Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), March 2, 1816, p. 2

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timber spars 10 nted to be delivered at the na- val yard in the nnth of june next fted for the quebec market and to be or duality fart there to be exported to en- w ra the quality gland not to be lefs than twelve in ches fquare one third to be thir ty feet iongone third thirty five pine 1 a j forty feet long white oak j do pine red s p s feet lengll inches dhm 41 12 i i wo i offteces six six six six four four four four two two two two two two rr lwo lwo two lwo two ten forty forty six six six three sx six ftr four ten forty forty o feci tnmfj o 63 53 66 47 5 4 48 33 43 45 3 46 46 3 4 35 3 42 7 j 60 45 5 09 7 0 2 79 49 3 4 26 jo 24 64 40 29 41 id 62 37 27 70 j 55 49 81 45 3 65 2 33 25 53 3 54 3 28 35 56 3 1 6 35 inches dnwiiief i 3 16 i2 14 9 12 9 ro 15 9 12 m 9 1 1 id lo 1 i 9 ri 8 21 14 i 9 3 1 1 10 14 9 if 1 1 8 6 16 11 8 12 4 1 3 i l 9 2 8 17 i 7 9 7 14 i i 9- 15 io 8 9 7 14 10 7 11 6- 3 v w 1 1 i qommunica t20ns jvo 7 m as a furtnsr proof of the benefit refill t- ing from this rode of indruclion contin ues j- lancafttr the following tnftarice is remarkable several boys belonging to my fchool were in the habit of playing truant continually this habit was contracted as it uiually is by frequenting bad idle com pany one boy feemed quite incorrigble his father got a log and chain chained it to his foot and in that condition beating him all the way followed him to fchool repeated ly nothing was of any avail neither was the lad reformed by any thing the parent could do he was at lad reformed by a con- ted about ah m fusty nail i am not ford of laying wafers but without any other dcfigu than the improvement of two claffes by railing a fpir it of emulation among them i betted with oiie of my fubofdinate moni tors a flitting agatkh an old rusty nail that tavc the time thatvouid othrv 1 choohng and neve k2 wm what another man j e m dea whch will demand co z to arrange themfel f t0 your ideas the more kg meafures be taken and yo l r med being a muc cs for termme with tuo id than p 5 t0 four qeas than wth tvnttf ditpoffsfs yourfe 2s and pzv to others a dai while you are fym 2 s fngs they are baling al rob other x mull my study yoar own gfatffienti on in ev erjr concern of hfe and waftc notlme in tky the farii z of th another clafs would excel in wiitmg on the flare that in which he taught in cafe it rconiequencestomhermen coifiant admration of your bforb all the praif s to vuii from others ufyourtirheasmuchp and let your confi pcrfc cl ions a own at is doc k with q w did the old nifty nail was to be mine and the dddltjr of the tiling tickled the fancy of the bofs and ferved as well for the bone of contention as arty thing die both claries that ecludpartietc were difpfed to exert all their powers on account time fee d ji the occafionj determined not to be excelled d your i 1 loft th wager iri the ivquel hni ii it had heen fifty tunes the nbe tt could not have had a better btea than it ad the trwantfi i have been nentforirg were in the tuo carrrendiug darter the mrereii they took in the honor of tbv ejaffes wm a great that inffead of plavfng truarf thy to fchool to aid their companions in cam ffcurinjr the honor which was more than the prize the imereft they took m the thing was to great that they become lafed vitn lchool and above all tiie almoit iucorrfgi- nle boy became reformed and one of the bell proficients in learning in the whole fchool and for two vtrs after which he remained with me no more was heard of his playing truant thus a little emulation and mental irtereft in what he had to do produced that improvement and delight irr learning which neither the lo nor the horfe whip nor any other fevcrc treatment he re ceived from his father could produce the reformation was more hiking in him be- caufe he feemed a more hardened offender but there were feveral of hers who complete ly etormed at the fame time and by the game means iria by the application of v hi erfons and in the pleafures of the wtik is worthily employed r then faf is the fole obu of it and not a fjfole moment is alt- en a ted fro nf us the belt ami greateu rule is this alfti no time for praying or for works of charity for this skiving ip a portion of tinc to eternity vvhcli is a very great abfurdiry istcondiy til expenfive feelings and fen fat ions to be fubdued viz fueh as com- paflijii generofny patnotism and pubfic fpir ft the money be flowed on horfes to be ved out of the education of our children they ate therefore to be ft nt to fchool where the cheape1 bargain can be made for them to baiuili hofpitaliry from onr bofoms sc to am the company of our f ifcnds fortie tiie of pilagcing them at play and in a ifcf to the iraiefyus which they in conrfe leave behind them and which we divide with our lervants to crfc comfort to oflcntation in ev ttj article f life to eo without bibflantiat conveniences fof che fake of cnining fapei- itflic to be mean and fordid nnder onr own nof that we may