Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), February 24, 1816, p. 3

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uf t ilid to ic inpliwl in fttch tiiarmr as leave to affore your txreikncyof pur enr- work on die boat we were fortdhatetv rtif- yi jyunwrte mve efle3 to rid nurture a n xvdh to contribute by every means in covered by a farmer fan john swarb ft heft i rflcidijly caleufatvil to ci hire flic our power to tht renetai dflufion of eduea- who was bin mooting and we were humdnc- wcalfh and haprunefs of ibis province sfaur excllr a peifonal zeal in piomo- tinjr tb ijucuiii noitt kih mid yen- rirfijef to cany ituci iflcfcl th reiult of our deibesiom clun from uj w a public body olii wain eil ackiiowlediveut r we will bellow our particular attention t what your excellency bas been pleafed to rninnruni aite refpecmiig the revenue pifm hum the duties vect ived at tile port or que bec fo far as refpects ibis province thot tvg may cap the full benefit of our con fu motion and that livie may be no further interference with the neiiin d provilion hr tbe legula- tioi of trade hftheto yielded to our siltcr rpviucc from principles f mutual accom- ruoua in and geographical poiitlujl fcbruy si 1 8 1 6 his eccellency was pkafed to make the following reply lion gentlemen ufiht legislative couiidh i tbank von tor your loyal yjddrcis and bat cordiality with wbicb you are pleated to adopt tbe iubjvcis fuggelled for your con lidery turn you mav rely upon my cooperation in ev ery meafure leading to promote the happi- neb of his majettys subjects in this prov ince february ytb 1816 and at 12 oclock on the farre day the commons houfe of alfemb y slfij wiiud ou his excedency with th- folio wing add els of tliat houfe to his excellency francis core ff quire lieu- itauiri governor of the provence of upper giidtia lye iff a may it pletijeyour excelxy ve tii majilys molt dutiful and loyal subjfci s tbe c mmcns oi upper canada in provincial parliament silerablcd be leave to uifev to your exccibcucy our molt hum- bic iitd hearty thanks for vour moil gra- citrus 6 eech at the opening oi the prelent seitun convinced as we are of the deep imerefl which vour excellency as always felt far the welfare of thi province end vour eon oft t inxfctv eur m brofpeiiiy 1 fceitfi a w e do thet under your ivurtr and uiuivdtt a 6 mini ihation of the gocrnrhcut the cuumy 8 iiiilied and its lnhabianh were luppv and anticiratinj ivom a rtcolieion i tile p ift the brightet proics if tne ftnre we hail your return to rtfiinvt the fimiwti f vnnj hivh ilatin imtw tis v peculiar fat wtaci rou and at ihe itrr time requeii your excellency to nctie uii tbe oceafion our aiofet cdidial conguiinia- tmns tbe continuce of the lamented indiipo- fuinn of our revered severe iijri is truly af- ivctimx to everv loyal ireat but it is fonie iinolniiou to knov that hii bodily health tiuurinues unimpaired tbe completeiuccefs of the preat strpole in europe aiid tbe iplendid atehicvements of the national arms dtrele6 by the great est warrior of modern timc roar be jufuv mributed to the aufpices of his royal ilidinefs tke prince regent whre able viiorous and energetic trteafurea iva- eie- vated our mother country to tlie riseft rank amon the nations of europe and ex cited the admiration and gratitude jf every loyal subject and we fee grateful to di vine providence for felcine him to be the nua of difpenfing fo much happinefs to fce world we obfervc with glateful heits the no tice which yoiir excellency has been pleafed to take of the exertions of the mil it in of this province at the commencement or the late war with the united states to know that they difeharged theii duly faithfully to their country is to us a fource of proud fatiafac- tion tbe notice of the wcrbh and the im portance in public opinion which this prov- incelws thereby acquired will we doubt not ftimulate their future exertiorts his hii chreadxet