saturday february io 1816 volume v no j kxkocton upper canada printed and published bw stel ben miles price four dollars per annum t fcr 1l v s vv 0 advertifing in the gazette ix lines and under zfi firii infertiofc glfd i3 every fabiequent y tea line and watt ftrft tattrttt ind i8 every fubfequent ten lines and upwards per line frl knfertion and per lp every fncceedng infertion 3 advertifements unaccompanied mtt mt en directions are inferted tu forb4 sd piargcd accordingly fig kingston library t flllj be open every mondar rrcrfi r vv qclock a m until 1 d0uck p m at the court ho ufe subfciipttons for readinqwili be receiv ed by the treafure wm mvlchell efq at thirty hillings pe tear or ten killings per quarter payable on fubferibing arid a de- pofit kit with the trcafurer ot five founds as a furcty gaifctks loft o books sub scribers are to conlidtr themfclvcs iibiett to uie rules of thf library peitoms having in thir f oftcon rook belonging to this ltolary arc ix edited to return them into tne library wklvotic delay charles andersgh secy kindlon ill feb 1816 whereas a note exiiicdby john mater and henry baker ibrne time in the year t 04 was given 10 adam staaung to fery in ht of an arbitration bond theft i to caution any and every phrfen agfttaft ta- king the laid noii in p merit vt n c tcrmioej never to pfc the fame henry baker jngtop 3d fcbnary i getf sftjh more or left together vihafaree and com modicmxlwcllfng bcife bams and aure 1 r 1 i improve ent the eon formerly owned by the hte hazleton ispcncer efq deceifed poifellsoji alfo to be given on the first jay of jlpnly r3i6 als0 tv70 town ldts lying or the crofa vtfvet leading o the priming osjjee and nearly oppofite tiiereto being lots no 147 and 154 and iiktvife feveval town lor i the rear of the town of kingston tome of which are lying on the road to lower can ada and others 00 the road leading to the bay of qtinte j charles otuart kingston 23d dec 1815 3 s a y i r ptave and iquarf turbr svithin a realona- ble distance of rie water leading into the biy of qnmty eur particular any pel on or perlm wiffing to pjrclrje milpleafc o cau at this otue or at mr jofeph ailicrs kitgfton dec 9 1815 5 71 c wanted ffr the fupply of lih majesty force l this post from lato 16 000 pounds of gco a mterctiiritame fresh bef pet week deliveries to conmerjce on tfie tit of mi next be continued fo the- 31st d- fecmber 1s16 prapofals for the above fupply will be re- ecwedat this office unul the 1 st april iixt inwhich day perfons having tendered mil o made acquainted with the reluk ot theif wopofais 1 l r cmijfaridt ojpct v itf kitgtton zjth jan il h to be let tor one vear or more the onr half of lot t no i and part of no 15 joimiig lufl fcataioque in the firil cohceukm of ngilon wih a fmall convenient frame koufe rnd lia- ie ihereon and barn room inquire ot ttie ribferiber on the preinifes thpmagranam k3alfofti ii nov- 1 ft imp for ale the west hale of loi number nircteen fo the fecorui afcpil of the tcwnlnip o kingfton- apply to the fttriter c i jkin july tai wij white t ebpectfttlev frms ss otd iv cofiomera and the public in general that he will recornmene his bofmefs oppoiite of cook smiths on wedneidav rxt where thofe who will favour him mqk taetr commands may depend on neatneis punti- ahty and disoatci he will fo keep coo- ftautly on hand leather of all kinds or fale n b six or ccven jrood workmen at he rbove bufmef will find the befx encourage- went and their wages paid in fece every saturday night ard ofenr it required kingston ad december e8i for sarle vvrylow fox cafn or reott uind of country produce three elegant woco- cu clrcks warranted to keep good tie squire of mr peter van skiver in agh plvuttuwn or of the fubfenber c mlllrlll jngfton eth nov xs15 4 jise sale 9 tftl ftwi3f 4 moi coo potash kettle sip ljun aoigq siuj ie pipdsj aq jivxsap lie 5aoob vp jo icfdduj dlji joj sjpupjl 4 ilr xq piiodjctil 3r ob9 8htieuj ip se saudj sutnjtia m apea se tu3jj mro pte sj t jopsjj ujoj uooi iv c n x it 0 janies g hanna oppfitesnib if cook smk chters for fate the following jewelry cold chains seals nd keys eoiotircd fend platn gold r rinjrs amcthyft m- brmvrett dc rapljeu nd gold b-r- cries uo do 00 pins t- pz- and pel fetts pearl jett and corelan ring gold box rings l dies audcicntlerncrs pla do at her necklaces j gold and enameled mis vfytth do lockets silver gilt jfiuft boes mottromg fetts gilt ritr3 and ear rings rlvei fvua knives and fountain pens do sprotw fii- id pla- tii speeles do sfe tubes and tliiin- slf it claxps