Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), July 27, 1816, p. 3

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dftda renti 40 wsprf hound to fsbrfeljc with a very valuable of d unlilo inhoumit were un lei inter to thefr afc i be a1deh the ebi gvillugca 17 in number with 40co beoplc kingston lu a 1 fl 1 6 thurfdiv afternoon major gemnl wilscn and folic arrived h this place yefterday morninat 8 oclock hiar livai wavannotmccd by a faute of 17 guns from mifliitaugoa b ttery thisirjormn at 8 oclock 1for general ifcwaftevillcj- m thi phce for the lower province on which occsni the general was faluted by a discharge of artillery trom the marki place rupture with spain h u fnid in the fton ccntiuel hat letter from the mediterranean ftate on the authority f mr murray the amercn 8ceretrv j f legation in san that the spanlfli j government hve a large difpo fable land force and are determined to go to war with the united states if well florida hould not v ttfrored- the letters add that the spanifh government hpe to in- duce oreat britain to fyrnifh hips ad j money forthe enterprise nthu hope we believe they witbefruvtajoointcd ni v c have no fear that they will fti their prefer t lunation vd uuafiifted by england he io rafh a to commence 3 war wiih the united states s communicattd for tk vila delpkla rt gistjk j the following official ftej receive j by the macedonian prove compleatoly the falflty of the accounts lately ptib- lild of general morilvodefejiis official account of the capture of santa fee the capital of new grenada ttrantlitcd fat the ketflheo carthaglna june 2 tdlii rls excellency the governor and captain gejtral of the jgd03t don frshcifcodemontalo hasjft reedv d e following official dtlpctch from hi- excellency don pablo marftta com maudet in chief of the expeditionary army ap wmf sir the king troops un tne ordci of colonels 1 wiud de la ttrre and don sebauio acalzida entered the caditnl of tbi- kingdom on the 6th of this roomh the infurenis with their pretended imjfcvnrnent aid ths injiarnj or a 1 bands are flying 10 terror in every direr lion some of the ignorant people who have differed thcmfelves to be feduced are now undeceived defetr and return to their homea in a very h tft time the whole of this country ivifl he entirely pacified which hi fuffered fo much from the exceltes of a few wretches headed by foreigners and by fame emigrants fiom carraccas who have never had any other object in view but ttat of robbery and plunder which they have prnftiled civet y where 1 communicate the foreguiflg irtel licence to your excellency tor yom fatisfaioo and information and for that of the faithful inhabitants of the tranquil provinces god preferve your excellency many years headquarters at san gil ltb may 1816 signed pablo morillo to his excellency don francilode montalvo itgtyt wan lately cj1 away on one of the bahama ifl nds the veffel was totally on tlie crew anj a fmail part of the crirgo was faved 1 newvouk july r8 the editor of the bolton daily ad- vtrtifer states that he ua9 fecit private let- 1 era from etirope which mention that it iv lup poled to be the intention of lord iyrn who has left england for the all to join lady hester stanbope in rnbia some accounts of the adven tuch of this extraordinary woman were puvufaad in the commercial advertifcr of toe fj ay by the fchooner commerce captain noyes arrived at newburyjott in 26 days from prt royal martinique w learn that the britith troops hill occupi cd the garrifons at martinique and gua dalouoe owing to the elay oi the french jovernttet in fending it troops lo take p if lion of thoie places four iampon- which came for the purpoie f taking the britiih t arbadoca aftei lying tay wcredilmiftei tdkingon- iy part of the ordnance and c it was faid the troops would in all probabil ity oiwtjnu at loth place- until the arri al of tveuch troops 1 n private corre paris y may 28 the public opinion freight heavy oh three diitinguiftud per fnnage of the revolution who are fui- fefted of being the fecret contrivers and authois of the conspiracy which has late ly marifefted itfelf in this devoted coun try this feeling u gv net a and their exile from the metropolis deemed neceffa y even by the moderate royahfto the rumours to which i was alhrdin their riyftcry and nature were if fo pow trfulan iifluence that they incontediby tended to one common cd in this affair flie djftnrdant intefeftsof oileanitts rc- publicdus jacobins and patiiots 11 m chateaubriand apprehenfiors of w mikhief which would refult from