it fball be our lludy to ftiaiti- tairr when tbe public accounts are laid before us we ihall not fail to pay hat intention to their examination which tbe importance of the fnbjeclt requires with the return of peace we anncipatc tytheinduftry and exertion of the peon- tfte future wealth rnd prifperity of this col ony and ifi all endvavcr to frame inch lfgis- lative provilions as may belt fecure and pro mote theft bltumrrs the militia code rfell receive our utmoft attention and we shall not orly endewour to mtfi inch irproveterts therein as wiil wdqer it an tffucisal foiee for the defence the cotntry in futuie but fnall alio pro 8c that comfort gnd aotnmaiuttoa ior mtnti wlieu sain called into actual wnctfi the want i which waj m severely mt iming the hte tmtcdl with yoir ex einy we are convjucd tlit the mitominiti m of i eiur is of the nell iiitirue to every el lin erihe cora inty and while w ackno wl dge with jjthla gratitude tli rnuiiii iu timtatiim tion lo much to be defned the cxilfing regulations refpeftinr re venue with our filler pievinr have during former sefitor occupied our aitention we have had oceatiot t remark upon rnfuf- liciiney and we ball not fail to attend to your excehencys rebommeiidtion on that luljjcot ihe growth prcfperity and happinefs of this province will receive our moll feri- ous and undivided attention and we are i heeded and encouraged in tins talk by your exteilencys aoutance of full cooperation and iupuort for the benefit of ljir widows to which his elcelency was pleafed to make the following anfwer air sbeavtrm liul cnthvjv of the huft of jjfemlh i vhank tor the albirauces contained ii tiiy ackipcis pf fiiiw couitant ijoyalt and ivrtdy devotions to clieareat interciuof yorrr cnh1litiitnts the la t faction yon evprrfs of m pad admiuiriom fo an rjpple riftfttrd for all my anxiety in voi hbur of dxuigerj which i caud not hare ir binds ne more irong- y to prtrfuea coivjnct lo highly apttfovfeds is a- h london oft 27 melancholy narraiive i alrr from we furvinnq crew relative to the lofs if the american 7 ranport wrecked rear ciafe lautilus cs ihi evening of tbe oth may j 1815 charles stewart scots late carpenters mate of the attrition tranfports and others altert to tire bell cs their knowledge that me failed from poirt de galle on or abrmt the 4th of april under c uvov of his nh jellys lliipaifncane ilrid vjfcen bri wit iix india men aliut the 26th of may par tej comohny from the convoy owing to ilrdc o weather having blown awiy moil or her at jpther fl were then bent but the wtbtlicr continued verv iquallv with a heavy lea on the zfth about 7 a hi the latui wgt dijeeveied right ahead bearing a- bont n by w a long distance off the wind then s s e about half psit 4 p m itiil blowing very llrong haulds to the wind on llc larbard tuck under a eiofe reefed main- tepfuil an i ftood on uutil haii paft 2 a- v on the th then liipofi the land was leir table bav the inruls were turned up i bore up ile-rinp- ij w and let ihe foielvd iittndin to rui for st helena con tin tied olftili 10 a m v hen the land was difeovei- i ei luarly ahead turned tbe hand up and hauled the hip dole to the wmd on the kiboaul ifex ftill blowing very hard made all fail f having topfaiis and courfers fa mood on tiilncu noon when breakers were dteovacd oh trie eeby wore hips and hauled to the wind oil ore other tack flood on till 2 p m then ivvrc and jruilej to the wind on he livboard cotltmued on till near 4 oclock vhn brekr were fecn proved to be lgiiilla reef vvhich we eouttl nrt weather on either taeh bein eomplcteiy eurbayed clewed tip the fail rind cut away three anchors tire two bower cables parted hortly after when lieut bi ice l agent for tranfomt recommended the captain to cut away ihe fleet cable and run the hip on fhore the only chance of favincr the peoples lives the cable was then cut and the hip put before thewind in about s minutes after fire ftruck