mc1 saturday june 15 1816 volume vi no 2 gazet kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum riajr ggiagca mii ifjiwi j 1 z- 1 w a v pnv of ajvcrtifug in the gatette six lilies and under 2 firfc infertion had 13 eve fubfeqncnt ten line and under 34 firft infer- tm and 18 every fuofequent ten kneis and upw srds 4 per lrc srft infertbn and tl per line every fac needing infertin advertisements unaccompanied with j written dircfitous afi inferted till forbid and charged accofdbgly i groceries theiiihfcnbers having commenced bflnefs in the grocery line either ivvhutiile or retail in this place where j they will do their utmost to fupply the public on the mou reafonaule terms torrance isf mleod kingston 30th may 1816 52 lost n o t 1 ce the fubiyribrs refpeftfohy inform jl their friends and the public in general that they htve for fale at tbe store lately occupied bv meitr patrick snyih and co- and which they plcujie themlllves todifpofe of at the mod redu ced pi ices dry goods of every defcriprion liquors or oct r3 hardwares every attention will be paid to thofc who ooay fuyoiuthcm with their patron age taylor parker kingston may ij0 1 8 1 6 40 t fancy goods h k fubferiber 11 forms th lalies j and q upposed to have been left in feme bop fn town about the 25th april foft an old black pocket 8rok contain f ijr a note diawn bv jacob germain in favor of anhrfw kimmerly efq of richmond for 2i- is- due ill oftoser 1 b l q alfo a blank mntl g go about 30 or 7 40 in new york bills dated 1771 a forged two dollar bill and fundi y fmall papers of no life to any perfon except the owner any pet 1 ft n that will deliver the fa id pocket honk vvitb its content to mefsrs thomas markland co fh ill receive itherrward of four dollars kingfton 30th may 1816 5354 r i t thirty dollars reward q toiiln or strayed from th- k3 sjhfcriber on saturday ajth in- flant a forall btown mar e bus a foot of kington and isvciuitl without hair upon the left fit u shawls handkerchiefs ever offered for fale in this pace t wholcfve or retail en moderate terms samuel aykroyp kingflod 30 may tsi6- jaw n i f avery valuable gwl mill for sale winch has jtta undctgciie a thiiro 1 repair upon the improvement of bevel geer su- h a definable properly is m- drm to be met with it will be difpofed of bv the owner in confluence of mer cantile arrangements for particulars end to fere for ov fame apply to tho mas coleman- efq the propiietor he alio offers for fale feveral town water lots upon the banks of the river mwra a man who wtll underfrands con ducting carding machines and can keep accounts will meet with good en couragement on application as above a fet of new cards wanted as above thurow march 23 1 3 1 6 435 strayed j crom the kingfioii mills a grey v iu iiimrwrtrjttuicsr vel horfe middling gze right years old lare ftrip io hi fathead and fquare lock whoever vi return faid horfe to the fibleriber fhall bs handfcmcly re warded and til neceftary rhartf paid n kiagflon may 25 1816 5 f or sale come into the ihclofureijk a valuable farm with build- inus auo large improv there on favorably fituated within 28 mile of kington perfons dcfirofia of lup ehafing to tnqnire of me pnmer kingston twv ro ri c tf any gentleman having a ltm to lei or fell within five or ten miles of of the fubferiber on the jjth inft a dark bay mare four years old one white hvd foot with a fmall blaze in her forehead and fome white fpots on her back the j owner is requeued to prove property pay charges and take her away darius smith kingson may 7 1816 4qtf a long lease on mode- rate terms may be had of an ex ten five building lot nearly an acre in the vicin ity of kingflon also fcveral lots of tne two or three fifth of an acre each may be had on eafy terms either on long leafes or fiie ripply to mr milts april 20 f may meet with a tenant or pur- j chafer by applying at this oflke kiulion match 15 1816 4 for sale r i rags ags cash and the highest price paid for clean cotton and linen r a g s at this office jwpublifljed and for fale at this t qpw price 13 thelifeanddyingspeecil of joseph bevir who was executed at kingston on mor j ihe 4 dy of september 1815 f the murder of may bevrf ins phe west half of lot number nineteen tnthte fecond conceilion of the town j fhp of kivgiton apply to the printer kingston july 10 istc c tf j i for sale ve ry low for cafh or mofl kinds of country piojuce three elegant wooden clocks warranted to keep good tite enquire of mr peter van shiv r in adolphudown or of the fubferiber c merrill kingfton 5th nov isiy 2 i uft received and for file at this office 30 reams wrapping paper a quantity of writing paper of quality no 2 reams