cl ll 3encc of ecnful fqcti pafticalaf place a fuccn party tuull judge fit to be excepted article the fifth thifl convention when the fame hall haivc been duly rsti4 by the jreudent of tthe uiuttfd state by arid with the advice aind jbow to proceed hgbtly t flood alone in tbe early ft age of the inilitutioa having to jrope rny own wy as in the dark under ma ny difficulties and difcouragements in cxplo- nmjj a newr untned but practicable path to ufcfuluefs no vmodcr f 1 fomctimes took wrong road to attain rny object inftead the right one if i tometimea rnide ex- peri orient h that ended in expence and difao- wnrth an j v cuoo ari while hi- the w of turc 01 xrrtc to the sj united state fey and witft the advice asnd terrivou exslortltlon cdnfem oi their feinate and by his britten- tltcs vvncuicr tu r wus maj he tpeiye ratinwieona in he in vcims of the u uu3 nmtuai e3ll di u bibdi am n rittl vcffels and the 1 ime t on the faid united katq and fcbia pemtmjni and that repeated but this or in i a the qt ma f four years from the cfa of us ly iliatilated me to more dtfftencc and dttties i u v -nirtati- mii the ratifications fhail le rex- idkad of bevng deprtffed by theft circum- succor manufacture ot the u fc l mies in europe uther itorvcllcisofthctocd ftfk a l w tit public duti of hih rjittpn will feevre to hi innature and the ratifications fnul ve tex- changed in fix monthft from this time u lioo- nei if poflible don at london this third day of july in the war of our lord one thouliind feiiiht hundred 2nd fifteen john q djlm li clay atbert gallatiin fred robinson hknlltgoulbulftn william dams g aeprelled by lances i eagerly and voluntarily purfutd the important object ti view fill i may fay under the divine bleffmtr without which all ifttf vf- a tant departmei os hw majeftys naval service canadt 1 s s l s l 3 rjy labours would have been at no avail h- ttv 1 have been helped to accomplifn far morethrin i expecled havjfe eftabhfhed a iyitem uf education adapted uj the poor in a remarkable manner and in wliicn there is no- kinfl lanadtan ccurant january 6 theatre tw 2 inform thai iiic trsgidv of thing but what is hmpeand eily to perlons tr v difpofed to eitgage in iimilar plans exfr- k lj j jj s i 5 rnhiivelv the amou y f whether a of hisbritaiiiiicmstjdty ul lutipe fc m aerica a t o ri r the two coutraaiog pavjc to twvws r thetight of fula- of the laid draw bael the wtcwurr beten thfi u ionin toe we iji and on mui id tlw awpwt prhloo tiatty iftalt ti- of iu ttkis ia rla co urtc qeh ui ttl- rf 4riitk the i titi v f 1 tin dvfo c svajvj liha the t l s now therefore be it known thdt i jaunea madiiou prefidcnt of the united state of america having feen and eufiudered the foregoitig convention have by and withi the advice and jtonfeirf of the senate atcepltoh ratified and eolitifned the lame and ev clame and article imrcof tyjt to thft ex- ceptiiin contained in a declaration rnadcc by the authvrity of nw briiitinic majefty on the 24th day of november laitj a cvjy which declaration i hereunto iiiiiiexed iu teihmony whereof i have eauted the ieal of the united states to be beiunt ai5xedand have figned the lame vyiis d lonc at the city of vv s ingtoti qsk tweniyrecohd day ot c cefnber a d one thoiuand eight ihuu- dred and fifteen and of the indeed- re united states the toitif james hxjdolh- by the pefident iamfj mqnactie ricartlon the i5linj w brirtwas maj fty ftrfn the fcrinf kecu asiug 01 tue uame 4 i k 11 liu rtty an cuce ul ulu1 lid thatll dum tol suxes ay ft rr j vf euptam cvrll w ot tu huwj i- led in iiifl onanci ktrwrutmb riincciiey im-rt3- 1 a a caihktewlfo convention coucu d on the 3 ul july of the pteleniaair ruuihgeconvmcrceairdnavim he- that in conkvjctxc ghc rover an hi 1v tnnitary the iments are feldom made without exfknce few or mic were to labour tiuie and money i do not feeret hat i have never cliarged vhem tr pubiicapcouut