Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 8, 1816, p. 3

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m such is the ecneral principle efta bhbeby ibc siauccfwhih mention bii- been made the kmuie huwevcsr of lit philip and mmy chap io whfefa trstia that all procecdm in trcaiu fliould be prosecuted according to t orttmoii law has repeated the htatut of 3 edward iii and taken away ti prijfcsc of a jury half a ens it calc if high treafon it is in it ited in ioir llalcv lcaa of the crownvnl 2 page 2 i and hi the ctfe th cited in cdltie ptaceediok wllicl tak place m england wftatcver may he then tirtfnt tflfttttoriarrittcn p per in a f rgn language are pvo luecd they ate traithued by an interpreter who is fwoin to intepertand traiulte feirjy and tru we bellieve m have anfweud all the queitiin which uvt beer proofed to us in ihenamc of sir robert wiifor mrcrs bruce and lixtchiifon and we have ahe honor sec r arrow shepherd lord vifcquat cuftlcieajju- i tcnccmcnt of a complete change in the internal navigationi this boat arrived yelterday t paris ttiz took but 60 hours to come from rouni nearly 100 leagues notwithstanding the impedi ments of bridges and the difficulties at tendandona fir ii eflay it generally tork from 2o to 30 days for boats t afceud ma river the princefs maria caioline cfpouf d to his r h the duke of berri 19 the iffbe of the rirst marriage of his r h the heuditary prince of naples with vfiia clementina daughter of the late emperor leopold of austria 1 sir henry weluh y 19 once more determined to cry his haucein ib lottery of matrimony lady georgians cecil 2 daughter of the marquis uf balibur u tfee iirohji of his choice the marqtl of 5o ia about to recev he hand of a dvugh of the fcil of clnnricarde the iay u in w 17th vcar and is at prefent luirefc to te title of cootelv acceding fetbs limitation of the grant to the lite eari from the st jokvs antigua pater of april 29 by authority the fhtp saint vincent herbert hound fom the iflaud of st vincent to london this day hove too off the port f st johns and by means of a pilot uat communicated to his honor the reihenr the following official notffica- tier iffued by hi- excellency sir charles ijiiibanc at st vincent government house sv vincents ixth april the governor has great plrafure in ac- qukifiting the public that the inforyent- af barbados have ben lubdued and jthe pole lately arrived r plymouth affords a fpecimefl rf his real chnrecti the cnthiigattic devotion f this man to bonapartes fortune are well known he holds the rak f polilh count bllt when bonaparte vvr exiled to elba he actually entered the ranks as a piivatc lot dierpurpofely tbthemhtbe with him previouqy to this he had long been fer- ving under hin iiifevtral extremities proved himfelf tohe a molt devoted and heroic foldier hut will it be belived that when he wet up to lonvood he ftually atded not to know who be vas and turning round with the maj eftic asr of an neror he aflced la cafas who that aw was 1he poor fellow was thus rt only moll indignantly infulted but had i not been for the kid nefa of theofeccr in camp at long wood he would havchtcn in asual want thty tot k him tntn tintr mefs it is imagined he mull be fait bick to euirlaiul oany wuh a btten ft appears the cat ud lull one of her kittens and havig eized the rat carried it t the baflcet completely drtefticated i and tfcau it as her own offspring the eat is a fa mous rat catcher and has killed a reit number snce he took the faw ured not under her pioicction li e cuz tc ctra8 of a kttfmn detroit cprll 1 as to vour inquiries refpcsing tl- jhofliiry of ih idians ihe p ofpefl of another war wifel thm icouiidr ilorie- of that defer ijitioi fabricated in the inie nor the indirus in this quarter appeal well difpofed am hi my opinion were never left inelrnel to war than at prefent m which fidediijy would join in cafe raiquilry leftored on tee eftates that ir f wmm bc br their view- 1 h