Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), February 17, 1816, p. 3

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i f jnsrw mhout the affiliate of tft vb- ruling hn to wrnum 13 ivrty jar btfi intfi ccrfyeition xvtth them e been co fur extended as to employ a great multitude of hands humanity may in this cafe require that the frved m of trade lhould he relbucd only by flow gradations and with agocjd deal of referve and circum- fpcion were thole high duties and bro- hihitions taken away all at once cheaper for eign roods of the lame kind might he pour ed fo fa into the home- market a9 to de prive all at once rnanf of our people of theoir ordinary employment and perhaps of fo rea dy a means of iubfiflcnce as they formerly had there miht it is true be fome dis order occafiohed by it but it would not be fo ronfiderable as i generally imagined f- himfejt on the leu where he gepf quietly lor two hours according to term of the procefs the chevalier jqaueby read the fentence to the marfhal wjio a iked for the confolatfon of religion and exprcited a dcirrc to be affilled by m pierre a relation to the cardinal of bcruis and curate of st snlpice the es timable rcclefidtic haltered to attend him ilfoner fek indebted ts him for u t tention so grateful fa id he i bona- purr he told the this morning that if an opportunity for heaping offered j t woum fpt embrace ir and comproaufe th- c after of one who had treated him fo honour ably admiral cockburn proved hoy ex cellently he was qualified for the office affiga- jlimahjc rccieuitcie naitencoi to aticno mm ed him by replying had he told me fo t ey patted i he pfght together the mai fhal himfelf 1 would have clapped a couple of ititl retained the fame degree of fortitude fentinels upon him u of trade between tates u on- thus fat mr editor i think 1 have met ihejrfio eac ot camudus as fairjy as could be exfjeaed a mnrotn in the finance herchant ro property thewfe nwer to bttfto cafes in i n v- lm-r- f if the defence ol tfe fix pence per bufhel cheaper to him than to anv other pcrfon in tvucofpenland gitveft t believe i have ferved v y errvtry afaithfehyas r erhaja candmus or the proprietors of the fleam- boathae to them i owe notlnj ind bom tluv i hhrasliletoerprcj or eventofear cndidusrnay iikely nod tlvt lam nt in tf clclhei the ion of the li-n- hutthfl qot ofcaiii tli cenfor diftufb- irtry hi itm iii- dreams with the moumul found carthago ifctidit mi y kncrflon 15th ivb lfvi6 m revnxpi east rtrj hlest iriucz- f smiths wealth of naiios mr editor in von m paper t perceived a letter from a tmvnfman containing the higheft approha- tion of the ymareur thearricau and i jn- cv v0i evcrv one may f e3 the iamc entimeas myfelf i milihvx that the of ncersand jrentlemen wo hac fo kudjy cone foi vud for ihc fake ofgrairifyuijr the imbko mv meet arith the nxft triple fticceh t and reliffnatiofjjtc his fate which ha3 actua ted him throughout the whole of the jro- ccedins t f at 9 oclock yeflerday morning the mar- hal was informed all was ready for the exe cution iff lilts lenience he put on a blue coat and roihd hat and entered a hackney couch brought for him from st michael 1 the cute of snlr4 occupied the back feat of ihe eorch with him firm officers of the gfuuarmerie verein front 5 a great nxm- ber of veteran mp grenadiers and gendaa mes nccompanied the ecrernony fthiehcrof- fd the garden of the palace and leit it by the iron p2tepn fide of ihe dijfervaforie on arriving at this pite the ceremony turned to the left and flopped at about fifty pacea further under the wllsof the avenue of hc ohfervatonv the marjhil defcenkd trom the coacti 1 advanced a quick pace about