r or s ai 5 for oaie 5 sv the fubfenber a few puneheitoi s pintr 5 jamicu brandy gin wine shrub and peppermint loat and muicovado sugars tea coffee and chocolate indigo lappet ahfpice also a general ailortrnent q dry goods iron steel all very low for caih samtiel merrill tingstm ztl dec 181 i7y zk ss editd starms jamaica spirits brand gin sbub ermint port madeira spaoifh arid te- ieriffe wines bottled porter and scotch ale be ft englilhand american scap tzpp hi caiks j loaf sugar 3 v plank boards w anted to be delivefedofi the 5 id toft and during the month of febru- try scaled lenders this yard on the 24th inft will be deceived a lank i w aval yard kingfton 1 j ith jan 1816 j 2coo- 1500 20w4c tajbd ewd laws naval storekeeper 32tf william mlcan co large ail fort men t have j aft re eived a of the falfowfng lwuurs groceries amaica spirits cogniac brandy beit holland gin port and madeira wines peppermint and shrub loaf and rulcovado sugar kings arms apple cheeie chcfhirc bloom and jutland railing ityfon and g recti tea figs sc c- also all elegant aiibrtment of silk trmming3 of every description ladies and gentlemens jjlack and coloured silk hcfe and gloves of a fupenor quality as the above articles were bough at sin early feafon wholcfalc ptfrchafers can be ap plied on terms more advantageous than they now can be in montreal kingston 2cjtn de l8lji rtf for sale i i in the containing j n frederickfhurgh lot no x f conctition of faid town 2c0 acres one hundred under zmrovc- iheht with a frame houfe and barn there- there can be cut yearly 30 tons of good hay any one deiirous of potcba- fing can apply to the fubferiber in camden crtoth printer in kingdom john c a rsc allan candcn january 4 186 3 ltf on j i st received by the fubferibcys a con- fignmentof 200 blue fluflung grat coats price feven dollars alfo a few- blue jackets and trowfers of a fupcrior quality amacphersokco kngiion ctj jzn 1 g 1 6 3 1 tf rags rags 1 and the highest flricc paid for clean cotton and linen r g at this office for safe at hhis office a discourfc delivered at brockville eli- abethtown april 27 1 8 15 being a day appointed for a general thanksgiving in up per canai for putting an end to the war in which we were engaged againft the uni- vd sates of america true piety a fourcc of individual happi- nefs and national profperity by william smart miritler of the gofpcl o britain tmjlihe lord thy foes in vain iiemtt thy ruin and ofiflafe his rrin also a final artorlment of dry goods hardware and jev 7elry a few bbxes sitjoakd kirvsuh yi january s816 not1 c 97 nemngs 3 tf the fubfenber refpetfully informs hh hat manufdtlry smith but1erwort1 ksflctfully acquaint their fyienda and the public in general that they have recoinrrence busnefs in the new buc near walkers hotel where tbey have oil hand an exfcenfive aifortnv r1 v ladies childrens btft beaver bonnete entlemers beil beaver caftor roram and knapt hats mens youths ard boys wool hats likewife ladies snd children il london fahionable bonnets feathers and trimmings of the following colours black white blue brown purple and drab which they oiler whoefalc and retail fiir caih a cheap as they crn be purchafed at montreal n b caffi paid fur leaver muficrat and peoon skins kincrflon oth oft 1i my wm tftiilti i 1 3 avf iust opened h a 7 etenfive aftortment of lo dry goods confuting of every articl abl cl c l ch jlsg zi uiends and the ptibkcj that he has cntired in to copartnefnip with mr george h det- lor and that the bofinefs will in future be curried on under the the firm of thomson betlor he returns his unfeigned acknowledgments to thofe who have io liberatl afforded him fuppotti and hopes that the new firm will merit a continuance ot their favotirs as it is the fubfcribefs wiih to dole his former buiiritu as foor as pollibli he will thank thofe who are indebted to call and arrange f refpeclkive accoimts ii c thomson for sale notice the fubferiber refpeclfully infenins tus friends and the public rhut he is about opening a store in front cft lie new maiket houfe where he will do husinefs on coivmiflvn will buy and fell uj i store ft vrxcai o goods up or doivn the river hardware earthenware oeeries liquors lie terms wholesale and retail kingston ijth january f john iigsok s received by tlr fall from tnglaml and rov offers lor fafe a gant aflurtmeiit of dry goods conliitnig of superfine and common cloths white and floured flannels flufhmga 3 j jj aii point bla o in any orders 6fmy dcfcnption in m n reafonable terms lot no 22 j in the th n6 2 3 j in the 6ib concession com ission 4 xd hot no co in tie 1 ith condsihn the whole being in tl e tovnhop of lai down in the distner of jobnflown for partielurs f nt the office of allan mclsan lf kingston 4ugmt 28 18 ic i r fubferiber in forma tit people kingston that he ls commenced thr boot and shoeiuakivg businefs over the lore or geo h maclean wh oentlemens back iirapperd rniutaty uaotsj will take that linq of buiiuefs n b- perfons defifoiis of committing ecrn fiirnmenta to hs pnargr may know the rates of itofae and eomnilfliori by calling at tlit new commiifioii tore john duncan kintrflon dec 30 i8ic jo niture calicoes black and coloured carn brie 64 afcd 74 printed and imitation sliawls bandsona and madrefa handker chief white cotton i li 1 c plain and uguru b sarcnetu