baric cheltenham salts opodeldoc paregoriei cinnamon ginger nc meg iaciarando liquorice root jufllnce of bergamo do of pepperihint do ofrofcs barclays itch ointment fcfnit dropa dutch do riuliiistoirsbalfomofli tooth brudres bo powders court platter role pink windfor soap jinfton r8thnov isi jj npieowntrofa bay h ag g 1 putintotle keeping of ihe fdumt a f w day fnee can have him by prom t property and paying ftf 1 f y kiucitkpcct i3t5- e

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