Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), April 13, 1816, p. 4

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i or sa 5 sy tbe fubferiber 3l few pi nchcons jamaica spirits brandy gin wine shrub and peppermint 5 loaf ard mufcovado sugars tea coffee and chocolate indigo pepper allfpice al0 a general afforrment of 1 dry goods iron sl steeu all very low for cafh samuel merrill kingston ib dec 11 3 ank boards thurlow mills for sale very valuable griftmill for sale which has jul undergor e a thorough repair upon the improvement of bivel geer such a defirahle property is feldom to be met with it will c difpofed of by the ow ner in confequence of mercantile arrange ments for particulars and to treat for the fame apply tc thomascolkm an efq the proprietor he alfo offers for fale feveral town water lots upon the banks of the riv er moira r in who well underftanda coundudl- ing carding machines and can keep ac counts will meet with good encouragement on application as above a fet of new cards wanted as above yhurlcw march 231816 43 eor d c ale 200 bundles straw enquire at this office march 30 0- subscriptions for the specta tor a paper lately established at st davids and edited hy richard cockvell esq mr ceivedat the post office kingston til 7 anted io he delivered on the pft irft and during the month of febru 2ry sealed tenders will be received at this yrrd on the 24th in ft plank 2 2000 1 500 i58co i 20040 11 q8co ewd laws naval storekeeper naval yard kingfton nth jan 181 r 2 is william vi lean co avf juft e rived a large anvtment oi the f v wing liquors groceries fogs arms j ire apple lefl ire cheefe j tftaca spirits cornmac rrandv beft hllam gfo port and madeira wines perrenr int and shrub lof and ufrovado sugar firms arms p ci bloom and suflan kaifins fyion ancf green tea figs c c also a elegant aftortpent of silk trimmings of few cvfrnynon laijiesaiid gentlemens black and colurd silk hofe and gloves fa fuperior cnahtv as the nbove articles were hoimht at an parly feafon whfefalernrel af r cv he fup- on term more advantageous than they flow car- 1 e in montreal kingston 2qh pec 18 15 jitf for sale iv fredtri klburptu lot no it in the fir ft c nctfli n f faid town containing 200 acre one hundred under improve ment with a frame howe and barn there on there can he cut yearly 30 tons of good ay ry one defiroua of purcha- ilnjr catiapplv to the fubferiber in camdcr or to the printer r kingfton johncarscallan camden january a 18 1 6 3 1 tf an appeal is made in the qaebec gazette oj the zzd february lift to the philanthropy of the brilifh society in the canadusnvhich forcibly calls upon the feelings and recoil ffiions of a large proportion of the inhabitants of this province in particular to ajhrd their mite in aiding a mo1 benevolent inftitntion eflalufied in scotland to fojler the germs of education and relieve from a state of comparative ignorance many of the remote inhabitants ofihe highlands and iflcs of scotland who from l oca caufs w e without thofe means of obtaining infmclion ivfkh are jo liber ally extended and enjoyed in every dibit part of tfcbrihfjj don in ion the object of thh infikuihnh to encourage and fupport gaelic schools for the purpofe of teaching reading in the fngih and gaelic l anguages and to procure an edition of scrip tures in which the fnglifh and gaelic fliould be primed together on corresponding pages in a country pecnhirly the choice of the chil dren of calcdoma where they have alwrjl inva riably been bleffed qmlk comfort and profperity fuchan appeal cannot fail in reviving the moft grateful remembrance s of their native land ana create a warn and genet 90s iltfire to add to the permanent happinefs of thofe who have not been fepa rated from the haul of iheir forefathers the report of the proceceiings and prngrefs af the inftitution are to be fecn at thefiores of mr alex mdor aid mcfsrs wm vclean co ttho will receive the fmauefl donation and care- fully trarfvit the fame to the agents at heec in aid of this laudable and predfe tucrth dfgn king 30th march r 8 1 6 4 w notice to be fold or renred ai may we agreed up on that well known valuable farm lot no 11 and thr w ft half of lot no 10 in the firft eonoflion of additional freder- ickftborgh t geiher with a good frame koufe and barn good meadows and two orchards thereon