for sale by the fumcribcr 3 few puncheons jamaica spirits bandy gin win shrub and peppermint loaf and tvl nfcovado sugars tea cntee and chocolate indigo pepper ailfpice also a cexneral affortment of dry goods iron steel ail very low for cafbu samuel merrill kingston 2 8 h dec 1815 3 1 1 f rags rat 1 cash and the highest price paid for cle an cotton and linen r a g s at this office notice a llpeffons indebted 0 the fnhfcnbef either by note or book mi ft make pay ment by the firft day of june next or other- wife must expect to fettle with an attorney david evrnsibe kington april 1 2 1816 45 come into the indofure of the fubferiber on the 5th irift a dak buy mare four years old one whit- in id foot with a ftnall blaze in her forehead n nd fome white rpots no hr bck the owner is re queued to prove property pay charges and lake her away darius smith kingston may 7 1816 49 if t notice hf ubfcfihet takes this opportunity ft rf acquaint no his friends aid the nub- ac tint l h c rw rvs frfffiftef i thi place and therefore requefts all thofe that have any demands againfl him to fend in their ac- cu t fr pavment and all thofe indebted to him to make payment f their accounts befor the 20th day of june next he has on hand a targe ftock of d good glass crockert ware which he will fell on the mod reafonable terms for cafh james richardson sen khtgtfon ijfii may 1816 owj a long lease on moderate terms may be had of an extenfive building lot nearlv an acre ib the vicinity of kingf- f also feveral lots of one two or three fifths f an acre each may be had on eafy terms either on long leafes or fale mbly 1c mr miles apri 20 46tf u idl ib execution ihvd out of hji majjes tyscmt f king bench holding civil pleas in and for the midland didnd afore ftid at the lift of gaius dean of the town- hip of fvaldinand in the drftri of new- cafle yeoman againd the lands and tena menf of david johns of the townfhip of earned town yeoman to me direfled i have feied and taken in execution as be longing to the fid david johns lot no on the fouth fide of the eaft ake in the townfhip f halk well containing by admevfurement 2c0 acres be the fame m ire o- lefs now i do hereby give notice that the faid traft or 1 t of land will be fold and adji ded o the hfgheft bidder at my office in th e town of kh p don on wednesday the fifthday of junenext at ten of the clock in the forenoon at which time and place therondit ion of fale will be madekwm charles stuart sheriff and every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defer ibd lot of land and prem- vi by mortgage or other right or incum brance are hereby ad vert ifed to give notice to the fa sheriff at hi office in the town of kim fton previous to the fale thereof sheriffs ojice kingstvu may 3 1 8 16 48 pease wo hundred hufhels prime boilers rrwo hm for 2le r y patpick smyth thuklovv mills for sale a very valuable gridmill for sale jt which hai juil undergone a thorough repair upon the improvement of bevel geer such a defiiable property is feldfrn to be met with it will be difpofed of by the ow ner in confeqnmce of mercantile arrange ments for particulars and to treat for the fame apply to thomas colem an illq- the prvpuetor he alo offer- for iale fcvral town water lots upon the banks of the riv er moira man who well underdands eoimducl- ing carding machines and can keep ac counts will meet with good encouragement on application as above a ft of new cards wanted as above thurlow march 23 181 6 43 new goods i ke fubferiber has just received j now offers fur fale an e ten five well chofen a tort mem of dry goods and and g rocenes a nd hardware also a well chofen aflortrrent medic me of tik whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices for cadi or country oroduce ewd t rimdhrson kinmtor 2 fn- vv 1 8 6 4 1 0 yufl p u blifh r o ad for fa lc a t th is oiler price u the life an1 dying spefch nfjosfptl nsffr who was rttecmtfd at kingston no ivfnclav- the dxh u v of sttcvcr s for the murder of may bevir hi dangher thomas wmmoore v- his mujedys gent for packets at new y rk htforms r pnhtc that no itters will be received o forward- d