wrino pott no 2 9 ditto ditto uncut blank summonses for the district courts for sale at this office poetry the battle of busaco ijeyosd bu faces mountains dun when far had tfdld the fohry fun and night her pall of gloom had thrown oer natures flill convexity high on the health our tent3 werefpread 1he cold turf wvaout chectlefs bed and oer the heros duechiild head the banners flappd inccffantly the loud wartrumpet woke the morn rhe quivering jrum the peahng hurn j from rank to riiik vv cry is borne aroufe for dtalhur viftory united staves i tlie orb of day in crimfon dye bean to monnr the morning ley rhata what a fesnefor warriors eye hung on the bold deciivity rie fmird bajnets gtnvtrrag flood like icicles on bills of blood an aerid llreann a fiiver wood reeld in the flickering canopy like waves of fcean rolling faft or thundercloud before the waft vlaffsnad legions ftera and vail rufad ic th- dreadful revelry the paufe ie oer the fateful fllticfe a thou fan d thoiind thunder voke the air gxcww ck the mountains rock red tuu woe- triomphatitly fighr boit thx warcloud to tbe flcy in plantorn towers and column high but dark and dufe their hnfes lyz prone on rhe battles houndar 1 1 ivoi t ii from the freemans journal the sun a fpot of considerable magnitude has appeared on the diflc of the sun for the latt two day whiuh ha rife to ma ny conjectures the public will pardon the folio win very hnfvy remarks a- only a tew minutes weic afforded to prepare them in the firil place we fay rhc fpois i- not a tranfit of venus or mercury for incithir of therji at prttntis in tin fame iart of the heavens with the fun and a tranfit of thofc ulanets 13 always ijtefted in 6o 8 hours nor can it be a comet for is velocity for the molt part is fu- perior to thole planets the fpot is fituatcd nearly north of the funs centre about one and a half digits or 12m 16 from the noth limb it appears raiionary as obfeivations weic accurately taken and no apparent change discovered aftet about live hourt thraugha tdefcope it appears lome- uhat iik a fpider having parts extending from the main body and its magnitude carmotbelefs than two minutes as it h very vifible to the naked eye 1 is more than probable that this foot i in the furface of the fou in trluch cafe frsfurface would prove ta be about 36 times tlit of tile earth if ihffl conjectsirt be true by the funs revolution about it axis it will be leen gradually u advance to the circumference j of the fun and difappear in about s or 101 drvs ic w probable that this fpot h a con ctfaimiuio the sun tie apparent pearance its fliape has been very muck changed and fome of its part one of which is of a confiderable lize feparatcd from the main body there is a remar kable fmali fpot at fome diftance couth but whether it was ever united with the main body or not is not verv certain- david mclure nautical and mathematical acadamy j friday may 3 fv ami patrick jth unci y as lcaiandco ftr the firm of tham by xantm confrw is tilis j diitjve nitfswiil breamed i f th bu au tbofe who h ai nfl tlie faid prmhwe anv accounts a- feni then to hioi fo artf t0 dr tp v c thofr that are indcl r pmwfcsds mtned reqeled to make p- t0 the fi aif 1 ho m payment to ih of tlie fpot helps to confirm ti mi tiip- it iso an tiiiil uiu ecu retarded by the refiftance of the son atmaftpherc and consequently might approach nearer and nearci after every revolution till at lit it fjlls into the sun galileo wh- ma3e the m difcovery of fpot sin the sun obferved one in 112 uhich ww lo large as to be plainly vifibu the iakd eve charcoal t 9 ooo bl wmui i of the navigation ofa before ihc c ids or seven huiu8i6 at uud peri- delivered weekly ttnted bufoela to be l8 tl the end of march any perfon wifhir i dehveiy of thefeme kig to undertake the fealed tenders to the arc reqiefted to fend ofiec point frcderi kj storekeepers nmtal r1 j 0l the 3 1 it inc 1 th m iblfstm uf 6 public he fubfcribeorc w to the krnnston t x steam boat to make immcchete t are liercb lurcrof th their fevera fubfenptwhich is itiil due on gto h ions mariclakd 8th mayjg srelary mi for pale a quantity of 0 staves and fquare tiak fuitable for lonabe diswnct of t wkua a r the bay of quirxy v2tr j pcfonor perils for particulars any jofeph vallwr honj onit or at mr jvmglton ltc cif 8ie pacfr the schooner s g pa 7tf jo or f om the sun ir mih in that cafei jappeir lationary but this wv ciavc not ircafun to expect nothing fntsercam he faid until fur ther abfervations be htafned david afclttrs natfcil and mathematical academy tuesday earning sfyril o from the philadelphia gazette m tme sl while profecuting a courfe of obiervations pn the fpot