Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), February 17, 1816, p. 1

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w n v ivwpf hhj rtv tw saturday february 17 18 16 kingston volume v no 37 kingston uppek canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum price of advertifing in the gazette six lines and tinder 26 firli infertion and 1j every fubfcquent ten lines and under 34 firli infertion and tb every fubfequent ten lines and upwards 4 per line firft infertion and id per line every fncceeding infertion a dvertife meets unaccompanied with writ ten directions are inferted till forbid and charged accordingly w the kingston library ill be open every monday from 1 1 oclock am until 1 oclock p idint the court houfe- oubfetipt ions for reading will be receiv ed by the treafurer wm mitchell elq at thirty millings per year or ten hillings per uarter payable on fubferibinv and a d- oiit left with the treafurer of fie foandj a a furctv aeafilt the lots of books sub- friber8are to confider fhcmfclves subject to the rules of the library perions having in their polkcnon books belonging to this library re ttqueiied to rtum them into the library without chlny charles anderson sec kingfton 1 ft feb 1 b 1 6 35tf 1 whereas note exec j ted by john miller and henry baker fome time in the year 104 was given to adam staanng to ierve in iicn of an arbitration bond thefe are to caution any and every perfon agamtt ta king the faid note in payment as we aa- de- trmined never to pay the fame john miller henry bakxr notice for sale or to lease that valuable farm in the town- chip of apolpbm tcvn adjoin fng the village of holland ville owned and formerly occu pied by the fubferiber poflvfiion of the premifeato be given on the first day oafni 8i6 also that valuable farm no 8 fi tuated and lying in the townfhip of fred- erieksburgh additional containing zoo acres more or leis together with a large and com modious dwelling horfe barns and alarge improvement thereon formerly owned by the late hasleten spencer elq deceafed j poitsilion alio to be given on the first day of april 18 16 also two town lots ivinp on the crofn etreei leading to the printing office and nearly oppoflte thereto being lots no 147 and 154 and likcwife feveral town lot in the rear of the town f kingston fome of which are lying on the road to lower can ada and others on the road leading to tht bay ofquinte charles stuart kingston 23d dec ilic 3 1 for sale a quantify of oak fuitafele for staves 5nd frjunrfc timber within a rcafona- hi disruiee of the water leading into the bay of quinty for particulars any pet ion or per fans wiffctng to purchafc will pleafi za call at this oisceor at mr jofcph valises linnfc kiirgflon dec fsij 1 t kmgiton 3d febnary if id jfti j cutics vjt han na w anted op the fupply of lis majvstya r 3 et this post from 1 4 to l5 coo pounds of eood merchantable fresh reet per week deliveries to commence on tre 1st 01 may next and to be continued to the 3 i3t dc gcoibe 1816 propofala for the abev- fpply will be r teived at this office until the rt april ttv en which day petfotis having tendered will be made acquainted with the wiult of their oropofala commitirjt 47 v 4 tf kir si en zpb jr i 3 1 6 oppjje smith s xrfj sr offers for ide the following jewelry viz gold chains seals and keys coloured and plain gold ear rings amcthyft rin- ber and jett do pearl jett and gold broa ches do do do pins topar and pearl f tls pearl tett and cornelian pjngs god box rings ldies and gentlemens plain doamber keeklacea god and enamehd fauce moiitees do lockets silver gilt smift boxes mourning letls gilt rings and ear rings fdvet fruit knives and fountain pens do spoons iueranri pla ted spcchele do segar tabes and thim ble otice a ll perfons indebted to the euat of j door ajjson smith deceafed arc tequelted to make immediate payment to allan mac lean efq and tho who have demands are requeftedto exhibit tue fame for aduftment martha smith a jr rtsiratri yigfton feb 2 18 1 tt bor sale ryke wcethals of lot number rtcen in the fecord conehn of the townihip oi eingflon apply to the fjiattr kingston jul 101815 jt shoe making o tttf f0 a jl 1 rs aid the public jtncia c 5 c rte respectfully cumom that he will recommene his birn of cook smiths on vedncv tl rt j vhere thefe who will favour him ih their commands may depend 01 natne8j pa ality and ditpatch he wl alfj keep cor- vi a u ftantly on hard lesthcr of m nas 1- fale the n p sixer fcen gooa woctw lt above bufinefs m find the befc enornce- uient and their wages paid m fptcte every saturday night and ofteier if rtquiti4 kingston 2d december tsij 2 t f gilt clafps and snaps razors in cafee and without 5 fportmens kmves 3 pen do from 1 to 16 blades do do with snnff boxe and siltors palk cutters lnchcs tortqife hell combs bcft polifried fteel naval gijt dirks and belts gut and ikei fword swivels plated brafc and lleel overall chains fling telefcopes gilt belt mountings brafs bullet moulds 5 watches ot diuerent defci intions warranted rood watches and clocks of different de fer iptiona cleaned and repaired in the belt manner and expedition watch glafios dials second minute dc hour hands gold and gilt kingdon jan 13 iflrfs 32 trayed away from mr badgleya stable a dark bay horse about twelve years old with a imall white fpot on his forehead whoever willbintr hum to william evan at kingdon lhll be re warded for their trouble kinguon jan 10 1816 g2tf take notice hereas dan e jl- len of the town of eingfton has by a power of an attorney authorifed ebenczer jewily