and about one hundred and forty acres of improved land the pre- mife are well fitiated for a farmermerchant or innkeeper for furthtt particulars ap ply to the fuhferiber or to d walhburn efq in king ft on michael coyle kingfton 20th feb 1 81 6 j8tf j st received by the fuhferihers a coil- fisrnrrent of 200 blue flufhing great cc ats price feven dollars alfo a few blue jackets and trowfers of a fuperior quality a macphersonco kingston 6th jzn 1816 3 i tf new goods he fubferiber ha- just received ard flow c fferts for fale an extenflve and well chofen altortmei t of drv goods groceries 5 r ags t 1 rags cash and the highest price paid for clean cotton and linen a g s at this office 300 dollars reward f roke gaol on the night of ti 4th iiift and made their e theft from ttree criminal by the names of cornelius howey jnfeph mjload ajd iac ingles w evtr will apprehend the above villains and dj them in any gaol in the ptovince lhal t reive the above reward or one drcd e liars for eaeh man frpa robert young gaoler kingfton march c x8f 40 and hardware jlso a wel chofen aflortment of medicine the whole of which will be fold at he lowest price forcaih or country produce eivd j henderson kingston 26 januarv 1 86 34 public no i ice post office kingston 1st jprif i 8 16 a mail to montreal will he made up at this office twice a week the days of de parture will be monday and thirfday a t n oclock a m preciiely 44 jfujl puillhed and for fale at this office price 13 hun the life and dying speech of joseph bevlk who was executed at kingston cti monday the 4th dy of september 1815 fa the murder of mary bevir hia daughter hi fanit factory smith butletiworth respectfully acquaint their friends and the public in general that they havtf recommenced bufiuefs in the new honfenear walkers hotel where they have on hand an extenfive affortment of ladies 5c childrens beft beaver bonnets gentlemens belt beaver calor roram and knapt hats mens youths and boys wool hats likewife ladies and childrens london fafhonable bonnets feathers and trimmings of the following colours black white blue brown purple and drab which they offer whokfale and retail for cafh a cheap as they can be pnrchafed at montreal n b cah paid for beaver mufkrat and rsconn skins kingfton 30th oft 1 8l c i tf notice 7ete fubferiber refpeclfuiiy informs his friends and the public that be is about opening a store in front of the new market houfe where he will do businefs on commiffion will buy and fell store f forward goods up or down the river will take in any orders 01 any defcription in that li e of buiinefs n b perfons dehvous of rernmitting con fionents to his char may know the rates of pconge and ethmtiifiton hy callicg at lhe new coromiffioti itore john duncan kingfton dc 30 1815 30 1 end rs will he rcctvd at the a- gent vhfruhlfers cfnce point freder ickohor hefo e the 25rl1 iofttttt fo the fuply of vorrtbes t the crews of his majcfiys ships and veflel- on iokco-ai- o the period of the corh with other parttcuarn may be known t the offie 41 fancygmmt t he fubferiber informs the ladies of kingfton and its vicinity that be has toft received and has for fale the moft ex ten- jive affortirent of pmd 7m k phn mim k ribbons shawls handkerchiefs ever offered for file in this place whole sale or retail on moderate terivs s mull aykroyd deer 1 1s15 2 6tf rf he fubferiber refpectfully begs leave t to inform his fnends and the public that he has received a eat variety f drv goods groceries as clothe flannels calicoes octwg rea- iy made coats trowfers and waistcoats handkerchiefs fhawls linens ovprfoeks mitts wometts uvc tippet- botiibtetts umbreuas earthen and glafs ware milliard f ap candle raijtn loaf and mufcovado fugar 5cc ladiestrimrr ings for cots clofe brufhes hot powder indigo pepper tea lc and will be fold at the loweft terms ohn dowlan j kingston gcth jan isi 34 n otic e a tf perfons indebted to the late firm of no ed to mkf immediate payiwiu 10 mv ny xv wilkinfon who is duly authorifed to receive the fame tames g bethune kingfton 8 h march 181 6 40 vnviiiiuiuiti iw llic jdlc i1iii1 oi foriftan bethunc znd co are reqneil- ake immediate payment to mr hv new line of stag f i he fubferiber has commenced running a 1 line of stages from montreal to kingitoi twice a week it leaver mon- ttreal on mondays and thuifdays at