Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), April 13, 1816, p. 3

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t c iv i 4 irii noon an addrefs uhiiltoyal blghueuthe pthj legend prnyn biiyi to ftnion p bill for appro- priitintbe fan of three ttamrfand pounds lobeprdenredto frakcis gnutlqrre j nntenant governor of this province for the pvircliafc of a fenice of i demon strative of our gi itnde towr 1- him tor hi firm ipuht and iiberd admini uv ion veuevefoc reqm st that your exotl- rywai ranf the laid fcu tranf rntttcd fo thvit it may belaid at the feet of j royal highnef taijluihft cuuril cbmhff9 i6th march rifi bummer powell speaker commons houfe of msemhfa zzh march 1s16 allan maclfan speaker txw- signed avj5r7 limal ffitttmfi george prkce of wales prince regent e united kingdom of great britain and rdand dc j or tv ph ifc tour roved hhhnfs we his aj tviost dutiful and loyal thjeu the lry iflat ive cotincil and house of aircrobly of the province of upper cana- da in provincial parliament altrmked iiru preffd with a lively fence of the firm up- nvht and liberal ad fnmist ration of francos gore esq lieutenant g vernor of this province as well as of his unceafing atten tion to the individual and seaeval interests of the colony diving his bt9ce hive batimoiv palti u a bh1 t aorofsriat a he inm of thre thoufand pound to enable him to purchafe a fervice of plate com- inemorative of our gratitude apprized that ibi fpoutancotta gift cn- hot vecfiiv the fanctiofs of or beloved so vereign in the ordinary mode by the accep tance of the lieutenant governor in his kme and behdf we the gifla ive cooncil and vtembly of the province f ttpief cana da humbly bit leave to aopronch your roy- al ighndk with an eai er pryr that ynti will artwve tbffldtfwoiistnttin ivfour givvt- tode and niaciougy be pie ied to fmcjloti in his majestys name he grant of the tlemuutirc in behalf of the inhabitants of uppr rnada jlsghfairve courier chamber signid ivm bum m powell ne laid his excellency the lieurcnant governor thank in hi majestys name his majestys loyal fnbjeaa accepts their benevutencc and alfents to this bill his fxcellency was then plea fed to clofe the scifion with the following gracious speech hon gentlemen cfthe legislative council and genthmm of the houfc of dfenwly the public bulinef- of the province hiv ip been brought to a clofe by your long laborious- application i now come to relieve you from your prcfent attendance and at the lame time to thank you for the zealous dif- clnrge of your legislative functions in pro- viding fo many valuable laws which must be attended with the mot falutary effects to this province ph t particularly which provides for the diffemination of letters in this infant colony rnunt ftcureto you the gratitude and ven eration of the rifingand future generations the wiidom of ycttt determination to leave the reuhtion of the commtreial duties and drawbacks to his najetys executive government of this province until the im perial parliament deciaes up m them cannot b- called in qtetion ggnilsmw of the houfc qfjjffemlfy i tuafk you for the liberal provifion you have nvide for the attainment of very intcr- zitvt objects for the remuneration of very valuable ferviees and efpecially for the an nual foopy in aid af the civil lst which 1 trust wrli be fo dilp fed of as to justify your liberally and cotiiiieuee hon gentlemen of the legtflaiive council and gentlemen of the houfc of jtffbnmy your re urn to yur feveral districts at this feafen mut be of great public advau- tagi by aerdirg yourpreceiice at the ap oroaching feieomof the peace i need not recommend to you fo to em ploy the influence of your example as to ooufem the fpivit of kvahy and love of country amongst yonr neighbouf and con- 8menis and fatirfy tliem that hi6 majeatys paternal government hi no object but their fafety honor and uappinefa after which the honourable the speaker of the iciil vjve council figaified that it was lut ileafure of his excellency the lieut g vernor that the prtfent paniameut be piro ged totbicconi day of may next to be then here hoiden which was ta is manner f a my motives ik insr- dler to fave a pcrfecutcd idividu al 2d to fgrve humanity 3d to anfwer the appeal miade to englifh honour loyautc anglauc ai appeal which is never made in vain la- valette entered my apartment he laid to mt 1 am lavalette i have just efcaped from prifou i am pu filed 1 fee fome gcndar- rreb at ihehead if the street i drcnot pro ceed for fear of being again arrested i fly to you i confide myfelf to engbih honour tloyaute five me then i took off my u- niform which i made lavalette ut on af terwards i concerted with my friends upon what was tj be done to convey him out of the kingdom i rcfoved to accomplish it myfelf and i conveyed lavalette out of france in my own carriage this enterprise fucceeded by means of the difguife c kingston amateur t h e a t r e burlington