Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), March 2, 1816, p. 1

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rsvftnldaymarrii 24 ii6 r- volume v no 91 h kincstotf llrfer canada printed and published sw stephen mit v xl ssss mu four doll price of adertifing in the gazette sic lines and under 6 bfft ittferciori and every fubfrqiiertt ten lines and under 34 urtt infertfrn nd 18 ery fubfequent ten lines and upwards 4y per line fir ft inferlion and ta per line every fncceedlng infertion r advertisements rn accompanied with writ ten directions are infeed till forbid and charged accordingly kingston library will be open every monday from 1 i oclok a r umil 1 rfcfcifc p m at the court houfe subfeuntious for reading will b miiv- ed by the treafnrcr wm mitchell eft at thirty hilling tr year or ten milling pet quarter payable on fubforihing and de- poiu feftifti the treafttter 01 five pounds as a lrrety againlt the lofs or booksi ub- yaervaretocortidcr themfelvcs fubjc to fe viifei of th library perfons having in tlreiv phffdjwa boofcl vlongipr tntlifr library are lequeltcd to tetuflft them into the library without delay cha rle anderson fcf kioriion ill tcb si6 f where as a note fcsecyi by miler and v heurv baker foroe tfie in the year jh04 was gtvgo to adair guannr to frve in lieu of mi arbitration sjnd 1 nee are to caution av and every pcrlor agstfntt ta kino the id note in payment as wft b urminedtievar to pay the fifciie kbnrt bakes kivfvon cd febnarv t notice for sale or to leasfe that valuable farm in the tdwh flup ot adolphus town adjoining the viia or holland vilie rvned and formerly occu pvd by the fuberfber poircffiimi of the preraifes to be l on tie brat day of aprils 1816 mo that valuable farm no 8 fituated and lying in the town hip of fred- ehcsburgh a covtfjiiip coo acre mote or lets together witn a large and com modious dwelling houfe- barns and a large i3 wuvjfiiuihoq t pa t p annum eor sale potash ketti fi jq pasap j7 ffifeg otrrj gjfc ati crof poileiuon alio to i5e gjvfen on the tlrstdav jpril 86 also 1 wo i own lot ivinb on he street leading to the printing ofhce and neady oppofite thereto being lots no 147 and 17 j and lkewife feveral town lots in lite rear of mt town of kiarcn forre of whicli are y n j on the road to lower can ada and others on the road leading to the bay ofqnintei charles ocuart kikstdii 23d dec i8iy 3 j for sale a quantity of qk fuhabte for siavi and fquare t isnbef sritlin a reaina- be distance of the vaer kadiii into the bay of qojnry i inrtculnrs air peifoi or prfrs wilhing to pnrchafe will plcafe to call at tllis office or at mr joieph valler a honiv 1 op op3t z e z op zi i ohn3 have just recte ffnkle ed a gnraf assortment of dry goods r- g k pnilttijmo and w ernes ciig wliich are the fclldin artlcfe 3ut and common fl c whte arid b cotton c superfine dr p anduidreffd calfcoe- soke inj c 2 jtlanukeicfiiefs f variety of shawls ci rid large dama silk sfi line of si kington dec 9 1815 rf t ages w d fames g ihitaftte smith ihacjt mode gentlemens hne buck ijoefeli and fe ver gloves ladies black while and fancy colour d oak do 3 offers for ijile the following fevjry viz gvai kh ijafjk saihfs3 an j pjjn qold f n r i ijljls tie1 i vfj a m- haljftt ck ici jcu and gold lra rifie d jo do arnbrr necklaces gold and enameled faucc muitees do lockets silver gilt oniiffrioxe rfoiiniicr fefts gilt rings and ear ringe j fllver froft knives and fountain pcjs do sproh hlelaud pla ted sptaacles jo ivjuar tubes atid thinv ble j cilt clafjls ftd snaps razors fa cafes and wtthotii fportmens knives pen do from 1 to 16 blades do do with snuff boxes ad sciitnrs pafie cutters ladie from itto 16 oais pounds or wod mcrcfuiuablc ik e3ll beir per- vvek deliveries to commence on the rt of may next and to be continued to the 3191 de- oemoer 1 8 1 c propofah for tue abrvc fthplr will be re- tcived at this ofjsee until the let yr- next 611 which day perfons having tciidcred will be made