a humlcr of pci ton deeply aft u vvftft die ftatef m rain v in klizshetbtowl and its neighbourhood determined if peiti- ble to dhviate it by a regular aid t ii -tblifh- mmiilry of the gcfpil cording to i fear requett the rev w smart f lon don was lent out to t i i country in i 8 1 1 fince that peri d he has been utbotii ng v ith- oui any church on be 1 8 tli of decem ber iil meeting was cled for tl pnrtjofe ot ercctv a place of divine wc fiiip 5 jc- was fubieribed but this being inadequate to arty the tibjefi fvy into cfl an appeal in made to the chrifhan and benevolent feel- jiis nf the public in the town of kingftoni to alliir their fellow chiillians in erecting a houle for the worfhfp of god perfottn feel ing a dtfpontron to contribute to this object are rfpectfuly informed that the fmallrft tlouation wfl be thankful v received at ivl r if tirasffrt store at mr walkers ho tel and at tie printing office a liyjion t larch 7 1816 1 notice to settlers his is to give botice that fuch fcttlera as may have received location tick ets previous to this date and are not auatty and bona fide ellabufhing themfelye on their land by the 24111 of iprt next will be fit uck off the lift nf settlers and their cation ticket will be cancelled as well s ev- cry other a low nee of provitlon e sec by his exeeteucys command sidney 3ckwith mr gin brrclinlk march 14 18 iv 40 co dollars 3 r e w a p d tj hoke gaol on the night of the 4 jl haft and made their efcape there from three criminak by the names of cralius h wey jfeph mlod and ifaae i gles wb ever vviii apprehend the above vjliajbh and lodge ihem in any gaol in the province ihall receive tfie above reward or one hun dred dollars for each man fepaately robert young gaoler kingfton mach e iftifi 40 stray hoi ft j come hit 1 the euclofufe ofthe fnbfcri- her a bay hoifc wi h a ftnall star in hi forehead and feme white foots on his hack occkfioned by the faddle the own er is reqiit fled to prove property pay ehar- gestidvcilft liim away elijah beach kingfton 4th march 1816 40 3 i van ted i 1 i wo or three journeymen tailors x who will find iteady employment by applying to john d iwson tailor kingston dtc 15 1815 28tf blank summonses for sals at this office for sale a good fleigh and hirnef quite nev also a fpaa of excellent hot le the terms of payment will be a credit of 90 days if 1 eq netted they can be feen by applying at this office kinpiloi feb 27 1b1 39 3 nis h to cet lie s smith and h wife i- 1 aej and not to trufl heir now more i ihy doue they mll be aufowocle ft heir 3 i public notice 1 hat james reid of this town never did fififn any kiud of agreement or cofttradl with john kardon and will nt be refponfi- be fi r any debts he may contrict james reid kineft n 17th feb 1816 jsfcf l ij pertans having clainvsi again ft the j etlatef j h m grawfcte of marys- bu gh deeafed are requeued to bring them r 1 iddnly authenticated on or before the it day f funeneitt tarrdall ceifois iidebt- cd 10 laii pftafce are delired to pay the fime without deiase dorotfy v graw itrams rainx mrylbmgh i 3 p fevmry 27 isri w h e r i a s not i ly ecited fry ymn miller and j v t ienry 15 ks ftime ti e n tiie year 24 vis givei o a dam taang to ftrve in ireu ofoii arbitral ion bond tbefe are t ca ti n any avd every pcloi riinlt ta lc v il e fail note in tcif i xvc ire do- mi eel never to pa v the v rs john fvlplllr illnky uaklr morality 9 the uncertainty of life this year thou pah die time in u r 1 id and onceafing pogrefs has brought us t the commencement of a new year it becomes tir to pauie and re- fled we may imnpineatht h the courfe of our journey we have reached ai eminenee vie fliould hop wt fli ud took back up on the road we have travelled and forward to the country that lies before us vv e fliotild fet up a pillar in reivembi ance of the good nefofgod and then with bettet relolu- ttonftand a theater di licence pnrfueour way we enter on a new year full of hope and expectation we make cor refolutjona and ai c fangnire in the belief that wc fljall fulfil them we form our plans and calculate with confidence on their accompliihment wt fe- cure connexions and escoeel they will be hi- io we lay a broad foueda ien of piv fpcti- ty and jaipiiefs and in