february 23 lt col tottkn of the u s engi neers has advertied in the n y natio al advocate for 2500000 bricks to be delivered in the months of april may june july angutl and september of the current year at a point in the northern part of lake cham plain sealed propofals addreffed to lt col totten at piatt fbnrgh at which place the contiact will be fiade will be received un til the 1 ft of april next the propofals mutt exprefs the general quality of the bricks their particular dimen- iion and if two or more qualities are offer ed the price of each the number received mud be determined by a count at the place q delivery on monday evening the ith of april will be performed the tragedy of douglas to which will be added the farce of the boarding route doors to be opened at six performance io commence at seven tickets to be had at mr mscaulavs admittance to the boxes in future will be one ddlar fit half a dollar go money to be taken at the door r holder of the following cliques drawn by the commifliai iat d parf cnt at kingllon are requeued to prcfent tn at this office for payment with mt further de lay viz cheques drawn on i walter efq au dy pay mailer general between 25th priiand 24th augult 1s15 no 303 for 2147 do i it is faid tkat previous t the farrender of carthagena flour fold there for 200 dls per barrel 308 478 678 819 896 897 1082 1091 do do do do do do do 149 23- 2 6 3 i9 3- 6 26 14 10 39 1 1 3 22 2 3 19 i 4 thomas wm moore eso his mijeiiys agent for packers at new york informs the public that no letters will be received or forwarded by him f r eng land fiom canada unlefs they be poll paid through the canada and the united states new york ith march 8 1 6 45 w cheque diawn on wiiiam r f t dep altt commiffary geneea between the 25th auanft and 24th september 1815 n- 8 10- 06 d queb 45 3 h prroffued accordingly o- ifth march 18 6 sincj allan maclean speaker to which his excellency replied gentlmcn i i hill tianfnii your adref to his ma- jerty minister in order thjt this 1 xticfi n or your appi biii t of mv p r idinntra- tion may be laid t rhe feet of his royal hihnfs the piice regent government hoif york 26th march 1816 this day at f ur v clock his excellen cy re lieutenant groventoi proceeded in jlvite from th gov ru nent houfe accom- pvidbythe con- aoding ofoer of the jtxt3irt and staff at this pot and attended london january ii the fudden uivj tf ihr h- vert fiom the c us try on the deah of sir get rgc pivost has revived the beiief tht te adju tant general of the forces wiii lucced to the important commd in canada one c4 tht most lucrative ypp jiut nents iu the ar my the redtttion of cavalry regiments we bear in to be confined o one the 25th li ht dragtions which is to b ordered bonefroai the east indies for that purpole 1 at officer of government to by the princina the leifntive coirctl chamber where with the accustomed formoliiies beino feated on the throne and the houfe of afienibly havinir come up to the bar dis excellency wispleafedto afent in his majestys name to feveral bills the honorable the sneaker of the houfe of aflvmblyi on prefentim- the bill grant- in cr a fum of money to his maiesty deliver- ed the following fpech at the bar may it pkafe pur excellency his majestys faithful commons with the concurrence of the leoiflative council in mm which affred them fe prttion m rte hur of their difficulty and danger their fcumwe and grated acknowtedpent- the fiffnal bewst as a colony of the united kingdom of g eat britain 5c ireland e have experienced and contnue to enry make us defirous of manifesting to his ma- to the high fenfe entertained ol hicon rtjt tendernefs and paternal careond t the nation w wc hich has nurtured us frm our infancy our gratitude for the fop t hae eceived we therefore by the bill december 20 there having been a heavy fall of fnow in many parts of the country partieubrly iu lancastei and in all the roads leading to manchester it i for ti to 14 inches dee fo that travelling haa been confidembiy mi- peded and the mails frm every rovj into town w re on monvy iat nearly two hours aft r their ufal ti me f anival the duke of norfolk died ivith a com plaint in the liver to day we received the part papers of friday and saturday they are chiefly fill- ed with details re ceding lavaletfs tfcape in the chamber of deputies the fubjel is a- bout to be taken up as a state question of confiderabie importance we apprehend therefore that in the opinion of fome dep uties fufpicion atttaches in fome degree to the kings minivers nothing hasbeen heard of lavallette fince but one of his jailors is in custody on fufpicion of aiding him in his efcape in the cafe of the earl of nithfdale one of the condemned lords for the rebellion of 1715 his efcape was ef- fecvd in womens clothes it is true but not in thofe of his lady as ias been errone- onflv stated the dowaoer countefs ot mithfdale his mother furnifhedher fon with a fuit of her