for sale the pabti 4 ff y the fttbfcriber a few punchcr9 jamaica spirits brandy gin wine shrub and peppermint 7 toaf ard mufcovado sugars lea coffee and chocoui indigo pepper allfpice also general aitortmert ry goods iron steel ail verv low for cafh samuel merrill fog stan 28j dec 1815 31 plank boards vst tantld jo be delivered or the 51ft init and during the montn of febu- try scaled tender will be received at hi yard on the 24th inft flank 2 are rcfj ectiully informed t at a private lodging house k etaj cdby the fulfcribec gananoque wj fuch travellers ai wifh to be retired fron the noiic and bustle of a tavern can be bcr ibodatcd with ood beds and stamirg break fast 9 dinners bcc co be alfo pj- ded ndr ew br 4d fsjff ha t 3- fa n ufa ho ry r evspectfully acquaint t- by ben edwd starves jamaica sdiu brand gin shjrtib irpeimint port madeira spanijb am te- neriire wines bottled porter and scotch ale in cafes bed englim arid american cioaji t 4ca ougar so a i a fitidl adbrtment of bj rv ooclsj 1 ha raw a re and jewelry 3 ms z r zcoo 1550 15000 92co ewd laws naval storekeeper kavalyard ringfton 1 ith jan 18 1 6 j 1 jjtf william vjlean co ave j uft re eivcd a large ailbrtmeni of thefoljwitg liquors groceries jamaica spirits cogniac brandy beftfl uann gin port and madeira wits peppermint and shrub loaf and vi ufcov ado sue ar 6 cheefe kings arms pine apple cheqiirc ihom andsutiaau raiims hyfon and green tea 1s c c also an elegant aftortnent of siltc of every description laches and gentlemens isiack and coloured silk hole and gloves cf a fnpei ior quality as the abce article ee bought at an arly feafoo wholefale purchafers can be fup- plied on terms more advantageous than they now can be in montreal kingston 2 9 lh dec 1 3 1 5 3 1 1 kiftniofi kd jiinjarw 1816 jf t 1 e c the i 1 b fc tfocr it i p e d full y i j for in s friends and the public that he hai etvcrd in to eoprtiudhir with mr ge itjc pl i-det- icr and that the buiinefs wil in futiirebe cinied on iftidei the tbe firmof tho mso iv de i i c r he return hh anifrned acknciwledrrl ents to thofe vho have co libeiauy aflordfdi him fipuort and hopes thai the new fir r will merit a continuance of their favours a it is the fublcnbcrs wih ro cl ie his ffvfnw luhicl as ibon as poffible ijg will tltofe hnlv- vho a itidebted to call and arrange their refpcsltve accounts k c thomdtn 2d oa 1815 o for sale v n rerahle terms ii v as q concession bo 23 2 fiw o3 cincessfi tot no io in tke t ith cohcmtm the whole being in he townlliip of lans- dovn in the divtii of fohnftown for particlurs enquire at the 6f5ef tf allan mclean ff the fubiciber informs the pop r kiogston that he has commenced a 4 smith k but ier worth their friends and the public in general that they have recomrrenced bufinefs in the new honfe near walkers hotd where they have bn hand an extenfive asbrtment of ladies st chidrens beft beaver bonnets gentlemens beft bearer caflor rorarn and knap hsts 5 mengj youths and boys woo hats likewffc ladies and chiidren london faionable bonnets feathera and tnrnminrs of the following colours black white biue brown purple and drab which they offer wholefale and retail tot caffc a cheap as they can be purchafed at montreal n b cafli paid for beaver mulkrat and racoon skins kingftm o gcr 18 5 21 tf notice friends and the public that he is about f pemn- a store in front cf the new awket boute where he will do businefs on commtfim nd the 6 a s h and e as also for oats peas the old brewery of t the old brewery of ffl robinson by robinson- gillespir tvii buy and fell 200 ztoaj iss l nmrnmrft boot and shoemaku the for sale a number of town lota near the french r church the terms of payment wili mmndeeafy h earl king ilon sept 23 11 c i6ff jct f ahe into the enclofure of fiibfcrber about the firft tf september latt three helfkrsanda steer the owner or owners are irquefted to come foward ptoveprottr tf pay charges and tke them away andrew johnston erneft town 9th jin 18 16 52 wj for sale n fredenckiburgh lot no n in the firft conccfiion of aid town containing 1 ny one aenrous or p ing can apply to the fubferiber in camden or to the printer in kingfton johncarscallan camden jxnvary 4 z8l6 aitf tust received by the fubfenhers a con- jfignneut of 200 blue flufhing great coats price feven dollars klfo a few blue jackets and trowfers of a fuperior quality a vi acpherson co ktngston gib jan 1 8 1 6- 3 1 tf rajrs rags 1 i cash and the highest price paid for cle in cotton and linen otore c forward goods up or down the riv4 tnat jme of buhnels nmenu to wa charge may knnv th ratga or ttora d commffion