a newaofihe chamber by fifths appear to be as lively a ever the counter wwjuuon faid he at m- laboru h lw at grenoble nor yet in the tnuun jams of dauphin v oot y t at nifines h menaces us at paris o- the i 8lh of oc- r f the renewal of the cbambct l if we stottld noi ainourfeat the five year ana after c continued in the ptopheuc tote of jmialiwoe to the orovotal cruris jthe fyftem oifpuraton ve co ch- grants whufe hands are already in mi with the paternal threfhold and to the noflurnal warriors of la ven ice extras of a letter doled cadiz jne 6 il is reported and generally believed hat the aigerines have declare war ag- 11 st england owing to lodexmouth having obtained the rrleafe f 1200 cri au priloners 1 hpe it is the cafe a lie dutchmen feem to requite lome as- li tjiice to hove thstn on as their fleet ha imherto been carrying n the casting lrdebrcvven giovnhar and malaga ex delation hands on the tiptoe to re- j yc the infanta of p01 tugaawl qjien elcit of spain we are daily iniertain- i h fagi fuggestions accounting for uc tif aopioach which it would aj- vicar i- iiidciiimicy postponed fnsurreclton of the nvroes we arc indebted to a highly esteemed fiieid fo i c following very important iutelli- u ive xeraq of a letter fmm a gentleman in ctimd n s c to hi fund in pmlada- pfja dated july 4 1 fc 1 6 our village and no hbxrhnxl hvc hveu m great eoufufin fr fume dva pa owing re the fetrofan infirrredjwn ot the blacky and nothi c but the ine niilin ol that being t whm w- an indebted for ail our mercies hs laved u tins wai r he fatal night which wa to have accomplished a plan which they had in aquation fiuc last ohncniafl it was their intention to hmtv let fire to one aitof the town am while hcattentioa of the pcoople was taken up with tha tey meant to hav tk 11 poffeffion of the arfenal which iiili with arnia ad am munition and proceeded to murder thr men but the women th y in tended to hive reervcdrvthirownpmtofctln rsthut tvn confi ffion oir jiil is filed with negroesthev arc st etched onthcir backs on the bare flovir and fcarceiy move their seadd hui have a strong guird placed over tltem theit trials tove been ffoin on today and fix of the lingleaders arc ro be executed to morrow this isrtaly adteanfnl fituaiin to be in i thi k it is time for us to tyivc a country where we cannot go to bed in fafety u their thirst for revenge must have been great it was the wifli of tome to lparcfome of the whites and they men tioned an old geurleman who is a preach er he never owned fiave and has de voted much of his time 10 preach to them on the pianritions but even him they would not ipare 41 i much fear that the execution of thole who ate now in cuftody will exaf- perate the others to do a great deal of mifchief we are indebted to a ilive for lu difcovery of this plan but we fhall ever know who he is as he requefted his mailer when he told him never to tell his namehe faid he did not wifh to leave his country and he knew the ne- ioe would not let him live here the negroes will never know who bcirayedthem for they tried to engage for a great distance round object fo far a hkf c be afee taincd from the queflinj and conduct of the boarding officer which fumifh no jufttfication for a brh4h officer forcibly entering a veffel of the unircd states 1 he manner in which this lervicc has bee- performed has had no tendency in dimitifh the effect which the chaader of inch trat factions is calculated to produce theconduaof the boarding offi 1 has been arrogant and imperious in an aggreffion like this the gover nentofihe united states can al nc jetcimine what courfc the honor and in- rriellofthc nation requires fliould be taken but until their decifioji hall be maru upon the fubjeft it becomes my duty to remonttratc gainlt a praclice for which ii- aw3 of nations afford no pretence which is incnfiflent with the relation exifling between the refpedlive govern- ucuis and the confinoancc of which mult be attended with lcrious and im portant ciifcq vey refpecifully fir i have the hon- ix to be your obcdictt fervart signed lewis cass thv officer c it is wilhed tht th anfwertothi note tsd accompanied it a it probably would have hewn i feat the fc fcareriing are very common on the frontiers of na tions and grffr out ol the z- al of officer ro apprehend deierter are not intend- 1 t violate ntutial hts and ac wholly unknown and unauthorized by the governments of the offenders quebec- july 18 1816 his excellency s j sherbrok- g c b lady sbff brake and thei reipetive fuit anivj t harbout on friday