Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), March 9, 1816, p. 4

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for sale by at fubfcribev a few puncheons jamaica spirits brandy gin wine shrub and peppermint loaf and mufcovado sugars tea coffee and chocolate indigo pepper allipice a general affortment o for s by ben iff edwd starnes jamaica spirits brandy gin shrub pepper mfnt port madeira spanifh and te- neriffe wines bottled porter and scotchjale in calks bed iinglifhand american soap loaf sugar also a frrall affortment of d good hardware and ew y f a few boxes siroakd herrings kingston d january i si 6 titf d good iron steel ah very low for caih samuel merrill kingston ith dec 1815 p plank boards wanted tohedeliveiedon thefjlft inft and during the month of fcbiu- ary scaled tenders will be receited at this yard on the 24th iuft k plank 2 7 a naval yard k nth j 2000 1 500 15800 20640 9800 ewd laws naval storekeeper 39 n otici the fubferiber refpefully informs his fi rends and the public that he has entered in to copartneihip with mr george h det- lor and that the btiilnefs will in future be carried on under the the firm of thomsons detlor r returns his unfeigned acknowledgments to thofe who have fo liberally afforded him fupport and hopes that the new firm will merit a continuance of heir favours as it is the fubferibers wifti to clofe his former bufinefs asfoon as poffible he will thank thofe who re indebted to call and arrange their refpeive accounts h cthomson 23d 0 1815 35 for sale n reafonable terms lot no 22 in the th in the 6th iv 13 concession concession and william vi co have juft c eived a large affortment of the toulu wing lipuors groceries jamaica spirits cojrniac brandy beft holland gin port and madeira wines peppermint and shrub loaf and mufcovado sugar kings arms jpine apple cheefe cheshire s bloom and sutiand ratlins hyfon and green tea figs c c also an elegant affortment of silk trimmings of every defcription ladies and gentlemens biack and coloured silk hofe and gloves of a fuperior quality as the above articles were bought at an early feafon wholefale purchafers can be fup- plied on terms more advantageous than they now can be in montreal lot no 20 tn the 1 th concession the whole bein in the townfljip of lane down in the district of johnftown for particlurs enquire at the office of allan mclean efo kingston august 28 18 i 5 13 r fubicriber informs the people of kington thiit hi has commenced the boot and shoe making busineh kingston 2q6 dec 1815 3 over the lore of geo h maclcan where he propofes keeping conftantly on hand gentlerrens baekltrappd military bouts long narrow do do do wellington do gentlemens fine waxd calf shoes morocco drefs pumps and hoes for gen tlemcn ancle boots and walking flioea trimmed in the nearer manner miffes and childrens hoes he pledges himfelf to thofe who are pleated to favor him with their enflom that all work made in his flvp fhall be made of the beft materials and fin ifhed in a fuperior manner as he is determined to keep the beft workmen he can employ william tryan for sale 9 in frederick fburgh lot no ii the firft cnnceiffion of faid town containing 200 acres one hundred under improve ment with afiame houfe and barn there on there can be cut yearly 30 tons of good hay any one defnous of purcha sing can apply to the fubferiber in camder or to the printer in kingfton r rjohngarscallan qdynden january 4 i b 1 6 3 1 tf just received by the fubferfbers a con signment of 200 blue fiufhing great coatsj price feven dollars alfo a few blue jackets and trowfers of a fuperior quality- a- macpherson co kingston dth jzn 1816 3 t tf kingston 23d december 1815 3 hat manufactory smith butterworth respectfully acquaint their friends and the public in general that they have recommenced biifinels in the new houfe near walkers hotel where they have on hand an extenfive affortment of ladies 3c childrens beft beaver bonnets gentlemens bell beaver caftor roram and knapt hats mens youths and boys wool hats likewife ladies and childrens london fafhonablc bonnets feathers and trimmings of the following colours black white blue brown purple and drab which they offer wholefale and retail for cafh as cheap as they can be purchafed at montreal n- b cafh paid for beaver mufkrat and racoon skins kingfton 30th 051 tsl 21 t f notice the fubferiber refpett fully informs his friends and the public that he in about opening a store in front of the new market hnufe where he will do businffs on commijfwn will buy and fell store forward goods up or down the river will take in any orders of any defcription in that line of bnfn efs n b perfons defirous of committing con- finiments to his charge may know the rate of wage and com million by calling at the new commiffion ftore john duncan king hon dec 30 181 c gq for sale em barrels of exccltnt p m i- pork enquire at mr badgleys tavern kingston december 1 5 1 r i 5 28 fancy goods the fubferiber informs the ladies of kingfton and its vfcinity that hr has five affortment of figured twilm plain silks ribbons shawls handkerchiefs ever offered for fale in this place whole fale br retail or roderate lerns samuel aykroyd deer i 1815 zcitf r ags i rags cash and the highest price paid fox clen cotton and linen notice r be fold or rented a3 may be agreed up- on that well known valuable farm lot no- 11 and the weft half of lot no 10 in the firft conceflion of additional fveder- icksburgh together with a good frame houfe and barn good meadows and two orchards thereon and about one hundred and forty acres of improved land the pre- mifcs are well fituated for a farmer merchant or innkeepet for further particulars ap ply to the fubferiber or to d waltibun