Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), March 16, 1816, p. 3

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ffcfemm defence ww put1 1 pirllul t ftti cafnjthwfs of provincial le- the stcarn- ptoprietots i a h ppy to cam tnat tn members of rcfilvttic hve had tin- wiltltw to give the to tn piii- o ks doe h earns am i imp e ami thrt they have formed a veiy clear j of the njiltumi coulccju nee ariano to the intrjl iff forkty by gr sitting in- h a briviwc candidth how ver ought hot to r unrewarv1 the hero ettnimpi fter the battle of ho npe was prelcited l papt hollow 11 of the swiftfirv with a roftin made put or the oainmalr of r orient i rriht thiioriions writer before be bis 4feu to this world be complimented with 0 made out of the mall of the steam boat with the ft dlowinj rdcription on his tomb ftoe hie wttta st candida currus auriga prterni 41 quern i no teiunt magnis tamen ex- cidit sufis a true briton gmtam march 14 1816 3i frnv the cninnin ttmts sfpt 12 the nautil ns faiud trorn batavia rd on the 2qh june hearing defpatches for the fupreme government previous to her ccoattnre rnteujence of the ratification of he peace by the liient of the u states betfn received at batavia on the joth of june the rwrican hip nf war peacock captrin wati ston carry- ing 21 pw- and mailed wltb 230 choice feamen wits crnifmcr off anjier in the straits of sunaa in the rfternoou of that day the maftcjf attendant at aulwr went on board j american hip and informed her eom- minder th it peace had bceo rati acq be ween great britain and the united slates this information he dfit h to believe and detained the rft after attendant a9 a priforer of iiwr half ah hour after this occurrence thch c cruifey nautiuus fell in- with the peacock caot ir ingtou hoiiled eng- lifceoutrt andlietft boyce the comma dcrofthe wautillus tent a boat with his ma b aaof eating 11 and with the fame fvhip- umt that how themfelves in the human fj-e- ciea gangrene unaccompanied with in fiamatfon feifcea the patient and hortly pilts an end to hu exigence a work containing tnany facts and deduction from them in fup- poit nf tins fuggellion wfh probably appear from a proper fource in the mean time it is wifhed that this difcovery may be made public by means of the newfpapers the following extract from a popular work tuft printed in thi city by the meflva t j sword fur nifhes evidence of a ilrikig co incidence of opinion of the celebrated baron bayer profelto of surgery of the facuitv of medicine of paris 5tc c with that above eprefted ymngthe caufes of diy gangfrene there u one which i introduced iio the body thro the medium of aliment tita is rc jfutrtd rye tbid name h given to a kind of rye whoft talks are fix or feveri inches long hor ned and contains only tome black grains withwtit the fpitrred i- abwdant in rainy feifons a damp fitnatirns hence thegan- grcrc which it produces btcomey epidemic as ofen as the wheat 1 fcarce and the poor arc obliged to eat f it when it is ro new the epidemic ccnimirence- wi h the harveil and terminate iome months after it is over n t ev wlnnded it is hoped wil rceove he then wth the lame ax muidertd the leivit by o tlic ho ufe and made of he has fince bcn apprehended and has confcited the cinme died in this town on tuefday lad aged 1 1 yars mailer samukl dulmage fefdeft fan of mr ellas dulhiage the circuni- fjiants of his death were truly melancholy rn tuefday morning he accompanied his fdther to the woods in perfefc health for tihe purpofe of bringing a load into town nfhe youth leaving nil father drove off vfrith the load and on defcending a fudden declivity it is fuppofed fell between the borfes heela and the front part of the train tfrhen feveral pieces of the wood tumbled on tin ched he did not long furvtve this j the feventh child the aihicted parents have kingston am a t e n r theatre on 0vrkvenin 25th m- itaut wiil be pciformed lie cjnedy j 4 w to whieh will be added a favorite farce doors to le opened at six performance t commence fit seven tickets to he had at mr macaulayv box 63 pi 20 for sal v 9 ti came too late for thi 19 wee u gazette a span of good qffesnut flor- sfs and a l of bouc ttarrrrfi for particulars enquire at his office if not previoufiy difpo of they wid be expo fed to public fak at the market piacc on wednefday the 20th march at one oclock 4 1 iailri and a trpitary oscrr a prrlte ger on aard the p -a- ck the aw niw oucimi ih m as rifone s of w 4 difregarding tie hrfrmation tlvy gv f peace- ranged a- longlhethe maotiltn and h oiled the colours of the