morning 1 t fleam bot maiftaffi from on b h m s mi oer off riser quelle his excellency u at the kings wharf at nine ov on his itep rigonhore he v received by the officers of the stuffy fid officers o tleirmy and refpe greeted will bree cheers f jn the numerous age of the inhabitant w had t 1 li oil the wharf t o v itnefo hi- afutno collet exetlcu -y- arrival a faiij w fi at tin iarc time from the batt y hnexcelvncy orot in a coach accompanied by mj general wdum ihmugh a lane f rroy by the troops b anilbn to the catit w hu ma jeilys executive c f he pov tuce was alfembled t rccc htm hi excellencys commiif ascapt gene rid and govcmoi in chic was then rea j the jfua oaths bein adniitilteiecl the event of his fxrejlencys tnining 1 mi government was announced by a fa lute from the grand battery 1 ady hjrbrook lauded a hort tiii ofter hjy ejccellency before the troop wie witludihwn and was efcorted to thi caltle by feveral officer- of the staff the f lowing officer came in h exccieny fuit from halifax z lieut colonel ajdlfon military sec retary n k aids de camp capt oiies 3 x r on tucfday there was a lcvce at c e castle at one oclock and at two lady shrbrook held a drawing room both of which were numcroufly attended montreal july 6 r nefr a oom d fn- ctcrt and will be mablc terms he subscriber- hwc imported oirect from lotvw wfta birmingham and glasgow c an eitienfive iflbrtrnfnt cf evcy fncietf of merchandize fuitabe to the upper canada mai kct h the coods have been feleded with care and ptrrchacfd iifppfed of either by wholefale or retail on the riloft ref under the different heads of liquors groceries iiarrhrare3 clothes flannels haberdash ery hosiery and carpeting stationary crockery glassware cord age c c they would enumerate the following articles viz very bed port l p madeira f sp fine old brown fjhejry wines p rineoici orown mirrry l p l rl tencrifi hibberts beft brown stout by the calk or doien brandy gin c c c teas snpars loaf and mnfrovado coffee sauces of every deiinptibn lcch fnfi herrings bv toe keg leari bney 5 mnilard soap candles by the brx scotch oat meal paiht and oils afltirtrd crawley and bliilerd steel swedes i- tou affotted duck pigeon and snioc shot nails sr spikes of all fort3 tifi plate and sheet lion frying pans spades and shovels hollow ware hair cltthwhitrwaffc scrubbing h01l shoe and ta ble brufhes knives nd forkes aflbrted penknives sciffors spoons razorsr flhaving cafes locks hingcfl saws himmevs files gimbrpts c c c o ts and shoes n kens corduroys srrtnes 0ton checks bombaaetts muflins shawls dimities tapes bobbin rown 0burg shining and sheets ing linens laces cambncks veilintrs sattiiip kibbous blk 5ik handkerchiefs navy biuf black grand fafrtionable superfine broad cloth and cas- fimeres ladies and gentlemens gloves and hoficry carpeting of various pat- terns an aftortmentof schoolbroks and sta- tiouary glaf rvare and crockery by the crate r or caflc and packed to furr coun- try shops gentlemens proof beaver hats mens youths and boys cael hair and plated do men wihov hats ladies girls beaverthrrtd bomnetb vvnite red yellow and blu- flannels and green broad baice a to 3 t point blankets counter panes bed tick c c storage and wharfe st the cnilom- ary prices and com million bufnu fa exe cuted at the ifual rare kingston john kir by co july i6 18i6 8 ic to britilh bip atlas from jamaic a letter from governttr casj to th commanding officer of the britifli vcifel j ecumstbi dated detroit june 6 1 8 1 6 sir it has been officially reprefented to e that in feveral inllances within a tvw dpys veirds bound from ports of the united states upon lake erie to this plice have been boarded by parties o meu from an armed veitel of his 3 m yiue oil amherllbutgh thefc parties have entered the veffeln whie paffing thro the ufual channel of communication between lakes eric and huron in one inftanee with the avowed object of taking therefrom two nen under pretence of their being britifli debuert and in all in fiances wfch the operation of lirhoomy by the ft ill and ingenuity of dr nelfon was iali week performed with the gtearefl iuccels upon george itaftchel a bo j aged about 10 vcirs hi hid fr m hi infancy been afflicted with calcules and hi futccringsj gradually inc eire with hifiage had induced tnany to fnppofc that no relief thu fide of the atlantic could be afforded he was boweveii fubmittedto the care of dr nand we are hnppy to date is no w oil a fptedy re covery this is the third npcrarion of the kind performed by dr nelfon within the nine months part