acquainted with therefult of their proposals coirvjfirn oju tf kingston zih jim 18 icf- notice all perfons indebied to tl zrkte of doflor aksos smith deccaied aic jequeircd to make immediate payment to allan mac lean efq and fhofc who have watcher of different defcriptions wammed demands are requefted to exhibit the fame watches and clocks of eat de- fyr adjuflment martha smith adnnvisirdtrik ivingdon feb 2 7816 for sale ihe west half of lot number nineteen in the fecortd eonceffion of the townfiup of kingdom apply to the printer roedo in do w topaz aiid pearl another line uid leave oiidenilmrgh for l n t r km pead jett and cornelian rinbs old tt nftldw for the jcfcnfet and bnq minims letow j box kog- lwden and gentlemens nlain jllc s d t ginghams ribbons and laed j t xt 1 au niivi ui net rsr traveiicra into tia part 01 ioc o r uu euivuiicull ci traveiwa intptha psrt of the country the books to entlr the names of thole who nuy wia feats jnv sfige will be bpt at ww ffiwiffj in st paul street in montreal and at robert wtft hotej montreal january iftj 1816 32 for sale pen g belt mouurinr5 brafs bullet moulds a vahlalletraof laad kng w th a townikh of carfotturg c-ontan- fuv fomdrd rtdthitcftu acre oc kl fciiptforis cleaned m repaired in the bcil rnanne r atid exptduiosh watch qlaflw dials second mmnte j n 18 hour hands gld and gilt jcg 3 u mil igllon jan hi 1816 t 2 kingston july ic i8i s 4 vetm eafhor moft kinds of country produce three elegant wood en dock warranted to keep god tine enquire of mr peter van skiver in adol- phultown or of the fubferiber c merrill kington rcth nov i8c zjp trayed away from mr badgleys stable a dark bay horse about twelve years old with a frrinll white fpot on hit forenead whoever will brin him to william evans at kingdom ihall be re warded for their trouble kingfton jan 1 o 1 1 6 n 1 noti fine plated furr and wool hats i oild hat covers young hyfon sf4jl and hyfbnskin j v flug pigtsl and ladres twifl tobacco 5 high proof old jamaica spirits i gjjniae brandy holland geneva sbmb j port wine the above goods together wu a vanr f rf articles not mention will btia at the fnoft reduced prices for cafh we tender ol truniful ackuovvlcdgneuts to our cus- tmers lr paft favors and folicit a contnu- rnce of their future patronage yslsement rrphe fubfcrlber offers for hale to the 11 public on liberal terms of paytne ihtfoluing lot bfwaftf und low no 22 in theshcox no 9 in the 6th con s weft r 2 t con j j f no 8 ei 5 cob of to- next month v vrederiek on v 1 v f the ctn roncefilou ceived at the hofpitan 1 sljlfc orhonceluon l2 0th january nh 4 j igv ftt 2 s5f 11 b siretica will wl t l0 j also or ana otuveu r trt chaiottenbub ames g dllii 2ftf al kkm j sljjifiwry tsi6 j t hocw co of tire wood an 1 t to m delivered during tto and tu t nontl 8w teaderi wdl be re 39 v i- itt there as gitf iz- s a 6 7 ntend to keep on hand a variety of chairs w different patterns thev intend contirr- ngbufinefs it the public egcfttitage them efficiently ki 55gston feb 3 jsjo c hatch 5 yv m of the town of kingfton has by a power of an attorney authonted ebehcer jcvjil of this place to collect certain monies and properties both in the province of canada as alio in the u- nted sttites of america en fufpiciin of de lays and otoer caufes theie are therefore to forbid the faid jetvlt to rocetd in faid bufmtfs as attorney alfo foi bidding any p- fon making payment to faid je4uil on ac count of the fubferiber dan e allen kingston jan 18 1816 33 le an teafovabletermr sett h dutch harness a metca kingftvnudi for sale f 3- l wanted p wo or three journeymen tailors x wlb will find heady employment by apphine to john dawson tailor a of land toy of d r chare of mp w s farn heat now it about three v the road tajh sl bridge 0 a half from r feb i4 l86 gilding on new f h n fgansinthevicn- apphcalstuar geo for sac mluaejth ton perlondcf x aii large of fe f the rnw quire the r g

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