of this place to coiled certain monies and properties both in the province of canada as alio in the u- nired states of ymerica on fufpicion of de lays an other caufes thefe are thee re to forbid the faid jeuil to proceed in hud bufmefs as attorney alfo forbidding any n-r- fon making payment to faid jtvnl oi count of the fublcribrr dan e allen 98 1 un u pi pmjpffjttaqq qoibj iox aqi tun zgq sn c paaposj q qim sap uieaaoqe o jojddnj aqj ioj rdpuar mpa xq pnjtodjurjia aq n3 8ej3ittu sip be suradj 2mnju3 ji4 uj iuvd se aiujjj inroj pue ypi japij iujoj uorunyj 31 pujmjnj k ct 3w1 nko ph 5aoi oooj for sale kingston jan i 8 1 s 1 6 1 verylcnv for cam or moll kinds of country produce three eiegmi wood en clocks warranted to keep good tin enquire of mr peter vhi skiver ie adot- phuibown or of the ftieibcr c merrill wanted 3 two or three journeymen t aiiors who will find ileady employment bv apolviu to john awson tailor alnyton dec vc t t8f xz 99 tx 69 jo srpirnb asjej op op zz op op zi udui i z t 1 ptm 63qduj q puc ipuit- l p s jo sdiinuunb osiej b03jeq3jo spujug oooi xlxg 5 ooo k juojiip occ5 f jq sj3ujng oooe sia jrory saevoiroiaqjsitoijopuadap pas cojiini jb joujj orjqri aqj loj j luzmujmqf ne uj line of i w al on wedneldays and saturdays f travelling in this line will find good te he firbfcriber haa commenced running a line of stages from montreal to kinton twice a week it leases mon- trcal on mondays anil thuvfdays at eight oclock a m and arrives in kingfton on eton the lame lime end arrives in montre- perfoti9 good teams 8c careful and experienced drivers with covered ilighs made comfortable for the purpofe another line v 11 leave ogdeufburgh for utica every wednefday and friday fw the convenience of travellers into that part of the country the books to enter the names of thefc who may wifh feats in the stage will be kept at samuel hedges in st paul street in montreal and at robert ialkers hotel n euigilon barnabas dickinson montreal january lie 1816 3 hipty three barrels of excellent whiskey for fale very low enquire of thomas htfrdy kmrton oct i c i rf c 2 i tf 1 for 6aie a valuable tract of land lying in the towniliip of charlottenburgh contain ing four hundred and thirteen acres more or lef and known by the name of lots no 13 14 15 16 and 1 7 being part of a ftrip of land between the 2d and 4th concefsona of charlottenburgh for terms aoply to james g btehune kingftoff a 1 ft october 1 8 2 r 7 1 tf naval hospital kings tor j sib january 1 8 16 j two hundred cords of fire wood wan ted to be delivered during this and the next month sealed tenders will be re ceived at the hofpital point frederick on 1 he 20th january init at twelve oclock n b sureties will be required for the due performance of the contract thomas lewis surgeon 3 1 for s 0 ul ci1 or reafonabie teims 5 sett heavv r a me1calf 2 7tf kingfton 4th dee 1815 for sale a number of town lots near the french church the terms of payment will l made eafy h- earl hingftopj iegt 23 8ie itsl eor sale two potash kettles enjxe of the subscriber jv jf nclphustown or at the pritk img ofhce n hagerman kingston 19 august 1815 1 ff newgoods7 johns have jugt recieved a gnr- as30rtment df d j goods g and tesj among which are the following articles superfine and common eroad cloths white and black cotton cambricks superfine drfld and undrelpd calicoes black silk madrafa and cotton bandan na handkerchiefs a variety of shawls and veujngs large damafk silk shawls french cambrick for handkerchiefs j fine linen cambrick and robe pater ns black white changeable col d luilrih twilld sircenets mask mode gentlemen fine buck doefian and lea ver gloves ladies black white and fancy cooud silk do a ladies fancy afforted kid do white halloan silk velvets and cotfion shirtings fine irifh linen ruflla imitation aci scotch sheeting- black and white jeans dimities and blatl crape jackonet and book mufiins lenoea ginghams ribbons and laces fine plated furr and wool hats oipd hat covers also hyfon 1 young hyfon v and hvfonskin j hug pigtail and ladies twift tobzccc high proof old jamaica spirits cogniac brandy holland geneva shrub port wine the above goods together with a variety of articles not mentioned will be fold ac the moil reduced pncea for caih tve tended our thankful acknowledgments to our cus tomers for paft favors and folicit a continu ance of their future patronage kingston 6th august 1815 ctf advertisement the fiibfcriber offers for fale to tic public on liberal terms of payment the following lots of wafte lands lots no 22 in the 3th coo no 9 in the 6th con s well i 23 8th con no 8 eaft f 5th con of the towr fnlp of piufburgh also lots no 7 in the 5th concefhon no 26 in fhe 6th concefhon nos2 29 30 32 sc 35 in othcon- no 23 eaft 1 rth con of pittihmrh also several lots of lr d of one and tw acres in extent on ttu front of lot numbc- 24 in the townihipof kingfton lying fcituate on the more of the lake and likewife feveral lots of land of one two an three acres on the jear cf the faid lot v u 24 lying and fcituate en the road from the town of kiiigfton to tie country the lots are well adapted from thir fituation for building on them and for the eftabhffiment of gardens in the vicinity of the town plicai i to be made to the fubferiber geo oki ll stuart an dmrfion sept 6 115 for s 14 a valuable farm wish buildings alao large improvements thereon fa vorably tituated within 28 nileo of kings ton peifons ddrous of purchasing to in- qaiire of the pmiter rings tor juiy 10 1 8 1 5 a

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