imtafav hid been t iktn nnd ee- 1 1 profp c at t tliey would either jain the lirongeft p3rty ov turn t hatchet gahfi thofe from whm they could bhtaifi the mot plunder 4s tile 37th litifh regt ae iiatioicd at maiden and a company of artillery at q the fiaeers gave a ba i wick and ivited the ufbeer sic rutcd that many have been killed dar ni the operations with the lofof only f w or three lives on the part efthe in habitants and that trials and pmiih- i ments it the moll exemplary ftyle weic llill on on arainll the offender by liik excellencys c imsnand daniel p bernard srcny the above intelligence wj co vcye1 i ro st vincent by the fchr peafus j which arrived there from bsrbii or at j clokpm on wednesday the 24th nilmt neiv tork may 20 by the arival f the schooner lirtjijr loopcland at edenton n c we liave ine farther inteligenee o iifnrrsc- london april t 1 3 16 thr prince regeut i fo oetldily re ftwed to health a to be aoie totvanfci ofsctal bailnets with au the cabinrs miinflers na will have a public levc in the crfe if a few days taptafa sir edward w owen late covrmtdirin chief on fit lakes in ci ilva l3prototed to command m the rojalsovereign yacht lately com landed iv caotain adaos rrradmiia sir pultcy malcolm i j n j weil india ifldo cpt aoonintefl to beared sir gtotge cck d t that a few days befote he faii unrn 11 rise eomnvuo at nt- ueicna u cane rf tlnod hope and the mauri iu- pirpilney arrived at portfmoutll 01 thmh v tvorniiicj and hoilled hi iji iiillre kenvciktk eo captain mayneii ill j fro m this poll i was among thofe who went we wen treated politely kingston june 8 is6 the fixe of te gazzette h now a- large as oji pre wli a imit the qual jty of the paper i prcfent rather poor jtt we expect ton to have a fupply ett r i his j uohr co nnences th fikth volume j delinquents are reri d il that hvir iiotr w mid never cn we recommend fxys the n t sf tatai the following article on duelling co the ateiitive pcrufal of every perfon who may think lis hmor woonded ai m anxious to rcfort to the h noiabl mode which decided the difpitc at charlpfton the phragraph quoted i- copied from the charleston theoftbc i ilh iia 44 men of moralhty and wisdom hav uiviverfally condemned the practice i duelling a or ijrinatii not horn a irnf of dignity and virtue but from an unres trained privic and vanity impelled bj the hope of eftablifhirg a cyme men whefeobfeurity trntfl he want f tal entsani virtue which never fail ro d ti guifl thofe who poflvf th m from the common herd j are frequently im- pelled to the bloody aft of bonoraie air der in order to fnmih his fdlow me i topic of converfatioa ot which himfc f ih uld be the hero thcfe reflections weic fugjtfclled by a cicumllance which lity between which is a female afiicnd of d swife out dy fnt him a turbo a- a pr it by f rv who had frequently em n li c rands but iia neer y l vcit e iitot triflng mark of the i- att r r cy having giine a- mafi hi cd the door of he atud an 1 b r y putting down the ivh c ied deiy i nailer ha fent yu tobt hv- da yoimg man bya thj dean ifing from hiseafy ehair f is th tii- y you deliver your meflage t metech yu better fiiannen fit down fa y chair we tu chant c fiiations yr 1 will new ycu how 10 bhnvt ii fonre j boy fai down and ihe desn yy ig io the door came up to the table wth a reipctfiii pace and makings low bow laid ir my master prefents his kind i i vzonipu reits hopes your reverence is well and brga y tf accepc4n e of a nu- bat lves he renlio the b v here john f ringing tke this honelt bd dow to the kitchen ckigiv bk as lie vs fail fr the command n about ley asm the ruffiw and fremh da britifh fcliuoner arrived at st eul itiiin a fhot pffige from an iuai j vho iep rted that tfe blacki f the 11 nd of st vincent had revdted an 1 oo- ailicd poit flim of the iflmd rxecufi the fortifications which were in the hands j fa fmall body of troopi rationed there cotimifiioner will go out in the newsj n ma of the fchooner