united state lieutena- t boyce haped and demnded to know whether he vn caoii g 3 a rl or an en inv fvhe sfv charleston feb 14 l between england and spain capr hill of the fchooner we izle arrived at this poit yederday morning in 12 days from nicola mole informs us that joft before he left there a fchooner from jamaica bound to cape francois put in to land a paflfenger who was chareed with bufinef- with ihe hav- tian government they informed that a wa- was immediately expected between great britain and spain capt h alio fays that th- oificcrs of the britifii hoop of war car- natitm which had been in at the care for fame day reported that they hud a fimilar expectation the w 1 hrngtos papers report that the fe ch ma fhvii gr- tuhy was in that city th y aulake who fay h fought at waterloo he wj- cenfmed bv bonaparte for having maicled his column far from waterloo on the aaniur road as to be unable to return before his mallei was- braeti ami routed he is t he vtwng eii of the french marinate hirg ec ivcj the baton in pril jafl r immediately after the retutii of bona arte fio elba he was the laft year p the lid ot thofe denounced as traitors by the dcre op oui- ish by a la e d cree he 13 du- claredtobean ouluw and his ffiaten mt governmenl stores to be fdd by public aucli u at the store of meflvs wilkin fun sc co a quantity of blankets haversacks tin kettles felling axes notice toi fnle the following lards being a jrl of the rel eltte owned by the fublcnher t fall half jf lot number ic in the 3 concefilon of adolphiwi town on eat bay having a framed houfe and barn together wiih an improvement thereon coutaing ico acres 2- lot number 26 in well bay footh of fi on o the canteens straps sale to begin on the 26th of march 1 8 f 6 at one oclock p m and 10 be continued cill the whole is difpofedof kintri 1 cth march is 6 4 1 tf for sale con fi lent ed dost centincl aownyourcc donrs inilantly lieutenant j ulolu nevkmhu j o t vbattnm bv was winded the up the fall wf ilk hih ws c01 1 a ijinaai defcice in clufe pflmii wlueh fefcda quarterof an hk 0r leaders have alrea y feen a hft a fcie lilvd wounded on board the n te american we was four men lulled and on the fvwng morning mr warnrg- cn remitted the mollratterdant to re- anjier for the pnrpole omnngog american naoers on the prodndon of tf he xjred hinfelf latified that peace tod taken place reltred the nntdu- ad eofficllytothemailertenaantha i ftow ceafe from further hlldtes wee that lieut boyce kad meed the imputation of ins leg the wn being nuch laaercd n ver m has been fent to samaang for repairs the woundrimen left at anjer were m s 4ate of recovery spottedfever thi terrille difeafe appear again in vari- ps parts of the country in the torm ot a fwecping epidemic and otr wp from the north and the fcuth are filled whb 4 m ffe v- 2 gazelle from pnrlocnvalo cap in b wvfa fct forms that there ludbecn an infuvrecua ait margartita but bfr his departure hil beei fupprelted heconiirms the garthatftna t the royalilu we learn by the prtugaefe fchoonrr john george fron liubm that an ejepdu- tioi wi ftti g out there to take pfl ifl u of bumtos ay res in south yneiica u conlued ofonefailof the line two frigdfcta and feveral trauiports with fix thoufaud troops t great efftcls from trivial ewfes j no the schooner wellington a new veiled recently built and u now liig at the wharf of mr pa rick smyth at iciutfs ton the iibfc- b r beng duly aatliorid will fell the hit veflll to the hivfieil bidder at pubite auction n monday the fuil day ofiprii next if roc pre ioi fly difpofcd if by piivte fate the auction wil eijtnce ato e oclock p w where the eilj wow f- 411 the maienjii f r iflltuitlg the faij fcfci will be fold with hen h cassady i m donald hbgslon 6aj mirch 1816 m r perfons having claims on the amateur theatre are requefted to deliver their accounts at mr giffords offiee point frederick on or before the igth in- lanr march lg pendfrs will be neeived at the a- gent victuallers office point freder ick o 1efoe the 25h indint for the fuyply of vegetables ti the crews of h5 majitys shios and vcltcls on lakeontari- o the period of the contrad with other puuira mvvbe vow at the office 41 j g hanna has jnftieceived h2 cannifters of the erenni fifb prince lf the black river in the lit conce tiwn of marylbirgh with bnildhigs an other improvements thereon containing 20 aces 3 three fourths of lot number e in the brit coneefhon welt of number t and we of the rock in tilt townfhipof tvfarfoar with an improvement therein cvoiaiun 1 co acres 4 fifty acres or valuable