for sale by the fubfcriber a few punrhcon9 jamaica spirits braady gin wine shrub and peppermint loaf and mufcovado sugars tea coffee and chocolate indigo pepper allfpice a general afibrtment of dry goods iron steel rr for sale by ben sff ediad starves jamaica spirits brandy gin shrub peppermint port madeira spanifh and te- nenflte wines boitled porter and scotch aie in calks belt li glihi and xamevican soap loaf sugar also a fin all affortment of dry goods hardware and jeweiry a few boxes srooakd herrings kingston d january lsl6 ltf si all very low for cafli samuel merrill kingston 2 th dec i i c jttfi n o t 1 c the fubfcriber refneclfully informs bis friends and the public that he has entered in to copartnefhip with mr george h det- lcr and that the bufinefs will in future be tarried dti under the the firm of thomsons detlor b he returns his unfeigned acknowledgments to thofe who have fo liberally afforded him hat mamifatim smith bijtterwortil respectfully acquaint their friends and the public in general that they have recommenced bufinefs in the new houfe near walkers hotel where they have on hand an extenfive aflbrtment of ladies sc childrens bed beaver bonnets gentlemens mfc beaver caftor roram and knapt hats mens youths and boys wool hats likewife ladies and childrens london fafhonable bonnets feathers and trimmings of the following colours black white blue brown purple and drab thick they offer who and retail for cafh a cheap asthey can be purchafed at montreal n b cafh paid for beaver mufkrat and racoon skins kingfton oth oa 181 21 tf notice the fubfcriber refpecmtilly informs bis friends and the public that he is about opening a store in front of the new market houfe where he will do hy wail wilkins0n k co ave just opened at the fnop lately oc cupied by norrmn bethune c co ac cxtenfive aflbrtment of h dry good conii of every ai tide in that line futc- abe to the fcafon together with a very choice aifrtment silks srttins sarfnets crffpea thread laces trimming wreaths lace veils clk shawls scarfs handkcv- chiefd c also hard ear t hi g l which they ill fell on the mott reafoftt ble terms wholel le and retail kingston 1 gtn january 1816 3tf ohn 8imson j as received by the fall arrivals from 3 england and now offers for fale an ci- gant afibrtment of i t- to thofe who lave to itkerallv afforded lliffl r t t plank boards tz busincfs on ummijwn merit a continuance of heir favours as it tu k inrl oil wanted to be delivered on the 31ft infl and dtlting the month of febru ary sealed tenders will be received at hr yard on the 24th inft plank 2 2coo 1 500 l 2o640j 0h00 ewjx laws hayal storekeeper 39 a i i h j natal yarc king hon t 1 tli jan 1 816 william mlean k co j ave jnft e eived a large afibrtment of the fd wingr liquors g jamaica spirits cohvic brandy beft holland gm pert and madeira wines peppermint and shrub v iouf and mulr ovado sugar kings arrm chefhire bloom and sutiand raifins fvfon and green tea fi s c 5c also an ejtrjnnt aftortment of silk trimming of every defcription ladies and gentlemens slac k and coloured silk hofe and gloves of a fuperlor quality as the above articles were bought at an early feafon wholefale purchaftrs car be fnp- pjjed on terms more advantageous than they now ran be in montreal kingston 2 9 f dec 1815 3 1 1 f fors in fredenckurgh lot no 11 in the firft conceffion of fa id town containing 2co acres one hundred under improve ment with a framehonfe and barn there on there can be cut yearly 30 tons of ood fay anyone dthrous of pnrtha- fig can apply to the fubfcriber in camder or to the printer m kinhon tohncauscallan carrjeny fchuary 4 1 8 1 6 31 tf j received by the fubferibers a con- ignment of 200 bine finfhing great coats price feven dollars alfo a kw blue jackets and trowfers of a fuperior quality a macphersonco kingston 6tj j 1 8 1 6 3 1 tf rags rag i ash and the highest price paid for clean cotton and linen a 1 q at this office 300 dollars r e w a r d rgke gaol on the niht of the 4th iiifr and made their efcapi thcrtfrom three cjwnioalc by the names of cornelius h ve joffphlvjload and ifaac irgles wlitver will apt rehend the above villains and i cvc them in any gaol in the province flinll receive the above reward or one bun- died dollars ror each man fepantely robert young gmulett kinflnj march tic 40 is the fubferibers wifh to clofe hi former bunne as foon as poltible lie will thank thofe who are indebted to call and anange their reilcdtivc account h c thomson 23d oa 1815 39 for sale avery valbleand p fitua- ted town lot for terms apply at this office dc 2 2 20tf r endfrs will be rcceivrd at the a gem vitf nailers ofrvs pint frtch-r- ick en or befoe ihe zph inftant for the fttpoly of vegetables to the grewa of his maj a shins and vcflels on lake ontari- p tbe period of the coiitiaft wth other particulars may be known at the ofkce 41 notice t o be fold or rented as may be agreed up on that well known valuable urm lot no 11 and the weft half of i ot no 10 in the firft ccnccftnu of additional frqdfr- icksburgb together wiih a jynod frame houfe and barn good meadows and two orchard a thereon and about one hundred and forty acre of improved land tbe pre- mffes are well fituated for a farmerrnenhant or innkeeper vr further particular ao- ply to i iie fubfcriber or to d wariiburn efq in kingfton michael coyie kingfton 2cth feb 1816 j8tf new goods the fubfcriber has just received now offers foi fale an cxtenfive well ehofen afibrtment of dry goods groceries and hardware 4ls0 wcli ehofen atortment medicine and and a of the whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices for cafh or country produce ewd j henderson kingston 26 january 1816 34 for sal the schooner wellington a new veffel recently built and