Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), May 25, 1816, p. 3

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f sitnrliy ivk ttfry tifiiniii a incflac cng ill u icnlj maniie t the duke az w m the v ih davihter uf tiic king of flic two sciuei- l irrsr from france jjxacl se a pxiuimore dated tvftjjraiisej march 19 four rsmccrs and come imu r belonfihl to the ameikan lrcn at ahon were fhot f here lately in an itffr ay with the span tih foldiers commodore slmv demanded feat exemplary punimmert chould immediate ly be infl ctcd on the fvu as they wee tht agiifeft n and tlviii with tils fqnadron jtf the port withont waiting the reolv of the sanifli government to his demands cham13j- 1 of peputii s sit of march 2 m de gorbiercs repottf of the commit tee uii the budget mad a rapid recapitula tion if thfclchtes relative to the prrear and announced that the com nil tee adhered to its opinion f nut ahentfng f f count cnrvrtto mimiler of fruic fta- trk that th uig laii paaftrd a crtifi o cpant ofihg different iropolitiorv dekth the ahv nbly to be laid btue mm and h d thereupon given orders ill coufqueucc of which a new project waj now iubmitced to the chamber the new prtft5l hetftig rear a deffcrte xofe on ft me of ihe articles in 001 e t it hich m corbieres dermdtd t he opinion ot the committee this debate wa rrenvr i26 by eme arrive of thi dnfce of richelieu with a mduge from the king the duke ftddrefftag he chamber faid t event eqnaij family and frrm which he experiences a fat- hhixn in which you will hare the duke f bcrri is hime d lately to marry the ft til gf caroline of the two sicilies like him- fclf a defcendant of louis xvi and the lame time of maria therefa who was illus trious among iiufttious women aiul tfat ammig reat kings the minifter conclu ded his fpeech by prefentinr a law poject gfraijtfftff in cmiiequijce f this union a mil lion of francs amrally the 24th artieeof the projcis tlircai that tltegnrt mall b re- ciu- during tivz yars to cooooo oancsat th mid of which period it ball be oai i in full pon reading this article the miniifcr vf inteinipted by load acclamation againft liny i- vnvior j when the rraiing of the mftifc wa com- pvt- i rh whd anvtnbry rfv foowtmie nf jv and cried five lc rol viwni leu mour- i he king hm charged me to communicate an went equally haopvf r tlic state and hi own ovf the duke of ricmteti comnuinicattd vmance rcffwhiting the trms m the kmjt o wkh the mvtv de-ih- ano maiiia tfte rcyai fa roily ae to be kt owpoh april i th ijtffo ofconbn i 10 be pteated i ike of kendal by whih ctehipn lier r val hih cf tc pritieefs charlotte of wales heir1 penmptij t fh throne will hr m d s chefs of kmdal a tile only k w i 1 this country ly having been borne by the german priucels ot george i the brevet commiflion of major ha been ive by ihe 3ri ifli to the indian chief norton he ti the fon of a scotch man a feifaing pump for ltaky fhos has been invented in engand it afts beft when the fea is moft ttmpelluous sevfai individuals have died lately in ireland of a malignant diforder in a houie in which a trunk of clothes from the mediterranean had been opened patent prniiomat prepared england frefh proiiion- are put in can ni ft en and to prefer ved that they have been known to k fvveet and good for two years a gre number of certificates in their fnvor from res pedable perfm are given pieferved milk is alfo in repute for voyages we have converfed with a gentleman who left england on the jd of laft month he ba convinced tift that there ft an crtenfive enterprife on foot at the head of which is the emperor of raffia a few weeks will develops the prtftnt conjectures n t gm amono the wounded furvivors of the fn- gtlkbling diagons now in exeter there is a ffijeant who received in the baitle of water loo 13 fabre wounds in the body a mnfkct ball pa fled through hit thigh and both his arms weir broken in this ftite he lay on tbc field of battle amid 11 a heap of flnn from sunday to tuefday eveniiig following whe- the perfons employed tobnry the dead obierving lome igns of life in liim he was eonw yed to an hofpitid and recovced houe of lords march 26 the dnke cf snffex faid he h d a peiitiun to preterit totlfcc houfe from iheccrpoiation of the cfty of r ondooagabft the iinmefl handing arc y nl praying f r retrench ment he had imderflood that one of t great ben fits which was exptctd to refw itwm the peace wa to be a reduction of ib immeiifc handing force he would o tv rtpeit then what he had formerly lated th thclt was the gratelt otvtfhxy fr watching ove- the whole of the popofed cfiablilhment- naiines piopofcd to be krpt up we emp in the room effo many foldicrs tlie linv favingto the country would at lea ft tv oool a year the petition w39 then read and ordered to hi laid on tn table a bttt inns introduced lift rjgkt and ffa vfual forms being difpenfed with pafed bti botfts of parliament for naturlizing prims leopold of saxe cobovrg the ceremonial j the mrriage between his highncfs an the priv- cefs chariot will be memnhned at carkw ifoufe