Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), February 10, 1816, p. 2

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ti imbcr sc spars t r vv anted to be delivered at the na val yard in the month of june next raft- theq gland ed for the quebec market and to be of quality foot tbeic to be exported to fen jffcite d t i pin 0 red pine not to be left tbafl twelve in ches fqjare one third to be thir ty feet longone third thirty rive and the other forty feet long spars f of pern six six six six four four four four four two two two two two two two two iwo six six oix oix twa one four four four four two two two two t i two two two two two twa six six six ola six four our four four two two twa twa iwo two two two two two two three six six six blx four four four four two two two two two two two two two two two six feet length lq 66 s 33 28 4 j zb 42 3 50 22 43 no 3 77 64 neks sameittt 18 10 4 7 3 2 s is 9 ro 10 35 70 39 3 3 5 10 5 4 2 i 23 42 i4 49 66 18 14 59 45 20 s 2 46 46 3- 1 6 5 57 34 44 59 39 36 5 46 50 93 47 75 3 64 43 45 57 29 55 72 39 24 68 33 38 16 50 69 25 e 35 9 9 9 22 23 j 6 14 10 9 10 22 32 5 39 ix 11 29 18 28 x8 14 8 14 1 x 7 xi 16 4- six six s i x six four four four four two two two two two two two r f 58 66 47 6 r r w 5 34 48 33 4 45 3 4 o 40 3- 44 i wo t w 0 35 3 two 42 two 28 ten 7s forty forty co 45 bix 1 00 c1x 78 8ix 5 three 92 six 58 six 4 four four 40 four 30 four 4 fou r two 33 two 4- two ci- a wo 64 two e i wo 9 iwo 41 two i two 6 two 37 two a ten 7 forty 5 forty 40 mix 4v sis 38 six 81 six 45 six 30 four 5 four 37 four 26 four 33 four 5 two 53 two 3- two two 4 two 3 two 28 iwo 35 two 55 two 56 two 3 two 2 2 ten 61 forty s forty 35 23 so 12 9 10 x tl id to i i 9 8 26 18 13 9 2 r 1 r6 9 1 10 s 16 8 12 7 4 m 8 ii 9 7 1 1 8 20 3 7 14 ro 7 notice r v 1 rhe fuhferibrrs to the propofed engine for the town of kingston are fequefted to attend at the court honfe on tuefd3y next at twrke oclock prtcifely for the purpofe of felechng trailers a treaf- urer and a secretary to carry into effect the intention of that fuhfeription kingfton feb 8 1 8 1 5 36 50 dollars reward anawsy on sunday the 4th wi an indented ypprentfee to the shoema- ing blifmefs of the name of francis ad ams othcrwife bofejly lie is about fev- nteen y of age about rive feet four in cbeg high of a fair complexion fair hair blue eyes had on when he vut away a grey fhorr coat and trowfers yellow waiftcgatand wellington boots he ltoie fhoemaketfl tools and other property whoever will apprehend laid runaway and bring him back rr fecure mm in any jail in either province hall receive the above reifott i forbid all perions again ft harbounng or employing him under pain ot being procuted to the titmoft rigor of the lav il printers 28 well in the united cttatc3j as cither prov ince viil mueb oblige the public bv giving this an iufenicn in their pajrs s lie 13 cim moffcrjer john eller3lck kingiton feb 5 18 16 5 communications 4 mr laut anguii in htrla miles i was much amufed on readin s a pr particularly attracted m fsngiilar contradiaion there exiia graph under the signature of a t c on fnfertcd fn our ia qj 7 attention by t the lentiments and the itodrf wuter or bc fter making a few defultory ob nns on the pnees of provisions our w fince the return of peace he proceeda to a tack the proprietors of the steam boat ff manner which r on his candour or his r hep tis tounderfhnd tlfnt theie eentu fent a petit i gentlemen h ive ave praying non to our provincial legiflai for a right to navigate the wj ters between frefoh and oneenst minds of requcd goods trll he fubferiber haj just no v offers fot chofen alfortmeut of hit i i in received extenllve a dry goods groceries and hardware jlso i well chofen affottment of medicine the whfle of which will be fcm at the invest prices for cafe or country produce kingston 26 h auary 1 s 1 6 m 4 prions which this perlotl may have made on the the public w declare dial thv cirrumftane aihided to m very much mifreprefentcd- i he proprietors of the steam boat are men of too much difeernrrentro make h prepoaeroiu and ahfurd thir petition they prefented to parliament was fot the rght cf navigating by means of fleam the aitd vral of ljj proviftcc bh ween prefcott and ard queenilon to the exclufioa of all other ovvam bom efpecially of the jnencaft for 3 limited time and fc thia requed it will be obferved that they had rfafort bh their fide for f we tafce into confideratron the nd- relty of the undertaking in this prvir the capital requifite to carry the pfnjetl htfl esccutidn tne pirft of adventurous enter pi ze oanifefted ano ahve a the advantal which the public in general will receive from it m the event of its fuccefs we mnft aunredly admit that they merit tome pnvil- ge tne fpirit of commercial entsrpnfi asfiumbered arfiog us too hrg aveatiy and 3 refufal on the oart of our lejiiilature 1 to grant