forward the hip beating to wind ward cut away her guns in order to heel her the other way which could not be effect ed confequerith cnt foon began to break up by s oclock the mafuwent and the fuip in a fliort time was quite in pieces ma ny people were drowned below in r-onfe- qnerice of her heeling to the windward and others clung to the wreck endeavorinjr lo reach the hdre about a mile and a hall dii- tant out of the whole crew ccnfilfmg of jjfd perlons only fix men reached the fhore with great difficulty upon planks being much brtiifed bv the wreck and fjrf which was very high at daylight the next morn ing the hern poft wts the only part of the fnip to be feen the beach was covered with wreck itores c and a number of dead bodice who were buried by the fuivvors a mon them were- lord and lady moles- wortlk tbe agent and captain with fome children on the riext day fid june con- hdoinj ourfelvcj to tire wt it ward of cape poiuijt it was agreed to con the beach to the eauvrf d which we continued to do for four oays and a half fabhltin on flvelt ftfto fiom offtthe roek but fearing we had taken a wrong direction it was agreed to re turn to the wreck and wc accomplimed in three days and a hah where we remained llx days ubfilus ehle on a cafk of oatmeal which hid driven on hore by drying it in 1c tbe ton we experieed ptsl relict the tnunanee had been thrown amove bilged which we propofed to repair in the bed way c wouid allow and endeavor to co- h aloi lheooe and ofth at the ng ly carried by him to his fathers houfe whre we remained with ery comfort he could afford lis for a week and then fet off fr cape town whtie we arrived on mon- day evening the 26th of tune dfeiorewejen the country we were in formed tliat 531 bodies thrown on fhore wtre buried near the beach signed charles stewart scott aft d party r this declaration was made before me at l 1 heatrical amateur siiclc- cape town the 27th of june 1815 of ty of kingston will on which this is a true cotupt signed j mires lieut rn llefident vfgent fof tranfports orphans e brave mfen who fell gorrous bailie of waterloo xti froin thcmediterranlsn extra a tfatrtlk datrd morfeuus nov thursday evg ntfi the 3 gth of february 1816 reprefent the much adn comedy ci 1 s 1 5 from an ojjicer of the u s squadron td lohnbulli a genlenuih in providence j it is impoifible for tne to convey an ade qute idea or tlie elegance ant fplendor of this charrrfing city 1 will defer defeiibiug or endeavyrine to cefcribe it until fonre fttt- tire leifure hour but f what benilit are fueh cities to fienchmen would you believe it there ate ten tlioufancl engliih troops heie paniboiitnt all the forrs and a fquadrcn under comand of admiral ex mouth of fix ihip of the line and a number of frigates with forty trarfioris ready to embark the troopa in case bf a dilinrbence at toulbnj vvhieh is bnirly expected to raife the impe rial fide cf bonaoarte it is needled to tell yoti that our laft war has rendered us confpieuoufiy great iii the lysofthis nation and indeed of every other whve n evident proof in the ex- tene politenefs of the marieilles citizens who to oblige an american would make rriy facrihee a report ha juft readied us by the a- meiican conful ifarint the murder of the day ofzrlglers aifd a new war with the u s so mueh fait ivput in this report that the ftaop erie will be made ready for light ing any ylgerine fi igatc ps tiie britilh fiuadron yelerday was ftauding iirto the harbour of toulon so f ron as tire headmod frigate come within gunmoj the bateries opened on lier and nearly detlrovcd iur dnriral ex mouth is now here withuit obtaining the fquadron of french hips which the puiillanimous louis ollered to jiffaeceoteece the governbr of toulon feat the britilh word that no ergiifh fqidron fliouid ever enter that port or an hmans firefidr to which will be added the ma- fical farce of the poor soldier tupon this oceafion the ad mittance 