timber spars wanted to be delivered at the na val yard in the month of jime rext rafted for the quebec market ad to be oi the quality font there to be exported to n gland- white oak not to be iefa tha twelve in ches fqu are one i thid to be thi f ty feet longorn thid thirty w one ve and the ether 1 do tin red pin spars ifc office ft forty feet icrg sifc six sir six six four four four four four two two two two two two 110 33 56 33 40 26 42 61 3 2 41 3 10 a wo two two two six six six six two one four four four four two two a wo two two two two two two two six si sis six six four 29 22 43 110 5 3 77 64 76 39 33 46 42 59 66 59 39 as 20 34 04 27 3 jo 14 at 10 1 x a a 9 33 12 16 a v rour four four four two two tvd two two two two two two i wo two three six six six six six four four four four two two two two two two two two two two two six 35 46 3 46 21 57 34 44 59 1 s j 5 13 10 11 23 14 9 8 6 it jj 2 1 9 18 9 9 9 is xi f 39 36 46 5 7i 93 47 75 3 64 43- 45 57 29 55 72- 39 2t 68 3 16 7 10 10 22 9 22 32 39 11 12 7 19 18 28 18 qjics3 0 sx 63 six 58 sx 66 six 47 four 55 tout 34 four 48 four 4 j 1 two 43 two 45 two 3 two 4 two 46 two j two 4t two 35 two 3 iwo 42 two 28 ten 75 forty go forty 45 six 109 73 six 5 three 97 olji 58 six 4 5 four 79 four 49 four 3 four 41 four 16 two 35 ry i wo 42 two 24 two 64 two 40 iwo 29 two m two is two 62 two 37 two ten 70 forty 5 forty 40 six 55 s six 38 8 six 4 six 3 four 65 four 37 four 26 r our 33 four 5 two 53 two a two two 54 two 3 1 two 23 two 3 two 22 two 56 two 3 tivo 12 ten 65 forty 50 forty 35 aflcittf jjft 23 14 9 ic 9 1 10 so 1 9 3 5 i6 s3 i 0 19 11 8 11 6 14 9 8 10 6 26 8 12 4 l it 0 8 x i 9 7 u 8 10 8 9 ijas received by the fall arrivata from 2 england and now offers for fale an el- plank ro gant aitortment of dry gooas confuting of superfine and common clothe white and ravured flannels flushing j 3 x2 and 4 point blanket black worfted hofe worfte1 socks boya and girls hofe tartan plaid turkey stripe and checks shirting stripes 4 and 64 ginghaihi garment and fur niture calicoes black 3n4 coloured cim- bticsc 64 and 74 printed and imitation shawls bandanna and madrefs handker chiefs white cotton leno bobk and spriged mufiin dimtes thread and cotton tnces b tack and coloured velvet plain andfigisrd satun twild and plain sarcner lnflies tahinetts s nutation safcneta pophna filk nctt black crape mack fk handkcchiefs fewing siks ribbons 2id a number of other ufeftll ar- nicies to be difpoted of by wholef3eon rea- fonable terms for cahi or ihort approved crrdit united orafces ban paper taken in par- teentjby allowing the difcount 92tf water street kingftan jan 13 1 8 1 6 t anted to be delivered n u sealed ttadwjff thyardonthe cclved 8 plank 2 n i 2000 1500 20640 900 f ewd lawff t nival storr-icpr- karal yard eingfton ut jan i8irj j sitf two hundred codof fire wood l a ted to be delivered dunng thi- fccf r tiext month sealed tenders will hi ceived at the hoftnl pomt frederick ot the aotn january nit at twelve oclock n b sureties wfl be required for ih due performance of the contiaft on 3 homa3 lewis en a a line of stapes o nphe fubferiber has commenced running a 1 line of stages from montreal to krngfton twice a week it leaves mon treal rm mondays nd thurhys at eight oclock a m and arrives in kingfton on welnefdys and saturdays and leaves king- ion at the fame time tend arrives in monttes al m wednesdays and saturdayi perfons trrvclling in this line will find good teams careful and experienced driver with covered ficighs made comfortable for the purpofe another line will leave ogden burgh for utica every wednefday and fridaf for the convenience or travellers into that part cf the cotmtrv the books to enter the names f thole who may wiih teats in the stage will he kept at samuel hnhx in s paul street in vtontrral and at robert wallers hotel in king ilr barnabas dickinson montreal january 1 ft i3i6 11 pod grace kingiton confequeree of irftlnictiona recaved from the deputy pod matter generawf rririih north america it is hereby notified that no letter from kingftnn for newfound- aid bermuda the vvell indies or the u- nited states can be forwarded from halifax onleffi the inland foftage be pnid gt this fc office t by a tcw sfrnement entered wflw ctt pod matter grneral ot the u staie letters nay be corvced frorri this ofrice to be put rin boar his majeftya patke at newvorki provided the britifn inland pes- taot to swanton byway of montreal and the states portage frcrn thence to mew york e paid at tag time of putting the letters into midland disttii 1 ph court of ger n eral garter seft fiontoi the peace for this ijiitria will beholden at the court houfe in the town- d c ces of