lock like proca in public and to live like beyjrars in ftcret jihers who may wilh to eltabliin iimiiar in- litutions upon the fomc ptirtctpjes as mine- au ft build on the fame foundation the iaflion- of the human heart mud be their ftu- y and they will fino the fyem itfelf an- x to the tvteft as face to face in a plats wer otn fuccefsfully cultivating the afeeions- rfd ilucbring the dlfpo fit ions of my fenior hd it is that 1 have been able to tum the public pint of youth to my inditutioti ao- 5 vi and profanenefs the foilovihg i hurt extract from akttef addreffed to john i wchancellor of the exebequer for ie- nd on educating poor in that country i fold by darken and harvey lcndon a t i with to recommend to the perufal of rhe leader j and which as well as the fyftem of education i am happy to fay m6 the narked approbation of the great and enligh tened latepman to v4om i had the honor of poor wtitctl we have never experfeficed atifl to nferve our charity for deftrving objefts which we aie determined rrevet to acknowl edge to be atlive and forward in fpcculc tivelchemea of charity which we ate well afturedcan never take place while wc- are fdently raifim our rents to the ruin of cfa treffed famflies to pafs by the door of famine with out money glued to onr pockets while to f a merry dhdnfo ride the fleeted courfer nick named wellhgwngi a clown afting th part of deni bulgrudery we can draw fat purfe t7ig3 as generoufly as prince to repair to the houfe of dimrefs not to diflipate onr money fn- common place ac of compaiport and geneyofity but to extort goiid bargains from hunger and recefilty to be lavifh with kind fpecches wmi co addreng it me has repeatedly vifited the co -npthi- and to lament when death has initiation and as well as feis able friends- cotat in relief to fnifery hit the circumftan- vasextremeljaratirkd at the fi large number of boys felf e ducat gular a manner friend miles i will give thee the letter in my next number ob a ima ft st augusuu 2xtb of zd mohtb 9 i mr miles th following feled hirrts for the econ- f any p erf on wiflimg to deliver a fpecifiefi quantity of the faid timber mud tender for two thirds oak and one third white ptue- and the spars mud be take4l in proportion of the different ilzes scaled tenders will be received at this yard 6n the 31ft ind expreffmg the prices for delivering them in or out of m of time ext y hen the parties are d to attend f argued fot the eafe and beneftt i lwdlavvh tnefadnonable qlhy nicknamed com- fipf t c tott n xz naval yard kingdon 0lf ar 11th jami8i6 bigotry and fopiftitloa will proclaim t titlea hereditary to prepare all thofe immortal honour uhout degrading rank they mud flricllv ferve that no time is to be expended on t aa nothing ccimes of it among men c fafhion the ware and tare- of time by ftrtrtocnjs tb be avoided as fo previouan article might tf be employed fparinglv time often to he proltrated by lotlff and vl loungers by way cf making the able friends come in reiiei to miiery mat tne circumltan- ht of fueh a c f rnelancholy a- cafe were not known ted in fo fin- to us ittme to afford us the luxury of ex- erciling our humanity- f one oi the learned booy 1 heard debate 1 public n that james reid of this town never did fign any kind of agreement or contract with john kardon and will not be refponfi- ble for any debts he may contract james reid kingdon 1 7th feb iki6 g a llptrfons having clatms againft the edate of john m graw late of maryt- burgh deceafed are requeded to bring them forward dtity authenticated on or before the 0 forward ddty authenticated on or before the w firftdayof juneiftxt jand all perfons indebt- fnume- ts heavy w lafcitude nnl ed to faid kdate are delired to pay the fame jowapahon be tender of ufmr i jj t n this torpid and vannrlfk iu 1 m 0 without delay dorothy mc g raw administratrix maryiburgh 39 w 1 p- cibuarv- f 7 1 8 16 m this torpid and v cnniition arj reaver to refmh it by llle fl make up yo mlncl once am irrcvo j on every i wrfm 4f ir a or fpecch of near cne minute and a half clear argument that to become mem ber of two cf three learned societies fucha9 braiuty cards and smoking clubs for thus we maintain the title of philofophtrs at the rate cf a few guineas a yeav and inftead of coueftino a library to belong to a reading club where one book may ferve many pcr- fons and where the librarian or waiter tkes tire rtfponfibility of choice out of our hands and contrau to- fupply books as bakers do hot rolls and crackers a cheap fydem of morality may he cgl- lected from dtfiiwfcrlamriaiioia which ge- or tandnm through the dreets after the hour of twelve fo re markable are tbev for clear and diflind arsic- iilatio 1 tat freqiteucv the horfe take flight at tbi founct tjefe valuable jfttfatf contain all tw morality neffarv co afjlhionable girt the iarrincr of this can rr the rumbling ot bin waori wrm con jhaku theja togfthei fo a to form the n into he wil foon acqne the ttb- o a great rn lof -ohc- in his own wr 1 blank sum bmi 3 alp at nm

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