for sale 3 tfce ftm nber a feiy purhronp jamaica spirits jriandy gin wine hrub and a peppermint loaf and muicovado sugary tea coffee and chocolate indigo enper sc allfpice genera aitortment of di v 1 goods steel plank au very low for cafh samuel merrill oards 7 anted to be deliveteri on the 31ft w inft and during the month of eclitu kry scaled tenders will be received t rtiia yard on the 2ath ittfl flank 3 if 4 jfatil yard kintjflon nth j a if too 50640 9800 ewd laws nival storekeeper william tf leah co have juftre elvcd a large aflbrtfecni of the wng liquors groceries jamaica spirits coniac brandy beft holland gin port and madeira wine peppermint and shrub loaf and vjufcovado sugir fangs arms pine apple chccfr chefbirc bloom and sutland rfias hyibn and green tea figs c c mm an elegant aflbrtment of silk tnmimnga f every defcription ladies and gentlemens black and coloured silk hofe and gloves of a fuperior cjuafity as the above articles were bought at an erly fesfon wholefale purchafers can be nip- plied on terms more advantageous than they now can be in montreal kingston ph dec 1 8 1 5 3 lit for sale n fredenckburgb- lot no ii in fa firil conceffionoffaid town containing 100 acres one hundred under improve ment with a frame houie an- barn there- on there can be cut yeafy 30 ions of good hay any one deiirous of purch fi fing ca4 agpfy to the fubferiber in gafmdei or to the printer in kingdom john carscallanv camden january 4 8i6 fitt just received by the fubfenbers a con fignment of 200 blue flufhing great coats i price feren dollars alfo a few blue jackets and trowfers of a fuperior ouaiity a magpherson co kingston 6th jan rifi 6 31 tf public are rcfpechully informed that a private lodgl g house is estatmuv ed by the fuhferiber at gananoq tie where fuch travellers as wih fo he retired from the notlv and bus- ofa tnver can be actont- modated with good beds ind stabling breakfasts dinner cvc can be aifo provi- ded andrei br a dish by ben w edvwl st antes jam spints brandy gin shrub peppermint port madeuri sparfti arid te- periffe wine bottled porter r scotch ale in cafk or si i also n caiko belt koglifh and anvrigaii cap a fmall aflbrtmeftt ol drv g h d jewelry- a few boxes smoakd herrings hing a january t8i6 gitf i toi 1 en the fubferijr efpe6lfiily informs hie fiends and the public that he has entered ir copartnefhp vith mr george h det lot mi that the bufinefs will in future be fearrfcvl on under the the firm 01 thomson detl or he tlijrng hh dnfeigncd acknoy ledgmenti to thote who have fo liberally aorckj birn inpport ant hopds that the ner firm will merit a continuance nt lieir faoirs as it is the iibferibers rifli t clofe iiis fitrmei bufinefs as cootj as poilible he will thank thofc vho are indebted to call and arrange their relpccbve accounts a 23d oct iic c thomson 2d o for sale n reafonable terms lot no 22 in the tb cmmswni no 23 in the hth couessiott 4kb t of no 20 in this 1 uh cmcmkti the vlole being in the iwnfliip or laus- dowiijin the distuct of johnlloun for particlurs engnre at il s ct allan mclean efq kingston august s8 1h15 u the iubicrser rnforme the people j- rinffston that he haa commenced 1 1 kingston mai nc 1 a bvnncjs re over the sore of geo h mac lean ti he proposes keeping odndautly on tiaj ienllemena uackttrapped miutarv i- long narrow do do do wellington- do gentlemens fine waxd calf shoes morocco drefs pumua and ihoes for t tlemen ancle boots and valkirfa flioes trlmn in the neat4 manner miites and children 3 fhoes he pledges himfelf to tlibfe who picaifed to favor him with tlieir ctrsom t all wwrk made in his hop fhall be made c the beft materials and finifhed in i iupei- manner as he is determined to keep the fc workmen he car fjiiploy william tuyan kingston 23d december 185 the iubicriber his for faie co 1 w d h c rags i cash and the highest price paid q cle an cotton and linen r a g s at this office well adapted for the army or navy anq a quantity of ready made gentlemens and lds great coats ladys bonnets and a few pairs pantaloons and veils and a small aflbrtment of 1 s j 1 qgds loxh for sale at this oiiice a dhcourfe delivered at brockville eli- abethtown april 27 18 15 being a day appointed for a general thanksgiving in up per canada for putting an end to the war in which we were engaged againll the uni ted sate of america true piety a lource of individual happi- neff and national profperjty by william smart minillcr of the gofpel- 0 britain trnjl the lord thy foes in ijfi auhnmthf ruirtj and obpofe bit feign john duncan kingston d 30 ltj f juf fublrjhed and for f ale at ibis office price tfy the life aid dying speec