by the arehbtpop of cnterbuiy efi tuejday evening the 1 6th of april next king f t h e a t r from the london gatciu downing street januaiy 29 1816 his royal highneis the prince rrgent in been phafed in th naeand on the be half of hi- majelly to appoint lsentanant general sir john coape shtrerrkookf kmglu grand crofsofthe moll honorable military order of the barb to be caotan geveral and governor in chiel of the pro- vsnejs f upper and lower canada new brnnfwiek nova scotia and the iflaads of price edwaidaud cape brcior t extraordinary rfap on sunday evening vek iir- j h imam a farnei of pertaa corncvjll was returning from a place oi womhip ncrz a common to hu own houfe a heavy mitt ndling he mi hook hb way and fel into an expoftd haft of a mine 96 feet deeji bedlie nine feet of water in the bottom and aimoft mirauioujy iie reached the water without receiving any feriooh injury being ai t xpert fwimmer he kpt himfclf afloat du ring the night ccaliouaiiy relieving him- fe by clinging t thtr pojc 6lirtr points of rock is the fide ofthemaft 1 h- return of daylight on monday- enabled him to feek 3 kind ofledge on which he eontlived to get and on which he lay the whole of monday calling for atfihancv but no perfon ap- proache 1 the plae and monday night came on whiilt he ntiaued in his peiiious litua- tiot when oreoae y fligue he feil a- fhepj and again f into the watjr he drknefs of the night pee ted his regaining hi rellinrj piaee and lie ha 1 t fnport inm fell a- before u r r 1 f vmhy rnvxuig when htf -lin- 1 ft it fciticai h dto e fttiili 1 had now become quit hoa fe from cold and aimoft fucefltant cailinn for help fo that the only refuuvee h- bad for drawing the ttvn lion ofth l whom he fupiofcd would be fiftit t feek tar hn w bytlrwiug lt ic3 into tin vvati tucfdav tfflu came wlfh out rjotchnu him any relief but thr r- nor ofayain falling into the water cffecnaliy prevctitod ihs lecpitg on vvcdnrfdayi bnweve the tioife made by ih ftones which i be conitamjo to throw into thr water atirac- ted thi rivtcntiimi i fntne rerna ivhoni his dilheffed family ma d if patched in fearch of his lemai- h and he was extricated from ihe dreadful abyfs witiiout lu staining ay fcrioua con tu lion baltimore may 2 by the hng peter we learn that the bri- tifh fleet cfnliflingofoic three decker two 74 levcral frigates under ad lord kxmout failed from leghorn 4th wtarch dellination unknown but reported were commiflioned to fulfil certain requirements of the allied powers relative to the barbary state9as far a- rcgd3 their mode of warfare wlnch the allies have determined hall be waged and carried on accoidiigto the enftom and manners of the moil ciiliej natiob5viz making no fl ves of piifoners 5cc 1 jneiutorh may 7 the notorious pirate captured we have this morning received the following pleafing information from oar philadelphia correfpou- dent the u s brig bofcer capt elkton has arriveo at havanna from a cruife after captflring the carihagtmian lcivoner melor comma ded by the u morions pirate mitchell eighty thoufand dollars in fjpecie nnd other valuable plunder was removed v n board ihe boxer and the prize manned and tent to n orlearid lr adjadicatioii 20 qofs bushei s delir- there was a dmrcffiag fire at vst johns ww 0 newfomdiand on the night of the 12th navigation of 18 16 at itatcd -eriwd- or se- rearyary laft the aggregate pecuniary has been moderately eltimatcd at up wards cif 100 too about 1500 perious have been driven to lek new abodes in the moft iaclenicut month of a newfoundland winter aftociations of gentleman in new- york are actively engaged in eftablilhing sunday c5cuojjs on monday evenls the 27th of ma7 will be performed the comedto the road to rui lo which will be added the hvsuiitffar turn out doors to he opened at six perforww h commence at sevbtf tickets t be had at mff macaows admittance h the boxes in future toil be one dollar pit htlf a dollar 0tfo money to be takn at the door no children to be admitted charcoal wanted ven hundred biims to be delivered week ly until the end of march 1817 any pei n wifhing to undertake the de livery of the fame are reqnefc d to fiii f al- ed tenders lo the naal storekeepers 04 point frederick in the ik iilt naval yard kinseon isd may si6 from the national intdligenrer of saturday a proclamation by the president of the u states whereas by the act entitled an at graning bounties in land and extr3 ray to certain canadian volunteers pdttcd the filth of march 18 16 it was enacted that the locations of the land warrants of the faid vo- lunteeis fliould be fnbject to fuch regula tions a- to priority of choice and the man ner of location as the pieiidcnt ofu states fhalldirca wherefore i james madison preft- dent of the united states in conformity with the provisions of the a before recited do hereby make known thtt the land warrants cf the faid canadian volunteers may be loca ted agreeably to the faid ad at the land offices at vincennes or jefferfonville in the indiana territory on the firft monday 11 june next with the regifters of the