Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), January 20, 1816, p. 4

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tor sale jty the iubicribei a few puncheons jamaica spirit b aady gin hruband peppermint f nd mafcovado sugars e and chocolate midland dlincl ntrljl co tt get to nou i 3 tral qttartfr self sons of the peace for thi dilrcl wijlj be ha iden at the v ourt hnife in the towna ihlp of adophuft on tuefday the a j day oi january the hour of ten of tine clock in the forenoon therefore all juftsi cob of the peacej corone- contlubles agnd ahother pcacfl officer as well as thofe thj3t have any bujikis to tranfaettat aid cunrvt are hereby require 5 to take noticeaiid gwve their attendance orcinvy charles sjvjrt sheriff sheriffs office ftmjjry iz ii6 z2 la i ma n ufa ho r y i joriee tzdigo 77 t 4 iks pw 7 r is s pepper alifpicc also a ceneral affortment of dry goods iron steel all very low for cafh samuel merrill kingston itth dec 1s1j 3 plank boards ark refpectfuuv informed thait 8 private lodging hqubeh cstablkhh ed by the uhfenber at gauaijoque vher fueh travellers as vrlih to be retire- from the nolle and bus of a tavern can be accom- rrodated wlrii good beds and stabling breakfasts dint crs c can be h provij d ed iv r e iv erdn h i rr dnu r mini but i erworth r5 espectrully acquaint ihtir v frends and the public m general that they have recommenced bufinefs in tlz nev houfe near walkers hotel where t yhave on hand an extefive ritorhnent of laches ec childrens heft beaver bomxets gentlemens be ft beave hats london fafhonable bonnets feathers and trimmings of the following colours black white blue brown purple and drab which they offer whokfile and retail far cafh as cheap as they can be purchufed at montreal n bcafh paid fcr beaver iiuilvrat anc racoon skins and the as eft beaver caitur roram and knapt dats mens ycuh and boya wool iats llkewife 3arcs ard ghudrena j and j c i ii hi this yatdon he 24th ifiit plank naval yard kingf 1 s th jan 1 oi5 j 2oc0 i5oo 2q640 9800 ew13 lays naval storekeeper cv i w 7v i2 fe edtud st arnes jamaica spirits brandy gin shrub pepnermintj port m kva spaniih and tcg- nenue wines bottled iter and scotch aie ii caiki hell ettgltih and american spapj also fx fmall affoitment of drv goods kingfton 30th oct 18 f 5 natice x bfeer rea informs his i fnendi and the public that he is about opening a store h front of the new ma ket honfe where he oats at the old br w aiso tor wery 0 will qo fames robinson by robinson djesppr j3 at december 15 i8rc 28 wjzy commijfwn 200 dollars rezo j rv i4 r y v t hardware and william vilean co jewei ry jiu r ave jaftr elved a large altortment 1 of the t il wing liquor groceries jamaica spirits cogoiac brandy beit holland gin port and madeira wines peppermint and shrub loaf and viufcovaoa sugar kings arms tine apple 5 5 checfc chefiure plom and sudan raifins figs c cvc also an elegant aitortnrirt of sl tnmrnings ti every ovfeript ion ladicsand gentlenrseijfl black and colon- ed silk hofe and gloves o eopartnejhip with mr george h det cr and that the biiuels wl in future bei n ojlj c the fiibfcriber r fpecttfully itiforms his friends and the public that he has entered ail- to li auicd on nnder the the firm of thomson y bbtlor jlr retura his txafeigrfcd aclinovvledgmentsa to thofewhhave llberahy affordrd hrrnn fnpnort and hoped that the new firm wl merit a eon i nuance of heir favours a i- is the fubccribers vafh to che his forrtitrf bufincfs as inon as poilible lie wll tluni thuce vhn are indebted to call and arrang rr reipeftive accounts h c thomson will buy and fell store forzva goods vf of j own ike river will take jn any orders of any fofcnptioo in that line of bufinefs n b pm-ronsdcfirousofconimittinrrcon- fcjfnroctit to h chtrre may know the rate or itorage and cmmjfsoa by calling at the new cornmiihon lore t n john dttncalsr kinrrfton dec 30 iftif- g toara us thtza the ireeta of iciniu the roid mri iftjw w a pockctbook containing army bills 2nd ot the faid bills can be of no me except to tm fwner their number and defcription be- notice j ok fafc the btokof the juvenile ln for tern apply o he printtr o ism in pcftcmoua catalogue of the brary boolt liable mingstm zofj 6c7 rsif ie to arreft and trial for felon- a for sall kuigftofit 28th d trc qc5 lost costtethestctorofmr c l hi rill a gold finger ring uo it and il return lo the ptiutev uw be hmdioniey rewarded khicston 20th dec 18 tj 0feftr atf f mccinfe dealing under the name and firm of mccunirfeo co fefpeilfujjy inform their friends and theprfs he u general that they have brought from europe an elegant aflbrtrrent vi fmsf goods n reasonable terms lot no 12 in the rib concession loil sale iv 7 6i concession 3 1 o a itiperior quality as the above articles nvrc bought at an early