saturday may 25 1816 mp wtr volume v no 51 r r 1m tr r j kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum price of iiavcriifmg in the gazette sis line and under 26 lirft infertion and 7a3xs vnf c3 every fubfeqoeut fen lines and under 3 j firft infertion and ih every fublcpicnt tei lines hihi upwards 4 per line firft wfrrtl and 2 v laie eve i inlertion advertifemcnts unaccompanied with wnt- fcendaio3 die iulened till forbid and charged accordingly xt the kingston library f 1 u he open every monday from 1 1 w olo m uuil oclock p m at the onrt houie subfeuptums 4m reading wd i rcyciv- ed hy the treated wi mitchell em at tinny hilling per year or ten mling pr quarter payable on fulfciibmg ano a le- plifit left will hetrcrurrotlivccs as a wry again the lof j iwiber are toeonfder themievcs lubj lo the rules of the library prfoas having in ttor pnfeib n bo brkiciihp- to t library are jequeiw to ni henthelibvarv without dcv criarleandasom kiugfton ift feb ihi6 3s james mcdouall co succcjfors to the late firm of fitch and co gommifiian merchants montreal o espectfuljly tender their fer- i vices to their friends and the pub lic for agency and comraifh n bnfinefs and flatter themf ives that no houfe iii the prov ince i- better hruted to give fatifadlion in their line to thofe who choofe t- favor them with commands liberal advancet made on con 6 iirnents which will have the advanta- gesof bth montreal and quebec market without extra couimntion montreal february 20 1816 47w12 p for sale bv monjeau stgermain spirits rum brandy shrub gin pep- ermint and wines also an afnrtment of dry goods johns finkle havk just recteved a mnxkai assortment b i ootids and hardware g ry and roccnes too numerous to mention kinton h feb 8 1 6 among which are the following 39 articles grover lewis f or sale ta ilon 1 250 acres of land ft nquire lying in the tnwnlhip of sidney of the fuoferiber kingston mry stickles kingston march 13 1816 41 they are ready to wait on all who vour them with commands the notice in form i rr for adjuilevnt martha smith j jjjittltusi w kiiuiton tm- 2 s f 0 5 1 for sale i n r rrhe vv hf otu number nmtcc i icorimcftiin lie ro ifhj 0 a nitty t the printer kiws t aptdyt- the e v for sale vvrylow f u ca m mfl ki d- of 1- v country produce three elegit -voocl- n cwk wanted keep good j nouire of vtr peter van skiver m adol- e enqni nhuitown 01 f the lubienber tte fubhribis r 0 f y their frltndsj and the public in gene ral that rkey have for ivl at the store late ly occupied by meftrs patrick smyth and co and which they pledge themfelves todif- pese or at tne ttmn reduced prices dry goods of every defcrip- tion liquors grocer13 k hardwares every attention will bl pai3 to thofe who may fuvorthem with their oattotiare taylor parker kingston may ft 1816 49 h ann 1 ritters tobacconists 0 esrkctfultymntlairlvl 1 v and thi public in general that thy have rpeed a nuir manufactory nrxl m mr robins breiary where they have fui lale mackoboy 1 i snuffs liiili nlaggard 1 would inform thefr friends and the public that they h ive comme ced the above bufmefs three do rs noth or th mar ket at the fign of the g id watch where in fa- y will be able to do work on the hottest niiee and in a foperii r style fitted to any fapnion cloh- and trimmings of every deivripiion will be furmmrd at the mop as cheap or cheaper than they can be procured in town and every favor duly acknowledged kingston april 4 1 8 1 6 44 na handkerchiefs jrf vat xatfise j c mi rrh t kinflm tcth novji5 2 aft recevecl and foi file at tins oiiice and cither i which rhey fftr fr e cheap fot kwwfm icti ay v6 49 cheap salko at the store of mdtrs h w wil kinson go a large quantity of sweetfcented virginia common plu ladies twill and twill tobacco spanish id american sears in quarter boxe m or fmall qudtttitesi to ml purchafers the whole of which wiu b- fdd at 20 vr ce1 chiaper than can be procured here from anv mvket of the united states not excepting smugglerb for sale rji wo very vain able town lots well fitiiated for bumftefs for teims apply to jonf mac uiav kingston 22d p4irch ru 1 5 4 n s t o 1 notice 1 00 re ml paper a ouanitry of writing pap of quality no 2 ii reams writing pott no 2 t itly in 1 c r m ne a he fubferlbrrs rtipedo tvtmcliaiits traders and the public- i gencril that they have entered hro coia nerihio an have opened an unction r- in front of the nev mirket in t he h- i ii part of thchonfe belonging to john d 9 ditto ciirto uncut can wicre they will hav- regular aucti n3 twice a week and being thai the fen fubicriber hith been the o dy one in that lfo of buiinefs ia einftonfoi a number of ye j for sale 7f a quantity of o k fuitahle for staves and fuiaretimbr within a reafna- bie distace the water leading into the bay of qninty for particulars any pcifotl or perfona wifning to purchase wil n eafe to call at this oiiice or at mr jofeph valuers honfe kinrfton dec q t i e s 1 kdl makjl iome into the endofure of the fnbfcri- ber about fix wvks ago a bay mare about three years old the owner i- lequeq- ed to prove property pay charge and tai her away john burnett kingston may 3 1 56 4 for sale a number of town lots near the french church the termb of pavrrunt