faid land offices that the warrantees may in pei fon j or by ther attorneys or other legal representatives in the prefence of the regis ter and receiver of the faid land diftricts di aw lots for the priority of location and that fhonld any of the warrants not appear for iocaion on that day they may be loca ted afterwards according to their priority of prefentation the locations in the diftri of vineenne3 to be made at vincennes and the locations in the diilridt of jcflerionville to be made at itffeilonviik given uder my hand the firft day of may one thoufand eight hundred and fixtcen james madison by the pre ll dent jos1ah meigs comr of the gen land qfice montreal ma if 1816 on the tvernni- of the 2cth april a molt danng robbery was committed 10 the dwelling houfe of mr james tr at bvock- vile upoer canada the villains fuccecd- ed in breaking the iron civ ft and carried away 475 half eagle- 107 doubloons 250 dollars in fmall change and bo riollars in 3s bank likens the peifons nfy tied are david lewis an american gny lewis an american a fellow called chapman alias seiman a d another by the name if fox together with otuers rdiaing in ihe county mr hall hm oftered a reward of 1 oo dol- lars to any perion or perions who inaj re- ftorc tbs money and bung the robber to punifhment- notice to all perfons proceeding to onbe with lumber that eveiy advantflge wi be given to forward the tgmefc lie of all des cription of lumber that anives on the nu- leafed part of the jfarcfc of sclei bewe the dwlling houfe of the late williari mul let efq and point an pizeau oi ajtyhfm to the culler lefidmg on the f ot bbtito the low rate of ground rent and othe advanta ges will be ufed to the benefit of thole con cerned robert wood cudcr quebec may 15 18 j 6 rfcvva for sale wjwfcfefhpu 6ftai sin fara- r roiiinson hite adiniuillrator of the qjoveriimeiit of cpper canada ha been appointed covcrror jf tie iflaud ot 1ooi- o fl botany bay some years ago one of the convict- in botany bay wrote a farce which wa- acted vvnh great aoplaufe at the ihentre in p rt- jlickfon the noted bariingidn faniiflicd we epilogue which he ended with thefc true patriots vve foi be it tinderftood v7e eft our country for our cotintrys good 3n nrr 4to apply at this ofd- kmgfton 7th mav l rid packet the schooner per fever ence j g parker mallei will continue to run aa 3 packet from kingdom to backets harbor may 15 1816 5 to let a nd poflefhon given the iirft of j ne if the houfe now occupied by david burnside aa tavern applv to patricksmyth kingston may 2 5 r- 1 6 5 1 1 f 6 t anecdote a young man arrived from nice at arfeills he wifhed t go through france e wasafkedr bis paffport he had none you muft go to the municipality he did fo sir faid he to the clrrk i want a pafiport- what is your name my name 19 augustus frederick no o- ther name no to vhon do you be- long to my father and mother are tttey of the department of ihe m mth of the woman of hoieft reputation will 5l sod employment to cook wafli e for a private famiy and receive gpi wa- sres for further information appy to the printer mt y 17 5 notice part to si hhone 2 tu sir of what department are they of the department of the thames what is your fathers name george what trade does he follow i he is king of england the clerk who had not at tended to the name of the department war a little- ronfed when he heard the quality of the ymthn father and with all the gravity in he world delivered th paffport to mr au gustas freelerid fon of mr george of the department of the thames faying 6i here fc your paffport fir and i wifh you well through the kingdom coriiespokde nts u ney and two other communications w be attended to next week hereby given to all perfon indebted fa the late firm of norman bethune iff co of kingfton that unlefs theirdtbt are duly paid on or before the 15th proximo thar ac counts will be depolited with d ivajlbnrn efq to collect jarnes g bethune kingston 1 th may i i6 jqtf public notice the fublcribeis to the kingston strain boat are hereby required to uru immediate payment to the 1 reafurer of the monty which is ttill due on their feveral fub- fcriptious geo h mar kl and secretary 8th may 18 16 4qtf stray horse strayed from the fubferioer about four weeks fince a dark forrel horfe middling fie eight years old large ftrip m his forehead and fquare dock whoever wilj return faid horfe to the fubferiber hall be handfomely rewarded and all neceflary chs paid david hill kingflon may 2j 1816 5itf 2 1 bacco holland gin kegs pound and half poo rid roll and pigtail tobacco 10 kegs ladie twift 52 do fweet fcentcd virginia phg warranted of the firft quality 9 barrels holland gin perf- cvy pure and warranted fix years old fde enquire of john kirfi i efq or caot henry mlllnet kino si on ih mav i 816 sow 2 for sale 7 j x handfome calash new ly painted and in excellent order to be ken at the line barracks for furthei in- the dlstnrt ccurts for saje foimaion inquire at the 1 ine blank summon at this officer barrack

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