feafon whoiealeptjrchafer8 can be fop- plied on terms more acl van tan tony than they now can be n montreal kingston iqfh dec 1 8 1 e 4 tfd 2v to fe c lifi concession the whol being in the f ovmfhip of lau6- dowti in the oitriet of johnitovnj tor particliirs erqnirr at the oilice of alljn mclean efq k i rrji ai 1 vust 28 1 8 aftxh barrels of sxccllcni prime fork inquire at mr saclgleys tarert ktngsh 1 december 15115 atfapttji to icaton tojjctfasr a irreat quantity of groceries and liquors every eklcriplion which they will fell low for oa the goods having been felectad by thenfeivr5 a well worthy the atten tion of town and country traders hut a- too extenfive to infert fii ad advcniiemetit ftfrchafcrs ar refuelled tojndge for thera- felves by calling at mr cafladayj ftone houfe lately occupied by mofes carnahar aj an inn j 2 notice the fubferibers take tins method u inform their friends and late cutt omcr that all accounts and notes due the company kingsfan dccemoer fo 2 e- i yndrgn te lubfcnbtr informs the wflc of tlatall accounts and notes due the compuy j l 5 j kingston that he has comn4 rid the rfti w tfa the tenth day rt reb- has jijst recirmxl n r ot i warv next wilt be left m the hands ot an at- a nd now onpnincr a hs 997 n t zol o fl 0 1711 iii p terncv for collation therefore all erfon a and now opening at his store a general and well chofen aftortaacxft c ani shocmalnrtg dry goods groceries busincfs liquors and hardware a general aflbrtment of lone fnarrow o i to tamper upturn aloes j drugs and medicines affiongft whicli are chves jfcktmons itch qmincn chengs worm lozenges lees pills sfficterjois pills hoopers pills c over the ft ore of geo h btaclean cq he prupofes keeping confiantly on haud gendemens back ilrjjpped military boots do do welhagtdo do gentlemens fine vaxu calf shoes morocco drefs pumps and fnoes for gen tlemen ancle boots and valking fnoes trimmed in the neateft manner iviiftesand ctuldteoti iioe tcrncy for collection therefore all perfons itdebtcd f the faid thcp is forarii are ofjred to call and make immediate payment vacitotit delay dee 21 1 1 k fancy goods he fubferiber informs the iadics ot kiuroi and its vicinity that he haa iull kecsived and has lor fale the molt exttn- fue aiioitnvrnt oi figured twilm plain silks ik ribbons v shawls handkerchiefs where alt calls in his tine will be immeditey attended to mr m has for gale hefides a general at- fortment of drugs imported by hlmieii th following parent medicines via stitrfiioil vudcrfons plls godfis coididl huxhams tind of bs- cheltenham saltf opodcldo vregonc cianamoi giiger nutmegs flor suhhur 1 glauber salts british gil turlington s bats ffs mustard opodeldoc j godfreys cordal he pledges himfelf to thofe who are ever offered for fale in this pke whe- iraiedto favor him with their culiom that m or reta cri moderate terms t rria j amarnnds the whole of which he will sell low for cah or country pi oduce any orders from ihe country wiii be punaualiyaitended to and tliank will be returned for their cuflom kingston augusi 28 81c pi all work made in his hop hall be made of the bell materials and fnnoicd in a fuperior manner as he is determined to keep the bell workmen he can employ william tryan kington 2 d december 1815 the fubferiber has for fale samuel aykroyd deer 1 1815 x ml liauorice root icilence of bevgaffiw y to of peppermint do ofllofes 12 2000 pairs worded hole for sale number of town lots near the french wel1 athpted for the army or navy aud a church the terms of payment wdl all perfons having claims against the estate of robert graham sen late oi kingston deceafed are requested to prefent tliem duly authenticated for payment on of before the fifteenth february next as no ac counts will be aliowed after that date and allperfons indebted to the faid estate ate defned to make immediate payintrnt barclays itch ointmen jefuits d ops dutvh do turlingtons balfom otli tooth bruflies do powder court plafter rote pink 1 thomas graham windfor soap t i 0 be cnade eafy ktoglton ept 23 1 81 5 hearl r6tf cable into the enclofure of fnhfeuber about the hid of september laft three heifers and a steer the owner or owners are lequeflcd to come foward piovc property pay charges and take them away andrew johnston smdl tcvp jan x86 i- quantity of ready made gentlemens and lads great coats ladys bonnets and a few pans pantalcons and vefls and a small affortment of kingston 2 d dec isi i p 8th nov 1815 ljtcr rcffiff francis bofellyl kingston july j v respecrfljlly acquaint their difohargc sortcoi fri i wr dry goods and expeas a large aitoitment of goodi from montreal every day john duncan blan bail bonds ard sheriffs sales vrvr ep ftf tj v- c p ling the new ohfc jg the poviiiunal lieutenant oo e

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