in the sun liirce others were obkrvtd this day at noon to have made their appearance in the eaitcm limb of the sun the moll formidable one no doubt will prove to be t wdit half the marrtti- inle of the irell known one it ia fitu- ite about n e bv m of the suns cl-n- tre and about i i2 rn mures from the suns lmb and probably made its ftrft viftble appearance cmly thi moaning the fecond one i fitoatc abut south of the above diftance two minutes and is fc exceedingly fmall that it requires clfc ohfervation to difrern it the third u about the fame magnitude with the ic- cond and is finuted about e by nrti from the runs ceutre and about t 2 minutes from the suns circusr ft rente itcdiflarcc fiom the jilt is about is or 10 minufes i it is difficult to judge of the magttv tude and laapeofthofe fpots ivhen ne the sun circumference as their furfacc is feen very obliquely hut when pear the centre thejr fliape is pcfmted to llrceye md their magnitude readily ob tained j i iv have rnlv tietn fav of the lcte w iftker vbtpttfeverence t a packet from coltimic j kiqgtton to sack run as a et harbor jljjy 15 is 0 j fpot that it i eftabljfhcd for a eertarnty thai it i oiuatt cm the furface of thi 3nn its apparent length has been ac n lately ncafurcd and proves to be i ntdlte and 45 fecond its breadth 5 fe- conds its computed length 011 the sun is ahfttit 39850 miles and tts breadth ben 21 aiirs siace sfiift au- 1 from the national intelligencer spots on the suns dilk the sun at riling yefterday exlubited an extraordinary appearance obvioqs ta the eye a it rofe ab the horizon the phenomenon exhibited itfelf to the incpiifitive examiner in the form descri bed by an intelligent and fcicntific friend rn the following ootimanication- spea king of the phenomena the weather for fome days pad nay be reckoned am ong them without ram for now about three weeks the wole atnoi1phere ia fil led with a thick haze the inconvenience of which is not diminifhed by the cloudi of impalpube dull which floats la the air the field exhibit mote in rhe ari dity of autumn than of the freihnefs and verdure of spring 7 the editors ahrc fpot appeared tinvday on the suns diflc viewed tiwough a telef- cope it figure is irregular it coicb f feveral nuclei or daik pnrt and the whole is furrounded by an uirhr a its general appearance i not unlike that of a duller of iflands for example the br- rnulits furroanded by a belt of rocks tieoir of which confnm to the t-n- rral figure of the duller u h conc turcd that ihchncreft line that can be nvss atioojnfnaue on 0 upp3reit motionft of thefe phenomena the sun diurnal rotation on hit axis is found to be pet formed in about 2j d4y- 6 hours z washington city april 30 sm spots spots in the fun faytf the boiton daily advertifer of may s feem to have been fiifl obfervtd about 200 years ago the mod rcrnaikaye on record appeared in 1703 ijtq 17692nd 1801 dr herfchel cou- oderg thefe fpots as the appearance of ihe opaque body of the fun through the luminous clouds which float in the folar atmoiphere the earlier opinion of di wilfon was that they are the opaque body of the fun feen through the imnl nous atmtifphc re which fumundsit rthal ot la lrftde that they are eminences in th- fun which aie uncovered in coifc- quence of die alternate flux and reflux of tiie liquid igneous matter in which that opaque body i generally enveloped solar spots some calculate the length o the fpot on the fun at 39000 miles fome at 27000 an allrouomer at car- liile penn fays its fize is nearly equal t iill north america john starewell fays it as bi m a pea to his eye but being lo far ot it may ia reality be aj large as a grind ftonc sm ivnovall contended that i is as targe aa a rich- pon 1 44 you fcol fays john why i could jump over it at one leap mr ornnocnui as it has been likened to a 1 fly or a be or 2 ivafp or an iflmd like bermm i of opinion that afiyagnnl of a iprck of dfi t was on the glades through which it has bcn obfcrvecl a 15 of opinion that it is the fmokcof a great fcuiihre in the foir woods d zu is a ireat hole ii the fun c thinks it is a burning- nmuiuaiiu d fuopofes the lun furrounded with an atmosphere of eledjonand that a ftronrr portinvelicr iias blown u moftiyaway in forte places fp as to make the fun appear dark e eoniiderina how large ulhe fun appre- cnds that it is 3 gieat thunderguft with black cloud that in fize and continu ance it is not difproporcioicd to the fulls bulk f a confident that the aj- manack makers have rnifcalculatcd and that it ic mercury o conjectures thrtt a great comet on a vifit to the fun from the cold of an iramenfe dibit 4 uorh coantrie rencuving cartlefsly too near