eight oclock a m and arrives n kingfton n wednefdays and saturdays and leaves king fton at the lame time end arrives in mntie- al on wednefdays and saturdays perfons travelling in this line will kid good teams 8c careful and experienced drivers with coveted fleighs made comfortable for the pirpofe another line will leave ogdcnfburgb or utica every wednefday and friday for the convenience of travellers into that part of the country the books to enter the names of thofe who miy wifli frats in the stsge will be kept at samuel hedge s in st paul street in montreal and at robert walkers hotel in kingfton barnabas dickinson montreal january ilt i8t notice tpor fale the following lands bting 9 part of the real cftote wted by the fubcriber 1 kail half of lot oumbtr 9 in tlje 3d conceflion of yfdoiphtis town on eai ban having a framed liouie and barn together with an improvement thereon contains io acres 2 lot number 26 in weft bay fouth of tlie back river in lue lit co ceiiiou of the townlhip of ma yftmrgh with buildings and other injprovenitnts ihcteon coutaiiiing oo acrci 3 three fourths of lot number 5 in the fnii- conceflion well of number 1 and weft of the rock in the townfhipof maryfbagi with an improvement thereon containing i j acres 4 fifty acres of valuable wood land be ing part ot the feran formerly owned and oc- cupied by the fubtcribcr in the rownihip yd iphue 1 town being in the rearofthe town flot ot bioiiandvilk aml adjoining tlureto c tot numbei 6 and the welt half of number 14 in the zdeonceffion of the towa- hip of richmond containing 500 acuta 6 lot numbei 8 in the 26 coiiccicti fonih ticle of the ealt lake in the towuip or irioliowel coniaining 200 acres 7 eail iialf of lot number 6 in the 4 conceflion ot the towwfhip of thiuiow on te rier moira with an improvement ihere- on containing ico acres 8 lot number 1 taft of vanajftines lke in the ift conceflion of the townasip of ryaburgb witb an improvement iiceoncuu taining 20 acres 9 iot number 14 in the gtu conceflion f ihe tovifhip of lrilaiidjcniainig 2cd o acre 10 lot number 29 in theh conceflioa of the townfnip of haidimaad containing 200 apres 1 1 lot number 20 in the 5th cone ffioa of the towi ihip of pitt burgh containing 200 acres 2 lots number t2 and 13 hi the 4h coucrimi oi the lovvnflvip formerly cabled efcoth now yonge in the ditftid of johiiitown containing 400 acres 13 suth half of lot number h in h4 8th c iceffi m of the townlhip of ngufla hkewie it thediiiriclof j hn ft owm contain ing 100 acres 14 lot cumber 3 4 and 47 in the 6th cooceftion and n nnnur f in the 7th con ctflion all in the townlhip of camden con taining 800 acres also a number of town lots for fale and to jeafe in stuartviuc in the tear of the tow lealcj ill otbartviac n the iear of the town of kingston chrlei stuart kingston 15th march 1816 1 tf for sal u 1250 acres of land lyi g in the townlhip of sidney enquire of the fublcriber in kmgsron mry stickles kingston ma ch 13 18 1 6 4 a l l pej fons indebted to the late william fairfield efq and the fubferiber un der the firm of benjamin fairfiem co at ermrt tow or tri the name of william felfl at kingston are requrrd to fettle their accounts without delay and thofe who- have dernan againtl the laid concern are defired to prefent the fame to the furviving- partner benjamin fairfield ernefltown march 12 1816 4itf notice to be tilers this is to giv notice that fuch fettlarf as may have received location tick ets previous to this date and are not actually and bona fide eftabiifliing the mfe ives on their lands by the 241i1 of april next will be ftruek off the lift cf settlers and their lo cation tickets will he cancelled as well as ev ery other allowance of provifion ike c by his excellencys command sidney be0kw1th mr gen broclville march 4 1p16 40 j g banna h as jud received 1 1 2 cannilers of the genuine irifh prince regents mix ture and rappee sinupfs snuff boxes drcffing cales fjlhtng tacke cc c c kingston 13th march if- 41 tf for sale n reasonable terms lot no 22 in the cfi concession no 23 in tbe 6th concession and lot no 2o in the nth concession the whole being in the townflup of lans down in the district of johnftown i partichirs enquire at the office of a li in mclean eft kings i en aug ust 2 8 1 8 1 c 1 1

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