the right abovementioned for a frot rhe fubienbtr ripcctiui r 3l leaw 9 v begs x to inform nis tntndu and the public i l- has received 2 great variety of dry goods 6l gfocene an cloths rlanrels caliccec itocking rea dy made ccat trowfers and waiftcos handket chiefs trawl fncns everoek inittfj womens hues tippets bombiretts umbrellas earthen nrd glafi ware mallard fap osndlea railing loaf and mufcovado fugar c ladles trkciittnga tot coat clofe brufhes fhot piowcler indigo pepper tea ftc ard will he fold at the lowelt terma tohn d0vlan period would have a mod pernicious effeft s it would nip in the bud a flower fchich iti the duty of every government to cheitjh vcitb 511 its meiins 1 the fpii ntoti iter thi- tlron tuiucigaiifc the proprietors ot tnqge beat o8 ot to recommend the potw continuing to allow the feme 2dvantas to the ymericaris which they at prcfent eripy in the tntercourfe with this province not merely to far as regards th importation of provifionj but alfo of every feeiea oiyr- ican manufavcutfii 4 x 1 v it appears to be with him a matter ottri fling importance whatrcftrictions are bid by the government of the united states on the introduction of eritifh rnanufacturesiff- kiffgstotfj 25th jan if i- ft 34 advertifement anar perfoa rifiiing to deliver a fpecifikd quantity of the faid timber muft tender ffor two thirds oak and one third white piitte and the spars mull be taken in proportiton of thef different sascff scaled tenders will be received at tfhrj yard on the 3 ill mt expreffing the ptfm for delivering them in or out of the watter when the partfes are requeued to attend ewdlawj agent for receiving the fsid imbrer naval yard kmgfton 3 nthjan 1816 stolen from the fubfenberonthe 30th of september laft a dark bay maw five years old last fpriri she is a natural trotter about touitsen anci a hair nanus ngn with a heavy mane and tail and a fear on the right sde of her breast perceivable by llroking the hair upwards tvftl curls on her forehead and a white fpot on her rrhhers- the thief is one james chatterfon lately of this place hi is about twenty two yearn df age of a knder make fwarthy complex ion dark- eyes- and hair and a dowivcall look whoever will return faid mare or fecure the thief in any jail in this provinc fo that z may be brought to jail tee riall have all rea- fonable charges paid and receive he thanks of the fubferibcr sebastian koglf ernet town jan 19th 1816 544 for sale by the tuhccribcra bhcmmiijn fit and vigeyior which produce will be accepted of in payment at the market pi ice elijah bech kingflon jn 24 i8trt ftf ot notiqf thefc mltters are or no weight vuh him as his views are wholly directed to the oppofue fide of the frbject refpeftmjf which he fpeaks mod feelingly and we may therefore infer that he has lomc more irrpof tant object to gain by he continuauce af the intercourfe with onr neighhotirs on to prefent footing than the mewe reduction ift the prices cf produce in our market and that he may with the greateil degree ofju- tcc be ftyled patriotic fince he saanifelli fnch real concern for the welfare and prof- perity of hi country rfjfn another very entertaining cjrcarrftanee h the art i free he has ge to conceal his ral oicvvs by pleading in the moft pathetic man- ner the eaofe of the warriovs- who fought in oui defence dming the iate vnaturalr as he terms it and for this fetice he merit their acknowkdgemtuls but this difgune ftinfufficicnas we may eafily perceive w although he ftyles himfelf a trne briton he is nothing but an afs ctoathed in tfc kin of the lion cakdiw- ktmston zthfdrvzrj 18 1 6 ma foitoa a ll peifoas having claims upon cine eftate of the late john maclntolh of thurlor efquire deceafed arc requeued deliver the teme properly atteited to tthc fubfcriberswithin three months that the fa may be adjufted and all perfons indebte the faid eftaic are tequeftcd to make pay- ment without delay martha maclntofh adminiftratrt jroswcil leavins administrator thurloiv 24th december lsij i i obferved tp your paper cf the 17 u communication written by a per ton wants a foliation a c f j practice whichi am forry to t w tn a wholefale or retail store a young man for whofe integrity and capability he can produce good vouchers a line addrefted to s w and lodged at this office will be attended to re rcrauv- prevails in tbte place f ca fo fome attention fronn tse ma i need not tdl you mr edor fe fcrcely a sttndav vjffe but we are an n notice for sale avery valuable and pleafantly fe ted town lot for terms applj at ia office alrl rerfor3 indebted to he eftateo doctor anoon sktk deceafed arc reqriefted to make immediate payment allan mac lean efc and thofe whu havf demands are requited to exhibit the frme for adjustment martha smith f f the to m offer onfiht we nt wl 0 once more blfted w 1 ppit h that ikbme of grattnde t

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