in all of which his fuccefs hns equalled the mull fauguine expeda- rfon with what alonihment hould wc witnef- the extraordinary fuccels of thi- young fuigeon when v are informed that in ihe operation of lithotomy per plexity and dikomfilure frequently ovcr- takethe moll experienced iurcons of europe notice board of officers is direfled to aflemble t fort george on wednehiyt the 21ft anjjuft next forrbc purpofe cf collecting and report ing on the certificates and claims for the tranfpoit f tioo haguape or other ftr- vice yy be on the certificate of the quarter made- generals department and which may still remain due ro any f the rnbnbitntq in thnt lart r r country all persons having lain of the above defcriptions are re- qnelled to produce the fame to the board duly authenticated as none of a date previous to this notice will after wards be received military secretary s office kingston july 1 8 l8l6 0wj for sale avery valuable houfe stortf houfcand lot fituated within the town plot icowly famed on the bank of the rivet moita in the fiont of the townfliip of thurbnv the above property i eligibly fituated either for a public houfe or store for terrn apply to the fubferiber poseffing the oreciles robt smith thurlow july 24 1816 8 card a mi timer i who has iarely arrivej from ene lad rcfptffifully informs the lalies i kinllon and in vicinity thai ihe has now ready foi fae a very elegant a- fortcnt of millinry dreffcs peir t and spencers of cvey defcripti n a great numbrr of rtfpiration codi ba- u incusm ami toaii white and black lace and weviu gauze for drcffe col red b-mba- very eecjant figured saitin zee nes notice jphf fubferibers to the upper cana- jl book and tract society are requefted to meet at the church in kino ton on monday next at r 2 oclock to take out their proportion of books for ihelalt jvar which have lately arrived and take roealures for importing more bioks for the etifufng year iy order of the piefidcnt kingmih july 27 8i6 rilekdrs will be received at rmc hofpital on or before the itt inft or vidiuilnr the t and peiforj fihe ebbiihnent between lie ift au- gui and 30th septeciibrr nentj whea a leak of the iiet may be ken naval hospital pthti frederick tyh july ti6 8 july 2tk 8l6 nonce stryed or flun fnmi tle fub- fctior about the fifteenth inftant a middle fixed sorrel horse with n white llnpe in his forehead one yntt evepioiiv and is abott qx venrs old o v trots and paces whoever willc in- mmba striped sarfnets waterloo rfarfnet def- fe kid gloves all coltr gold atd silver trimrnhgs fans baff y- fefb- ers flowers m flins a 1are affort- ment of the onal and attin 5trav hats and bonnets c c call at mr browns tm next door to tiejiorc lately occupi ed hy patrick smyth kin july 27 1 3 1 6 8tf notice a li perfots wha are indebted to the fubferiber either by note or book account are hereby forbid making payment to any other pfcffon than hin- feif as no perfon i authorifed to receive the fame john nixon kingston july 7 tsc 83 notice rpenders will be receied at the agent viftualiers office point frederic on or bcfr rbe 3 i ft inltant for the fopply of veeates to the ctcw of his mujeuvs snips and veffels oa lake ontario the pcriodpf the con- traa wkh other paiticulavs may be known at the office v3 s m cr w paper of a l rgli and f vcfllfw ojialuy for sae at thia office i formation t- the fubferiber iiall b- 1 am- fomely rewaidra joshua ci1rvsdell murray 1 7 th july 1 8 j 6 t 3 p fablic notice all lerfonbindcbtid to the fubferi ber arc requefted to nutke immedi ate payment to him and not to any oth er peruu as no perfou has auihoniy from him to receive bis debts charles merrill km iv clillo rhe fohfcrlhe having commenccj lufineffl in the grocery line either whob tile or retail in this pfecc where they will do their utmost to fttppiy the public on ihe most rrafonable terms toerance mcleod kingston 3smay i9i6 ja lost ksterd ay afternoon a prtited harge 6fcharl-ssom- maj it and corporal cana dian regmenrct chres la hie fifer cnadiuii regiment whoever will re turn the fte io this o5e- will icceive 3 reward of live hiliin 1 kfotm july 27 1 8 r 6 p spruce hee of mod rnv quantity can be had at the cmllar under the alliott room of mr charh hrt john young p s all pepons who are in- debted to him are re icfled to call with oot dtlay and fettle their accounts kinston july f 1 8 16 y for sale p he west half of lo number nineteen in he fecund conceflion of the own- fliip of ki gfton apply to the 4ie kingston july l8l- 58

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