by him f r enr- laud foin canada un f hevhe poll paid througfi the caruhad the united states jjfew yorky th march 1816 45 w8 new goods of aimed every description jufi received and offtred ear fale on terms the moil accommodating by peter wetsel ymong which are a very extenfive aitort- ment of dry goods together with a choice affortment of silks ribbons ladies bonnets gentlemen s boys nnn j i frefh tea loaf and mufcovado sugar plugf ladies twid and paoer tobacc scotch rappe and maccboy snuffts old jamaica spirits cogniac brandy holland gin shrub peppermint port and french wine coffee chocolate ginger yfllfpice ground pepper muftard nutmegs cloves cinnamon currants raifms figs poland starch fisfbluc powder and shot corn and hair j5tooms window glafsand putty yxes screw augwrfy steelyards shovels flying pans iron and steel 4d and iod cut nails 8d and iod wrought nai together with a general affortment of hard and hollow wa also 3 doz coverlets i 3 6 doz word ed hole 12 doz oildfilk hat covers 3 dz looking glades of various dzes and of a fuperior quality 30 bbls mefs pork 200 lbs hogs lard 300 gallons raw and boild lin feed oil 200 prs mens zoots of different qualities 500 do do shoes 100 do ladles boot3 500 do do shoes 1000 do childrens boots shoes calf skins upper leather harnefs lea ther and sole leather also 98 bufhels corn 30 bbls strong beer oats and flower hat mtvdufatlory smith but er worth respectfully acquaint their friends and the public in general that they havs recommenced balinefs in the new houfe near walkers hotel where they have on band rn extenlive affortment of ladies childrens belt beaver bonnets gentlemens bed beaver call r roram and knipt ha mens youths and boys wool hats like wife ladies and childrens london fafhonable bonnets feathers and 1 ntnmins of the following colours black white blue brown purple and drab which thy offer wholefale and retail for caih as cheap as they can be purchafed at montreal m b cadi paid for beaver mufkrat and racoon skins kingdon 30th oft 1815 21 tf notice r fubferiber refpefolly inform his i friends and tie public hat he ia about opening a store in front of the new market houfe where he will d busimfs on commijion will bay and fell store forward goods up or down the river wil take in any orders of any defcription in that line if bufinefs n b perfons defirous of committing con- hmncnts to hk charge may fcnowtlie rates of ilorage md commdfon by calling at the new coromiflion ftore john duncan kmgdon dec 30 ttit 30 fancy goods th k fubferiber inarms the ladies of kmelroi and its vicinity tlat he has juft received nd has for fale the mod extend live affortment of figured twifd main silks ribbons shawls iiiiklkerchieft ever offered for faic n this place fale r retail on moderate terms w bole- s muel aykroyi seer i 1815 26tf n 0 i i c e all perform indebted to the late firm of norman bethune and co are requeil- ci to make immediate payfnent to mr hy w wi kinfon who ia duly authonfed to r the fame james g bfthune k bg on o j h march 1 8 1 6 40 6 l or sale by the fnbfcnber bbk mefs pork do prime do rait albany strong beer 40 ic do 160 do do so 15 tar 1 2t ooicco do nails all lizes boxes soap do candles 100 cad leel axes 100 reams writing paper no 12 3 12 coils tard rope 200 hoes also a quantity of scythes sickles and hollow ware copper tea krtrjes and sauce pans steelyards chains padlocks curry combs dzes and other carpen ters tools a large quantity of glafs of aimotl every defcription a general aff rtment of dry goods a few engl1 h saddles and riding whips together with other at tides not mentioned also one half of the pretrdfes for fale on which the fubferiber now lives richard smith kingston april 2 1816 4atf notice knrrtfnn march ic 1 8 i atf to be fold or rented as may be agreed ur on that well known valuable farm tut no i i and the wed half of lot no io in the firft concern on of additional freler- icksburgh together with a good frame houfe and barn oood meaduws and two orchards thereon and about one hundred and forty acres of improved land 1 he pre mifes are well fituated for a farmermerchant cr innkeeper