imaiiiation ereet on u a fupeill luctme ihat i- firm and durable we fiinrre to omfelves n ferves of joyful events riiinterrut ted 1 y pin or mif uuine if t lie pi year has been fa irable to tie we jay of ibe pref nt year it 4uih h as the fanner wd much mors alundari if the pa it year ins diiappciied qui hopes we frldom profit by tn rfenee and with the expectation lhi il will fully reeomprde us for the evils we hive vdered 1 lit l i olitin to at ticipnte what u peaf ant to us i- a part of our nature and mutt not j condemned it was implanted by our creator oi wlc and od purpofesi it increafes our p r 1 1 joy and is a pow fupnprt undei the evils of life ir wmi- ie wed for os to rrttirtnber hrwevcfy that our giren by at m m sre gne by mr departed acquaintances ad friends they have been but are not the eyes of thofe who have feen them hall fee them no mote boaft not thyfelf of tomorrow thou knoweft not what a year thou knoweft not what a day may bring forth we cannot make a covenant with dath riches cannot bribe it nor power control it when the commilfion is given it will be fulfilled when thcwaiart arrives it wili take iffe we iympathife with our unhappy fellow ciea- tuievvho is condemned to die we tremble when we confider that his time is fo hort we are anxious that he fhould improve to the utmofl the little fpace that is left to him we forget that we ourfebes are under fen- tence of death and that it may be executed to morrow to day at any moment oi our livs if it is recorded of only one of us in the bo k of his defliny this year thou malt die who we may a flc with an awful fulpente is that one god nlv knows it is in kind- nefsand mercy that he ha hidden from us the day of our death and the future events of our lives uncertain what stall befal us let us en deavor through the giace of god to be pre pared for every event let us fortify our minds with filch principles an will enable us to met n a becoming manner the events of the prefenj year let us live as if this rear w mid be our lafl let thofe who have hiih- erto flhtrd the invitaiions and neglecied the warning of the gofpel who have been forgetful of their obligations to god and carelefs about iecurino an intereft hi their sa- viiur now whilll there u a fpace for repen tance and amendment b- excued to improve it fi the ttnt will koti come it niav come thi- year when the opportunity will exilt no 1 meiamon it has ben f iccaomfirmenf yz ofwearbywayofgivi uverfatkn pothers have helcfl owed then pernicious pv 1 u c loweu men- pernicious example w 7 rr fma1 realon u 1 woum the fair fex they that ncth the heart of mnv that udaeth aks and raneth tn his breast lo yomisr mtf in maidm fwetnefs j hofi l j aoroad would they but for once nnd taketobethereformcrs asweilasthepol luiersot markmd and never ptvc encouri ment to ay man let him be oiherwifc fo well qualified who would demur hi felf fo nmch a- to fwear would but our men of quality look opnn it as much anaf font for a perfon to fwcar in their enrnpany as to oive tbrn the lie then would tievie be extirpated there needs 110 ether mediisti induce men to be virtuous than tu maka vir tue the famion tm vice may port ihfd plcafure got ti tis virtue qnh can true joys difpenfe r d odds leys economy of human lift exsctattuih may be duaiipointed ana i a 1 v v cr 1 a hmer when the fentence a- ready tfaft will our b ijnt doipeets i tcicitv maybe pr- x r ru u r p j 1 j be executed 1 hou halt die 1 r kened b the fhadow of death the lidlry ofthe paft year tatt3y wiitien its tale luw heei told we kw a far a- relyeots orfclve at leailjby what eve t- h a diftiugutihej by wliat joys and forfws it was chequef w know how riftcii it fulfiljed and hovv or- teii il violated ii promifea how oltc t gratified and how often it cjiiaipointcd r hopes we know how m ji it added to or fubtracled f r m te tlock or our friendilrp how much f suei and of bitter it mined in ou cup of if- wt knmv mow mnc of it has been foolsflllv walled i wi kedly per- varied how much bulinefo has been trani- adted bw much pltafure enjyed muw much duty fiilltled and nepdccted the events wlnyh will make up the htitor jf of the prehn yvar are yet to take place they are known joly to the supreme dii- poler a prefeats to us the fucrefllve