rl hat mnnufaftcrn smith butter worril espectfully acquaint their friends aid the public in dreneral that thev have rrcornmewced bufinefs in th new houfe near walkers hotel where they have on hand an extrniive aitortment of ladies childrens bell beaver bonnets gentlemeris bil peer caftor roram and knapt hats 5 mens youths and boys wool xius likevvife laces and childrens london fafbonable bonnets feathers and trimminrts of the following colours black white blue brown purple and drab shch thtry effer wholefale and retail for cafh as cheap as they cao be purchafed at montreal n b cafli pid for beaver mufcrat and racoon skins tt i d ry goods cciifiin oery rticlt in that n fj able to in together vi a h choice fcrtipt silfertti oare crapes thread laces tnnu tor il lace veil ml shawl mst cliict tippets c ftc ijpets c c also ha rdwa rt e g iienware eries l ki 3 pel 18 1 j 2 tf auok noiic the fubfchber rtfjferailly informs ms friends and the public that he is abbuc opening a htm e in front ox the new maiet houfe where hit will do which they will fell on the mosi rcafonj ok- terms wholefale and rttaif kingston 19th january 1b16 r john avisow as receutd by the fall arrivals fcj englaiid and i ivglaiid and now iters for uk and- gant aftoment of 1 dry g v fi rd cal 1 t good confiding hf snperiine stid common cloths smtt an mirecl flannels flioiin 3 5 izn up jr down the river j will take in any orden f any delcrptl in that line of bufinefs bnc3 64 and 74 printed and fimtaii ujy ui uuixueis f a r i ji rncl 1 inrtinon n n pr i- shauli bandanna and madrefs kandker- or tloage and corn flion by caijmg at the cotton laces black and ensured velvet new commiffion fibre 1 i r- i ci john duncan kiigfion dec 30 ikfv 30 cotton laces black and ensured velvet plain bqdfigord sat in twitd and isnrci n ce i7cr fale the bookofthe juveuil li- brary for ti ms apply to the pi irier jrfcfc has in his pi jfeftton a catalogue of ehe kiihon 3pth december ihrr r m 1 a mm ccdt men 10 lost te t ic storr dior fc i go finger fling ftampc intheinlide s whoever r find it and witl return it to the printer hall be tii l ely rewarded kivi 3th srcc 181 2 united stated bank paper taken in pip nent by allowing the discount jitl water street kingdom jan 13 igjj cash and the highest ptith pm fdi 4 for pale tt barrels of cclutt prime pork- uireat mr badgleys tivern kingston dei t j 15 1815 g noticl i lt iubftribers take this method to hifonn their friends and late caftoineis that all accounts and notes due the company of thorp bt forward the tnih day of feb ruary itfxt will oe left in the hand of an at torney for colic tiioti- therefore all ptrfonj indebted to the faid thorp o forwaru are dtfi red to call and make insmediatc pajrpnt witliotjt delay dec 27 1815 0 jsnd o as also xor 3 oats peas 5 at the old brewery of robinson 4 dines bv rnson gillespie 28 kings ion ijccember 15 1 8 1 fancy goods the fubferiber informs the ladies of ongllon ail i vicinity that v haa uft received and has for fele the molt cktcn- iive affoitment of ci i ame into tfe enclofureof the fubferi- berbme tfm ago if co tb wner is requested to prove property pay aharjre and take her away e trnabai spoon o figured f wild plain silks shawls handkerchiefs- ever offered for fale in this place whole- le or retail cii moderate terms samufl aykroyd oo dollars reward dscr 1 itfij of joseph bevir who was executed at kingston on moio the 4th day of september 1815 for e murder of mary bevv his daughter all perfons having cl ims against ihe estate of robert graham sen late of kingston deceafed are requested to prefent sriem duly autlientiqated for payment on or before the fifteenth february nesta3 no- ac counts will be allowed after that date and allpeifons indebted 16 the faid estate are deuced to make imnrliate payment thomas graham kingston 2 2d dec 181 29 bianic bmh bonds and sheriffs sales lor gale at this office lost cm thmhay the ipih ift e th rorf towards ernclt town a id mroar pocketbook coining y b f th value only to oeowner whoeve to mm he famelnd h11 bring to jjgg to mr she iff stuart will rexl the f faid bills can be of 0 f s heir number and defevuon be knrston 20 os 615 dfter defraying the expencei arc intend the hencjit of his unfortunate children rtfi fume all nvhc are charitably difpofed ct ndturchac one of tie tiooh c ame into the enclosure of ihe fubicn- ber about fve n ft of augvt aliuc bsekd leer avout two years old the cwner thereof is lequeited to prove property pay charges and ke laid iltcr nicii- 1 as peterson sen p mv all without aiy to veuatr to loi nw an af ioitf il efq cnjonuuulant ot tlcev settle j- providoitsi l