for further particulirs ap ply to the fubferiber or to d wifuburn jfq in kingdon michael coyle kinedon 2cth feb 1816 381 notice cor fale the following lauds being 2 pf of the real ehste owned by tr e cubic ibr 1 eall half of lot number nj in tlie 3d conccfhon of dolphitti town on tail bay having a framed home and bjrn together with an improvement thereon contaiug too acres 2 lot number 26 in wed bay fouth of the black river in the eoncefon of the townhio of maryiburgh with buildings and other improvements thereon containing 200 acres 3 three fourths of lot number 5 in the- firlf coucefiion wed of number 1 and weft of the rock in ik townnsip of mytjfbaxgb with an improvement tlureon containing 150 acres 4 fifty acres of valnable wood land be- ing part of the farm formerly owned and oc cupied by the fubferiber in the townfhip of ad iphus town beingiu the rearofthc town plot of holandvillc and adjoining thereto 5 lot number 6 and the wed half of number 14 m the 2dconceffion of the toi-n- hip or richmond containing 300 acres 6 lot number 8 in the 2d conceffion fouth fide of the eal lake in the tcwnhiip of hollowell containing 2coacijs 7 eau half of lot number 6 in the 4th conceffion of tlie townfliip of thiol w on the river moira with an improvement there on containing 1 co acres 8 lot number 1 eaii ofvanaldfrses lake in the id concrflion of the townfliip of ma- ry with an improvement thereon con- t ifng 2o acres 9 lot ijumoci 14 in the 5th conceffiou of the townfliip of portland containing sco acres o lot number 29 n tlie 4th conceftion of the townfhip of haldimand containing 200 acres 1 1 let number 20 in the 5th conctflion of the townihip of pittiburgh containing 200 acres f2 lots number f 2 and 13 in the 4th concepion of the townfhip formerly called efo th now yonge in the diltriil of johnttown containing co acres 13 south hall 1 f lot number 16 in the 8th cmceflian of tlie townfliip of vivgulta like wife i thediftrict of j hnfiowri contain ing ico acres 14 lot dumber 3 4 r and 47 in the 6th conceffitm and ht number e ic the thcon- ctnon ail in the townfiiip of camden cot tail nnn 800 acres al so a number of town lots for fale and to leafe in stiartviile in the rear of the town of kingston charles stuart kingston 15th march 1s16 41 tf midi md dutrul 1 d v i u e r to jvit o ofexii eofawrit cution iffned out of ella mijelys court of kiys bench holding civil picas in and for the midland diftrid afrclid at the fuit f john kirby of the town of k in he laid didrict merchant again ft the lands and te- nmeuts which were o william ahkmcam o trie same piact lanner decefed at tfe time of hi death in the bands and cutody pf richard cartwright john fergnfon nicholas stickeand mary stickle exec- utorsand executrix of the fatd wiiiam t- kinfon deceafed to me directed i have fuz ed and taken in execution as belonging to the faid william atkinson de ceafed at the time of his death iu the lianas and cuftody of richird cartwrightjoha ferufon nicholas stickles and marr stickles executors and executrix of the faid william atkinfon deceaf ed lots number 19 20 2 1 22 23 an 24 in the fourth concefiiot of tlie townfhip of sidiey c ntaining by admeafurement 1 200 acres tx the fame more or leis now 1 do hereby give notice that the faid lots or par cels of land will be fold and adjudged to the hfgheft bidder at my offee in the town of kingdon on wednesday the six teenth day f october oeit at ten of the clock in the forenoon at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known charlks stuart sheiff and every perfon or perform having claims on the above defcribed lots of land and premifes by mortgage or other right or in cumbrance are hereby ajverffed to give no- tice to the faid sheriff his ofhce in the town of kingdon previous to the fale thereof sheriffs office may 6 1 8 1 6 49 o for sale j n reafonable terms lot no 22 in jhe tfh concession in the 6th concession no 23 and lot no 20 in the 1 ith concession the whole being in the townfhip of x-ans- duwn in the diuifc of johnllown for partichirs enquire at the cfficc or al l an mq l e jgfc kings ton 9 august 28 181 5- w