pages of the book of our fate we can real but are un able ot ourielves to turn over a finale leaf were we allowed to pry into its content- h w much even in thi hilt ry ofthe prefeit year fhould we find that would be intereil- i g to us we iglu find that many new and unexpected feeues were to open befene us and many new and interelling objesbi to engage our attention we might find that many important change were to take plac in our affaira that we were to be railed to vealh or educed jto poverty tlevatedto power c funk into i ihnilicance exhalted to honor or eoafigned to infamy we mioht find that the civf earthly ilart f our eoi rt was foon to fail us and our compan- i -n- goir into darknefs we might find let us think of it with leriiusnefs and mythi thoughi itably imprefs ut we might iind in characters which we would neither over 1 k nor miftake the awful fentence this year thou pah die w ht reat what unfpeakable importance would thi give in our eltimation to the pref ect year how deep and fiucere would be cur repentance how fervent our prayers how ardent our defrres after holinefs how unwearied our exertion to obtain an iucereft in chritt how diligent our endeavors to crowd as much as pofllhle of duty within the narrow limits of our probation we cannot read the book of onr future fatr i its pages are in mercy concealed from onr view that this awful fentence would be fjjund by more than one of us is not only probade but morauy certain the expe rience ofthe pad will convince 113 of this t the clofe of each fucceffive year of our pad ives many places have been vacant in the circle of our friends or in our vvorfhip- pig alfemblies which at the commence ment of it were filled and the faces of ma- ry who had added to our private enjoyment or joined in our public devotions we avail be- hod no more in this world many of them commenced the year with pro reels a flattering as ours now are they formed their plans as we do and cherillved the epl elation of long life and happinefs but tbey who formed and expected tlm are as- if they never had been the 3 to come u ill probably in this refpei be like thole which are already pa it the year on which we have now entered n pive feme account of ma of uh as i- kingston march i6 1816 4 commuxicatl oxs mr miles it wis flic faying of a great man of the brituh mi ion that common wearers give ihcir puis loth lvil gratis having 110 plcafure in reimn for h aiil doubtlefs h tva well ob- fcrved for no man in hh ztijei can nre end to fay there is any eupyvent in that partic- llai vice let ms then eareh a litie into the motives that promt rat 1 lo often to fall into it it mutt i think proceed cither bom a bat rentiers of invention keepiua continual- ly bad company behij overpowered bv 1- qmti from a fafe modefty winch is afraid to be particular or finally from a monfircus deiift of bring thought vked merely for the fake of wickednefh withruit either pleai- ureorptoht barreunf o invention is i believe the principal motive to wearing men aie frequently at a lofs for fomcthing to fay in company a fudden thought arilvs that 11 may be of ufe to them as long as puf fjble thev eke it our with oaths and blaf- phemies never giving thcmfelves time to re flect whether it is a vice or not they find irtatfotfls pay a more partita ar regard to their conversation and a nor re are fo tupid but good mr miles i an married to a good honed gentleman that is exceedingly good natiiicdyaiidat ti fame time very choleric there rvno ftanj ing before him when he is ia a palfiou lul as foon as i- 1 over he is the belt huttofa creature in tire world when ne h angryk break- ail ny china ware that ehance 0 ftj in his way and the next maaiing knfajfi in twice as much as he broke the day before i may pofitively fay if he itiil continues hff will break both his and my fortune a fen as he begin- to fret down goes every tiling that u within reach of his cane i hiicr davoied to prevail on him wvr to carryi ilick but this availed me nothing fn up on eeing me do fouw triflg t hiaj dwt m not pieafe hi n he kicked down a pi i jj thhtcoii him about ten pounds the day be- fore i then laid the fragments together a heap and badehnn p ke ufe oflw i ddiiug liim that i he chanced tobe hm0 