eight pjcea from the vrzvl and alced the officer at hit fle if that was the place chofen jir his ex- ecutioti on recciymg an aftfwer in the rf- firmative trie marinal turned arj fronted the veter ita who were to lire upon him he took ofiiishit wtth his leti hand put his right innd on his heart arc saivi to the foldiersj my comrades tire it rre at that mo- er the fil with hia london dec 4 a merchant vetfel has reached the downs with inhhvence fror cadiz of the date of the lath alt the aurora hd entered that port from lirna and had brought 3000000 dollars auo- ther fliip with a jike fupply of fpece was fially creeled from the fame quarter quebec januar alarming fire again have vc to record 3 cjamity by tilt of a fenons and alarmi nature i broke t between one aid two oclock a rt by trie beft information e have bem 0- bje to prftcurti in a room cf the anuour nfed aara gunfmiths fhop where there fey forge laying in aflies njt only the far grta ter part of the 2tt3 confiln of muny thonfand and the v hob- of the armoury that was cambuftib but the whole range of efiiy eflimated hut the amount h eertaiu- iv great the eninei from the feveri of the weather being choaked with ice weic of little ufei ment the ofixr fivotd and the mrfiial fell under ihcir hrc w hoit movitif- the hodv was plated on a lttr and remained erpofod to tht- public swrw fir a qi arfcir tl an hur thrr balls enferell hn head the veraht ecclcfias- made it ufei the vnjows having bar very trous bunefj to get out fi tl rmal tax ho be ir-pof- upon we i- rw the h8l a liccth produce of tie fti x t u rewardtheir jaawe rtions- aitjp c the ronhdlvoi the rorr rnet to o- ft expeclcvl that any parr what wotlm lwftyiv p i it tu the fanie footing hf re it mheuaretwo cafes in whch it 1 iknv kuv m wnlv i nforvnrortheeueouractrhnt erf jo- m tnty f there are two wtitch t div urmttifnes et amsttst ol aezm- rrui iij oe how far i ir prnpet to c it the free importation of certain gooij and m tjther how far or in what m outer it may lv prone to restore tha aftet it hits fcecii for foiretrmc intcrruprcd j he c5 in vbh ji mav foiifttnh hs ft fitter t driiherativn haw far it n pfrpef to c4ntnue th r ifnportntlon of crrfjin gnnds when me foreign 1 at n refiilkng thehbetallup lics of morcy oieh bjgnt of ncrformihtce pfodnces will en ibie them to imove mtav prefent dti a whenever mtcndanfa m4 rroaiierf npvn th- fuge tn w perhaps rfl be abk tohavfea better let ol meithan thole who have generally ajiwar- c it icllkiiowlthvutori bd to amafeur pe lurmeh tht the ffm- tcni will no r t m and rhcriore it wonld he wrllo he a few men oerrorlln wtwwm id the tfagen7 iiii wvakly perhuoel the ac- teivdanta unnh li rm nrj fholr 1 gmsg the prigvirer almolt ehwcd it deeo i rnciy miiii hb riuii a number of arms tan wui acount fi io matiy having been de roycd and renderrd ifelefs the range 6f buildings confumerf was covered with ftuqct iron but the iir worked its way vith the heat oy u y 1 ra r if firervasfo irtcnfe thyt lomc f thearms vre tic who nauattended the marinal at ins laic rr 1 u i ion rnvvients rdn liiiecl dnrr the cxcoiki i iicir thrcoch playing wjih fervor there wee very few people prcunt on ccount of it btmfr iuppolv- thit ihe execution wotild have tircn plftgt in the plain rf 0eftlle where urer muliicuje had aficnblra- h f excellency trip yctfu iratcr in pwfi w focie hoors on the fpol anl lumnldted the exertions of all prcfeiit tho with little efr iurfae ptirttfmars prelim to if execution vj the settet upon martial a at f ur oclock he wa in a foiirij iieep frjr whi fi he was aroufed bv the arrival of hs vif jind ciijcrfm wth madame can- for aalc i his filter la vv madame nf ori eater- f