efq in kingfton michael coyle kingfton 20th feb 1 816 f8t for sale avery valuable and pleafantly fitif- ted town lot- for terms apply at this office dec 22 2gtf the fubferiber refpecyfully begs leave i to inform his friends and the public that he- has received a geat variety of drv goods 8c groceries as cloths flanneu calicoes ftockingi rea dy made coats trowfers and waiftcoats handkerchiefs hawls linen overfoeks mitt womens hues tippets bombezetts umbrellas earthen and glafs ware muftard fap candles raifins loaf and mufcovado fugr 8tc ladiestrimmngs for coats clofe brulbes fliot powder indigo pepper tea c and will be fold at the lo weft terms john dowlan kingston 25th jan 1s16 fiy wm wzkjvs on y u ave jrt opened arth fh t j cupted by nbthw lciluue l extenfive sflori nvcrt of 0 dry g confistfno of every article fa tlrat line tnh able to the feafon nrgether with a verv choice nfoitnv t nk htlim sarf crape tjrfrtj uc turrmmgr uratr uc u ink srtfftn scarfi handkn al so nets r ha rd earth mf t 5 tmoarif groceries which they liquors will fell on the moit reafona ble terms wholefale and retail kingston 1 oth ja isi5 xt john simson as received by the fail arrivals fro enghnd and now offers for fale an c- iant affortment of d good s 3 confiding of superfine and common cloths white and calomed flannels fiufhing 3 312 and 1 point blankets back wortted hofe worfted sorks boys and girls hofe tartan plaid turkey stripes and checks shirting stripes 34 and 64 gighnms garment and fur niture calicoes biack and coloured cam brics 64 and 74 punted and imitation shawls bandanna arid madrefs plandkcr- chiefs white cotton j lcno book and spriged mijlin dimities thread and cotton laces j black and coloured velvet plain and figurd sat in twild and plain sarenetfl lufttes tabinetts imitation sarcnets poplins ilk nett black crape buk fik handkerchiefs fewing silks ribbons and a number of other niefil ar ticles to be dilpofcd of by wholfaieon rta- fonable terms for cafh or flsort approved credit united states bank paper taken in pay ment by allowing the difcoun wt water street kingfton jan 13 1816 200 dollars reward t ost on thm fdajr ihe iph inft ci- the road towards erncft town a red morocco pocketbook containing army bills and other papers of vahie only to the owner whoever has found the fame and will biino it to the printer of to mr sheriff stuart will receive the above reward the faid bills can be of no ufe except tn the owner their number and defcription be- ing known and meafures having bten al ready taken to flop payment at the army- bill office consequently any perfon at tempting to pafs them fraudulently will be liable toarreft and trial for felony kingston loth oct 1s15 g h j rag s at this office i t- new goods the fubferiber has jurat received and now offers for fale an extenfive and well chofen affortment of for sale at this office a drscourfe delivered at brockville eli zabeth to wp april 27 1815 being a day appointed for a general thanksgiving in up per canada for putting an end to the war in which we were engaged againft the uni ted sate of america true piety a fourcc of individual happi ref and national profperjty by william smart mtmftef of the gofpeh 0 britain tmjl the lord thy foes in vain f m dry good groceries and hardware also a well chofen affortment of medicine- the whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices for cafh or country produce 1 r v i hpxxniui all perfons are hereby forbid cutting or carrying off any timber of any de fcription whatever from lot no 8 in the 4th conceflion of the townip of frcder- ickibnrgh on pain of being profecuted to tin utmoft rigor of the law george wager frederickfburgh 21ft feb 1816 83 new line of stages the fubferiber has commenced running a line of stages from montreal to kingfton twice a week it leaved mon treal on mondays and thurfdays at eight oclock a m and arrives in kingfton on wednefdays and saturdays and leave king fton at the lame time hnd arrives in montre al ort wednefdaya and saturdays perfons travelling in this line will find good teams careful and experienced drivers with covered fleighs made comfortable for the pnrpofe another line will leave ojrdenfburgh for utica every wcdnefday and friday for the convenience of travellers into that part of the country the book to enter the names of thofe who may wifh feats in the stae will be ktpt at samuel hedges in st paul street in montreal and at robert wallers hotel in kingfton rtoir oppoite smith c cooks store offers for fale the following jewelry viz gold chains seals and keys colored and plain gold ear rings amethyft am berandjett do pearl jett and gold bria ches do do do pins topaz and pearl fetts pearl jett and cornelian rings gold box rings ladie and gentkmens plain do amber necklaces gold and enameled fauce montees do lockets silver gilt snuff boxes mourning fetts gilt riji and ear rings filvet fruit knives aiid fountain pens do spoons filer and plat ted speaaeles do segar tubes and i him ble eit clafps and snaps razors cafes and without fportmens knives iff do from i to 16 blades do do with mft boxes and sciffors pafte cutter udtei tortoife fbell combs beft pohftied t sciffors naval giu dirks and dts gut and fteelfword swivels plated brafs l fteel overall chains fting tele fco pes g belt mountings brafs bullet moulds watches of different defections warranted good watches andclocks of different j fcriptions cleaned and repaired in the pm manner and expedition watch glaff dials second mmue hour hands gold and gilt kingfton jan 13 ii6 3 for s 1 on reafonable terms 25 sett h dutch harms a metcau- ztt vta kingfto ath dee lij blanic bail bondj and sheriffs saleb

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