will be made eafy h earl kinfton sept 23 1815 l they exoedbv thd rtiift attention and c ectueu that dry will have the cuto- of tnc place b future to end urage he new firm john darlev john ducav aiicligiiccrs kingston 20th april 1 8 1 6- n b the days of autkions are feed on tuefday and friday 46 hardwai hfbe fiibfcrtber bega leave to inform tc puilic that he ha a sftnrt io the ab ve line oppoikc 10 mr setnwcl jyhroyds 5tore where he ofera for laie an affortment of hardware v cuflert carpenters and joiners tools 6 and 7 feet mill saws cofs cut do fquar- flat and round iron of ail fixes crawley and blifler it eel nails and fpik of all iis hovels and fpades 5 foe bvels and tons iron baft and beft plated candledicks coflce and pepper mills bureau trimmings fcale beams and weights ferew augers aiicty of slrawls and veil ngs it damafk silk shawls french cambrick for kandk rchi u fine i inert carrbrlk and kobe pte-p- black white changeable cold ltiftriiiet twdpd sarcenetts lack mode gentlemens line buck doe ikin and bea ver gloves ladies black white and htcy coluutd silk do ladies fancv aftorted kid do black blue gnen scarlet bombaett whie flialloon silk v and cotton shirtings fine irifh linen rjfiia imitation and scotch sheeting black and white jeans dimities and tl k crape jackonet and book mnflin lenoes j ginghams ribbons and lar s fine plated furr and wool hats oil d hat coters hyfon y a pi h co 5hr the above goods together with a vanity of articles not mentioned will be f dd at the duoft rethjeed prices fur cafh we t der oiii thankful acltoowledgmerus to our ens- totrers for pilt favor and fojfcit a continu ance of their future patronage- kitston 6h august 1815 fyfon t dung hyfon j- teas nd hyfonfikin j ug pigtail ad ladits tifl tobacco igh proof old javnatca spirits gniac brandy holland geneva rub port wine 9 lands for the well half ot lot number nin teen in the fecond eoneejbon of the to fliip of kiigiton containing one huidf v mafons liammers and trowels lock of all defcription window glafs putty black fpauioi brown pruflian blue yellow paints alio many oiher atiees too numerous trj mention the whole of which will be fold much lower than can be purchafed at any other love tfl kingiton samukl shaw khrrsion 2 tb m irck i l-fi- i tf ice acres two fifths of an acre in the town n kindlon adjoining the xartillery aac ose thonfand acres in the tawnjhips eumley colby potland rawdon a southwold enquire of allan vlaclean eiq kingrton 17th may i8i6 5 ll perfon indebted to the late william a fairfield klq and the fuhcribcr un der the arm of benjamin fairfield co at eneiltownor in the name of william fairfield ar kingston are equelld to ieule for saee acre of lnd lying about 12 the b i4 miles from king hon on bay well lituated for a tavern keeper or fanner enquhe at the printing ofhe kins smn may 4 1816 fhove 49r notice mtvssed on the 10th infh and fuppo- fedto have been lolen a note payable to james norn- or bcarr for elev en pounds fifteen hillings figned by ilaic hough there are two eudorfements on f id note the public h hereby cautioned a- gain ft purchafmg it a mea fares have alrea dy been taken to lp the payment francis carlisle kingston wih april 1816 46 ost on thurfjay evening lall fomewhere about te goal two lcd- es running from government to stephen fairfield and releafed from the laid fairfield to me alio a contract between daniel atxiia ut1cfwvt the fubferiber offers for fale to the public on liberal terms of payment the following lots of wlie lands lots no 22 in the 8th ctn no 9 in the 6th con s weft 23 8 h con no 8 eat 5th ccn of the town- hip of pittsburgh also lots no 7 in the cthcorreftion no 26 in the 6th concern n nos 28 29 3c 32 33 i 11 6h con- no 23 eaftl 8th con of pittfbmh jlso several lots of land of one and two ace in extent on the front f int number 24 in the townfnip of kmgfton iying and fcituate on the fliore of the take and likewife feveral lots of land of one two and three acres on the rear of the laid lot nj- 24- lying and fcituate on the road from the town of kfngftpu to tlie country the lots are well adapted from their fitostio for building on them and for the eftabhihrfreiit of gardens in the vicinity of the own application to be made to the fihfcrber geo okill stuart king f on y sept 6 1 8 1 5 14 for sale 1 a valuable farm with buildings alo large improvements thereon fa vorably fituattd within 28 mile- ot kings- ton perfons ddirous jf purchanag to ia quire of the pi inter frn slnn july 0 i8ie their accounts without deay j ano tnrle who have de rards againli thr bid concen are defired to prelent the lame to the uvivmg partner a c phelps and the fubferiber concerning a jor ocllc saw mill whoever will return faid pa- r wl a neafantk fit oe s to the fubferiber lhail receive a rsward very valuable and peafantly fit p benjamin r aikmkid tlrncil town- march j 2 li 4 ed town lo rhi oflice deo 2 it for terms apply at 3nxtf of four dollars thomas parks khmton april 16 1816 46 ali geuticmat iiiinga taim iv let or fell within five or ten miles of cingron rraymeel with a tenant or purchaler by ap plying at this oiiice kingilon march 15 1816 41 blank bail bonds and sheriffs sale- fo sale at this office