lull res i aofnms wa paa 1 noti cc e o ong fuarrcv- i do do do wellington do gentlemens fine waxd calf shoes morocco drefs pumps and hoes for g if or kfe tfic books the jueiiije li- brary for terms apply to the vriuitr v has in his poteiiiona catalogue of boolch k lftffori zfith december 7 g i r for sale jt jem barrels of e zee lien ejumircat mr ladgleys t kiwsteh december 15 115- barcnets pcxplina ffi nt blicm ciipe blaclc tk handkerchiefs j fewmg iiilti ribbons and a riumher of other uleful ar ticles tobedifpole8 of h whohfale or rea fonable terms for cam or ffiorl approved credit united states dank paper taken in nay- nt bv allowintr the dueount 2tf me wat er street kinllon jan 13 8i6 200 dollars rezoard vcrn 28 vcmen aixk boots and talking moes ntm in the neatert manner miltes and children 3 fhoc he pkdges him fclf to thofe who ire a fnper pleafedto favor him with their cuiiom u all work tirade in his hop hall be made 0 the beft materials and finiined in manner as he ia determined to kfep the l workmen he can employ william trvan kingston 23d december 1815 y fancy goods iif fubfenber informs the ladies of ivingllon and its vicinity that he has juft received and has for falethe mod citcu- five aifoitment of figured twiij plain silks ribbons shawls handkerchiefs ever offered for fale in thin place uhole- fale or retail on moderate terms samuel ayroyd lhcr 1 ibic t6ii ost on limtida the 1 9th mft e j ther in the ilreets of kiugfton or o the road towards errefl town a red morocco pochctbookz containing army bills and other papertof value only to the owner whoever in found tlie fame and will bring it to the printer to mr sheriff stuattj will receive the above ward the faid bills can be of no ufe except vi the owner their number and dcfcriaon be- jntf known and mrafne havinir been au ready taken to iioo payment at the avrnv- iya oftice contequently any prfon at- tempting to pafs them fraudulently will fee liable to arret and trial for felony kingston zotb os isij 20 the fubienber has for ale 2000 pairs worded hole blanlv bail bonds and sherlits sales for sale at this office well adapced for the army or navy j and a quantity ol ready made gentlemens and hda great coat ladys bonnets and a few pairs pantaloons and veda ard a small aftortment of the fubferiber refpeclfuiiy begs leave to inform his friends and the public v m has received a great variety of drv goods kikgstoh july 17th i8r p difchargcd noncommffioned ofctrs and soldiers who may have been recani- mended for receiving grants of laftd are to repair to cornwall without delay fore- pert thernfclves to alexander rv dwell efq iupermtendant of the department for loca- tinz the new settlers otf by order of his excellency the provisional lieutenant governor f p robinson secry groceries drv goods andexpeelsa large aftortment from montreal every davi 3 ot good kingston decern john duncjn rr 30 5 3 3 cloths fiannel calicoes rocking rea dy made coats trowfers and waift coats handkerchiefs hawks linens overfocks mitts womens fhocs tippet bombarretts umbrellas earthen and glafs ware multard iap candles raifin- loaf and mulcovado for sale avery valuable and pleafantly fitua- ted town lot for eims apply at this ovlice dec 32 fugar oic ladies trimmings for coats cloie 5 o dollars reward ran away on sunday he 4th in ft an indented ypprentice to the shoem king bufnefs of the name of francis al arms otherwifie bofelly he is about ft enteen years of age about five ftrt four in ches higfr of a fair complexion fair hair blt eyes had on when be went away a grr ftrort coat and trowfers yellow waiflcoat a wellington boots he ftole fhoernak tools and other property apprehend faid runaway and bring htm bac- or fecure him in any jail in either proving hall receive the above reward i forbid i pcrfonsagainft harbouring or employing him under pain of being profecuted to bruflies ibot txnvder indigo pepper tea c and will be fold at the lowelt trms joitn dow i am kingston 25th jan 1816 34 new goods the fubfenber has just received now offers for fale an ctenfive and and w el chofen aftortment of whoever vlj k as 1 g utmoit figor of the law all fnnte well in the united states as either prri ince wnl much oblfge the public bv giving ibis an infertion in their papers as he is s vld ojfendi advertifement stolen from the fubferiber on the 30th of september lall a dark bay mare ave years old last fpring she is a natural trotter about fomteen and a half bands high with a heavy mane and tail and a fear on the right fide of her breasr perceivable by broking the hair upwards two curls on her forehead and a white fpot rfn eier withers- the thief is one james chatterlnn lately of this plae he is about twenty two ytars oi age of a lender make a fwarthy complex ly- dark eyes and hair aid a downcall look whoever will retun faid mare or feeure the thief in any jail in this province fo that he may be brought tbjufciee hall have all ui- rouable charges paid and receive the thanks oi the fubferiber an ry goods groceries hardware e also a well cholen ailortrnent or medicine the whole f which 11 b folj owekt rriccs forcalh or country pit wanlsajiiucltwri t n a u-hohfk- or nuil o 1 fewtefe v dr heiit a n vtf t lntrllnn n john ellerbeck vth e cc rtwa ernefl sebastian hkik own ian igda 181 atteed to prod nee rool vouciier