futtber oierc accptalc t a the prcen time error ecrrrflj the day ofthaakftgi it- i to he bolder oh tutdv the elch rbenth iar instead of the hhhtb as pub ilh ed in our last tbcktiifl of piitflia do not intend j fend a connnilfiouer i the fuywts itt the hhaton cualtnl it will be remembered that about twelvei niihithi a b tween fventy and eight nien mid iiovj j 1 th- ir lives in the hea x n coal pit near ncwcallleon tyne t y wlmt is called blaft of the pit ad j itr fdlinirin confluence willi water it wis not until monday lalt the lyth in i that the bodies of the greater psrij of he fwfferers were come at when fifty five of them were found in whit is call cd tire far ws ikingsofthc pit it fa a melancholy encumftance to relate but i hz been clearly afcertauied that thofe tmfortanate men and boys all pefifhed bv aarvatioii they had got into part of the pit where the water did not reach them and had ben many weeks employ ed in endeavoring t work their way hi- to an old pit by which they might have efczped they art fuppofed to haw j failed in their attempt by the want of foci to fbpj ort them as every inrfe fa the pit was calm to the b ne tiie ttn- fortunate inei bad a water- mat k fixed up that thy nsght obferve if it fell oac man wh u fuppofed to hve been fet u vaich it was found dead on his jol cailjs and the 0optfm w ui fpm h rt- an inftftivfiion had hmkeo l id oarmof ad ijiat the blatkjl t f t laddeftroyed thirteen eft te the if i n hihr efifrf by tin the ftrft rayi of the suns m the lower praviiee fliiue very hard npui isivv w eoi i rceniy occurred in this two flaveis one of pllry we t through the uftta ceremo nies and ihejctv wan wounded thi occurrence fuihiftes perhaps the bel da a from which to form an opinion of thofe feeinii which funetimcn excite ren to the unnatural praefcice alluded ro n this iubjd however there exilis but one opiul n among all men who con- tmplate te pibjec5 without paflinn m piejujice and that i- that it is co tra- y to every oucept if religion and mo- raiuty and deftruhre to the peace and lacphieciof iuciey tlu piefcut at- te njt at this fit- eie of minder s onr of j he hell crileiims on duelling that w- i ive ever read and we full it may eon vice the pfentlemeu ducilids that no nircls can be henceforth gathered ii the iehi whence a female maud lia fo file efcfully leut rueh a he can cat and dijnk th end lini up to me and 1 will giehirn half a crown lord falkland tot author of the olay aed the marriage niht wa- choltn very young to it in prliariient jtid when he va brll vhcxt- nne f the neibera oppofd tits admitfuw nrsfing that he hd not owe 1 a 1 nu wild oats then replied h- ir wi i be the beft way to fow liiem in the h kic wiiere here aie fo mmysctfte to oick them up driven her mafviuinc oppu- nds of antigua and bubadoes were de- ared under martial law at a fplenoid entertainment given by the lord mayor of london to the auf irian aichdjkes at which were prefent all the foreign minitlers the various st- venins of europe were given as toad and anfwered by the mini ft r of each so vereign at length tie united states of artcriea was given when mr ad arris gave u henceforth may there be no divifidn between great britain and am erica but the ocean nd may the friend j fhip now fubfiftinsr between the two ua- lions be as lading as the language and principles which ate common to both drank with repealed fliouts of joy may 21 the pirate the vafhvile clftrion of april 2th riv r ik fome particulars f the capture of tlie pirhs schooner comet se had on ooard filver in bars plate jewel- cc imd u he worth 50000 dollars alf a nurber f negrccs the veflttl and car go were fent up ro new orleans mtclf he command of the firil lieut two mid- ihipmcn and twelve men belongcfng t the bxer the notorious mirchell commander of th- pirate acknowledged hat he took iht governor of the ifitnd of st andrews from uit the mttsqnetot lioe that he carried him on board his ttwtlf and there put him