aooarel and the family hkeneft bein very striking hl keepers were the more cafy deceivedi brussels papers according to private a ny perfon willing to undertake the jt contract for fopplying the naval yard at this olace with inch horses and oxen as may be wanted are requcfted to fend in fealed trnderi and to attend them- ielves on the tweni ieth inftant the continct to commence on the tenth of may 116 and end on the 3 1 il january 1817 propofals hy the dav and by the fob for hauling tim ber nut of 1 he wavr to any place in the v ard at per foot a driver to every fnan of hor- fes and one to every tw yke of oxen l1d laws naval si or 1 keeper tfava yard kingston 44 zth april 1 8 16 j forsau ff acres of laud in the fourth conceflion of the towrimi 5 uf ki ston being lot no 36 difl ot four miles from town for fuuher patticulari e- q at this orttee 4 rtf foll nalk on reifonnblc terms a nd immediate poflvffin o if ap- k plied for fnonj a val rami ing in the tow nip 1 f sophiafburgh for terms apply to the fuofcibt r acs illruinotdn sophialuroh aprjl6 1 1 0 45j j notice ll perfons indcbttd to the r bfcriherf rttlkrt by note or book mwft make j letters rcrnainmg in the poft of fice at kingston on 5th april 1s16 jonathan alien jofetj trndins jane at kins charles b dryer on y barnabas beach eticnne bedard benjamin boga bapuste bougardi jofeph hfatndamoat jofeph brant anna brown edward br jztrn john bruce mr bcehs mr camp madav cedru d mlel coh thomas co enan mary combs jean con- jiantineau simeon corhin j antes carney elias champion anioine chabotte francois chenier captain crowther john cuzzers duncan campbell jcfeph dufaidt henry dugnt john esteli antowe fourmer james firm jofeph gobeille a g gifs gibbard itrs harden davis haw ley howe jejfe hoplins john hill ebcnezer jewell baptiste jomville mr julien john jero pierre labadie francois ladibauche made landrc mr- lamar c he 1 george lanr don rofwell lcavans pierre lavicde james long john lbuman louis lucas mr luis daniel mccrimmon james mcdonough anthony mcguiny george mclean robert madden james mcnabb simeon metevirr patrick moran nicholas moria john mur- a ment by the firfi day jul next ur 0 er- wife must expefc to fettle vyitb an attorn y david euynsldi kingston april 12186 45 midland disiria 1 he court ed cru- town 5 i tr f f of the peace for this dficx wl be holdmat theconrt hobfc in the town cf kingston on tueiday the 23d dry of ipiii at the hour often ccl ck in ibe toreuoon therefore all justices of the peae coro ners citable and all other p elce os- cers weh a that have airy bmuuds 0 trana at faid conn areheeby requued to take notice and give their attendance ac cordingly charles stuart sherffi l sheriffs ope april 4 i s v 6 44 lot ko wluta m samuel brujfels jan 23 according to pw ranmpau- mr bruce on hs firft ex and ccef- now prcfent to your eseellency give grant tohismajrty b i m s pmww the cm of two thousand fvr honored founds annually out of the reyue there ofthis fum your excellency to accept io the nme ad w of bi ma- there is nobody jesty asa fmall tribute from humble aed im ited menslmpreffed with fe umeuts of unbounded and affectionate uyt venerable andbdoved sovcrtign we with allhumilitv fay your excellency to affent 6d the bilc in his ujtf name uon which tl8 srcayvt the i rov- letters iom amination opaa the efcape of lavaette an- fered in the following manner to the queiti- on- which were put tohim o your name a 1 except the police of paris to whom my name is rot known j a of q of what country are you f a thutonntry wh ch ha conquered 1ranee this a fo but 1 fay yes cap- troll t q what wce your motive for aftiqg duff timothy oliver mr page peter patterfon jean m pet tier jojbua pitt pierre pivin oladtab price andre provo jofebh robert donald robnfn sarah rmze wdliam rofs augusiin roffeau adin setter fleori st jean rowland sherman elizabeth simpfon margaret s my to henry spaulfbury john spoor elijah sprarue jofeph b- smyth james thomas john thorp nicholas valin thomas walters alex wmpu david micock thomas wdfon jfffftt wdfon g yale tosh macaulay 1 m rphe pevfon or perfons thaj tents 1 17 in the fccon1 conccfrn from 1 h rpas markland efq mutt take nonce to r theyarenottocrofsthebdayyclmto no 1 8 at their peri as my deed firu go vernment bound meon solomon orbr klaxon march 6th isi 6 av john 81msom- as still on hand a confiderabe qilaiti- tv of the best am dlc 4 spirits which he is difpuw of at reduced ieec ulfo a few chests hyfonikm lea waterstreet kingston aoril 13 1s16 y i masons work ny pefon willing to undertake to j build stone walls in ditcre places in this yard are requeued in fend fealed ren ders on the twentieth inftant they 1 be expeat d to find nil the materia- brt they will have the liberty of quarrying v on the government ground the- pmml to be by the fquare fout ed laws naval stjrtitr ntival yard kingston 44 gib april lils i

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