nor da i ever intend to d- fo wlien 1 had m3de a- ny experiment and found it henelifiai i have introduced the piaclice of it into the militu- tion and amwiliirli to ufenv bcil endeav- onra to laybefoit the public in a- plain and ilmple a manner as 1 can for the bfiftept of the riiniv peuratiu when an cjtpfiitcflt has proved uuincceisful it has beer burred m oblivion but all this bar enabled roe to as certain that were i to bcgii a new inttitntion with fumia in hand i hwflld be able by my lormer expenence and recent improvements to cdabhfn it in a comparatively iloit time and at much pfs expenee of capital when the biitidni fer the boys 6 ginl feuoolarc computcd they will accommodate a thouf- and boy and thre hnnched axis the whole txpenccof mliich will not exceed on tlmuiiii ikitiidv luvvfiich i halt lia to- tributcu upwards ot two uuirrittfd myitlx notwirlillaadiiig vviiiiit incfc txpirimcuia hivc lcu rdujtd to a pralict low hutt drccjs of have bcestii and huiftted thci iicatioiv and tnany ct ilurn arc tmw grovvi inaq cdte and rontix tobcepmc anrtlcr dcllt u psu0fld hv a fuhferip tion beun hy tr dulciij bntfinl and z0rtf sumlrvilic ia a u tbr trairrt lads and voting men a- friovrriafteis lo a piaeieal i ovvlei of ti r imprv f tu ition to be obtaisivj in my or- w d cc with the farce of th weather cc 35 1 intended for reprefentation on monday ev- nurg next are unavoidably poltponcd nntii thurfdy the 25 th in it ant doors open at hx and curtain rifes at half pad fix box tickets tc be had on application to the brigade major office and pit tickets to he had at mr mitchus stoic boxes 63 and pit e no myrcy to be taiin at the doors of tfce tieitk n radtger secretai kingftoh jin 19 t 8 1 6 4i 1 by auct ryc be fold at the furjferibers hotjfe p monday next the 2 2d inft a variety of goo n i cr my uau eye df this import tugc uut cwurillic that i- ul giv to uk ni nalvd t ducaon t power of fao 5 inch whoever it i rtcufed oux lod- faiution continue open uf v- 1 lj ivt lad aod fevrai mjrt ncknt ucrfo uo are or nay lfcr- among which are the following articles vi kaccoor- h otter fur cans ready made clothes white coitoflsi siuwls handkerchiefs tapes c e ypmenf hair comb mens hats alifpiee kier karfbcn s girv j hardware wt tofoiviar f vlid uav privilwe of having feboolma othcia rvpi v r f rtrtutioiw which they kingho t ian- 6 l india company hall u t fiin all cmtniio vu or pp w s1u miv vi3 place m the uno- be fame vai be onlade i i aifo underflood i t c p bmhtterrlto eiconeofthefajrp a wn thur c m to be the viae 01 wh napoleon borapaite bijd 2soanr b softs a u i- 1 1 it thuv nractli and eslperi- uoe in the knowledge of chart w fchoolmafters hondrd of p n be propeily qualified in an eedauw nct and at at ifiinjr cxucnee another method uf affinity ths nflta- irfons fetrtitng let oil by mvll v yahngton i te itttl pofeftoa of catbrtta n afrieinot tojiaolew s tend that in all tfec ntgw f 5a attoiaf the uoed state l be fubjct a tefoea to the laws and may in lite ndei- tonisb lenevoeiv u ciothewoolle tk jo the owner or owners ae one month ago- c jkarfea and onefted to proe property pay ena ither ot ihegirk afcldtinng uho inavbe mitinneeaoi ty gstioernens rain na- ilics iii iveonenily hap- arc are fold 3 thoo away t h j 0iior ii t it imirf pen that good article ot apparc are to for a mere trine w bnprrvy w for ihww- iovvd on the pwr to be made up rvevot their cliidien vouid coadtfct mue to tfeeif wit zi comfort 5 whetea nt pre f the poor eiten o wituu what vo yd sealed tenders ranged wufl t m tiieextence o r ert tnc poor ojllcu k be worth thirty fnifiingo tcs them that a lo- ij ruh p three to h f un wef educated hundred x mv own cxpuict vant may put tivc iu his own pocket ob apia one ruiieaa lcr varg frcre llioial sad un 81 com btu city thnrfday the 4 i ndl rc vor bale the itrtg 01 aa- fc if co dr few lowt bint it i hereby dc- iacd thav t 1 h