to qsalh he firil hot the governor and then hnng vm to the foreyard the cmet hul a long hrafs twelve pounder mounted and hrec others in her hold and 35 men the bjxer his failed i queft of anoih- t pirate faid to be in the glllph with i valuable cargo on board tliw pirate is armed with ne 32 pouider and one onff z do with 160 men o 000j ptfoplcof this povt monday inrt major g- f p robinson arrived fn to ug land via ne york and sacfcaa liar 1 r i the weather fw th wer p bas been very cold on tiurday mom j ji r rival and n frid aud oatur jay thvie wra- fcoft mjanehrjj occurrence wedncr- lay lar as a bitteaux loaded witn fan was proceedinix to town cataro- qc creek whtn about r lo off the managua point battel jt fl wind ftruck her and fne immedaely fuk out of four men t were on board thee were drowned ther leangh hold of a plank sifd keot him feif afloat until he reared eisftatice from the fli re we have not learned the names of thofc drowned an elegant thought 11 a fpcerh af thr furmati mi of a meth odit miitionary society in sheffield enf1an4 the poet montgomery haw the fomowiuo heantiful fentiment lithe bible society faid hr afij v sistshsll cj uhtliey are l mu the prtfmatfe eo- 1 wwwiu rajrofpireand perfltft light iti iw milmarjr wolt though divded hey an- not ditenrdsnl but lik tlu- me cgm dfjpjsytd and hrinomed lothtfttaiub iv they fomun a of lry it- ending te oe hand from itlthvin zadiithe other dc tending fr m to ertl bow of j ronie a eovenant of peace 5 a vtll pafllijg avnv and on muio nghieoufheft wfii heani in whigs breakiftg forth on a1 narnns boston recorder lod north m thr dofe f life wss af- rlicid with the total lofs of fiylt vt lilh lie met col barre who lad been ni- vvirm opponent in the hufe of com mons and who was alio bind om he- ig iotrodaced 10 each othr l rd morth fnd colonel you and i nvc seen often at variance but 1 be uis here ac no two people in the orii who after all would be mre glad to see ach oilier a good name bitter than richs a cnntiytan carryii his fan be haptifed the narfni aibed what wt o be bis name h pter my own na e ml pi cafe yonr reveencc f pete- chat is a bad name filer denied his mjs ter i what then wonid your revor- nee advife vvhy not tikc my name joph u jolcph ah hi je nttdhfs mistr j nud ins muttcu n married l harftton df in thi towh m thursday latt by the r official stuart mr hur mgky to mils eliza ferris hi bonaparte xtras of a letter from si helena dated fanvary 12 44 bonaparte has a lengihhad difference with the admiral y ariiing as you may eafily fuppfe frm his being fo well watched he did not like capt pop- 1 jeweliof 53dregt attending him in uniform he considered it quite unncces- fary and that if he were allowed to wear j plain clothes it would tvke off much f ihe appearance of his beinj confidered a ri ncr i luppofe to try what effeft a tie relaxation i might have upon him aultria had reduced her army more than 200000 ruuih and pruflia were purfuing a furiiar pliey paris march 30 it is faid that wt thrj ike of havre will prorced tolht fo ticis to receive her r h the piineig caroline of the two siciis the dthin d bride of his r h the duke of bu ti the navigation from london to- pa rs meausof the bienm boat elifl nowi this wifh was complied with and capt p ittended him in his rides in plain clothes he ioon a fumed the mod haughty de mcanor and actually demed cap p ro fidl back in the ear with hisattendant- farthat he knew nthiig f him as a ompanion the next day he fent t capt p to fey he intended to ride to which capt p replied it did not full him to go out on that day and that stiertfoehe could not go the day following capt p attended him but in his uniform and in tht ration which xcame him as having charge of a ptifoii r capt p guards him at night by llee- mng iu the room adjoining the room he fieepa in and he mull go thiough capt p9 room to go to his own in operation ml frm a remark ujc truth aad h j ratably ilc ccm i jjonapaiea