ar her f e h d fel fenfe inrr the cimner of her hrjloind rei icni- tin rryardr tok her up and afterja iotig tm remaining in that rate fhe began to recver m and a hs iirvec i mhiame cara- ii tell rt t y rfjil fft fa a firftflrr ftate to ltr fjer tiie ehihren iood fijent but afrm cortaninr r- ljund fd acres of land fixty of vrchare iud im- provement a framed b uifeand bat gnd n orchard of 200 apple tee 22 hi ivefs of wheat imv m the jrroucrf saidfarm lap onttil te frfc v v m and a half from golfuwcll briea enqtilre of thvfuhfcriber n the prcni3 f- 4 i3i6 3 one irjranccin the lalk ffrfotriancg did l fier therhitoren flood iilent but t rcfjcfi much crcdi r th judeeitt f cido ih aoonr n or ij years f lomc of the afmrenc m louder ripdlanfe jjf- the marina qjoe f u- a lonrr taje 01 tome of fhe ainnce as fonder applanfe w- heard f im parr r of 1 he hufe ac the airu hufoonry v one nf thele aitend- m r thvi w grjwcfetq th craily ferioug or aduiirably comic eirrs ci fome of the eft perforrncr whdll offering jhefc opirlrf cnr tftihllc with l wife ad fimoy took a tender by high duties or prohibitions llie impoita- whilft oftertng theft opirjrf fir pnbc tion of fome or our manufactures into their pe n he underdo d mr enftpr coantrr revenge in this natuflv dictates k erraforing to point out thofe im cjotratry revenge iti this natuljiiy dibne fetaliatim and that we fhpuld iuipofe the like dntie and prohibitions upon the im nor- tarion of fjme or all of their mnaufaclnres into awn nations accotdinjlv fvtldotn fail to retalkfe n ths manner there may le good policy in rrtaikuflns of this kind when there is a probability rlt they will prncrrc the repil oitu- high du ties or prohibitions cdmplnfned of the re covery of a grent foreom market wil ocnrr- anymore than rompenfatc the trcfitr in- canverieace of paying dearfr for a fc in time for fome for l of gntfch vhei the e is no probahilhy that any fetch rt peal can be pro- tyrcdi it feems a liad method of ompeuf- tmg the injury done to cmav dalles of our people to jo another injur- ijrieves not only to thofe clafte bur to almoft all the wnerdzncs of men when rnr neighbor fombrt fome manufacviire of oiw vc rcner- allypfohibit not onl the fame sir lhr alane oud feldom aflea them c6rfiuerhty but ome other manufaclurt or theirs pro imeni that perhaps can be madeand not pretending to impute the charge of neg ligence to thole whofc duty it was to r- rangf them as the interval t rime fmce the orniiiir of the theatre hz not been fuih- eirotly long to remedy ail thole defect yvfiich i truft vrill evertunlly be removed aijticee itivii gfthetn- ah mdnmeney was earri- i ay in a feniiefs trfr shortly after- wr k veteran who had ferved under the jhifril mny camiajit and who vras one of h erinrds ui f rev t rsprcd deatfei ffnih d withfitjt thinkiugof god the marlial topped looked at the man with atttiivn and aufwer 5 io arc rih itn 1 lor my confefror- vhen all wm r radr he wonld not qur tm coach befor the curate fafnff ivfourt firll m le cure as i cn go up quiclvvr than you new goods 1 1 ef vichvr has just recrivrd an j novv resfor fate an etetifivv awl il chofen affortment nf dry goods i rocenes and hardw uco zoc e a well chofen afibftmcni of medicine 1 jjiirabi i riittn cv board the njrihxmhertid 4i o flre on the ttth instant twccn th lioura of nine and fn in the aftinioon the dwrt- lirg houfcof david ahnrc njopiiia burgh took ftre and burnt down to the ground with all its concents st 7ifltva och 19 1815 we arrived here on the 1 6ti after a ve- yrvlonrr and very fatiguing paltagr rnd vc jjanrled nrpcleon on the 18th he j now r tc country at the houfcof a icentleman r eateome nnail ligtood be made