is now lying at the wharf of m patrick smyth at kings ton the fubferibers being duly authorifed will fell the faid veftel to the higheft bidder at public auftion on monday the firft day of april next if not previoufly difpofed of by private fale the yuclion will commence at one oclock p m where the veffel now li- jw the materials for finifhing the faid veffel will be fold with her h cassady d mcdonald kingston 1 6th march 1 8 i 6 41 notice j s hereby given that the fchooncr wei- lington advert ifed to be ibid by henry caffady and d mdored is my properly and now in my poffeffion by an- thority of a bill of fale and perfcnal delivery from the original owner this is therefore to advifeany perfon who maybe inclined tu purcltafe the faid veffel that the fid caffidy and mdonald cannot make any legal iale o her anthony mgutn kingston march 19 1816 at will buy and fell store format goods up or dovjti the river m will take in any orders of any defcription m that line of bufini fs n r perfons defirrtus of committing ron- fiornmenta to his cbarsr may know the rates of borage and commiffion by calling at the new commiffion ft ore john duncan kingfton dec 30 1815 30 for sate j few barrels of excellent dry goods h con fifl in o- of superfine and common clothe wnite and cawred fiaunels fiuvhiogs 3- 3 r2 and point blankets black wn fled uoie wotei socks bnyvs and effit hofe tatan psai- prime pork enquire at mr bagfey fl tavern kingston december 151815 2 y fancy goods the fubfcriber informi the ladies of kingfton and its viciaiiy that he has ljft received and has for fale the mo ft exten- ifivc aflortirert of figured lvild it nlain silks ribbons shawls handkerchiefs ever offered for fale m this place wbole- fale or retail on moderate terms samuel aykroyd deer 1 18 15 26lf r he fnbkriber refpeclfully begs leave h to inform his friends and the public that he has received a tjeat varietvof drv goods brie 64 and 74 pwrhed and imitltion shawls bandanna and laladrefs hdffdker- chitfs white cotton feno book and spricrtd mnflin dimities thread and cotton laces black and coloured velvet pbin andrlgurd satiin twiid and plain sarcnets lnftres tabinetts imitation sarcneu poplins fiik nett black crape black glk haudkerchwft fwfipg slks ribbons and a number of other uww ticks to be difpofed fby wholfalc re- fonable terms for caln or fhort approved ci edit united states pak paper taken tn pay ment by allowim the difconnt 3 water street kingfton jam i m w fames g hanna oppofite smith croks store offers for fale the following jewelry vi gold chain seals and keys coloured and plain gold ear rings ameihyft ara- her and jett do peirl jetc and gold broa ches do do do pis topaz and pearl fetts pearl jett and cornelian rings p box rings ladies and gentlemens plain do amber necklaces gold and enameled fa s and ear rings filver fruit knivc an fountain pen do spoons fi ler and pla ted speaaeles do scgar tabes and thim bles tilt clafps and snaps razors an cafes and without fportmens knives p u wmduwj goa ana enameled fsance montees do lockets silver gflt snuff boxes mourning fctts gjh rjl 1 t r ri r tr o g rocenes do fiom 1 to 16 blades do do with snuff boxes and scifforaj pafle cutters lafcs tortoife iha combs beft p lifted fteel scifforv naval gilt dirks and belts gilt m 1 fc1 n a and fteel fword swivels pjated brafs and 3s cloths flannel cabcoes ftoekmgs rea- flcc overa chains iling telcfcopes aft cly made cnats trowfers and wailtcoats mounting brafs bullet mould watches of different defcriptiens warranted good watches and clocks of diffetentde- fenptions cleaned and repaired in the bed manner and expedition watch glaffe- dials second minute hour hands gold and gilt kingfton jan 13 1s16 ban kerchiefs fhawls liien overfoeks mitt womens flies tippets bombzrtts umbrellas earthen and glaf ware milliard fap candles raifin- loaf and mufcovado fngar c ladies trimmings for coats clofe bruftes flant powder indigo pepper tea c and will be fold at the lowed terms john dowlan kingston 2 7th n 1816 34 notice all perfons indebted to the late firm of norman bethune and co are requeu ed to make immediate payment to mr hy w wokiofon who is duly authorifed to receive the fame james g bethune kingfton 8th march 1816 40 32 for sale on reasonable terms 5 sett itt heavy dutch harness a me f calf kfngfton 4th dec ikrc frig at new line of st tpi e fubfcriber has commenced running 3 a line of stages fom montreal to kingfton twice a week jt leaves mon treal on mondays and t hurfdays at eight oclock a m and arrives in kingfton on wednefdays and saturdays ana leave king fton at the lame time end arrives in mfcutie- al on wednefdays and saturdays perfons travelling in this line will find good teams careful and experienced drivers with covered fleighs made comfortable for the purpofe another line will leave ogdenfburgh for utica every wednefday and friday for the convenience of travellers into that part of the country the books to enter the names of thofe who may wifli feats m the stage will be kept at samuel ileas in st hiul street in martha and a rourt walkers hotel in iingfton barnabas dickinson faliwafv lit 1816 nk bail bonds and sheriffs sales for sale at this office take notice strayed from the fubfcriber in the month of jan laft a dark cl red cow with a white face one lame hiid foot o ac count of her due claw being frozen and grown out longer than the other whoever will give information where ihe can be foud hall be handfomely rewarded by the fub fcriber david burnsidk kingson march 1 8 r 8 1 6- 42v5 for saue house and lot fituated in the v i 1 1 g e o f k ingfit on now occttpi i by the artillery officers the price viil br 770 pounds pciijij wifliincf to utirchafe n appy to jto jorin brass kinwiton rvfarl w a