wood land be- lug pnrt of the farm fofincrly owwtd and tt culted by the fubferiber tti the uvrnihip of adi jphustown being the rear of the town plot of homandville ai- adjoining iwrtto j lrt number 6 and the welt halt of number 1410 the zd conceflion of the town- fliip of richmond 6 lot number 8 in the 2d crnetjn font h tide of the cati lake in the ufwajhij a floliowel containing ico hcicm 7 hail half of lot number 6 ia the 4 conceffiun of the cowixfhip of th 1 y o tie rier moira with an improveme t thrrc- on containing tod acres 8 hot number t al of vaalivncn in the til conciffioti ftfth townhip of ma- ryburgb with an improvement iheieon cou taining 200 acres 9 lot number 14 in the 5h conceffi m ot the towulhip of puttaul containing zoo ucre 10 lot number 29 in the 4 b concelum of the townlbip of hahlinand 11 let number 20 in the th conceltion of the tdwuihip of pittibmgh 12 lots number 12 and 13 in the tlj concitin oi the tdohip formerly ca -i- 1 licoth now yonge in tht diilnd johnllown i of it apemed in evidence on iv i vstiid tnt i x genuine irifn prince regent 8 mt hi bra excitement to the difloyalty whieh tlvc a rappee snuffs snail bnxes l l l dreitmg cafes fiuhing tacbe c ftc c kingston iktxl march 8l6 4 feift him hit life wa an indignity wlueh his lady received in a circle of old a d new n biiity she had made a remark when yn aucient duchefs turning up her nofe in con tempt hinted at the pretenfious of opfcttl fprung fom a common foldier tbw taiifil was told 10 the m4hal by bis lady in tear to k rt in high dugeon and fworeto uiehis effort i to put an end to this boail ed pi we of anceftry at the commencement of the revolution maribal ney was a private foldier and ipe- the fubferibers keep conftantly on hano in their shop at the 6gn of the white bear a variety of waterloo windior roct and childrens chairs also bureaus for fele shop painting llkewifr done by c iiatcilv co kingston i6lh march 13 south half of lot number 16 in t e th cimceitim nf the townihip cf angutia uktwife i the dhlriet y hnilovn 14 lot number 34 a d 47 in the 6th concefiun and lot number 35 i the 7th co cefhon all in the towufhip of camden cou- taininvisoo acres also number of town lots in stnrtvile in the uar of the town of kingston charles stuart kingston 15th march 1816 4 i w public noti r nphe fubfenbers to the kirtgton seam boat arc hereby riuelld to make an ediate payment of one fourth ef thej fubfcripihm to the treafurer in oidei to advance the neeelary lums of uuivy to the workmen m r marshall suroeonh9 re ceived from montreal aivctb iuppy of vaccine or cow pock matter kirxrtvn tath nfarch ri6 geoo h marklakd secnian at if the ml ages th aneboly detail of its drilrudverav- rough whole families t ha become much a fubjea of alarm ad f ww concern that an eueemedmedtcaindb 113 to publifti a uiggeftin up- ucated e fal as montreal march 2 for sale on the morning of the 19th ulif a raniadion was committed in fon thocklnz t ftifift mf- if 1 1 k engliih mare live years old tf not fc pvevioufiv difpfcd of he will bo fold at public auaion at the market place on monday next the islh inll march 15 1816 for sal acres f 5 in the townfuip of sidney of the fuhlcriber in kingston mary stickles kingston march 13 1 0 1 4 luqullti a ny gentleman having a farm to 1t or fonh indebted to the hit yilau i fell within live or ten miles or amgton j k fc jft iw fnbiviiber uu- with a tenant or purchafer by ap- vincedhim and fome others to whm u commutiicated them that this dreadful difefc is owing entirely to eatmrj wht is cal- ufpurred ne or driving wlofkey diftiiled from the fame it orly prcvad m fuch pa- ce where thiibiaiud grain ppow and ij it ted to be mixed in bimfilfin the barn over night he entereci h r fe bv dy hght in the morning took aa houie o ay uk srirsb rr axc and entered the room of mrs bcarsj ry may meet wttu a plying at thw office 4 which tlirough negligence pe- mil the bread or ditliued i the whilkcy thepecpedurk hogsfrd with it tnve veen knyww to die vh y mi in bed with an infant anci anotl i all chimilruck her a mortal blow en he s d another the breacut o 1 hh the fcri of the 3 fo that he f nupofed rutt lxccivcl and tor talis at uk office qq re 4 ms wrappwg der the firm of benjamin faiiucld i lo ai ernefi tbwivor in the name cf yviitm fairfield at kingston are uueibd to i n th ir accounts without dcuy and riioc wbo have demand againll the foid cmeu ti dc fired to prefent the fame to the forvmng paper kiwim m b al benjamin fai aft fc errtll tvn match a 4

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