ready ci h rn tft5e who have followed wcied i 1 believe ncerelv the wiioe of which tii be fclu zt the lowest prices fcrcaih or country produce ewd f henderson kington january 18 6 3j advertiferrient i t an krmrefs palled tl rough tnn town ylerdn frtr york bearing defpatchen fo hs ryecllency the lieu tenant governor from england tpcrtof havinc rotparied t rii- reign intel l jgenc t tlrii may gement to fome par- no feu t encoiira jcioardaliof workman among oricivei h r welarfwg fme of their iva nra- ena- 2 nen twir r in tfe ho s m h fvcver who z bine prohibitiort will the at hy th couti lilc ri t r e m traich ir uy lometfis be a n far or o u hat december e the follofeg arc the principal details ftnsfeqncnc to the judgment cf martha ner we ciechic oifcr-n- eomnltit and merelv ftste fawa r the muihii on efreiir m chmbef p t the time i fc coi 1 r t wa s d e 1 1 be rn tin o- i h i j reritobge jfppearffd v ftfiinihie ttd fupported by the ftrrjjrjt rcfbhifton he embraced hia counsel t nc berryer who laid t the mahhak i would have it fo l my dear friend nvercja the fwar- ftiil it itinfhed we fhall fee each orher it another world he thr alked to ehne and ate with a great appetite he noticed a fmall knife ivims on the table which on finding it attracted attention and caufed un- eaoiels to toe performi appointed to guard hi do you think fafdhe on looking at that i fear deth and ilflantly threw t toil from the fubfciiber on the 30th l3 of september lafl dark bay mare jr yers old laac fjriig she is a nrtural trotter dhout 1 prteenanda half hands high iih a heavy mrjc and fail znd a fear an pr bermand o pea elgh- very w the- right fide of her breast perceivable by j bit me to cv ui the i and was abfolute- ngth hr upwards two curls on lr w- rlcjir afcvhoace of the deoi- rehea and a whre fpot on her wixhers- 1 e thief is one ame cluitrerfon lately of tins place he is rbotit twenty two vear oi age ilciicler rnskc a fwarttiycnwplejt- foa da k eyes and hair mi a rlowncaft look- wis r wil retu n cud rrnreor fectire tht ill iti ir- any nu itj t 1m- u ovince to that he may be brought to juftice fhall have all rs- bnable charges paid and receive the thanks of the fuhfa iber sebastian llogle liriie wn jan lothj t8i6- j europe order so h hte ler children ji dined font times vm lon nrte o- 1 7rc the northurrovrkne be f poke a bt- t at the table and ingererai uejdrefied hit or r to he actrr t lie look li- v t exerc tfe and d u t v djy ie walked on lor abojttvvo loiirs akirr iiine on- rr in pert rand 5 ls cahasare his jjrs ited fa- t r he confrrrhvj raki vrithany otuerr fjir payx3 it cards eerv pvenjng and in at fruon rt rhel r went to bcclcnr- atidrlc very jrc he was n mpfleral j fpirted and f4ic he baa arrived ucre j i fpirits ar r t better tf tllf iiuiul r very flridjr grnsirdrf tipr 6goais irrtween all the poftn of tltp j limine anuthe veltels guard boats nnl bnga i tor sale arr nijivti hrieri thcat that j fear dtth and nitlanu ibiirw r l i t re knife far fivm hro afjer dn v r if r 1 i or 1 front attf ffrag ner the rrainfr aroirn ic fo that nnjefs hv it is irpo57ihe he flionld efrnae 14f p is oermitted to be ahfent from thin t 1 after funfet and every vellm is ready ihp hrr able at ihe fjrft flinal i v i 1 j phinaij bonapaftea voyage iif- ucfe on focrrnl berfraru took an rtpportiujjtv y hr fhforibcri blifcldmithaii arii fi which produce will be pted of iu pavment at the market i rice elijah bech rnrfli i jan 2 1s16 34 wants a lit 11 at 1 on tn a wholf ih or retail store a vot g man for whole integrity and caj ah lity he cm produce jjood von hers a line ad to s vim kxcvdt ofoc rill u-

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