conduft to ponaloilci ech order of the lraovernor in council province of 1 at finefl for the i upper canada j nfrairs of he piovince j held at york in the faid province on the 22u day of cy in the fif ty ilxrh vear t f his stfajcflyrf reign nd in the year of on lord one thoufand eight hundred and fixteeu preen his excellency tlh lt gov it having been rcprcfe- that the tonnage duty of ttmdp ton impof- cd on al veitels exceeding 9 ions belong ing t the fubjefis of the sjnited states entering any port orharbrw in ihi prov ince h higher than that i mpohrd in the ports of the united stater 01 the ton- iae oifveitels belonging tu his vi 1 flys flojeci it is ordered tlnt fo much of the orderin council of the f 8th ofapvil 1 as impofes a tonnsgyeduty onvef- iels belonging r the fttbefi of the faid united states be cancelilcd and that the following tonnage diury be imp of eu hi iicu thereof on all vefleb above 5 tons to 50 ions the tonnage duty to be3dper ton from o to ico tonj 5 or one iollar ptrtm on all vcffci- above tc- tons zf6d oer ton john- small clerk ofllie executive council stmfai r c5td experiment which have been made fn thu camvy and europe appear f have elhuiflied in the romdi of intdhgent pnfm ac jainred with hcam navitltm aconfi fence lhat tiun- properly enaflruc d can uavi ate 1 he ocui in fafcty e veil in the mofl tempeftioua weather if i tlsm hc i cftablffliedjit folium of con li- ihat tlicy epti be iifed on the lake wiii jjrcai certainty of fticetfi m pr tcr bsrrlon a co wr arc happy to jcarn ao io vcl fatfefipd tvf this ta thatthey have coiicludrdtobuiidihc rxt feafon afttamveffel of one hundred tons bur- then which u lo run on the niieara kingston amateur t ii e at r e on tuesday evening the 1 ithof june vvill br performed the go medt of the wheel of fortune to which will be added the farce at love a la mode- doors to be opened at six performance to commence at silln tickeu to be had at mr macauky admittance to the boes orn dollar p half a dollar mo money to be taken at mvcr and between this plree anddcljthc d0o troh if the experiment proves fotu i no children to be admitted uhte and we have no doubt but that i l will the navigation oflske erie will in d fevv years he in a great degree eff ded i by vefiije ofttis defcriptton we siret- jdy flatter ourfelves that at ro ve v dfsi jtaot period the cormninitcatiufl between buffalo and detrott will be a- rcpwlnr land altnoii a expeditious a it now be- tween albany and newyork niagara journal 7 be famous dr lamafter and his new f mode of teaching ir h an extraotdiiary ncl and re dounds hjiy to the credit of the irv fyfitew of education that e whole dif- borfefflrnts of mr lancafttcra sefauol jiiom midftrmuier tso6 to cridfumiticr packet he schooner ptrfcverece pakkir mailer wil eoniiue to run as a packet from lnglln to sack- cis harbor may 15 1816 g taken tjp a drift on thorfday lff about 1 thrc quarters cf a mic north of lonj ifhwdj a taw battcaiat f ahout two ton burthen the pwdcr en have it again by topiying to the fubfriler oto frrdcrivk farman about 12 miles below kinion by protiirg property tram ibmiirrnuirr 1 s06 to midfinrncr m i f property 807 were only 156i os with tt s barges fuui lc educated 500 boyi ad 2jvjmk fliar patlz being an cxjicnfc ot rather left i ban j s trulurgh june 8 p 16 iw something singular tr now 1 flre w fvft a rat nt fu j grewn wlrfchls uurfadfey a in com- yd each cumecralion of 4 catholic bjlp dr ftor bun- a of vew orrean and fwroerly prudent of s marj college boil more wa- roufecrai- af in j koflk in september ufl in the chinch of si louts of pnnee biflbop of n orleans in north a eica t a i i rougkt into pound by samnel 1 1 rider n the 2 2d of mav a bny hofe and on the 27th may 3 gray ca- aadian haioin the on cr wr vv rs te deitred to come and tav the fi es and uke them away or they wi i be fold 1 defray rxperce danim perris ju kingston jls 4 1 1 f

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