he would fpend bis paffion upon the o that was hi oken- to his haivi bill very next diy upon my giving a wronnic- fage to the fervant he flewinto fuha zhlt h fwrt down a dozen tta dfi which to mv ni fortune trod very mw nient tor a fwle blow i ihcn movidad j china into aroom that he had not v- quented but t got nothing by m my looking rrkfses jinmediatelywatfra rage on i kn would be in laf w not whether- mv k ety lttmcbejjof let me know whether there be any tis unaccountable dileif or if- jj will be plcalvd t- pnmhi this letter ore f t van t r llt tlll by that means my h bind will know that y not approve of his ennduci r r i avrv fir your mod humble fer iulclbell vednefday morning v w mr miles- they know how to inter the brighrnefs of mr miles thtir intellects is too often complimcited a writer in your lafl garettv under tfe and they continue to practice that which finature of z fadly lament 3 the daiin and they continue to practice that which gives- them uuiverfal attention and admirati on and by that means become incorrigible bad company will often by the force of example caufe a man to fwear if he has fenfe reflection instantly ftizes him and he corrects himfelf in time but if ctherwlfe ten to one but he approves of it and confe- qiently praftifes it dunkennefj alfo which is the fewer of almofl every vice is often the caufe of ifii- in qneliion let a mans parts be ever l bight if he f offers lijuor to take poffeflioi o the feat of his understanding reafon no longer prefides his paffims which before lay dor mant rife up with redoubled vijrotir and hurry him away impctuougy into the abys of vice and fwear ingia that cafe is generally the forerunner of all the reatjj being as it we e a fignal to let us know that we are no longer our own masters happy is the man that can take the hint and return himfelf into the arms of health reftormg ileep i have known young men upon their firg in troduction into e throurh a falfe modesty get into all tue vices ot tiieir companions they could not stand the ridicule of the tho rough paced debauchees to be any wayi particular was to them impofiible they bad not as yet enough conhdered the beauty of virtue that fell ecmicioufaefs of having done well which enables ns to defpife the vices and bxlsies of the giddy multitude instead of imitating them many a man has been lost for want of that vt tuous confidence as for the last fet of wearers 1 mean thofe who practice it merely bccaule it is a fin there is no way of reclaiming them they leemtobe the devils agents on earth prow ling about and fceking whom they ray de- vur there is one more trotive to if wnub 1 am fouv to have loom to mention wlmh ts 4 ddirt young men cf fpiii have in u 3 nbberies which have for fume time tb been confmitted in this place aui accufct you ftatly of not having d ifc barged your di ty to the public i hope fir tint you will not forget fo give him your warmer thinkf foi his very friendly advice ejrelted in fo dc licate a menner is it a printers province to have fenfinels and fpics on the alert to bring him notice of every bu gaiy that has been committed if peopled cellars kitchens ad frorcs are bro kvii open why do they not fend him an scj count ofthe rn alter is it rtof the pmvincf of the macnstracy to take cogitiznceofaii affairs in order that a ibop may be put to the evil f t the lcf2 eflablifhed maxim ofookirfo ftrifis with this writer quite reverfed for he fcems to br much chagrined at the ftmifml of he indviduals who have flittered and futely h this in fiance acs a moll diinterdb ed part would it not be a good plan u miles to give him 76 per day and rations to procureyou in format ion of every theft 1m certainly vote at the next town meeting t have him eleclfd ilifpieftnr general ofheftr robberies and every receptacle of vice rfl this town and i will venture id fay y will alfobwe rfoobjaions to tfw bu your vote for that truly refpeftable office he will then have full fcocefr f his moniterrial and dictitonal abl ons of 0 old outi e sntv ties it is to be hoped that goo will tread on with the fee ready that when he fte be fmitten oa tbe r4 ifo i consilium cdre reports mr kim-tor- nltilti pdrrtiitiiicwcangratuuteuw heeu te will turn the other alio r nwtttt es