and snaps rzora m cuics ani vuiioui sport rrt as knives pcr do frrn 1 ti 6 blades d do with soufl boxes and fvriflbrs paftc cutters ladies trtuifc t corr beft pwlifhed fled sciflsrs tsfavrl gilt dlvr and belts giit and teel fwo3 swiveu piatcd bials and vicel tivcsil chains fling telefcopes gilt belt mfjtffftirifts brafs- bullet moulds 5 watches of diiterentdclcrmtious warranted good watches and clocks of difiretentde fcrtptions cwhed ard repaired ia the belt manrver and expedition watch glafie- dals- secorfd minute sc hour hands gold and gilt kingfton jan ix ii6 2 strayed away from mr badgkya stable a dark bay horse about tw years cid with a fmail vhite fyol on his voehead whoever will bnn him to vv ilbam evan at tigitaaj siall be re- kington jan 10 1 8 1 6 3 j 7 notice- t here as dan e al len of the town of k tilon has by a power of an yttcrney autwrlfcd efasvrfivuf pf this place to coilec wtaia monies and propertu- both bnm of the subscriber in j dolphusttjwx or at the print img office n jiagerman hwgston x qth august 1 3 1 5 1 1 tf 9 i zx9 9s x 1 new goods op zx j o h n 5 fl tiay ttjst nerrrvfn u3hi f ssipu 3 pii ipnii- c ilcl p spiaogjo sjnninb sojbt irjoojl113 jo sptynj opoi x i f jjicj gooq3 lurr jd oiup coo5 zta f tiimooj otj sjpicpud3p iwfid a3sortmekt c5f dry and lrrocen ititiumofi 4 hew im of stage 0 iiie fuhfcnbir fris corcticaysd ruuhnig 5 linl of biges in evlotitrcal t knrtoi tvic a week it vi s mow f ofi moiday ix thtnfdays at cfjht a m aid anivc- nj kpguon on ednefelays arl c itardas lnl leave- king- ion the itm time end arrives in monti e- 3 1 t lit 1 vi 1 ilmong which are the follcwir articles super ime and common broad cloths white and black cotton cambrfclcs superanedrjtd nd undreipd calicoes black ailk madrag and cotton bandan na handkerchiefs a variety of shawls and vsfli ngs j jarge damhxc silk shawls french cambrick for handkerchiefs fine linen cambrick and robe paternsx tw iack mode gentiementi fine buck doelfn and bea ver gloves ladies black white and fancy coloind silk do ladivs fncv atrted kid do b1aclij mne gren 8c scarlet porabaxette whiie fhallooo tiik velvets and cottoo tie iiuen amtnck and kobe paternsj lack white 6c changeable cold luftriair i nil n o wilrd oarcnctts vd saturdays ptehisisc shiriings l7ue cry v lllu1 far th w of tra elkn into tha w of the ije looks f enter the names of thofe wftomsn 7h lots in the stue will be fp t wt fr hi t pad otrett m-ucoand- p liaur hold an king mori barnabas btckinsqri rp j 1 mjrtytiree barels rif excdleaf whiskey fqrfalc very low qirecrf rromaskrdy ktigston qt 2s tsi c fine irijh linen ruflia imitatiou spo scotch shectiig blac and white jeans dimities ind htatj jackonct doi mnflin lenoctl uringhama ribbons and laces r tne phtci furr and wool hats oil j hat covers also nylon j ror ale a vahiahs raa of land lyinr in the tpwnfiup rf chaxlotienbnrc contain shrubs port wine- tu above good together ieu tt a b befcm ar the yoft reduced prices for b witen our thankful aeknowledijnent to 2 zt anceoftucirlturep jingfoar hundred and thirteen acres mere or imi and known by tke name of lots no f 2 7wng part of a irio of ud between the ad and 4th concerns of hacaenburgh for terms appk fc james g btehune advepyisement rirhe fubferiber orfers for fale to the jl public on liberal tenus of paymuit the fbllowine iot of walte lands lots no it in the 8th cofu no 9 in the 6th coiy s welt j 23 8th ccn no eail j 5th con o the tow hip of pjittlmtgh also lts no 7 in triejth conceffion no 26 in ihe 6ih concefiion fr hundred cotjs of fir wood wan- no 23 eitlt 8th coaof pkifouryh ted to be delivered during thi and the ah30 rish severe lots of land of one and two acres iu extent on the front of lot number 24 in ths township of kingfton lying and icitaate on the hore of the lak and likcwile ieveral lota of land of one two and three acrea on cue vear of the uud lot no 24 lying and fcituatc on the road from the kivigftovjxft pctober 1815 mkw fffitet kingston i rne mouth sealed tenders will be re- cd at the hofpful p f on uhyott january twelve clock flhrfir nquiedfo the cd petforaance of the contia 3 thomas lewis j surgeon- f n makinr payment to fanl count of tne allen jk hgton iotle countrythe on ealonablc frn- iw on them j f th tu 2 z setr hfvv a1 l rti nv- for sale on vcaforwblc t kingston jflj pvanttd b appl dawson tauor ssvmbjqhf tll8 for sale ok1ll stuart tf- s valuable furm withbunm also large nnprocmcnta thereon fe vorably luutu within 28 miles of ru ton pcrfous dfivous of t urchatinc to -a- uicc of the in iur r t