by adhw at th trn ft r j0hn d k dec 30 1815 t votice por fale ihe boksofft juvenile u- for tenja apply 0 the prlnttr o nawn h fieflon a eatalogw of te y afffwev pockefibook contain i a ms j ot e fame and l ft t the p rls stuart wf1 reccvs the ab the faid bill can be of no ufe except to he owner their number a defen be- ff known and mtafnre having been ab readyjken to ft payment at the army eonfeqaentjy any perfon at- tcnpfaiig to pafi them frsudnleutly will be liable toarrelt and tral for felony kkigstm 20b gfi mi io bin dm hoks kingdon 2ith de cerrheriric lost t pposite the storr do r merrill or 01 mr c a gold finger r ftm in theiniide fj whoever may rind it and will returffit to the printer jhall behandfomely rewarded kingston 20th dec l8i 29 walter patrick mccuntft dealing under the name and firm of mccuniffe co refpeafully inform their fiend and theptfs he m general that feey have brought from lurope an elegant attartaierit of fancy jmines over the ftorc of ceo h maclean v he propofes keeping gooflanty on j gentlernens back ftrapped miliary b long luarrow do do to wellingten do gentlerrns rne vaxd calf shoes motocoodrefs pumps and fhoes tor dem en ancle boots and walking hoes tmx in the neat eft mannci miffisard childrens hoes he pledges himfelf to thefa who gre pfeafedto favor him with their coir cm all work made in his fcop ftall b rracl q the bed mateiala and rinihed in a fnpirtr manner as he is determined tokeep the j workmen he can em pic v william trya kingston 23d december 1815 the ubfcnberhatfor fale 2000 pairs worfted hofe for sale bar reh of cxcellen prime pork enquired mr eliglcy tavern kinm decern hr 1 5 1 8 1 5 28 notice the iubferibers- 1 alee this method to inform their frtemis and late cuflomers that all aocoimts anclnoes d as the company of ihorp d forward tenth day of feb ruary rvxt will be left in the hands of an at torney for collection tei efore all rerfons indebted tf- the laid thorp forward are feinted to rail and make immediate payment without delay dec 27 1 c 1 5 adapted to eveiy fcafor- together with great quantity of groceries and liquors of every defcription which they will fell low for caih the oods having been felefted by themfcues aie well worthy the attea tioa of town and country tracers but are too extenfive to infert in as ad purchalers nfr reqitefted to judpe for theci- lives by calling at mr caitadiry lone fioufe lately occupied by mofes carnahan is an mn kingstcn decemher 181 if4 card 3 fancy goods well adapted for the army or navy anf a quantity of ready made gentlemens and ads great coat ladys bonnets and a few pairs pantaloons and veftc and a small aflbrtment of dry goods and expects a large affortment of g from montreal every day john dun gar kingston december 30 181 3 lujt publijhedy and for j ale at office price ifs the life and dying spee of joseph bevui who was executed at kingston on mondt the 4th day of september 1815 for murder opmary bevir hu daughter written bv him elf while in prifon rth he fubferiber informs the ladies of i mhicrlton and its vici iity that i e ai juftrecei cd and has for talctie extea- five albirmeit of figured twilv h plain silks fe ribbons shawls handkerchiefs lveroftcrtrd for fale in this place whole fale or retail oil moderate terms samulil aykroyd- 261f a deer t 1817 all per ions feving c ius against tife estate of roourt graham sen hie of kingston decealed are requested to prefcnt them duly nuthmtfeated for payment oil or before the fifteenth february next as no ac counts will be allowed after that date and all perfons indebted to the faid estate are defired to make immediate payment thomas gkaham 29 kingston 2 2d dec 1815 r ijarsrlll surgeon taea the liberty of announcing tothe puh ic that he has taken mr earls houfe where atl calls fc his hue will be immediately attended to s j mr m has tot fale betide a general at- fortment df dnfgs imported by himfelf the fouowiog patent medicines viz biitim oh nderfons pills godfreys cardial kuxhams tin or bao cheltenham satb cvoe c cr i 8futateg0j tamarand liquorke poot effence of bergamo do of peppermint 1o of rofcs barclays itch oitmenfi jefuits drops dutch do tuihngtoua balfom tooih brumes do powders coiivt pi after pofe pink vitiufor soap suogftott 28th nov 1815 f lifts blank bail bonds and sheriffs sales for sale at this office c a me into the enclofure of the lub- fcriher about tlive months ago a in soldcro who may u 4 are nrnded for receiving f to and tnn to lepairto con lfcv cciay ipdimb e r a g benefit of his unfonvnare tmurm r wfitf 7t5 arc charitably difpofsd iviu and pur chafe one cf tie bods