the peace coniners conflables and all other peace officers as well 28 thofc iht have any bufmels to tranfadat laid qom are hereby required to take notice give their attendance according r hip of adolphuftown on tnefday the i lay of january rt the hour of ten of lockm the forenoon therefore all mi- codrt e h smjg j ovid january 12 1816 3 king them up the owner or owneniar requeued to pove property p3 charrej and tike then away t a r1 eluerseck hinfton jannary g 1 r 1 6 vj ames ghannav 0fe smith cooks store m- 1 in pai tnis ofnce g above ibe addrefs for the place in europe to which the letters are to be conveyed natrft be written thefe words via new- york per 11 b m packet ft r r j j 7 14 7 any pr fon wifning to deliver a fpecirfvd quantity of the faid timber muft tender ffbf two thirds oak and one third white pime and the srars mull be taken in proportion pf the different fizes sealed tender will be received at tjhil yard en ihc lb nft exprtflinp the prum for delivering them in or out of the watr when the parties 3tc requeftedto attend ewi laws agent for receiving tke faid timber val yard king fton i ith jan 1816 letters remaining in tke pol oiuct at kingfton u c on tbe 5th january 18161 ofers for fale the following jewelrv vz gold chains seals and keys epicure and plain gold ear rr amethyt am berannviettdo pe nct gtald fea do 00 go mrs 1 o ahd pea- tts pearl jett and cornelian rings p bo ring lndies and gent1emn blain do amber necklaces j gold and enameled fauce montees ua lockets silver o snuff boye mourning fettaj gilt rtnrti and eat rings j filyjet fruit knivs fountain pens j do spoons filler and pl ted speaeles do eer tubes and thrr vnes sht clafpb and snaps razors q rsfei and without fportrnenakniiiea j pc do from r tii t6 bdades do do with iv boxe and sciltors paue cutters ladie torroife bell gombs t3et potnhed fieri scifor naval gilt diiks and behs gilt and fteelfwofd swivels plated brafs and fteel overall chains ftfng telefcopes gt belt mountines brafs bullet 8vquws watches of difterertdefcuptions warranted good watches and clockaof differenr nt- fcriptions cleaned and repaired in the belt manner and expedition watch glafes dials second minute 3c hajjcly na so 69 19 14 it is 7 it 16 1t ll perfons having claims upon tthe eftate of the late john maclntofh of thurlow efquire deceafed arc requefte deliver the lame properly attefted to ne fubfcviberswithin three monthstht the fe may be adjulted and all perfons indebted to the faid eftate are requefted to make pay ment without delay martha maclntofh admimftratf roswell leavins administrator thurlowy tth december t85r 3 afflat pierreyaiin leoi alexander georgm affehn louis atvord edward bern- david 3 wizard bfiui buk h vuim rjfs ettjah campbell dun in campbell jarv chit hotie arttoine gfcjfer james clarke jabt claris richzrd cockmer jokn cuens john dajirt thomas bougal jfane duavlt jvfepht ducharrrs jofeph gerrard daniely oodbsn jgjkpk graham jfohn hemifon jahcz hemififl jojeph harvey huffman george julie mr hagrandeur jitfeph afacceon thomas mactaggot james magut louis millet charles menard jofeph moufetle alex pa ten james parjuttrg nathan pechius andrew pickle john pivin pierre pumery dnul rightmycr iviiliam rorifun james simpfon george b smith alexander smith k smith pa id on stuart george tisdalc ephraim thiboudeau pierre thijo- do oliver thompfon david turner jart fan allen peter vanomam jacob wha ler a almira iviiliam jjeph wilton adam john macauuy p m 3 hour hands gold and gilt kingfton jan 131816 loft ii ma uw tne evening of the 5th infl an arm and navy lift whoever will return fcrt books to the printer fhall be handfomely re- warded icingfton nth jan 18 ifv 321 strayed awayfrom mrjbadgleyl stable a dark bay horse about twelve years old with a frfiall whkc fpot on his forehead- whoever will bnntr him tn william evans at kingfton hall be re warded for their trouble kingiton j 10 il 3 are refpeafully informed thit a private lodging iiousb- ti by the fubferiber tt gananoqe wh fuch travellers a wifh to be retited i fromth noife and bustle of a tavern csne accoia- modated with god bfldt andptl tag breakfam dinners sec can ded andrew bkadhf gananoque i st fanuarv 9 1 b 3 ahout the firft of september latt three y a m acphekson co eieersanda steer the owner ffumj kit n ti i a5 wanted quantity of good live gee nu feathers for which a genen ill be given enquire ci thu office once w yme into the enclofure of fubferiber ree heifers and a steer the owner or owners are leqnedcd to come fovvad prove property pay charges and take them away andrew johnston blue jacket and trowfers of a lop quality tat t blaniluniinon for the district courts for it tha office