16 the boxes will be two dollars and aiialf to the pit as before one dollar doors fo be opened at half pjl six precifeiy and curtain to rife at seven n b tickets to be had ft mr john m a days poll oftce sale at auction 0 be fold by auction on mnav ure 28th inlh at ihe houfe of the fubfeier a large collection of fecund hand wea ring abpa nl fome of it almoil new confilling of coat waiftcoats breeches pantaloons linen k cotton shirts cottn stocking bed and table linen two worfted and hv c menu- are ufel eis bojlgii gametic x 4 ilk excellency the lieut governor has been pleafed to appoint the following offi cers of the isjaval department to be jnltices of the peace in lite province of cpper cau- ada viz william fit william owen efquire cap tain royal navy his majerys naval sur veyor to canada fdwnrd laws efcpiire ti majeitys rjaval storekeeper to canada and arthur gijlrd efqnire his majes- lys agen victualler to the navy in canada w y m v t w vi- jviarried on sunday the 1 ith int by the rcver- rrd mr- ortlcial stuart mr william br adshas fo mils deuorah herns almod new counterpines- fur niture cotton printed pils jrroceries toutilting erf sugarcoffee riee bttrley pep per muilard currants salt pohc starch fig blue pickles in jars and bottles jlsof 3 both of t rederiekibirhj on monday the 19th inflant fracis pauchamp to mils josette denny of avherft i hand sote saddlery and a immbe of other 2w ticles too numerottg to mention j h io lgii- at 1 2 h clock john dapley auclwiuer kingston fj fs i 8 1 6 58 notice po be ford or rented as may be agreed u a on that well known vahtabfofarnl it mo i 1 a n d th e w c it h a 1 f o f lyt no 1 in the fir it concefnon of additional freler- iek5urgh together with a good frame houfe and barn good meadows and two oreh im- thereon and about one hundre r on the fane ov htn galloway a f crecf improved land the pr- mile- are wed litnated or a icrmermerehant to miff m rdale33 bpdr e v i l on wtdnefday evening the 22d joseph g vtes to mils dgrotriy mlean of pitttl or innkreoef r 4 further particulars ap- py to the fubferibr of to d walhhun efcjinkingfton mlckal c0vle no tick limjtflon 20ihfeb totc ail smyth tv alz the partnermip heretofore txiflinjj between patrick l ylor under the firm of patrick smyth co is this day diltuvd by mutual confent thnfe who irive any demands sgaiult them me defired to fend in their accounts for piv- irciit and all thofe wiio are indebted to faid ihm are rcoreded to fettle feliek ael immediately as after the firft day of ypril next their acoounts will be given to d walhbui 0 eiq to be colleed patrick smyth allan taylor tovvn meeting jl tiiqnill dutris fi if r jtj v virtue ot a warrant fjned by two of jj his niajdtts jofticesjof the peace for to ll j8 t pouefilan given ift may r valuably land for bufiuefc now or eupfed by fhe lubferiber patrick cr7is l i n ftmi febfttary 24th ig all pcrfon are hereby forbid cutting or carrying off any timber of any dt- ici ijition whatever from lot no tf in the 4 concdfiou ot the townlhip of freder- iekdjurcrh on pain of being pioteeuted to ill utinoft riord the iasv c ec k g e w ac epv laid din net and to me direded llie inhab itant 9 and honfeh jlders of tbe town and own hips- of kirrjton pittfljurg arrd wolf- jihrd paying iiable to pay any public adelhnents cvrats are hevtby nrtirkd to meet at th- clii in k ing ion oo monday the fourth diyf march next at oylork in the bicrjon for the puqyofe of nomia tinrr and ehofmr tit perfns to few ir tie oske8 of town cleric two jtfinori one colvecor one town warden over leers of hicbwaya and roads pound keeper 9 sic ot thewfar en firing jvmes adams high consialle kiuton felt 2 2 1816 5 to be let r farm now occupied by john j a x prifc befog the ft par cf tt mm- ber fevintten iir the fecond cncilhotr of the twiifnip f kiugltfin for the terms up plv to 1 he lubleriber n ho mas marklnix

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